Visa Overstayers, Border Jumpers, Asylum Seekers.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Visa Overstayers, Border Jumpers, Asylum Seekers. All the same.

The radical left opposes a wall because they claim most illegals in the country are visa overstayers and not border jumpers. Both visa overstayers and border jumpers are a problem so why have the radical left, Clinton and Obama not fix the problem? We have 12 million in the country illegally and growing daily by the thousands in caravans who claim to be asylum seekers. Yes, Trump has had to use radical means to get the immigration problem fixed and still the radical left want nothing but the status quo to continue. To fix the immigration problem we have to face three issues. Mandatory E-Verify that go after employers who hire illegals, a system that tracks visa overstayers and border jumpers with a fence and adequate border agents and last is what the radical left does not want to hear is deportation which is the legal punishment for being in the country illegally. When we hear the radical left talk about "immigration reform" they really mean open borders and amnesty by way of a path to citizenship and not enforcement.
"Yes, We Can" and "Get Her Done" and "Just Do It"
Visa Overstayers, Border Jumpers, Asylum Seekers. All the same.

The radical left opposes a wall because they claim most illegals in the country are visa overstayers and not border jumpers. Both visa overstayers and border jumpers are a problem so why have the radical left, Clinton and Obama not fix the problem? We have 12 million in the country illegally and growing daily by the thousands in caravans who claim to be asylum seekers. Yes, Trump has had to use radical means to get the immigration problem fixed and still the radical left want nothing but the status quo to continue. To fix the immigration problem we have to face three issues. Mandatory E-Verify that go after employers who hire illegals, a system that tracks visa overstayers and border jumpers with a fence and adequate border agents and last is what the radical left does not want to hear is deportation which is the legal punishment for being in the country illegally. When we hear the radical left talk about "immigration reform" they really mean open borders and amnesty by way of a path to citizenship and not enforcement.
"Yes, We Can" and "Get Her Done" and "Just Do It"
I agree we should deport all illegals. Since we have to do it by legal means, the time it takes must be enormous, and the effort costly. We need an internment style camp system like they had in WWII as a detention facility until cases are finalized. These facilities can even serve as a type of "wall" along the border. My question: what do you do with or to the people who helped the illegals for the time they hid here?
Visa Overstayers, Border Jumpers, Asylum Seekers. All the same.

The radical left opposes a wall because they claim most illegals in the country are visa overstayers and not border jumpers. Both visa overstayers and border jumpers are a problem so why have the radical left, Clinton and Obama not fix the problem? We have 12 million in the country illegally and growing daily by the thousands in caravans who claim to be asylum seekers. Yes, Trump has had to use radical means to get the immigration problem fixed and still the radical left want nothing but the status quo to continue. To fix the immigration problem we have to face three issues. Mandatory E-Verify that go after employers who hire illegals, a system that tracks visa overstayers and border jumpers with a fence and adequate border agents and last is what the radical left does not want to hear is deportation which is the legal punishment for being in the country illegally. When we hear the radical left talk about "immigration reform" they really mean open borders and amnesty by way of a path to citizenship and not enforcement.
"Yes, We Can" and "Get Her Done" and "Just Do It"
The only support you'll get from your fellow sheep is for the useless, cowardly wall. You think Trump or his fellow wealthy elite are going to give up their cheap labor?
Visa Overstayers, Border Jumpers, Asylum Seekers. All the same.

