Violent criminals are just a myth, until they aren't and you need a gun to stop them.

Being prepared my ass

I can see if you have a dangerous job, live in a dangerous area or have to handle large amount of money

But if you think you need to carry your gun into Walmart, sleep with a loaded gun, keep a gun under your car are a paranoid coward

I can’t see living my life like that

I don't keep a loaded gun under my car seat. it's on my hip where it should be
And I don't go to Walmart but I do regularly make large night deposits

And it's no different for me than carrying a pocket knife or a multi tool on my belt

A gun is just another tool that is all it is but you're probably afraid of pocket knives too

Chickenshit pussy

My 87 year old mother is braver than you. She doesn’t need a gun in her car

Tell that to all the 80 year old women who are raped in their homes.

Fear mongering .......better arm all grannies

Do you understand that the elderly are primary targets for all manner of crime and violence?
Millions of grannies do not live in fear

Why do you?
I feel sorry for them

I can’t imagine going through life with such fear

Only morons think being prepared is the same as being afraid

Do you think everyone with insurance is fearful?

Do you think everyone who fastens a safety belt in a car or locks their doors at home is fearful?
Being prepared my ass

I can see if you have a dangerous job, live in a dangerous area or have to handle large amount of money

But if you think you need to carry your gun into Walmart, sleep with a loaded gun, keep a gun under your car are a paranoid coward

I can’t see living my life like that

Every victim of crime believed the exact same thing as you do.......until the criminal enters their safe life and proves them wrong. Ask any woman raped in an alley, or i a building in downtown Chicago, or in their own home....there was a weeks long look at the Golden State killer...raped over 50 women, in their own homes, then he started killing them and their husbands...they just caught him.

Victims always think they are safe...until they aren't.

And gun nuts are already cowards who are afraid of being attacked no matter where they are, or who they're with. Not sure how a sane person could live like that, or how a person could remain sane if he thought he had to live like that.

As always you are irrational. A friend of mine pointed out that as a cop, he is often asked by friends and family why he carries his gun off duty....they ask if he is expecting trouble.....he tells them no, if he were expecting trouble he would have brought his rifle or shotgun.

A pistol is for when you don't anticipate is the fire extinguisher you never use....or your cell phone that you carry in case of an emergency.

You are the irrational one.

Please explain to the rape and murder victims how they didn't need to carry a gun the day they were raped and or murdered....I am sure they would like to hear your case.
Bad guys gunna shoot me!
Only morons think being prepared is the same as being afraid

Do you think everyone with insurance is fearful?

Do you think everyone who fastens a safety belt in a car or locks their doors at home is fearful?
Being prepared my ass

I can see if you have a dangerous job, live in a dangerous area or have to handle large amount of money

But if you think you need to carry your gun into Walmart, sleep with a loaded gun, keep a gun under your car are a paranoid coward

I can’t see living my life like that

Every victim of crime believed the exact same thing as you do.......until the criminal enters their safe life and proves them wrong. Ask any woman raped in an alley, or i a building in downtown Chicago, or in their own home....there was a weeks long look at the Golden State killer...raped over 50 women, in their own homes, then he started killing them and their husbands...they just caught him.

Victims always think they are safe...until they aren't.

And gun nuts are already cowards who are afraid of being attacked no matter where they are, or who they're with. Not sure how a sane person could live like that, or how a person could remain sane if he thought he had to live like that.

As always you are irrational. A friend of mine pointed out that as a cop, he is often asked by friends and family why he carries his gun off duty....they ask if he is expecting trouble.....he tells them no, if he were expecting trouble he would have brought his rifle or shotgun.

A pistol is for when you don't anticipate is the fire extinguisher you never use....or your cell phone that you carry in case of an emergency.

You are the irrational one.

Please explain to the rape and murder victims how they didn't need to carry a gun the day they were raped and or murdered....I am sure they would like to hear your case.

So now you think you're a cop?

