Virtue Signaling and the Indoctrination of the Left


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
The bigger the lie, and the more often it's repeated, the more people believe it. The left has been pushing the lies about them being the only ones who care about people and about the right being greedy and uncaring. Now that school text books are echoing some of this crap, young people are believing the lies from an early age. No wonder schools want our children by age 3 now. They want to get to them before parents can teach them things. Hillary stated that the state should raise children, with parents playing a secondary role. Scary that people like her are controlling the education system and much of the media.

"Indoctrination is actually very easy to accomplish, and the purpose of this post is to expose exactly how indoctrination works.

People think that the trick to indoctrination is to control the narrative, but it is not. The trick is to control what is perceived as ‘true’. Narratives follow.

Controlling the perception of ‘truth’ starts with virtue-signaling. The left constantly portrays their positions as virtuous, and other positions as lacking virtue. Once someone buys into the notion that a position is, or is not, virtuous, then being a ‘good person’ comes from agreeing with the right positions, making it impossible to separate one’s self-identity from the political positions one holds. Once someone’s sense of virtue becomes tied to their political positions, they will defend those political positions as if their lives depended on it, as not doing so would, to them, make them lack virtue. Conversely, anyone who opposes their political positions becomes, by definition, evil.

You might notice that Democrats are often dismissive of facts. This is because they gauge the validity of different facts based on how well those facts fit their political positions, rather than gauging their political positions based on how well those positions square with the facts. Once someone accepts a position as virtuous, and ties their sense of self-virtue to holding the right positions, they become immune to facts, and will find convenient ways to blow off any facts they don’t like.

In fairness, Republicans can be just as dismissive of facts, and in fact conservatives can be just as indoctrinated as liberals. The difference is that liberals control our public schools, colleges, and media, with the vast majority of journalists, actors, directors, and others working in the media, being liberal. The vast majority of conservative college professors are in hard sciences, business schools, or engineering schools, whereas the vast majority of students go into liberal arts, where they are ‘taught’ almost entirely by liberal professors.

Imagine two people finishing their degrees. One has an engineering degree, and the other has a degree in feminist studies. The person with the engineering degree is apt to become an engineer, but what will the person with the degree in feminist studies become? What job skills has college bestowed upon this person, other than to continue to study until he or she has a doctorate in feminist studies, and can become a college professor him or herself?

Perhaps more to the point, what has the person with a doctorate in feminist studies learned? That is an absolutely worthless degree, bestowing the opposite of knowledge upon the recipient. If we are honest with ourselves, degrees like this one show only that someone has spent eight years being indoctrinated into a very dangerous political ideology, to the point where they will probably never be able to gauge truth from fiction again. Everything they believe, not only about the world, but about themselves – their entire sense of their own worth – is tied into believing the B.S. their degree program contained. How do you reach someone whose entire sense of self-value is based on not being reached? How do you give truth to someone who would be destroyed by it?

Answer? Generally speaking, you don’t reach them. People like this are intellectually dead. The few that are reached speak of red-pill moments, and become conservatives, but the vast majority of indoctrinated people spend their entire lives in intellectual purgatory, and the more of an ‘education’ they have in that indoctrination, the harder they become to reach."

Virtue Signaling and the Indoctrination of the Left | Global Liberty Media - The Counter Narrative
Both sides virtue signal and indoctrinate.

The Alt Right and far right were good enough at it to get a President in 2016.
The bigger the lie, and the more often it's repeated, the more people believe it. The left has been pushing the lies about them being the only ones who care about people and about the right being greedy and uncaring. Now that school text books are echoing some of this crap, young people are believing the lies from an early age. No wonder schools want our children by age 3 now. They want to get to them before parents can teach them things. Hillary stated that the state should raise children, with parents playing a secondary role. Scary that people like her are controlling the education system and much of the media.

"Indoctrination is actually very easy to accomplish, and the purpose of this post is to expose exactly how indoctrination works.

People think that the trick to indoctrination is to control the narrative, but it is not. The trick is to control what is perceived as ‘true’. Narratives follow.

Controlling the perception of ‘truth’ starts with virtue-signaling. The left constantly portrays their positions as virtuous, and other positions as lacking virtue. Once someone buys into the notion that a position is, or is not, virtuous, then being a ‘good person’ comes from agreeing with the right positions, making it impossible to separate one’s self-identity from the political positions one holds. Once someone’s sense of virtue becomes tied to their political positions, they will defend those political positions as if their lives depended on it, as not doing so would, to them, make them lack virtue. Conversely, anyone who opposes their political positions becomes, by definition, evil.

