Violent criminals are just a myth, until they aren't and you need a gun to stop them.

i got no issue with open is what i dont get....i am sitting around open carrying....there is a chill in the air ..i put on my hoodie and suddenly i have to have a permit?

I agree with that.

IMO if you can legally purchase and own a firearm there is no need for additional permits to carry concealed or otherwise
My 87 year old mother goes about her life without packing a gun. Why are you afraid?

Not afraid prepared

I;m sure these 2 elderly people that were the victims of a home invasion didn't think they needed a gun either....... until they did

There many many more instances of this happening all over the country that you think it can't happen to you is naive to the point of mental retardation

You are demonstrating the cowardice of gun owners

You read about an elderly couple being attacked and jump at shadows the rest of your life.

Sad, you have to live like that, hundreds of millions of Americans go through their lives without being afraid of the boogie man

I really don't care what you or anyone else thinks when I do I'll let you know

The fact is if I was standing right next to you your would be 100% ignorant of the fact I was carrying like you are a myriad of other facts

and FYI there are a lot more examples of people being victims of home invasions

Like the one where a Doctor in an affluent suburb was beaten within an inch of his life and his wife and daughters were raped and then burned alive

but go ahead and tell yourself that shit like this never happens

Hey maybe you'll be one of those morons on the news who says

"Things like that never happen here" after it eventually does happen
I hate carrying my stupid cell phone

I can’t imagine being so afraid that I have to walk around with a concealed weapon....just in case

Sad way to have to live your life

No worse than being ignorant of the real world

SO what if i carry a gun and never need it

It's none of your fucking business and I really don't care what you think.

And people do a lot of things just in case like paying for homeowners insurance even though your house will never burn down, disability insurance even though you'll never use it etc

It's called prudence and protecting one's investments

It is called being a pussy
Not afraid prepared

I;m sure these 2 elderly people that were the victims of a home invasion didn't think they needed a gun either....... until they did

There many many more instances of this happening all over the country that you think it can't happen to you is naive to the point of mental retardation

You are demonstrating the cowardice of gun owners

You read about an elderly couple being attacked and jump at shadows the rest of your life.

Sad, you have to live like that, hundreds of millions of Americans go through their lives without being afraid of the boogie man

I really don't care what you or anyone else thinks when I do I'll let you know

The fact is if I was standing right next to you your would be 100% ignorant of the fact I was carrying like you are a myriad of other facts

and FYI there are a lot more examples of people being victims of home invasions

Like the one where a Doctor in an affluent suburb was beaten within an inch of his life and his wife and daughters were raped and then burned alive

but go ahead and tell yourself that shit like this never happens

Hey maybe you'll be one of those morons on the news who says

"Things like that never happen here" after it eventually does happen
I hate carrying my stupid cell phone

I can’t imagine being so afraid that I have to walk around with a concealed weapon....just in case

Sad way to have to live your life

No worse than being ignorant of the real world

SO what if i carry a gun and never need it

It's none of your fucking business and I really don't care what you think.

And people do a lot of things just in case like paying for homeowners insurance even though your house will never burn down, disability insurance even though you'll never use it etc

It's called prudence and protecting one's investments

It is called being a pussy

Do you ever get tired of being so immature?

hold your breath until I give a fuck what you think

Another “brave” Target shopper
Not always. There are times when being armed might be very reasonable. If you're not a cop, or military, and you think you need to be armed 24/7, you're either a thug, or a coward, or crazy.
Once you are armed, you are looking for opportunities to use it

Everyone is a potential bad guy

If you shoot someone, just say you felt threatened
Complete and utter bullshit

CCW permit holders are some of the most law abiding people in the country.
I feel sorry for them

I can’t imagine going through life with such fear

Only morons think being prepared is the same as being afraid

Do you think everyone with insurance is fearful?