The radical left opposes a wall because they claim most illegals in the country are visa overstayers and not border jumpers. Both visa overstayers and border jumpers are a problem so why have the radical left, Clinton and Obama not fix the problem? We have 12 million in the country illegally and growing daily by the thousands in caravans who claim to be asylum seekers. Yes, Trump has had to use radical means to get the immigration problem fixed and still the radical left want nothing but the status quo to continue. To fix the immigration problem we have to face three issues. Mandatory E-Verify that go after employers who hire illegals, a system that tracks visa overstayers and border jumpers with a fence and adequate border agents and last is what the radical left does not want to hear is deportation which is the legal punishment for being in the country illegally. When we hear the radical left talk about "immigration reform" they really mean open borders and amnesty by way of a path to citizenship and not enforcement.
"Yes, We Can" and "Get Her Done" and "Just Do It"
I agree we should deport all illegals. Since we have to do it by legal means, the time it takes must be enormous, and the effort costly. We need an internment style camp system like they had in WWII as a detention facility until cases are finalized. These facilities can even serve as a type of "wall" along the border. My question: what do you do with or to the people who helped the illegals for the time they hid here?
Mandatory E-Verify inforced and they will self deport. No internment camp necessary. Do not have to round them up either like Nazi Gestapo rounding up Jews. Aiding illegals is a crime according to the immigration laws. 8 U.S. Code § 1324. That is sanctuary cities like Calif and churches. Nancy and the Dumcrates.
Visa Overstayers, Border Jumpers, Asylum Seekers. All the same.

The radical left opposes a wall because they claim most illegals in the country are visa overstayers and not border jumpers. Both visa overstayers and border jumpers are a problem so why have the radical left, Clinton and Obama not fix the problem? We have 12 million in the country illegally and growing daily by the thousands in caravans who claim to be asylum seekers. Yes, Trump has had to use radical means to get the immigration problem fixed and still the radical left want nothing but the status quo to continue. To fix the immigration problem we have to face three issues. Mandatory E-Verify that go after employers who hire illegals, a system that tracks visa overstayers and border jumpers with a fence and adequate border agents and last is what the radical left does not want to hear is deportation which is the legal punishment for being in the country illegally. When we hear the radical left talk about "immigration reform" they really mean open borders and amnesty by way of a path to citizenship and not enforcement.
"Yes, We Can" and "Get Her Done" and "Just Do It"

Opposition to Trump’s ‘wall’ of fear, bigotry, and hate is perfectly appropriate and warranted given the fact it will do little to ensure border security.

Indeed, most undocumented immigrants come legally to the United States and fail to leave once their authorization ends – Trump’s ‘wall’ of fear, bigotry, and hate would fail to address the primary source of undocumented immigrants.

Visa overstays outnumber illegal border crossings; trend likely to continue

Trump's border wall would stop less than half of illegal immigration in the U.S.
Visa Overstayers, Border Jumpers, Asylum Seekers. All the same.

The radical left opposes a wall because they claim most illegals in the country are visa overstayers and not border jumpers. Both visa overstayers and border jumpers are a problem so why have the radical left, Clinton and Obama not fix the problem? We have 12 million in the country illegally and growing daily by the thousands in caravans who claim to be asylum seekers. Yes, Trump has had to use radical means to get the immigration problem fixed and still the radical left want nothing but the status quo to continue. To fix the immigration problem we have to face three issues. Mandatory E-Verify that go after employers who hire illegals, a system that tracks visa overstayers and border jumpers with a fence and adequate border agents and last is what the radical left does not want to hear is deportation which is the legal punishment for being in the country illegally. When we hear the radical left talk about "immigration reform" they really mean open borders and amnesty by way of a path to citizenship and not enforcement.
"Yes, We Can" and "Get Her Done" and "Just Do It"
I agree we should deport all illegals. Since we have to do it by legal means, the time it takes must be enormous, and the effort costly. We need an internment style camp system like they had in WWII as a detention facility until cases are finalized. These facilities can even serve as a type of "wall" along the border. My question: what do you do with or to the people who helped the illegals for the time they hid here?
Mandatory E-Verify inforced and they will self deport. No internment camp necessary. Do not have to round them up either like Nazi Gestapo rounding up Jews. Aiding illegals is a crime according to the immigration laws. 8 U.S. Code § 1324. That is sanctuary cities like Calif and churches. Nancy and the Dumcrates.
Thankyou..........1986 Reform made it a crime to hire illegals...........they just didn't know it would create massive forgery operations throughout the country to be legal on the I-9 forms............abuse of the law created.............and didn't fix the problem in exchange for amnesty for a few million illegals............
Visa Overstayers, Border Jumpers, Asylum Seekers. All the same.

