Vote as you will.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
As citizens go to the polls today many have little idea of how important this election is and how America has come to be where it is. In the 1960’s a counter-culture movement came to the fore led by a disgruntled intellectual figure named Saul Alinsky. Alinsky composed a kind of personal Mein Kampf titled Rules for Radicals. Rules for Radicals evolved into an instruction manual for disaffected citizens to contaminate, corrupt and destroy a functioning society from the inside out. It’s a virtual certainty that Alinsky planted the seeds of what we call political correctness in our time. The real damage Alinsky did was to justify corruption and crookedness as a means to an end. Hillary Clinton has been a lifelong disciple of Alinsky. At 27 she was removed from the Watergate Committee under a cloud of unethical and dishonest behavior as well as violations of protections of the US Constitution for criminal defendants. The end justifying the means has been embedded in Clinton’s character since her first association with Alinsky and she has covered her incompetence with crookedness all along the way with this sinister principle.

Alinsky went to his reward in 1972 but somewhere he might feel vindicated by the Clintons and their breathtaking proficiency in infecting a free society with what is effectively a stage four progression of Rules for Radicals. It’s acutely ironic that Hillary Clinton’s latest red-handed unethical brush with national security regulations involves emails and computers because she and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, have managed to infiltrate organizations built on trust like a virus that invades, hides in and takes over the operating system of a computer program. The FBI and the Department of Justice cannot hold the Clintons responsible for their actions including the corruption of the Clinton Foundation because the Clintons are in control of them. The illogical and nonsensical behavior of FBI Director James Comey played before an astounded public like a comical puppet show with Comey as a buffoon. Comey has taken the FBI from Eliot Ness to Sergeant Shultz overnight in a bizarre accommodation of the Clinton machine. This sad state of affairs heralds the end of the FBI and the Department of Justice as the last vestiges of the equal application of the law. This is an overwhelming success for the Alinsky plan.

Average citizens might want to consider what would happen if the FBI wanted evidence nested in their personal computers. First the FBI would get a warrant and then knock down the doors of the citizen to get the computer. They would not notify a suspect in advance that they were coming because this would allow the suspect time to destroy the evidence before the FBI arrived. Because Clinton had control of these agencies she was forewarned so she could obliterate any evidence that could convict her. This is a textbook definition of the Alinsky stratagem to erode the foundations of a society based on the rule of law. It pollutes and poisons the judicial atmosphere of a society to the point where average citizens can no longer distinguish between what’s legal and what’s not.

Clinton, being a consummate liar is then able to cleverly shape shift herself from perpetrator to victim accusing anyone who calls attention to her crimes as unhinged and dangerous. Black is white and white is black-bad is good and good is bad. It’s all right there in Rules for Radicals; it’s all part of the Alinsky plan. It’s what got Obama elected-group against group where chaos, confusion and discord rule the day. Clinton is adept at fooling the masses into believing that even though she strayed from the law she did it for a good cause. The end justifying the means. So it is with the Clinton Foundation where the Clintons have become fabulously wealthy by selling influence to interlopers who have no stake in the welfare or survival of America’s middle class. If Hillary Clinton is elected president then evil will have triumphed and Saul Alinsky will go down in history as patient zero in the plague that killed American democracy.

Vote as you will.
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This election eve is strangely reminiscent of the 2007 Super bowl where the Giants were given no chance against a team (Patriots) that had not lost a game for ages. The game should have been over early-it wasn't. The Giants should have faded-they did not. The Giants needed to do things that no one believed they were capable of-they did. You really have to believe it can happen. I think it might.
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The First thing on Trump's agenda should be to drain the swamp at the Department of Justice and to reshuffle the FBI back into an honorable agency.

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