Do you think everyone who fastens a safety belt in a car or locks their doors at home is fearful?
Being prepared my ass

I can see if you have a dangerous job, live in a dangerous area or have to handle large amount of money

But if you think you need to carry your gun into Walmart, sleep with a loaded gun, keep a gun under your car are a paranoid coward

I can’t see living my life like that

Every victim of crime believed the exact same thing as you do.......until the criminal enters their safe life and proves them wrong. Ask any woman raped in an alley, or i a building in downtown Chicago, or in their own home....there was a weeks long look at the Golden State killer...raped over 50 women, in their own homes, then he started killing them and their husbands...they just caught him.

Victims always think they are safe...until they aren't.
Complete and utter bullshit

CCW permit holders are some of the most law abiding people in the country.
I feel sorry for them

I can’t imagine going through life with such fear

Only morons think being prepared is the same as being afraid

Do you think everyone with insurance is fearful?

Do you think everyone who fastens a safety belt in a car or locks their doors at home is fearful?
Being prepared my ass

I can see if you have a dangerous job, live in a dangerous area or have to handle large amount of money

But if you think you need to carry your gun into Walmart, sleep with a loaded gun, keep a gun under your car are a paranoid coward

I can’t see living my life like that

I don't keep a loaded gun under my car seat. it's on my hip where it should be
And I don't go to Walmart but I do regularly make large night deposits

And it's no different for me than carrying a pocket knife or a multi tool on my belt

A gun is just another tool that is all it is but you're probably afraid of pocket knives too

Chickenshit pussy

My 87 year old mother is braver than you. She doesn’t need a gun in her car

Tell that to all the 80 year old women who are raped in their homes.
Only morons think being prepared is the same as being afraid

Do you think everyone with insurance is fearful?

Do you think everyone who fastens a safety belt in a car or locks their doors at home is fearful?
Being prepared my ass

I can see if you have a dangerous job, live in a dangerous area or have to handle large amount of money

But if you think you need to carry your gun into Walmart, sleep with a loaded gun, keep a gun under your car are a paranoid coward

I can’t see living my life like that

I don't keep a loaded gun under my car seat. it's on my hip where it should be
And I don't go to Walmart but I do regularly make large night deposits

And it's no different for me than carrying a pocket knife or a multi tool on my belt

A gun is just another tool that is all it is but you're probably afraid of pocket knives too

Chickenshit pussy

My 87 year old mother is braver than you. She doesn’t need a gun in her car
I don't keep a gun in my car

Can't you read?
You claim to carry one while driving

Guess you need one if somebody cuts you off

Tell that to the two people in Walmart who were the victims of attempted car jacking, one right after the other, who both stopped the guy because they both had guns......
If I felt the need to carry, it would not be concealed. It would be in full display so anyone looking to fuck with me would maybe think twice about it.

Actually, the better decision is to conceal it.....that way they don't know who has a gun......they can just disarm you before you know you are a target.....but better to have it than not have it if you are a victim of a violent criminal.
i got no issue with open is what i dont get....i am sitting around open carrying....there is a chill in the air ..i put on my hoodie and suddenly i have to have a permit?

Yep.....there are two reasons they require permits....1) to generate revenue, and 2) to place you in legal peril if you slip up...then they get to strip you of your gun rights.

There is no legitimate reason to require a permit to carry a gun.

If you are already a criminal, you can't get one to begin with.

If you carry a gun and use it illegally, you can already be arrested.

If you carry it, get stopped by police for any reason, they can simply see if you are a convicted felon or if you have warrants...if you don't, you go on your way, if you do, they can already arrest you.
Once you are armed, you are looking for opportunities to use it

Everyone is a potential bad guy

If you shoot someone, just say you felt threatened
Complete and utter bullshit

CCW permit holders are some of the most law abiding people in the country.
I feel sorry for them

I can’t imagine going through life with such fear

Only morons think being prepared is the same as being afraid

Do you think everyone with insurance is fearful?