The radical left opposes a wall because they claim most illegals in the country are visa overstayers and not border jumpers. Both visa overstayers and border jumpers are a problem so why have the radical left, Clinton and Obama not fix the problem? We have 12 million in the country illegally and growing daily by the thousands in caravans who claim to be asylum seekers. Yes, Trump has had to use radical means to get the immigration problem fixed and still the radical left want nothing but the status quo to continue. To fix the immigration problem we have to face three issues. Mandatory E-Verify that go after employers who hire illegals, a system that tracks visa overstayers and border jumpers with a fence and adequate border agents and last is what the radical left does not want to hear is deportation which is the legal punishment for being in the country illegally. When we hear the radical left talk about "immigration reform" they really mean open borders and amnesty by way of a path to citizenship and not enforcement.
"Yes, We Can" and "Get Her Done" and "Just Do It"
The only support you'll get from your fellow sheep is for the useless, cowardly wall. You think Trump or his fellow wealthy elite are going to give up their cheap labor?
I'm sure your're more intelligent than your comment suggests. I don't doubt both Democrats and Republicans are taking advantage of cheap labor, sexual favors, voter and id fraud, and drugs. The wall is a good way to stop or reduce these practices. I am not a Republican so there is no knee jerk reaction for it. The first time I heard of it was when Barry Goldwater ran for president and it seemed silly then. We also didn't have freebees for newcomers then. If the beefed up border patrol and electronic surveillance are that good, why isn't what we have of those more effective now? We need the wall, too.
Visa Overstayers, Border Jumpers, Asylum Seekers. All the same.

The radical left opposes a wall because they claim most illegals in the country are visa overstayers and not border jumpers. Both visa overstayers and border jumpers are a problem so why have the radical left, Clinton and Obama not fix the problem? We have 12 million in the country illegally and growing daily by the thousands in caravans who claim to be asylum seekers. Yes, Trump has had to use radical means to get the immigration problem fixed and still the radical left want nothing but the status quo to continue. To fix the immigration problem we have to face three issues. Mandatory E-Verify that go after employers who hire illegals, a system that tracks visa overstayers and border jumpers with a fence and adequate border agents and last is what the radical left does not want to hear is deportation which is the legal punishment for being in the country illegally. When we hear the radical left talk about "immigration reform" they really mean open borders and amnesty by way of a path to citizenship and not enforcement.
"Yes, We Can" and "Get Her Done" and "Just Do It"

Opposition to Trump’s ‘wall’ of fear, bigotry, and hate is perfectly appropriate and warranted given the fact it will do little to ensure border security.

Indeed, most undocumented immigrants come legally to the United States and fail to leave once their authorization ends – Trump’s ‘wall’ of fear, bigotry, and hate would fail to address the primary source of undocumented immigrants.

Visa overstays outnumber illegal border crossings; trend likely to continue

Trump's border wall would stop less than half of illegal immigration in the U.S.
If you want to call those who want the wall racist, go ahead call me a racist. I will probably be called that for lesser reasons anyhow, but consider this-a Hispanic member of the Astros made a slant eyes gesture at a Japanese player in baseball. Is this racist? If so, anyone can be and probably is a racist.
Visa Overstayers, Border Jumpers, Asylum Seekers. All the same.

The radical left opposes a wall because they claim most illegals in the country are visa overstayers and not border jumpers. Both visa overstayers and border jumpers are a problem so why have the radical left, Clinton and Obama not fix the problem? We have 12 million in the country illegally and growing daily by the thousands in caravans who claim to be asylum seekers. Yes, Trump has had to use radical means to get the immigration problem fixed and still the radical left want nothing but the status quo to continue. To fix the immigration problem we have to face three issues. Mandatory E-Verify that go after employers who hire illegals, a system that tracks visa overstayers and border jumpers with a fence and adequate border agents and last is what the radical left does not want to hear is deportation which is the legal punishment for being in the country illegally. When we hear the radical left talk about "immigration reform" they really mean open borders and amnesty by way of a path to citizenship and not enforcement.
"Yes, We Can" and "Get Her Done" and "Just Do It"

Opposition to Trump’s ‘wall’ of fear, bigotry, and hate is perfectly appropriate and warranted given the fact it will do little to ensure border security.