You should really stop mixing your meds with makes you even more irrational and mentally confused than normal.
Being prepared my ass

I can see if you have a dangerous job, live in a dangerous area or have to handle large amount of money

But if you think you need to carry your gun into Walmart, sleep with a loaded gun, keep a gun under your car are a paranoid coward

I can’t see living my life like that

Every victim of crime believed the exact same thing as you do.......until the criminal enters their safe life and proves them wrong. Ask any woman raped in an alley, or i a building in downtown Chicago, or in their own home....there was a weeks long look at the Golden State killer...raped over 50 women, in their own homes, then he started killing them and their husbands...they just caught him.

Victims always think they are safe...until they aren't.

And gun nuts are already cowards who are afraid of being attacked no matter where they are, or who they're with. Not sure how a sane person could live like that, or how a person could remain sane if he thought he had to live like that.

As always you are irrational. A friend of mine pointed out that as a cop, he is often asked by friends and family why he carries his gun off duty....they ask if he is expecting trouble.....he tells them no, if he were expecting trouble he would have brought his rifle or shotgun.

A pistol is for when you don't anticipate is the fire extinguisher you never use....or your cell phone that you carry in case of an emergency.

You are the irrational one.

Please explain to the rape and murder victims how they didn't need to carry a gun the day they were raped and or murdered....I am sure they would like to hear your case.

So now you think you're a cop?

You should really stop mixing your meds with makes you even more irrational and mentally confused than normal.

I'm sure you are familiar with the results of doing that, but you shouldn't try to accuse others of what you so obviously do.
When you discuss gun self defense here on U.S.messageboard, the anti gunners call anyone who carries a gun for self defense cowards, and various other names...."What, you can't go outside without a gun, what kind of wimp, coward, are you." And then you get the " no one in my family has ever, ever been a victim of crime so no one should ever be allowed to carry or own a gun for self defense since because no one in my family has ever, ever been a victim of any crime, it is obvious that no one ever, anywhere in this country needs a gun for self defense...."

And then something like this happens.....

Video: Armed citizen effectively defends family in Houston

Investigators said it all started when the man’s wife pulled into their driveway Tuesday night. Then the two armed suspects jumped out and tried to rob her.

First, they took her purse, and then they tried to force her into the house. However, that is when her husband showed up.

He heard the commotion from inside, grabbed his gun and ended up exchanging gunfire with the intruders. Fortunately, the couple weren’t hit, but one of the suspects was hit in the head, police said. The other suspect took off running.

“One can only imagine what was going through their mind,” Choi added. I’d guess it was something along the lines of thank goodness we could effectively defend ourselves. The victims should be thankful to live in a state that doesn’t go out of its way to interfere with that right, too.

A good guy with a gun not only stopped a bad guy with a gun, but he almost certainly saved lives, starting with his own. Opponents of the individual right to bear arms usually dismiss these scenarios as improbable, if not entirely theoretical. That’s why it’s well worth highlighting such incidents when they occur, even if they largely speak for themselves.
Total bullshit!! I'll match your HERO fantasy garbage with the #'s of men who kill or try to kill the women and the kids they "love", not to mention the accidental shootings resulting in death or injury of both groups by just having those guns in the house.

Do not blow smoke up our keyboards.

"I'll match that with scumbags!" Um, why? Exactly what is your fucking point? That all men should be helpless to defend their families, because a relatively small number of men are assholes?
My favorite lines from people who see violent crimes

"That kind of thing never happens here"

Well , Moron it obviously did happen

Or when speaking of a murder victim

" Everyone loved him/her "

Well, Idiot, obviously at least one person didn't

So when you gun banning head in the sand ostriches are the victim of a crime please try to come up with something more original
^^^^^^^^^^Advice from a coward^^^^^^^^^

We shall see won't we?

What will you do if you are the victim of a home invasion?

Oh wait I know you'll piss you pants and watch your family members be brutalized

I'm not opposed to guns, and certainly not against using them to defend your home. Invade my home, one of us is getting shot. Doesn't mean I'm going to hide behind a gun every minute of every day. Coward.
I'm sure said piece of shit home invader will patiently wait for you to go to your gun safe( if you had one) open it and load a weapon before he rapes your daughters
Gee, get a home alarm. You'll have plenty of time.

