Wait. So the cocaine was OUTSIDE the White House?

The cocaine found near the White house found outside of the White House, where guests put their belongings before entering.

Initially I was very excited about this news because I wanted to sock it to the liberals, but now my erection is gone because there wasn't even cocaine inside the White House.

“The substance was found near where guests are asked to leave their cell phones before proceeding into the West Wing. Those tours typically only occur on weekends.”
You never want to sock it to the liberals, being one yourself. Why the constant lies about who you are?
What is wrong with you?
No. What is wrong with you, claiming things, and not providing sources .
You are in shock because the stuff you heard in a message board for weeks turned out to be an accurate.

Now all you can say, is ”I heard”..
Yeah, it's been moved around several times....Hell, I suspect it made it's way outside by and by.....Where it stops nobody knows.....Maybe at Trump's place. ;)
You answered that yes, the Secret Service said it was found inside. Can you give me a link to that?
The cocaine found near the White house found outside of the White House, where guests put their belongings before entering.

Initially I was very excited about this news because I wanted to sock it to the liberals, but now my erection is gone because there wasn't even cocaine inside the White House.

“The substance was found near where guests are asked to leave their cell phones before proceeding into the West Wing. Those tours typically only occur on weekends.”

Wait! It wasn't even cocaine! It was baby powder for Joe Biden's diapers!
First I've heard about the library.

Now, the story has the link to the actual radio transmission. Could the hazmat crew have gotten the name of the place wrong? Sure. I think that a lot of media buried the fact that the conversation happened in the first place, and I don't think that the hazmat team has ever come out with any comments afterwards clarifying the situation.

Outside the White House? I haven't heard that. What are they going to say next? It was found across the street?
It was in the Whitehouse, on the ground floor near a west wing entrance and exit, NOT on the First floor of the whitehouse, not where the oval office and his administration works....

And I don't believe it was ever reported that this room was near the oval office on the first floor, it was always reported that this was a ground floor room of the Whitehouse...

Imo, it makes no sense for a guest or staff to bring it there or leave it there and makes no sense that Hunter would either...Biden Family enters the Whitehouse RESIDENCE through the EAST Wing from my research on it.

Something's fishy.... :dunno:

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