Indeed, most undocumented immigrants come legally to the United States and fail to leave once their authorization ends – Trump’s ‘wall’ of fear, bigotry, and hate would fail to address the primary source of undocumented immigrants.

Visa overstays outnumber illegal border crossings; trend likely to continue

Trump's border wall would stop less than half of illegal immigration in the U.S.

Let’s deflate this argument using the liberals popular “gun debate issue” as one example. The right says that strict gun regulations in Chicago and Baltimore doesn’t work in reducing gun violence. The liberal response often is concerning guns pouring in from outside the state where gun regulations aren’t as strict. Yet they are against a wall but are rather in favor of a more open border, with MS-13 gang violence and guns flowing in from Mexico. So when liberals blame guns coming across state lines as the reason why gun regulations don’t work, I simply bring up thwir “open border policy” as WHY they are really not serious at all about gun control.

You can blame Mexico and this open border for MS-13, sex trafficking, and illegal guns flowing into the United States.
Visa Overstayers, Border Jumpers, Asylum Seekers. All the same.

The radical left opposes a wall because they claim most illegals in the country are visa overstayers and not border jumpers. Both visa overstayers and border jumpers are a problem so why have the radical left, Clinton and Obama not fix the problem? We have 12 million in the country illegally and growing daily by the thousands in caravans who claim to be asylum seekers. Yes, Trump has had to use radical means to get the immigration problem fixed and still the radical left want nothing but the status quo to continue. To fix the immigration problem we have to face three issues. Mandatory E-Verify that go after employers who hire illegals, a system that tracks visa overstayers and border jumpers with a fence and adequate border agents and last is what the radical left does not want to hear is deportation which is the legal punishment for being in the country illegally. When we hear the radical left talk about "immigration reform" they really mean open borders and amnesty by way of a path to citizenship and not enforcement.
"Yes, We Can" and "Get Her Done" and "Just Do It"
The only support you'll get from your fellow sheep is for the useless, cowardly wall. You think Trump or his fellow wealthy elite are going to give up their cheap labor?
I'm sure your're more intelligent than your comment suggests. I don't doubt both Democrats and Republicans are taking advantage of cheap labor, sexual favors, voter and id fraud, and drugs. The wall is a good way to stop or reduce these practices. I am not a Republican so there is no knee jerk reaction for it. The first time I heard of it was when Barry Goldwater ran for president and it seemed silly then. We also didn't have freebees for newcomers then. If the beefed up border patrol and electronic surveillance are that good, why isn't what we have of those more effective now? We need the wall, too.
“The wall.” Only if you mean that as a metaphor for a system that is actually practical and works, not a retarded simpleton’s wall.
Visa Overstayers, Border Jumpers, Asylum Seekers. All the same.

The radical left opposes a wall because they claim most illegals in the country are visa overstayers and not border jumpers. Both visa overstayers and border jumpers are a problem so why have the radical left, Clinton and Obama not fix the problem? We have 12 million in the country illegally and growing daily by the thousands in caravans who claim to be asylum seekers. Yes, Trump has had to use radical means to get the immigration problem fixed and still the radical left want nothing but the status quo to continue. To fix the immigration problem we have to face three issues. Mandatory E-Verify that go after employers who hire illegals, a system that tracks visa overstayers and border jumpers with a fence and adequate border agents and last is what the radical left does not want to hear is deportation which is the legal punishment for being in the country illegally. When we hear the radical left talk about "immigration reform" they really mean open borders and amnesty by way of a path to citizenship and not enforcement.
"Yes, We Can" and "Get Her Done" and "Just Do It"
The Soros-supported Drug Policy Alliance supports “marijuana clubs” currently dispensing the drug, supposedly on “medical” grounds. The federal government has tried to close down these clubs?a policy that could change if Soros gains access to and influence over the White House. Several states have passed “medical marijuana” initiatives, funded by Soros, attempting to provide the drug under the cover of treating illnesses. But the American people have been kept in the dark about whether the Soros campaign to weaken drug laws would be embraced and implemented on a national basis by a Progressive or Democrat Administration
Visa Overstayers, Border Jumpers, Asylum Seekers. All the same.