I've noticed the victims of home invasions typically know the invader in some way. Stay away from criminals.

Plenty of time to do WHAT, exactly? I mean, if you get an alarm instead of getting a gun, that just means you get an extra couple of minutes to say, "Oh shit, we are so fucked." Then what?
When you discuss gun self defense here on U.S.messageboard, the anti gunners call anyone who carries a gun for self defense cowards, and various other names...."What, you can't go outside without a gun, what kind of wimp, coward, are you." And then you get the " no one in my family has ever, ever been a victim of crime so no one should ever be allowed to carry or own a gun for self defense since because no one in my family has ever, ever been a victim of any crime, it is obvious that no one ever, anywhere in this country needs a gun for self defense...."

And then something like this happens.....

Video: Armed citizen effectively defends family in Houston

Investigators said it all started when the man’s wife pulled into their driveway Tuesday night. Then the two armed suspects jumped out and tried to rob her.

First, they took her purse, and then they tried to force her into the house. However, that is when her husband showed up.

He heard the commotion from inside, grabbed his gun and ended up exchanging gunfire with the intruders. Fortunately, the couple weren’t hit, but one of the suspects was hit in the head, police said. The other suspect took off running.

“One can only imagine what was going through their mind,” Choi added. I’d guess it was something along the lines of thank goodness we could effectively defend ourselves. The victims should be thankful to live in a state that doesn’t go out of its way to interfere with that right, too.

A good guy with a gun not only stopped a bad guy with a gun, but he almost certainly saved lives, starting with his own. Opponents of the individual right to bear arms usually dismiss these scenarios as improbable, if not entirely theoretical. That’s why it’s well worth highlighting such incidents when they occur, even if they largely speak for themselves.
We seem to have more armed robbers than other countries. Why is that? The bloody 2nd and the gun/criminal lobby keeps them well armed. I`d swap 5 million Muslims or illegals for 5 million NRA members any day of the week. They are public enemy #1 and there isn`t a close #2. Okay, bring on the crazy gun spam in multiple colors.

"Seem to have more armed robbers" based on what? WHICH other countries? Do not set out a premise based solely on your "feelz" and expect anyone to argue as though it's meaningful. FACTS, mouthbreather. Provide some. And do not try on that "Now that I've been so smart, YOU are all crazy" attitude until you've earned it.
My favorite lines from people who see violent crimes

"That kind of thing never happens here"

Well , Moron it obviously did happen

Or when speaking of a murder victim

" Everyone loved him/her "

Well, Idiot, obviously at least one person didn't

So when you gun banning head in the sand ostriches are the victim of a crime please try to come up with something more original
^^^^^^^^^^Advice from a coward^^^^^^^^^

We shall see won't we?

What will you do if you are the victim of a home invasion?

Oh wait I know you'll piss you pants and watch your family members be brutalized

I'm not opposed to guns, and certainly not against using them to defend your home. Invade my home, one of us is getting shot. Doesn't mean I'm going to hide behind a gun every minute of every day. Coward.
Progressives do not get to say what other people do with their firearm ownership

And I suppose you reserve that right for yourself.

You mistakenly assume that because YOU want the power to tell others what to do, everyone else wants that power, too.

Conservatives are only interested in deciding what they do with THEIR OWN rights.
Progressives do not get to say what other people do with their firearm ownership

You're right. You hide behind that gun all you think you need to.------coward.
What will YOU do to protect your family when an armed burglar breaks into your home?

I don't need to be armed at a little league ball game to protect my family if someone breaks into my house.

Yes...tell that to the Republican baseball team when the left wing, democrat, bernie sanders supporter tried to murder them.......
What`s the big deal? Scalise didn`t mind getting shot at the baseball game. He`s still owned by the NRA.