Do you think everyone who fastens a safety belt in a car or locks their doors at home is fearful?
Being prepared my ass

I can see if you have a dangerous job, live in a dangerous area or have to handle large amount of money

But if you think you need to carry your gun into Walmart, sleep with a loaded gun, keep a gun under your car are a paranoid coward

I can’t see living my life like that

Every victim of crime believed the exact same thing as you do.......until the criminal enters their safe life and proves them wrong. Ask any woman raped in an alley, or i a building in downtown Chicago, or in their own home....there was a weeks long look at the Golden State killer...raped over 50 women, in their own homes, then he started killing them and their husbands...they just caught him.

Victims always think they are safe...until they aren't.
Why gun owners who conceal carry are pussies

Afraid to go out in public unless 87 year old mother does it without fear
I feel sorry for them

I can’t imagine going through life with such fear

Only morons think being prepared is the same as being afraid

Do you think everyone with insurance is fearful?

Do you think everyone who fastens a safety belt in a car or locks their doors at home is fearful?
Being prepared my ass

I can see if you have a dangerous job, live in a dangerous area or have to handle large amount of money

But if you think you need to carry your gun into Walmart, sleep with a loaded gun, keep a gun under your car are a paranoid coward

I can’t see living my life like that

I don't keep a loaded gun under my car seat. it's on my hip where it should be
And I don't go to Walmart but I do regularly make large night deposits

And it's no different for me than carrying a pocket knife or a multi tool on my belt

A gun is just another tool that is all it is but you're probably afraid of pocket knives too

Chickenshit pussy

My 87 year old mother is braver than you. She doesn’t need a gun in her car

Tell that to all the 80 year old women who are raped in their homes.

Fear mongering .......better arm all grannies
Only morons think being prepared is the same as being afraid

Do you think everyone with insurance is fearful?

Do you think everyone who fastens a safety belt in a car or locks their doors at home is fearful?
Being prepared my ass

I can see if you have a dangerous job, live in a dangerous area or have to handle large amount of money

But if you think you need to carry your gun into Walmart, sleep with a loaded gun, keep a gun under your car are a paranoid coward

I can’t see living my life like that

I don't keep a loaded gun under my car seat. it's on my hip where it should be
And I don't go to Walmart but I do regularly make large night deposits

And it's no different for me than carrying a pocket knife or a multi tool on my belt

A gun is just another tool that is all it is but you're probably afraid of pocket knives too

Chickenshit pussy

My 87 year old mother is braver than you. She doesn’t need a gun in her car

Tell that to all the 80 year old women who are raped in their homes.

Fear mongering .......better arm all grannies

Do you understand that the elderly are primary targets for all manner of crime and violence?
Once you are armed, you are looking for opportunities to use it

Everyone is a potential bad guy

If you shoot someone, just say you felt threatened
Complete and utter bullshit

CCW permit holders are some of the most law abiding people in the country.
I feel sorry for them

I can’t imagine going through life with such fear

Only morons think being prepared is the same as being afraid

Do you think everyone with insurance is fearful?

Do you think everyone who fastens a safety belt in a car or locks their doors at home is fearful?
Being prepared my ass

I can see if you have a dangerous job, live in a dangerous area or have to handle large amount of money

But if you think you need to carry your gun into Walmart, sleep with a loaded gun, keep a gun under your car are a paranoid coward

I can’t see living my life like that

I don't keep a loaded gun under my car seat. it's on my hip where it should be
And I don't go to Walmart but I do regularly make large night deposits

And it's no different for me than carrying a pocket knife or a multi tool on my belt

A gun is just another tool that is all it is but you're probably afraid of pocket knives too

Admit it. It's a fashion statement.
Complete and utter bullshit

CCW permit holders are some of the most law abiding people in the country.
I feel sorry for them

I can’t imagine going through life with such fear

Only morons think being prepared is the same as being afraid

Do you think everyone with insurance is fearful?

