Vivek Looking Good

No Republican without Trump's MAGA agenda will be the next President. Donald Trump created the standard by which the GOP now adheres to, and it's not about to go back to the squishy surrender-monkey Republican type who's allowed you Democrats to literally get away with murder over the last 50 years.

On case you haven't been keeping up, the old establishment Republicans aren't doing very well in the polls. And the only thing that's going to pull this country out of the ditch it's in are Trump's MAGA policies, whether it's Trump himself, or someone who embodies the same core beliefs.

No Republican can win WITH Trump's Nazi agenda.
Enjoy your time in the ditch.

You put us in the ditch. You, Joe Biden, the party that represents you, and everyone like you who voted for them. Joe Biden's presidency has been nothing but a three-year string of dismal failures, embarrassments, gaffes, corruption, incompetence, and bad decisions.

If you think he's going to pull a rabbit out of a magic hat during his last year in office, you should lay off the crack pipe.
No Republican can win WITH Trump's Nazi agenda.

Just watch. You're lacking the intelligence and foresight to see this coming, but you're living in a modern-day Wiemar Republic.

Whatever happens next will be because of you and your political irresponsibility.

you are here.jpg
Vivek is terrific.

He talks the talk, but can he walk the walk? Can he withstand what they put Trump through, with everything including the kitchen sink being thrown at him by the left, without cracking?

I don't even think DeSantis could endure what they put Trump through, and are still putting him through. DeSantis is one cold-blooded character, but he's not independently-wealthy, and has a political career to think about. Unlike Trump, others can be bought and paid for. We'll see.
I don't even think DeSantis could endure what they put Trump through, and are still putting him through. DeSantis is one cold-blooded character, but he's not independently-wealthy, and has a political career to think about. Unlike Trump, others can be bought and paid for. We'll see.

Well said.

Also, keep in mind: Vivek is also independently wealthy.
The media probably isn't fawning because they hope if they don't call attention people won't notice him (probably praying they won't, actually).

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