The radical left opposes a wall because they claim most illegals in the country are visa overstayers and not border jumpers. Both visa overstayers and border jumpers are a problem so why have the radical left, Clinton and Obama not fix the problem? We have 12 million in the country illegally and growing daily by the thousands in caravans who claim to be asylum seekers. Yes, Trump has had to use radical means to get the immigration problem fixed and still the radical left want nothing but the status quo to continue. To fix the immigration problem we have to face three issues. Mandatory E-Verify that go after employers who hire illegals, a system that tracks visa overstayers and border jumpers with a fence and adequate border agents and last is what the radical left does not want to hear is deportation which is the legal punishment for being in the country illegally. When we hear the radical left talk about "immigration reform" they really mean open borders and amnesty by way of a path to citizenship and not enforcement.
"Yes, We Can" and "Get Her Done" and "Just Do It"
The only support you'll get from your fellow sheep is for the useless, cowardly wall. You think Trump or his fellow wealthy elite are going to give up their cheap labor?
I'm sure your're more intelligent than your comment suggests. I don't doubt both Democrats and Republicans are taking advantage of cheap labor, sexual favors, voter and id fraud, and drugs. The wall is a good way to stop or reduce these practices. I am not a Republican so there is no knee jerk reaction for it. The first time I heard of it was when Barry Goldwater ran for president and it seemed silly then. We also didn't have freebees for newcomers then. If the beefed up border patrol and electronic surveillance are that good, why isn't what we have of those more effective now? We need the wall, too.
“The wall.” Only if you mean that as a metaphor for a system that is actually practical and works, not a retarded simpleton’s wall.
Its is the Border agents are the one telling the president what the y need in the wall.
Trump and Congress had two years to work on the problem but felt that tax cuts were more important.So now we have those that played and delayed blaming the party not in power...You suckers
Visa Overstayers, Border Jumpers, Asylum Seekers. All the same.

The radical left opposes a wall because they claim most illegals in the country are visa overstayers and not border jumpers. Both visa overstayers and border jumpers are a problem so why have the radical left, Clinton and Obama not fix the problem? We have 12 million in the country illegally and growing daily by the thousands in caravans who claim to be asylum seekers. Yes, Trump has had to use radical means to get the immigration problem fixed and still the radical left want nothing but the status quo to continue. To fix the immigration problem we have to face three issues. Mandatory E-Verify that go after employers who hire illegals, a system that tracks visa overstayers and border jumpers with a fence and adequate border agents and last is what the radical left does not want to hear is deportation which is the legal punishment for being in the country illegally. When we hear the radical left talk about "immigration reform" they really mean open borders and amnesty by way of a path to citizenship and not enforcement.
"Yes, We Can" and "Get Her Done" and "Just Do It"
The Soros-supported Drug Policy Alliance supports “marijuana clubs” currently dispensing the drug, supposedly on “medical” grounds. The federal government has tried to close down these clubs?a policy that could change if Soros gains access to and influence over the White House. Several states have passed “medical marijuana” initiatives, funded by Soros, attempting to provide the drug under the cover of treating illnesses. But the American people have been kept in the dark about whether the Soros campaign to weaken drug laws would be embraced and implemented on a national basis by a Progressive or Democrat Administration
Got any phone numbers or addresses for this free weed cause I damn sure have never found any in forty years of smoking.
For you 411 it is the progressives that outlawed weed on a racial basis and not on medical grounds and since that time nothing but lies have come from the anti-drug crowd to include the violation of the 4th Amendment that anti-drug people abuse...Yeah it's unconstitutional but what the fuck do you care you are part of that lying pack of people who don't have any real life experience.
Visa Overstayers, Border Jumpers, Asylum Seekers. All the same.

