Vote for Kav = Buh Bye Susie Collins

The women in this country are throwing your sorry ass out in 2020..

Highly unlikely. Collins has always had a relatively easy reelection and by 2020 nobody will even care about this anymore. Two years is a lifetime in politics.

In 2020, they'll be too busy whining about Trumps 3rd and 4th Supreme Court appointments to remember Kavanaugh.
Wow, she is really on point

Whoever XX is, must be a real sonofabich

Susan Collins
Well she is laying out the fact/truth about the hearing, something that is good to hear. Just glad that this is a woman who is doing the right thing. Good to hear for a change.
Senator Collins is going on and on and on about Kavanaugh nomination trying to explain away all his faults and justify his rulings believed in opposition of precedent! She's doing a great job! All this BS just so she can say "yes" to Cloture to his elevation; "go ahead girl! You're toast!" After all this, can she possibly say "NO!" We'll see; still waiting! :9: :aargh: :2cents:
my daughter and all her friends male and female can't wait to vote against her if she votes yes for the pos on sc

I imagine they're just like you.

ignore the facts, and vote blue
The facts are out there for all to see Spoke to senators like a addict , drunk or on drugs I know a conservative will be in the SC BUT why this AH?
Senator Collins is going on and on and on about Kavanaugh nomination trying to explain away all his faults and justify his rulings believed in opposition of precedent! She's doing a great job! All this BS just so she can say "yes" to Cloture to his elevation; "go ahead girl! You're toast!" After all this, can she possibly say "NO!" We'll see; still waiting! :9: :aargh: :2cents:
my daughter and all her friends male and female can't wait to vote against her if she votes yes for the pos on sc

I imagine they're just like you.

ignore the facts, and vote blue

YEP! Republicans have fk'd up so much, I wouldn't vote them in to be dog catcher! They own it all and still treat the rest of the country as if we're serfs to respect and accept all their BS! This thing with those kids being separated from their moms who crossed the border illegally will live on in my soul/heart as one of the most disgusting things of late being done by our gov't while they're in charge! :crybaby: :cuckoo: :confused-84: :dunno: :eusa_pray:
Right.... not. Many are listening. Too bad you are so partisan you won’t.

I’m a Conservative. I want to see Kavanaugh confirmed. My problem is that ANY Senator is voting against Judge Kavanaugh. Especially those who claim to be Republicans.

At least it appears Senator Collins will vote Affirmatively. Senators Murkowski and Flake should be expelled from their party if they vote against him
Senator Collins is going on and on and on about Kavanaugh nomination trying to explain away all his faults and justify his rulings believed in opposition of precedent! She's doing a great job! All this BS just so she can say "yes" to Cloture to his elevation; "go ahead girl! You're toast!" After all this, can she possibly say "NO!" We'll see; still waiting! :9: :aargh: :2cents:
my daughter and all her friends male and female can't wait to vote against her if she votes yes for the pos on sc

I imagine they're just like you.

ignore the facts, and vote blue
The facts are out there for all to see Spoke to senators like a addict , drunk or on drugs I know a conservative will be in the SC BUT why this AH?

Spoke to senators like a addict , drunk or on drugs

He spoke like a man that had had his reputation attacked, his name attacked, his family attacked.

You saw his action, and ignored his words.

Just like the assholes that attacked him
Senator Collins is going on and on and on about Kavanaugh nomination trying to explain away all his faults and justify his rulings believed in opposition of precedent! She's doing a great job! All this BS just so she can say "yes" to Cloture to his elevation; "go ahead girl! You're toast!" After all this, can she possibly say "NO!" We'll see; still waiting! :9: :aargh: :2cents:
my daughter and all her friends male and female can't wait to vote against her if she votes yes for the pos on sc

my daughter and all her friends male and female can't wait to vote against her if she votes yes for the pos on sc


I guess she's doomed without those 6 votes...…...LOL!

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