Vitamin D reduces risk of COVID-19


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
Yes...just like vitamin C, vitamin D is a proven success.

Please read before denigrating and parroting the establishment Big Pharma bull shit.

The role of vitamin D in reducing risk of COVID-19: a brief survey of the literature

by William B. Grant, PhD
(OMNS June 9, 2020) The evidence that higher vitamin D status is causally linked to lower risk of COVID-19 incidence, severity, and death continues to increase. This brief report outlines what has been learned through early June 2020 and provides links to some of the key references.

It should be noted that acceptance of the role of vitamin D supplementation will probably not be achieved before reports are published that demonstrate randomized controlled trials of vitamin D supplementation significantly reduced COVID-19 incidence or death. Several RCTs and observational studies regarding vitamin D supplementation and COVID-19 incidence and outcomes are either in the planning stage or in progress. The obvious groups to study are those at highest risk: dark-skinned people living at high latitudes, people in nursing homes or health care facilities; prisoners; factory workers such as in meat-packing facilities in the U.S.; health care workers. A major problem is that the powers that be see vitamin D as a threat to income and profit, so use the Disinformation Playbook to suppress positive information on vitamin D. [1]

In a review published in early April, it was proposed that vitamin D supplementation could reduce the risk of COVID-19. Two mechanisms were identified: 1, reduced survival and replication of viruses through vitamin D-stimulated release of cathelicidin and defensins, and 2, reduced risk of the cytokine storm by reducing production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. [2]

Reference was also made to the finding that vitamin D supplementation reduces risk of acute respiratory tract infections as demonstrated by randomized controlled trials. [3] It was recommended that vitamin D supplementation be aimed at increasing serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] levels to 40-60 ng/ml (100-150 nmol/l), which would require daily doses up to 4000 to 5000 IU/d vitamin D3. Magnesium should also be supplemented, perhaps 400 mg/d, since the conversion of vitamin D to different metabolites requires the presence of magnesium. This recommendation was based on findings in observational studies such as one conducted by on influenza-like illness. [4]

More recently, it was suggested that for those who have not been supplementing with vitamin D that they start supplementing with a large bolus dose of vitamin D of several hundred thousand IU within one-to-two weeks. The rationale is that without the bolus the body would otherwise take several months to achieve the optimum level. [5] It was also suggested that while vitamin D supplementation could stop COVID-19 from developing at the beginning of symptoms, it probably would not be very useful after lung and organ damage occurs in the acute stage. Most recently, evidence was outlined to show that vitamin D deficiency could explain much of the reason for higher case and mortality rates for Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) residents in England. [6]

The role of vitamin D in reducing risk of COVID-19: a brief survey of the literature
Your body doesn't produce Vitamin D when you're locked in doors all day.
I get lots of sun...but if you are locked in grandma's basement, try to get some vitamin D supplements.
Vitamin D is a very important nutrient for your immune system.

And there is a significant amount of it in my ejaculate. At least that's what I tell all the ladies. It's chock full of all of the lipid soluble vitamins, including A, D, E and K. And it also contains feel-good hormones that will make you feel like you're in heaven.
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Your body doesn't produce Vitamin D when you're locked in doors all day.
I get lots of sun...but if you are locked in grandma's basement, try to get some vitamin D supplements.

I was referring to the lockdown.
I ignored the lock down. I flew twice since March, which was very nice. Few people in the airport and on the plane. Drove from Florida to Michigan via the Carolinas, and it was wonderful. Few assholes on the road to aggravate me. Plus I got lots of sun along the way.
Vitamin D is a very important nutrient for your immune system.

And there is a significant amount of it in my ejaculate. At least that's what I tell all the ladies.
No doubt. I wonder how many Americans know this fact.
Lay in the sun for 10 minutes on your front...another 10 minutes on your back...and you just got a MEGA-DOSE of vitamin D.
Lay in the sun for 10 minutes on your front...another 10 minutes on your back...and you just got a MEGA-DOSE of vitamin D.
Yes...but if you are dark skinned, you likely need more exposure to the sun.
Yes...but if you are dark skinned, you likely need more exposure to the sun.

Yup...this is true! Dark skinned or live in Minnesota.

I have vitamin D pills but I usually only take them in the winter.
Me too. I usually get enough sun during the warm weather months. I have read that people with autoimmune diseases should be careful to limit their use of vitamin D supplements. Apparently it can cause them some harm.
Your body doesn't produce Vitamin D when you're locked in doors all day.
I get lots of sun...but if you are locked in grandma's basement, try to get some vitamin D supplements.

Or maybe drink some milk?
I go through at least two gallons a week.
2 gallons a week? This means 7.5 liters of :omg:

My hip surgeon was bitching when I talked to him post surgery.
He said he'd never encountered bones as hard as mine and he hopes he never does again.
Your body doesn't produce Vitamin D when you're locked in doors all day.
I get lots of sun...but if you are locked in grandma's basement, try to get some vitamin D supplements.

Or maybe drink some milk?
I go through at least two gallons a week.
2 gallons a week? This means 7.5 liters of :omg:
Probably not enough D from that amount of milk to do much good, even if it’s whole milk. And particularly if you are already deficient. Getting sun exposure is claimed to be the best way.
Vitamin D Milk: Everything You Need to Know
Your body doesn't produce Vitamin D when you're locked in doors all day.
I get lots of sun...but if you are locked in grandma's basement, try to get some vitamin D supplements.

Or maybe drink some milk?
I go through at least two gallons a week.
2 gallons a week? This means 7.5 liters of :omg:
Probably not enough D from that amount of milk to do much good, even if it’s whole milk. And particularly if you are already deficient. Getting sun exposure is claimed to be the best way.
Vitamin D Milk: Everything You Need to Know

I get both.
The only time I'm indoors is if it's cold as hell or I'm sleeping.
Your body doesn't produce Vitamin D when you're locked in doors all day.
I get lots of sun...but if you are locked in grandma's basement, try to get some vitamin D supplements.

Or maybe drink some milk?
I go through at least two gallons a week.
2 gallons a week? This means 7.5 liters of :omg:

My hip surgeon was bitching when I talked to him post surgery.
He said he'd never encountered bones as hard as mine and he hopes he never does again.
That's the reason why I like to drink milk. Not 2 gallons a week, only a couple of liters :)
More news on the benefits of vitamin D. Of course, it’s not in the US MSM, which is entirely compromised by Big Pharma.

Makes one wonder how many Americans have died from Covid-19, because their Big Pharma controlled doctors refused to prescribe vitamin D and C.

Dr Hilary urges Brits to take vitamin D following key coronavirus study
Dr Hilary spoke to Good Morning Britain viewers about a new study which has found that European countries with lower vitamin D levels have recorded more Covid-19 fatalities
Dr Hilary urges Brits to take vitamin D following key Covid-19 study

Using Vitamin C finally

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