Just out of curiosity, is your mother aware that you grew up to be a disgusting, insensitive piece-of-shit person who thinks the "righteousness" of his political views justifies any behavior? Are YOU aware of this fact?
When you discuss gun self defense here on U.S.messageboard, the anti gunners call anyone who carries a gun for self defense cowards, and various other names...."What, you can't go outside without a gun, what kind of wimp, coward, are you." And then you get the " no one in my family has ever, ever been a victim of crime so no one should ever be allowed to carry or own a gun for self defense since because no one in my family has ever, ever been a victim of any crime, it is obvious that no one ever, anywhere in this country needs a gun for self defense...."

And then something like this happens.....

Video: Armed citizen effectively defends family in Houston

Investigators said it all started when the man’s wife pulled into their driveway Tuesday night. Then the two armed suspects jumped out and tried to rob her.

First, they took her purse, and then they tried to force her into the house. However, that is when her husband showed up.

He heard the commotion from inside, grabbed his gun and ended up exchanging gunfire with the intruders. Fortunately, the couple weren’t hit, but one of the suspects was hit in the head, police said. The other suspect took off running.

“One can only imagine what was going through their mind,” Choi added. I’d guess it was something along the lines of thank goodness we could effectively defend ourselves. The victims should be thankful to live in a state that doesn’t go out of its way to interfere with that right, too.

A good guy with a gun not only stopped a bad guy with a gun, but he almost certainly saved lives, starting with his own. Opponents of the individual right to bear arms usually dismiss these scenarios as improbable, if not entirely theoretical. That’s why it’s well worth highlighting such incidents when they occur, even if they largely speak for themselves.

And with guns, the US is a more violent place.

Then why does the UK have twice as many rape and assault victims per capita than the US?

Also a higher rate of "hot" burglaries, if I remember correctly.
What will YOU do to protect your family when an armed burglar breaks into your home?

I don't need to be armed at a little league ball game to protect my family if someone breaks into my house.

Yes...tell that to the Republican baseball team when the left wing, democrat, bernie sanders supporter tried to murder them.......
What`s the big deal? Scalise didn`t mind getting shot at the baseball game. He`s still owned by the NRA.

What he did mind is the fact that several members of the baseball team had concealed carry permits for guns that they couldn't carry because of democrat gun free zone guns. If Scalise hadn't been there with his security detail, no one would have been there with a gun to shoot the attacker.... those gun free zones are on the democrats and the gun murder rate in this country is also on the democrats who refuse to keep violent gun offenders in jail.
Would we have so many "violent gun offenders" if you didn`t help them acquire guns?

In what way are we "helping them acquire guns"? Be specific.
I don't need to be armed at a little league ball game to protect my family if someone breaks into my house.

Yes...tell that to the Republican baseball team when the left wing, democrat, bernie sanders supporter tried to murder them.......
What`s the big deal? Scalise didn`t mind getting shot at the baseball game. He`s still owned by the NRA.

What he did mind is the fact that several members of the baseball team had concealed carry permits for guns that they couldn't carry because of democrat gun free zone guns. If Scalise hadn't been there with his security detail, no one would have been there with a gun to shoot the attacker.... those gun free zones are on the democrats and the gun murder rate in this country is also on the democrats who refuse to keep violent gun offenders in jail.
Would we have so many "violent gun offenders" if you didn`t help them acquire guns?

In what way are we "helping them acquire guns"? Be specific.
By saying no to the most innocuous of gun control proposals. Have bump stocks been banned yet?
When it really happens it's not a fantasy. :)

And you get a boner dreaming about that time.
Your pussy gets wet dreaming about gang rape. :)

What is wrong with you?
I'm not a man.

Anything clicking yet?

Not sure what your fun parts have to do with it. Your brain seems to be malfunctioning.
A simple No would have sufficed.
Yes...tell that to the Republican baseball team when the left wing, democrat, bernie sanders supporter tried to murder them.......
What`s the big deal? Scalise didn`t mind getting shot at the baseball game. He`s still owned by the NRA.

What he did mind is the fact that several members of the baseball team had concealed carry permits for guns that they couldn't carry because of democrat gun free zone guns. If Scalise hadn't been there with his security detail, no one would have been there with a gun to shoot the attacker.... those gun free zones are on the democrats and the gun murder rate in this country is also on the democrats who refuse to keep violent gun offenders in jail.
Would we have so many "violent gun offenders" if you didn`t help them acquire guns?