You might notice that Democrats are often dismissive of facts. This is because they gauge the validity of different facts based on how well those facts fit their political positions, rather than gauging their political positions based on how well those positions square with the facts. Once someone accepts a position as virtuous, and ties their sense of self-virtue to holding the right positions, they become immune to facts, and will find convenient ways to blow off any facts they don’t like.

In fairness, Republicans can be just as dismissive of facts, and in fact conservatives can be just as indoctrinated as liberals. The difference is that liberals control our public schools, colleges, and media, with the vast majority of journalists, actors, directors, and others working in the media, being liberal. The vast majority of conservative college professors are in hard sciences, business schools, or engineering schools, whereas the vast majority of students go into liberal arts, where they are ‘taught’ almost entirely by liberal professors.

Imagine two people finishing their degrees. One has an engineering degree, and the other has a degree in feminist studies. The person with the engineering degree is apt to become an engineer, but what will the person with the degree in feminist studies become? What job skills has college bestowed upon this person, other than to continue to study until he or she has a doctorate in feminist studies, and can become a college professor him or herself?

Perhaps more to the point, what has the person with a doctorate in feminist studies learned? That is an absolutely worthless degree, bestowing the opposite of knowledge upon the recipient. If we are honest with ourselves, degrees like this one show only that someone has spent eight years being indoctrinated into a very dangerous political ideology, to the point where they will probably never be able to gauge truth from fiction again. Everything they believe, not only about the world, but about themselves – their entire sense of their own worth – is tied into believing the B.S. their degree program contained. How do you reach someone whose entire sense of self-value is based on not being reached? How do you give truth to someone who would be destroyed by it?

Answer? Generally speaking, you don’t reach them. People like this are intellectually dead. The few that are reached speak of red-pill moments, and become conservatives, but the vast majority of indoctrinated people spend their entire lives in intellectual purgatory, and the more of an ‘education’ they have in that indoctrination, the harder they become to reach."

Virtue Signaling and the Indoctrination of the Left | Global Liberty Media - The Counter Narrative

The root of modern American radical Leftism seems to have begun in tandem with civil rights movements in the 60's, nascence of the feminist revolution just prior, and the countercultural revolution of same era which was partially a Leftist response to the Vietnam War.

The Civil Rights movement, while incredibly important for Americans as a whole, set off more than its proponents and intended beneficiaries bargained for in its extent of nationwide violence including the spawning of radical Left-wing terrorist group, the Weather Underground Organization. Speaking directly to your pointing out liberal control of many US intellectual centers, the WUO came in to being on a university campus and was ultimately responsible for many acts of violent domestic terrorism. Their stated ultimate goal was to incite or Vanguard a radical Left revolution on American soil and overthrow the then US government.

Terrorist organization WUO along with the free love cultural movement, much like radical Leftist movements today, sought to stand against the perceived imperialism of the United States--namely its military action in Vietnam. Attached to the 60's-70's cultural revolution were militant feminism, intellectual revolution throughout the liberal arts on campuses nationwide in the form Post-Modernism, and the beginnings of an all out assault on the perceived repression of sex and ultimate freedom against organized religion, moral facts our nation was founded on, family and all other traditional values. It was here that intellectual purism combined with youth popular culture to dethrone God from American lives and minds, and replace religions--namely Christianity--with atheism and philosophizing fundamental facts of good and evil, right and wrong from the minds of Americans--particularly of the adolescent and young teen. Marxist-Leninist neo-communist elements also served as a foundational supporting system backing the cultural revolution--in hopes I believe--of using it as a recruiting ground and organizational tool for eventual actual Revolution (with a capital R) of American political systems.

The momentum of the cultural revolution diminished during the late 1970's when the most radical elements of Leftism, still supported by post modern communists, retreated to their elite university enclaves and dug in after losing support of the African American communities, who now had finally won long deserved civil liberties and whose leadership detached from militant black Islam. Additionally, communal hippy lifestyle died out as the titular hippy aged into advanced adulthood and cycled back to the sanity of living in the real world. Those who did not became your intractable radical professors who cloned copies of themselves we face today.

Throughout the 1980's and 90's the cultural revolution idled and stewed--mainly on campus radical Left strongholds, but from time to time manifested in more outrageous pop culture of the time. While I am uncertain of its exact catalyst of return the mainstream political circus, I believe we could trace its reemergence to its alliances with Planned Parenthood (now gone global) and the LGTBQ movement, both of with re-energized and recharged its momentum.