Do you think everyone who fastens a safety belt in a car or locks their doors at home is fearful?
Being prepared my ass

I can see if you have a dangerous job, live in a dangerous area or have to handle large amount of money

But if you think you need to carry your gun into Walmart, sleep with a loaded gun, keep a gun under your car are a paranoid coward

I can’t see living my life like that

I don't keep a loaded gun under my car seat. it's on my hip where it should be
And I don't go to Walmart but I do regularly make large night deposits

And it's no different for me than carrying a pocket knife or a multi tool on my belt

A gun is just another tool that is all it is but you're probably afraid of pocket knives too

Admit it. It's a fashion statement.

If you conceal it, how the fuck is it a fashion statement....? you moron.
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Once you are armed, you are looking for opportunities to use it

Everyone is a potential bad guy

If you shoot someone, just say you felt threatened

And yet, that isn't true...did it hurt pulling that out of your ass? Since it has no basis in fact, truth or we have seen over the last 25 years of increased gun ownership....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
17 million people carrying guns

How sad that so many Americans live in fear

How many people wear seat belts?

I guess they live in fear too

My 87 year old mother goes about her life without packing a gun. Why are you afraid?

Not afraid prepared

I;m sure these 2 elderly people that were the victims of a home invasion didn't think they needed a gun either....... until they did

There many many more instances of this happening all over the country that you think it can't happen to you is naive to the point of mental retardation

That's OK. Nobody expects you to admit you are a coward. It's obvious no matter what you might say or not say.
When you discuss gun self defense here on U.S.messageboard, the anti gunners call anyone who carries a gun for self defense cowards, and various other names...."What, you can't go outside without a gun, what kind of wimp, coward, are you." And then you get the " no one in my family has ever, ever been a victim of crime so no one should ever be allowed to carry or own a gun for self defense since because no one in my family has ever, ever been a victim of any crime, it is obvious that no one ever, anywhere in this country needs a gun for self defense...."

And then something like this happens.....

Video: Armed citizen effectively defends family in Houston

Investigators said it all started when the man’s wife pulled into their driveway Tuesday night. Then the two armed suspects jumped out and tried to rob her.

First, they took her purse, and then they tried to force her into the house. However, that is when her husband showed up.

He heard the commotion from inside, grabbed his gun and ended up exchanging gunfire with the intruders. Fortunately, the couple weren’t hit, but one of the suspects was hit in the head, police said. The other suspect took off running.

“One can only imagine what was going through their mind,” Choi added. I’d guess it was something along the lines of thank goodness we could effectively defend ourselves. The victims should be thankful to live in a state that doesn’t go out of its way to interfere with that right, too.

A good guy with a gun not only stopped a bad guy with a gun, but he almost certainly saved lives, starting with his own. Opponents of the individual right to bear arms usually dismiss these scenarios as improbable, if not entirely theoretical. That’s why it’s well worth highlighting such incidents when they occur, even if they largely speak for themselves.
That is houston. Live in a great place and crooks do not come in.
My favorite lines from people who see violent crimes

"That kind of thing never happens here"

Well , Moron it obviously did happen

Or when speaking of a murder victim

" Everyone loved him/her "

Well, Idiot, obviously at least one person didn't

So when you gun banning head in the sand ostriches are the victim of a crime please try to come up with something more original
^^^^^^^^^^Advice from a coward^^^^^^^^^

We shall see won't we?

What will you do if you are the victim of a home invasion?

Oh wait I know you'll piss you pants and watch your family members be brutalized
That is your scenario from experience.
Once you are armed, you are looking for opportunities to use it

Everyone is a potential bad guy

If you shoot someone, just say you felt threatened
Complete and utter bullshit

CCW permit holders are some of the most law abiding people in the country.
I feel sorry for them

I can’t imagine going through life with such fear

Only morons think being prepared is the same as being afraid

Do you think everyone with insurance is fearful?