In what way are we "helping them acquire guns"? Be specific.
By saying no to the most innocuous of gun control proposals. Have bump stocks been banned yet?

So we're practically handing out guns like party favors if we don't accede to any and every ban you propose and claim is "innocuous"? Try no. Better yet, try "fuck you". We'll get busy on guilt over "if you don't ban bump stocks, you're helping criminals get guns!" just as soon as YOU get busy feeling guilty over "If you hadn't insisted on gun-free zones, mass murderers wouldn't have ready-made shooting galleries". How about it?
^^^^^^^^^^Advice from a coward^^^^^^^^^

We shall see won't we?

What will you do if you are the victim of a home invasion?

Oh wait I know you'll piss you pants and watch your family members be brutalized

I'm not opposed to guns, and certainly not against using them to defend your home. Invade my home, one of us is getting shot. Doesn't mean I'm going to hide behind a gun every minute of every day. Coward.
Progressives do not get to say what other people do with their firearm ownership

And I suppose you reserve that right for yourself.

You mistakenly assume that because YOU want the power to tell others what to do, everyone else wants that power, too.

Conservatives are only interested in deciding what they do with THEIR OWN rights.

I want common sense laws. Simple as that. You want no laws. We are a nation of laws. A Nation without laws cannot be a Nation.
I'm not opposed to guns, and certainly not against using them to defend your home. Invade my home, one of us is getting shot. Doesn't mean I'm going to hide behind a gun every minute of every day. Coward.
Progressives do not get to say what other people do with their firearm ownership

You're right. You hide behind that gun all you think you need to.------coward.
Shows you know nothing about concealed carry

Stay within the law in your responses. Not everyone can get a CCW. Even if it's your right, it might be almost impossible to get it due to many reasons. You are back to saying everyone is safer if they are armed. So let's look at some history of our nation. And we are NOT any more civilized today than before.

Due to the duels and gun fights, Congress barred guns from their buildings and only allowed security people to be armed. They also barred duels involving any member of congress or their staff. This also included the Executive Branch. There were too many arguments being settled with firearms.

In 1871, many western towns and cities barred carrying firearms inside of city limits. This included concealed weapons but they didn't look too closely for those. If you pulled your concealed weapon and used it, you were generally hung for murder. If you think the shootout at the OK Corral was about Ruselers V Law, you would be wrong. The Earps entered what they thought was going to be a civil meeting with their guns pointed down. It was about the Cowboys demanding to wear their guns inside of city limits. The Clantons and McCloweries opened fire first and the smoke flew. In some towns, you got one warning. The next warning, the Marshals didn't wait. They just shot you dead when they saw you with your gun. These others didn't make the penny dreadfulls since neither party was as famous as the Earps. It wasn't too long that the Wild Wild West wasn't wild anymore. The Cowboys no longer shot up the towns and killed innocent people with stray shots and damaged private property with their bullets. But it was pretty wild from 1866 to 1870 though. The Wild Wild West lasted only 4 years. Even the Indian Wars were winding down.

There has been common sense gun controls in the country since almost the day it was created. And not so common sense from the very early days. And some not so common sense ones that were thrown out starting in 1869. What's happened is we have forgotten those common sense gun regulations and have tried to turn it back to the Wild Wild West. And we are still just not any more civilized to do that.
The so called wild west wasn't very wild but if you get your history from spaghetti westerns and Louis L amour novels you might think it was

And we have plenty of gun controls as it is we certainly don't need any more

LOL, I already stated the real WW was only really 4 years long. This is where most of the stories were actually originated from and then expanded on. By the time the Penny Dreadfuls or Dime Novels were in full swing, things were very quiet. But you don't want to listen to that. You would rather just make crap up.

Yes, we have had plenty of good gun laws. And if we keep with the trend, we are going to have more common sense gun laws. You can't stop it no matter how bad you holler and beller.
What`s the big deal? Scalise didn`t mind getting shot at the baseball game. He`s still owned by the NRA.

