Wake up to these 'woke' distortions


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
‘The word “woke” once meant something, kind of. But now it’s just an empty, all-purpose insult hurled by conservative propagandists, anti-vaccine fabulists, lazy journalists and people who don’t want to know our history. Give it a rest, folks.

Republicans accuse Democrats of being woke, trying to make the word into a synonym for un-American and implying some imaginary threat to Whites posed by African Americans and other people of color. Elite commentators pile on in laughable attempts to establish their purported anti-elite or populist credentials. Those who acknowledge this nation’s history of racism are accused of wokeness by others who seek to ignore uncomfortable, incontrovertible facts.

It’s all a scam whose fraudulent nature was made apparent by Green Bay Packers star quarterback Aaron Rodgers, of all people, who was revealed last week to have refused to get vaccinated against the coronavirus — and to have blatantly lied about it. Rather than take responsibility for his words and deeds, Rodgers claimed to be “in the crosshairs of the woke mob right now” and said he was speaking out — still not quite truthfully — before the “final nail gets put in my cancel-culture casket.”’

An imaginary ‘threat’ to whites contrived by racist conservatives.
‘The word “woke” once meant something, kind of. But now it’s just an empty, all-purpose insult hurled by conservative propagandists, anti-vaccine fabulists, lazy journalists and people who don’t want to know our history. Give it a rest, folks.

Republicans accuse Democrats of being woke, trying to make the word into a synonym for un-American and implying some imaginary threat to Whites posed by African Americans and other people of color. Elite commentators pile on in laughable attempts to establish their purported anti-elite or populist credentials. Those who acknowledge this nation’s history of racism are accused of wokeness by others who seek to ignore uncomfortable, incontrovertible facts.

It’s all a scam whose fraudulent nature was made apparent by Green Bay Packers star quarterback Aaron Rodgers, of all people, who was revealed last week to have refused to get vaccinated against the coronavirus — and to have blatantly lied about it. Rather than take responsibility for his words and deeds, Rodgers claimed to be “in the crosshairs of the woke mob right now” and said he was speaking out — still not quite truthfully — before the “final nail gets put in my cancel-culture casket.”’

An imaginary ‘threat’ to whites contrived by racist conservatives.
your premise is a lie,,
‘The word “woke” once meant something, kind of. But now it’s just an empty, all-purpose insult hurled by conservative propagandists, anti-vaccine fabulists, lazy journalists and people who don’t want to know our history. Give it a rest, folks.

Republicans accuse Democrats of being woke, trying to make the word into a synonym for un-American and implying some imaginary threat to Whites posed by African Americans and other people of color. Elite commentators pile on in laughable attempts to establish their purported anti-elite or populist credentials. Those who acknowledge this nation’s history of racism are accused of wokeness by others who seek to ignore uncomfortable, incontrovertible facts.

It’s all a scam whose fraudulent nature was made apparent by Green Bay Packers star quarterback Aaron Rodgers, of all people, who was revealed last week to have refused to get vaccinated against the coronavirus — and to have blatantly lied about it. Rather than take responsibility for his words and deeds, Rodgers claimed to be “in the crosshairs of the woke mob right now” and said he was speaking out — still not quite truthfully — before the “final nail gets put in my cancel-culture casket.”’

An imaginary ‘threat’ to whites contrived by racist conservatives.
Loss of power is very scary to some that rely on it to make their way through life.
‘The word “woke” once meant something, kind of. But now it’s just an empty, all-purpose insult hurled by conservative propagandists, anti-vaccine fabulists, lazy journalists and people who don’t want to know our history. Give it a rest, folks.

Republicans accuse Democrats of being woke, trying to make the word into a synonym for un-American and implying some imaginary threat to Whites posed by African Americans and other people of color. Elite commentators pile on in laughable attempts to establish their purported anti-elite or populist credentials. Those who acknowledge this nation’s history of racism are accused of wokeness by others who seek to ignore uncomfortable, incontrovertible facts.

It’s all a scam whose fraudulent nature was made apparent by Green Bay Packers star quarterback Aaron Rodgers, of all people, who was revealed last week to have refused to get vaccinated against the coronavirus — and to have blatantly lied about it. Rather than take responsibility for his words and deeds, Rodgers claimed to be “in the crosshairs of the woke mob right now” and said he was speaking out — still not quite truthfully — before the “final nail gets put in my cancel-culture casket.”’

An imaginary ‘threat’ to whites contrived by racist conservatives.
The WP is a racist rag,
‘The word “woke” once meant something, kind of. But now it’s just an empty, all-purpose insult hurled by conservative propagandists, anti-vaccine fabulists, lazy journalists and people who don’t want to know our history. Give it a rest, folks.

Republicans accuse Democrats of being woke, trying to make the word into a synonym for un-American and implying some imaginary threat to Whites posed by African Americans and other people of color. Elite commentators pile on in laughable attempts to establish their purported anti-elite or populist credentials. Those who acknowledge this nation’s history of racism are accused of wokeness by others who seek to ignore uncomfortable, incontrovertible facts.

It’s all a scam whose fraudulent nature was made apparent by Green Bay Packers star quarterback Aaron Rodgers, of all people, who was revealed last week to have refused to get vaccinated against the coronavirus — and to have blatantly lied about it. Rather than take responsibility for his words and deeds, Rodgers claimed to be “in the crosshairs of the woke mob right now” and said he was speaking out — still not quite truthfully — before the “final nail gets put in my cancel-culture casket.”’