Do you think everyone who fastens a safety belt in a car or locks their doors at home is fearful?
Being prepared my ass

I can see if you have a dangerous job, live in a dangerous area or have to handle large amount of money

But if you think you need to carry your gun into Walmart, sleep with a loaded gun, keep a gun under your car are a paranoid coward

I can’t see living my life like that

Every victim of crime believed the exact same thing as you do.......until the criminal enters their safe life and proves them wrong. Ask any woman raped in an alley, or i a building in downtown Chicago, or in their own home....there was a weeks long look at the Golden State killer...raped over 50 women, in their own homes, then he started killing them and their husbands...they just caught him.

Victims always think they are safe...until they aren't.

And gun nuts are already cowards who are afraid of being attacked no matter where they are, or who they're with. Not sure how a sane person could live like that, or how a person could remain sane if he thought he had to live like that.
Complete and utter bullshit

CCW permit holders are some of the most law abiding people in the country.
I feel sorry for them

I can’t imagine going through life with such fear

Only morons think being prepared is the same as being afraid

Do you think everyone with insurance is fearful?

Do you think everyone who fastens a safety belt in a car or locks their doors at home is fearful?
Being prepared my ass

I can see if you have a dangerous job, live in a dangerous area or have to handle large amount of money

But if you think you need to carry your gun into Walmart, sleep with a loaded gun, keep a gun under your car are a paranoid coward

I can’t see living my life like that

Every victim of crime believed the exact same thing as you do.......until the criminal enters their safe life and proves them wrong. Ask any woman raped in an alley, or i a building in downtown Chicago, or in their own home....there was a weeks long look at the Golden State killer...raped over 50 women, in their own homes, then he started killing them and their husbands...they just caught him.

Victims always think they are safe...until they aren't.

And gun nuts are already cowards who are afraid of being attacked no matter where they are, or who they're with. Not sure how a sane person could live like that, or how a person could remain sane if he thought he had to live like that.

As always you are irrational. A friend of mine pointed out that as a cop, he is often asked by friends and family why he carries his gun off duty....they ask if he is expecting trouble.....he tells them no, if he were expecting trouble he would have brought his rifle or shotgun.

A pistol is for when you don't anticipate is the fire extinguisher you never use....or your cell phone that you carry in case of an emergency.

You are the irrational one.

Please explain to the rape and murder victims how they didn't need to carry a gun the day they were raped and or murdered....I am sure they would like to hear your case.
I feel sorry for them

I can’t imagine going through life with such fear

Only morons think being prepared is the same as being afraid

Do you think everyone with insurance is fearful?

Do you think everyone who fastens a safety belt in a car or locks their doors at home is fearful?
Being prepared my ass

I can see if you have a dangerous job, live in a dangerous area or have to handle large amount of money

But if you think you need to carry your gun into Walmart, sleep with a loaded gun, keep a gun under your car are a paranoid coward

I can’t see living my life like that

Every victim of crime believed the exact same thing as you do.......until the criminal enters their safe life and proves them wrong. Ask any woman raped in an alley, or i a building in downtown Chicago, or in their own home....there was a weeks long look at the Golden State killer...raped over 50 women, in their own homes, then he started killing them and their husbands...they just caught him.

Victims always think they are safe...until they aren't.

And gun nuts are already cowards who are afraid of being attacked no matter where they are, or who they're with. Not sure how a sane person could live like that, or how a person could remain sane if he thought he had to live like that.

As always you are irrational. A friend of mine pointed out that as a cop, he is often asked by friends and family why he carries his gun off duty....they ask if he is expecting trouble.....he tells them no, if he were expecting trouble he would have brought his rifle or shotgun.

A pistol is for when you don't anticipate is the fire extinguisher you never use....or your cell phone that you carry in case of an emergency.

You are the irrational one.

Please explain to the rape and murder victims how they didn't need to carry a gun the day they were raped and or murdered....I am sure they would like to hear your case.

So now you think you're a cop?

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