What he did mind is the fact that several members of the baseball team had concealed carry permits for guns that they couldn't carry because of democrat gun free zone guns. If Scalise hadn't been there with his security detail, no one would have been there with a gun to shoot the attacker.... those gun free zones are on the democrats and the gun murder rate in this country is also on the democrats who refuse to keep violent gun offenders in jail.
Would we have so many "violent gun offenders" if you didn`t help them acquire guns?

In what way are we "helping them acquire guns"? Be specific.
By saying no to the most innocuous of gun control proposals. Have bump stocks been banned yet?

So we're practically handing out guns like party favors if we don't accede to any and every ban you propose and claim is "innocuous"? Try no. Better yet, try "fuck you". We'll get busy on guilt over "if you don't ban bump stocks, you're helping criminals get guns!" just as soon as YOU get busy feeling guilty over "If you hadn't insisted on gun-free zones, mass murderers wouldn't have ready-made shooting galleries". How about it?

Funny you should mention Gun Free Zones. The first Gun Free Zone was the United States Congress. They got sick and tired of having to replace their members because they kept shooting each other.
When you discuss gun self defense here on U.S.messageboard, the anti gunners call anyone who carries a gun for self defense cowards, and various other names...."What, you can't go outside without a gun, what kind of wimp, coward, are you." And then you get the " no one in my family has ever, ever been a victim of crime so no one should ever be allowed to carry or own a gun for self defense since because no one in my family has ever, ever been a victim of any crime, it is obvious that no one ever, anywhere in this country needs a gun for self defense...."

And then something like this happens.....

Video: Armed citizen effectively defends family in Houston

Investigators said it all started when the man’s wife pulled into their driveway Tuesday night. Then the two armed suspects jumped out and tried to rob her.

First, they took her purse, and then they tried to force her into the house. However, that is when her husband showed up.

He heard the commotion from inside, grabbed his gun and ended up exchanging gunfire with the intruders. Fortunately, the couple weren’t hit, but one of the suspects was hit in the head, police said. The other suspect took off running.

“One can only imagine what was going through their mind,” Choi added. I’d guess it was something along the lines of thank goodness we could effectively defend ourselves. The victims should be thankful to live in a state that doesn’t go out of its way to interfere with that right, too.

A good guy with a gun not only stopped a bad guy with a gun, but he almost certainly saved lives, starting with his own. Opponents of the individual right to bear arms usually dismiss these scenarios as improbable, if not entirely theoretical. That’s why it’s well worth highlighting such incidents when they occur, even if they largely speak for themselves.

And with guns, the US is a more violent place.

Then why does the UK have twice as many rape and assault victims per capita than the US?

According to Politifact:
Social media post says U.K. has far higher violent crime rate than U.S. does
The meme said "there are over 2,000 crimes recorded per 100,000 population in the U.K.," compared to "466 violent crimes per 100,000" in the United States. Our preliminary attempt to make an apples-to-apples comparison shows a much smaller difference in violent crime rates between the two countries, but criminologists say differences in how the statistics are collected make it impossible to produce a truly valid comparison. We rate the claim False.

It's pretty well known in the US that less than half of all rapes are not reported. I won't go as far as one report that claimed it was as low as one in 4 but it's pretty low. There is no way of us knowing how many rapes in Britain go unreported. But if it follows the assault reports, it's going to be a much higher percentage than the US. Reason comes into play here. I doubt if there really is much difference in the rate between the two countries and there is no real way to prove one way or the other.

Equivocation at its best

Post editing at it's worst.
When you discuss gun self defense here on U.S.messageboard, the anti gunners call anyone who carries a gun for self defense cowards, and various other names...."What, you can't go outside without a gun, what kind of wimp, coward, are you." And then you get the " no one in my family has ever, ever been a victim of crime so no one should ever be allowed to carry or own a gun for self defense since because no one in my family has ever, ever been a victim of any crime, it is obvious that no one ever, anywhere in this country needs a gun for self defense...."

And then something like this happens.....