An imaginary ‘threat’ to whites contrived by racist conservatives.

Well dumb fuck, the "woke crowd" already lit up the switch boards at State Farm Ins. to try to get them to drop Rodgers as a spokesperson. State Farm told them to pound sand. Good for them!!!!!!!

State Farm stands by Aaron Rodgers despite cutting down his ad time

This was an interesting piece.

I don't think it is all together wrong. If the goal is not to destroy Enlightenment values, but to inform folks about true history, then yeah, woke is not a bad thing.

. . . but many woke folks could very much stand to be, "red-pilled." However, as we see in this divisive piece of propaganda, laced with loaded terms like; "conservative propagandists," "anti-vaccine fabulists," etc. The only goal is NOT JUST pure information, but much more than that. . . as we see from the piece which clearly is aimed at attacking the right. A person can be "woke," just as they can be "red-pilled," and not necessarily have a partisan POV. That is not what the goal of divide and rule and this type of dishonest media is meant to do though. . . is it now?

Most troubling of all? This guy is among the 1% He is the elite of the elite. He is one of THE TOP ESTABLISHMENT PROPAGANDISTS, hired to tell lies, and spin lies and vehement falsehoods, to make it sound acceptable. This chart could have always been found through links available on the first page at my Stay Informed thread, it is always there at the Swiss Policy Research Page. And this guys name is one of the movers and shakers. He has more privilege than almost all authors in the entire nation, and influences more thought, than almost anyone. What a hypocritical liar.

Eugene Robinson needs to stop worrying about how folks use the word "woke," and stop meddling with how folks think and talk. . . he needs to shut the hell up already, he has done quite enough damage for now.



The Washington Post

95: Eugene Meyer, former publisher (1933-46)

96: Jeff Bezos, owner (since 2013)

97: Katharine Graham, former publisher (1969-79)

98: Donald E. Graham, former publisher S chairman (1979-2013)

99: Fred Hiatt, editorial page editor

100: Glenn Kessler, diplomatic correspondent and fact checker

101: Anne Applebaum, former editorial board member

102: Walter Pincus, national security journalist

103: Jackson Diehl, deputy editorial page editor

104: Charles Krauthammer, columnist

105: Robert Kaiser, former managing editor and senior correspondent

106: David Ignatius, associate editor

107: Eugene Robinson, columnist and chair of Pulitzer Prize Board

108: Karen DeYoung, associate editor

109: Marc Thiessen, columnist

110: Richard M. Cohen, columnist

111: Jim Hoagiand, associate editor and columnist

112: George F. Will, columnist"
Well Rogers certain ly turned out to be a piece of shit.

He hurt his team. He hurt his fans

And he ruined his career.
‘The word “woke” once meant something, kind of. But now it’s just an empty, all-purpose insult hurled by conservative propagandists, anti-vaccine fabulists, lazy journalists and people who don’t want to know our history. Give it a rest, folks.
"Wokeness" cost you Virginia, so I imagine you're upset.
"Wokeness" cost you Virginia, so I imagine you're upset.
Not getting anything done in Congress was most likely the issue.

However only once in 40 or so years has the opposing party not won the VA governorship in the first off year election.
‘The word “woke” once meant something, kind of. But now it’s just an empty, all-purpose insult hurled by conservative propagandists, anti-vaccine fabulists, lazy journalists and people who don’t want to know our history. Give it a rest, folks.

Republicans accuse Democrats of being woke, trying to make the word into a synonym for un-American and implying some imaginary threat to Whites posed by African Americans and other people of color. Elite commentators pile on in laughable attempts to establish their purported anti-elite or populist credentials. Those who acknowledge this nation’s history of racism are accused of wokeness by others who seek to ignore uncomfortable, incontrovertible facts.

It’s all a scam whose fraudulent nature was made apparent by Green Bay Packers star quarterback Aaron Rodgers, of all people, who was revealed last week to have refused to get vaccinated against the coronavirus — and to have blatantly lied about it. Rather than take responsibility for his words and deeds, Rodgers claimed to be “in the crosshairs of the woke mob right now” and said he was speaking out — still not quite truthfully — before the “final nail gets put in my cancel-culture casket.”’

An imaginary ‘threat’ to whites contrived by racist conservatives.
Okay then, what do you call this?

‘The word “woke” once meant something, kind of. But now it’s just an empty, all-purpose insult hurled by conservative propagandists, anti-vaccine fabulists, lazy journalists and people who don’t want to know our history. Give it a rest, folks.

Republicans accuse Democrats of being woke, trying to make the word into a synonym for un-American and implying some imaginary threat to Whites posed by African Americans and other people of color. Elite commentators pile on in laughable attempts to establish their purported anti-elite or populist credentials. Those who acknowledge this nation’s history of racism are accused of wokeness by others who seek to ignore uncomfortable, incontrovertible facts.

It’s all a scam whose fraudulent nature was made apparent by Green Bay Packers star quarterback Aaron Rodgers, of all people, who was revealed last week to have refused to get vaccinated against the coronavirus — and to have blatantly lied about it. Rather than take responsibility for his words and deeds, Rodgers claimed to be “in the crosshairs of the woke mob right now” and said he was speaking out — still not quite truthfully — before the “final nail gets put in my cancel-culture casket.”’

An imaginary ‘threat’ to whites contrived by racist conservatives.
Waah waah waah poor mistreated snowflake who worries more about other people's business than his own. You truly are woke Dimmer.

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