The radical left opposes a wall because they claim most illegals in the country are visa overstayers and not border jumpers. Both visa overstayers and border jumpers are a problem so why have the radical left, Clinton and Obama not fix the problem? We have 12 million in the country illegally and growing daily by the thousands in caravans who claim to be asylum seekers. Yes, Trump has had to use radical means to get the immigration problem fixed and still the radical left want nothing but the status quo to continue. To fix the immigration problem we have to face three issues. Mandatory E-Verify that go after employers who hire illegals, a system that tracks visa overstayers and border jumpers with a fence and adequate border agents and last is what the radical left does not want to hear is deportation which is the legal punishment for being in the country illegally. When we hear the radical left talk about "immigration reform" they really mean open borders and amnesty by way of a path to citizenship and not enforcement.
"Yes, We Can" and "Get Her Done" and "Just Do It"
The only support you'll get from your fellow sheep is for the useless, cowardly wall. You think Trump or his fellow wealthy elite are going to give up their cheap labor?
I'm sure your're more intelligent than your comment suggests. I don't doubt both Democrats and Republicans are taking advantage of cheap labor, sexual favors, voter and id fraud, and drugs. The wall is a good way to stop or reduce these practices. I am not a Republican so there is no knee jerk reaction for it. The first time I heard of it was when Barry Goldwater ran for president and it seemed silly then. We also didn't have freebees for newcomers then. If the beefed up border patrol and electronic surveillance are that good, why isn't what we have of those more effective now? We need the wall, too.
“The wall.” Only if you mean that as a metaphor for a system that is actually practical and works, not a retarded simpleton’s wall.
It works for people with a two dimensional mind..
Trump and Congress had two years to work on the problem but felt that tax cuts were more important.So now we have those that played and delayed blaming the party not in power...You suckers
I agree the Republicans delayed the wall enough to kill it. Ryan never wanted it. Rather than the reasons why or who did what, the question remains, would it help now? Since everyone now or 5 years ago said it would, lets do what we agree is right.
Trump and Congress had two years to work on the problem but felt that tax cuts were more important.So now we have those that played and delayed blaming the party not in power...You suckers
I agree the Republicans delayed the wall enough to kill it. Ryan never wanted it. Rather than the reasons why or who did what, the question remains, would it help now? Since everyone now or 5 years ago said it would, lets do what we agree is right.
Okay but let the billionaires pay for it.
Visa Overstayers, Border Jumpers, Asylum Seekers. All the same.

The radical left opposes a wall because they claim most illegals in the country are visa overstayers and not border jumpers. Both visa overstayers and border jumpers are a problem so why have the radical left, Clinton and Obama not fix the problem? We have 12 million in the country illegally and growing daily by the thousands in caravans who claim to be asylum seekers. Yes, Trump has had to use radical means to get the immigration problem fixed and still the radical left want nothing but the status quo to continue. To fix the immigration problem we have to face three issues. Mandatory E-Verify that go after employers who hire illegals, a system that tracks visa overstayers and border jumpers with a fence and adequate border agents and last is what the radical left does not want to hear is deportation which is the legal punishment for being in the country illegally. When we hear the radical left talk about "immigration reform" they really mean open borders and amnesty by way of a path to citizenship and not enforcement.
"Yes, We Can" and "Get Her Done" and "Just Do It"

Opposition to Trump’s ‘wall’ of fear, bigotry, and hate is perfectly appropriate and warranted given the fact it will do little to ensure border security.

Indeed, most undocumented immigrants come legally to the United States and fail to leave once their authorization ends – Trump’s ‘wall’ of fear, bigotry, and hate would fail to address the primary source of undocumented immigrants.

Visa overstays outnumber illegal border crossings; trend likely to continue

Trump's border wall would stop less than half of illegal immigration in the U.S.
A wall will slow down the crossing and with sufficient border agents will help to secure the border and save $7 billion Trump is asking to build detention centers to house families and immigration judges. There is nothing now to slow them down and not enough border patrol to apprehend them. So catch and release continues under the Trump. Unless he gets the wall everything continues as years before. Sure it will take more than a wall. It will take enforcement of our immigration laws. IF they cannot work they will not come and if they cannot drop an anchor baby they will not come.

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