Virtual Terrorism: Al Qaeda Video Calls for 'Electronic Jihad'


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
The al Qaeda video calls upon the "covert mujahidin" to launch cyber attacks against the U.S. networks of both government and critical infrastructure, including the electric grid. The video was obtained by the FBI last year, and released today by the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.
"This is the clearest evidence we've seen that al Qaeda and other terrorist groups want to attack the cyber systems of our critical infrastructure," Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., said in a statement.

Virtual Terrorism: Al Qaeda Video Calls for 'Electronic Jihad'
Virtual Terrorism: Al Qaeda Video Calls for 'Electronic Jihad' - Yahoo! News

Did we need evidence to know that they want to attack us in any possible way? Of course, they are always planning to get us any way they can. I thought the war on terror was over and that al Qaeda wasn't a concern now. We all know that if there was only one guy left, he'd still come after us. They will never change and never stop plotting against the infidels and we should never pretend otherwise.
kill them before they kill us.
oh wait...
obamas making peace treaties with people,whose full intention is to use children as suicide bomb targets,circumcize women,enslave native africans,destroy technological advancement and have full intent of destroying america and israel.

But,to OBAMA.....THATS GOOD!!!
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If they were successful at this, they could bring everything to a halt, from traffic lights to computers everywhere. But, lets pretend we can talk to them and make them forget centuries of hatred for infidels and maybe they will suddenly change and we can all live in the liberal utopia. Or we send them a message and back up any threats with actions.

Obama said that alQaeda isn't a big threat any more and the war on terror is over. No one on the left likes to discuss Muslims. The Muslim Brotherhood is set to take over as much of the region as possible and they are as radical as they come. Despite that, Obama treats them as potential allies rather than the hostiles they are. They hate us. They are inhumane with their treatment of women and we're supposed to ignore all that and play nice with them.
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And yet they preach the hypocrisy of supporting womens rights,yet,support a mantra and satanic cult that demands gender inequality and subsurvience?FUCK ALLAH.
The US govt funds and supports Al Qaida.

I'm convinced Americans are the dumbest mother f*ckers on the planet.
The al Qaeda video calls upon the "covert mujahidin" to launch cyber attacks against the U.S. networks of both government and critical infrastructure, including the electric grid. The video was obtained by the FBI last year, and released today by the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.
"This is the clearest evidence we've seen that al Qaeda and other terrorist groups want to attack the cyber systems of our critical infrastructure," Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., said in a statement.

Virtual Terrorism: Al Qaeda Video Calls for 'Electronic Jihad'
Virtual Terrorism: Al Qaeda Video Calls for 'Electronic Jihad' - Yahoo! News

Did we need evidence to know that they want to attack us in any possible way? Of course, they are always planning to get us any way they can. I thought the war on terror was over and that al Qaeda wasn't a concern now. We all know that if there was only one guy left, he'd still come after us. They will never change and never stop plotting against the infidels and we should never pretend otherwise.

Lieberman wants to keep the wars alive in the Middle East.
And yet they preach the hypocrisy of supporting womens rights,yet,support a mantra and satanic cult that demands gender inequality and subsurvience?FUCK ALLAH.

Anyone who doesn't condemn these radicals is not for women's rights. It's all talk with no actions or policies to back it up. As far as how Muslim women have been abused, oppressed and even killed, that isn't something they want to acknowledge. They are more outraged that a teen may have cut another teen's hair as a prank than they are about the cruel treatment suffered by Muslim women on a daily basis. The genital mutilation and oppressed life isn't something most of us can imagine, but it's the norm for them.
Barack Obama has declared that all opposition groups should have representation in the next Egyptian government, which essentially ensures that the Muslim Brotherhood will be part of that government. The Brotherhood is the largest opposition group in Egypt, so it will probably end up in the driver’s seat in any new regime, and steer Egypt toward becoming an Islamic state inveterately hostile to the United States.

So why isn’t Obama working to limit the Brotherhood’s scope and influence? Maybe because he doesn’t really have a problem with the Brotherhood, despite its hostility to America. He made sure to invite Brotherhood leaders to attend his notorious speech to the Islamic world in Cairo, Egypt, in June 4, 2009. Starting in the earliest days of his administration, he showed an intense desire to establish friendly ties with Brotherhood-linked organizations—despite the Brotherhood’s stated goal of “eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within.”

Obama first reached out to the Brotherhood when he chose the leader of a Muslim Brotherhood-linked group that had been named an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case to give a prayer during his inauguration ceremonies. Ingrid Mattson, then-president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), offered this prayer at the National Cathedral on Obama’s Inauguration Day—despite the fact that the ISNA has admitted its ties to the Brotherhood. The previous summer, federal prosecutors rejected a request from the ISNA to remove its unindicted co-conspirator status.

Obama didn’t ask Mattson to explain the ISNA’s links to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. On the contrary: He sent his senior adviser, Valerie Jarrett, to be the keynote speaker at the ISNA’s national convention in 2009.

Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood Ties - HUMAN EVENTS

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