From the early 2000's to now the American political battlefield has been fertile--perhaps perfectly so--for rebirth in full unadulterated power of the cultural revolution and its continuance. With the emergence and proliferation of personal, portable computers and devices, the internet, and years of collective hatred for Christianity, all gasoline for the radical Leftist cultural movement, its wildfire engulfed America once more.

While 9/11 briefly united America against radicalized Islam, George W. Bush and his invasion of Iraq and expansion of federal security organs resent the Vietnam era call for a halt to the Left's perceived ideas of re-emerging American fascism. The stage was set. Behaviors never before imagined as acceptable by the average American were then being championed (again) through the range of pop culture: music, art, easy access pornography, etc.

Enter the internet age and smartphones; social media and steeply partisan ownership of MSM round the clock news outlets. Couple the technological revolution with a Media led psychological warfare campaign to brainwash Americans into believing the racism of the 50's 60's and 70's was back just like civil rights movement had never happened, and boom! an unholy alliance of the radical neo-communist Left was fully reborn. This time, however, it was supercharged by the nationwide shift toward Political Correctness, #MeToo movement and so-called hate speech apocalypse.

This is where we find ourselves today, far, far out on the Frontier of an American nearly driven insane by the original Cultural Revolution of the late 1950's. Today the radical Left has almost vindicated Nietzsche in convincing over half of Americans that God is dead or never existed. Children are raised at an unprecedented level in single parent or broken family homes, our children are indoctrinated into LGBTQ and Political Correctness studies at earlier and earlier ages, sanctity of marriage has been broken, abortion is freely used as contraception, and the nuclear family is just an option--rather than the way it should be,

We're living in a world turned inside out. Immigrants are given priority over citizens, calls for socialism have gone mainstream, and fully half the country seems ashamed to be an American for their hatred of one man, our President. This, what we are experiencing right now, is the zenith of the six decade cry for freedoms and liberties from so-called American imperialism and fascism, taken advantage of long ago by very forward looking neo-communists who through their lot in with women, minorities and kids protesting the Vietnam War. Shot through with radical intellectual purists--the liberal arts elitists--they have left their bastions of Marxist-Leninist university fortresses, allied with malleable young minds, and apparently will not stop until the American government built by our Founding Fathers is raised to the ground and rebuilt.

The terrifying thing in all this is millions of Americans, perhaps tens of millions, have signed on and calling for the downfall of their country at any cost . . .
Both sides virtue signal and indoctrinate.

The Alt Right and far right were good enough at it to get a President in 2016.

When other people virtue signal it was usually because they actually did something virtuous. Most people don't have a problem with this type of virtue signaling, if it can even be called such now that the term has been hijacked.

When leftists virtue signal, it's because they live in a gated community and want to communicate that they are so spoiled and have such a high value, that it doesn't matter if we let a billion 3rd world muslims in the country. They are so much better than everyone else.
There is very little noteworthy about the exposé, except to point out that this nonsense is incredibly old, as the same charges - spoiling the youth, undermining the existing order leading, before long, to the downfall of the republic - were raised against Socrates roughly 2,500 years ago. One might assume that anti-intellectual reactionaries occasionally learn a new trick. They don't, and why should they? After all, they still find willing buyers fanning the flames of paranoia while selling the same old same old.

And so we see the millionth straw man erected - the left, democrats, feminists, academia, progressives, unwashed hordes with no regard for family values, fatherland and religion - blamed for every itch and ill the reactionaries are feeling and have felt for thousands of years, and the decades and centuries of destruction and decline these critters are dead set to bring about are loudly bemoaned.

While vigorously proclaiming the "values" of old, they even go so far as to accuse the opposite number of "value signaling".

The most hilariously funny thing about all that is, of course, the whole debate playing out in light of calls to safeguard the heritage of the Founding Fathers - the forefront, the very cutting edge of historical, scientific, philosophical, legal, and political thinking of their time - by refusing to learn, and decrying any and all efforts to evolve, during the intervening years.
Both sides virtue signal and indoctrinate.

The Alt Right and far right were good enough at it to get a President in 2016.

When other people virtue signal it was usually because they actually did something virtuous. Most people don't have a problem with this type of virtue signaling, if it can even be called such now that the term has been hijacked.

When leftists virtue signal, it's because they live in a gated community and want to communicate that they are so spoiled and have such a high value, that it doesn't matter if we let a billion 3rd world muslims in the country. They are so much better than everyone else.
The virtuousness of the far and alt right of course call good bad and unvirtue viirtue.

We know the story the story of Cain, who accused Abel of virtue signaling, and acted according to his nature.

The Trumpers act according to their nature.
Mueller will pull your Orange Hope down, clementinebitterclinger.

Your virtue signaling and indoctrination of American is a failure.

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