Video: Armed citizen effectively defends family in Houston

Investigators said it all started when the man’s wife pulled into their driveway Tuesday night. Then the two armed suspects jumped out and tried to rob her.

First, they took her purse, and then they tried to force her into the house. However, that is when her husband showed up.

He heard the commotion from inside, grabbed his gun and ended up exchanging gunfire with the intruders. Fortunately, the couple weren’t hit, but one of the suspects was hit in the head, police said. The other suspect took off running.

“One can only imagine what was going through their mind,” Choi added. I’d guess it was something along the lines of thank goodness we could effectively defend ourselves. The victims should be thankful to live in a state that doesn’t go out of its way to interfere with that right, too.

A good guy with a gun not only stopped a bad guy with a gun, but he almost certainly saved lives, starting with his own. Opponents of the individual right to bear arms usually dismiss these scenarios as improbable, if not entirely theoretical. That’s why it’s well worth highlighting such incidents when they occur, even if they largely speak for themselves.
People who need to carry guns are pussies

Not always. There are times when being armed might be very reasonable. If you're not a cop, or military, and you think you need to be armed 24/7, you're either a thug, or a coward, or crazy.
Once you are armed, you are looking for opportunities to use it

Everyone is a potential bad guy

If you shoot someone, just say you felt threatened

And yet, that isn't true...did it hurt pulling that out of your ass? Since it has no basis in fact, truth or we have seen over the last 25 years of increased gun ownership....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Got a good grip on that ass? Using your own cite, it goes on to show that certain age groups were placed in jail that were the highest rate of gun crimes during that time period for other crimes like drugs. The Drug related Gun Crimes went way down due to this. There was a huge crackdown by the authorities during this time period. That's just one of the theories given by your cite. Yes, the rate went down but no one can quite figure out why. There are lot of theories but no substantial facts why.

As for the numbers. The Number of weapons doesn't mean that we have that many people owning that many guns. MOST people don't own guns. MOST people don't carry guns. MOST guns are owned by only a few people. When you have a person own 5 or more guns, that skews the figures a bit. I know quite a few people with 20 or more guns. But I know a lot more people with no guns at all. And I live in the Gun Pro Capital of this State. Pretty much like percentiles, any number you come up with is going to be incorrect or just made up. There is an 86% chance that that this poll is incorrect, including this poll.

BTW, CDC got out of this business a couple of years ago. Congress threatened to defund them them. It was noted they became too Political and Partisan. Their finding were beginning to no longer be scientific in many areas and were slanted. The CDC was coming to a conclusion and then doing the "Scientific" study to end up with their predetermined conclusion. This isn't anything new in the Scientific Community. It's a trap that happens all the time and has to be put into check from time to time. The Firearms CDC date ends up false or, at the very least, inaccurate or incomplete.

So keep spewing those figures. Most of us take them with a grain of salt. Are they accurate? Maybe or not. Can you explain them? Probably not. Does the sun not come up in the Morning if we ignore them? Probably not, but I'll take my chances.

But one thing is proven, you certainly can copy and paste from fringe sites with the best of them.
We shall see won't we?

What will you do if you are the victim of a home invasion?

Oh wait I know you'll piss you pants and watch your family members be brutalized

I'm not opposed to guns, and certainly not against using them to defend your home. Invade my home, one of us is getting shot. Doesn't mean I'm going to hide behind a gun every minute of every day. Coward.
Progressives do not get to say what other people do with their firearm ownership

And I suppose you reserve that right for yourself.

You mistakenly assume that because YOU want the power to tell others what to do, everyone else wants that power, too.

Conservatives are only interested in deciding what they do with THEIR OWN rights.

I want common sense laws. Simple as that. You want no laws. We are a nation of laws. A Nation without laws cannot be a Nation.

"I want common sense laws" = "Anything that I feelz is good is common sense!"

"You want no laws!" = "You don't agree with me!"

Spare me.

Contrary to your second-grade, binary worldview, there's a whole spectrum of options between the anarchy you imagine I want and the nanny government your every post tells us you want.

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