Violence: The Proper Punishment


Sep 23, 2010
Media phonies are highlighting racism again. It’s a rehash of the same old garbage —— double-talk touchy-feely solutions. The beginning of all of today’s violence can be seen in this 1950 movie No Way Out. Move the cursor to 6:25:


At the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement white racists were depicted as psychopaths, or KKK red necks looking for a strong rope and a tree. Conversely, blacks were portrayed as compassionate, all-knowing, God-fearing, souls just trying to get ahead in the face of adversity. The worst of it is: Blacks came to believe they were morally superior because of white racism. Fake moral superiority spread into every level America’s society under the false flag of equality.

In the decades after 1950 hate-filled blacks came to see every white American as a real life Richard Widmark. Black race hustlers fed the psychopath/KKK myth by insisting a black man could do no wrong. In spite of the number of blacks in prison decent black Americans continue to go along with the race hustlers.

This is the thing media bums will not face whenever they piss and moan about the growing black-on-white violence. SCREW EQUALITY. The immediate problem is how to stop the violence —— not how to make everybody love one another. The solution can only be found in punishment.

I’m not talking about more prisons and stiffer sentences for violent crimes. Remember this. Prison time has become a status symbol for hate-filled young blacks. Some even see prison as an acceptable alternative to being homeless. It’s certainly better in prison than it is eating out of a dumpster, or groveling to stay on a welfare state program.

Here is a menu of MANDATORY sentences that should be handed out to every violent criminal based on the crime itself:

1. Remove their eyes and turn them loose.

2. Break their spines from the neck down and hand them over to the community they came from.

3. Turn them into complete vegetables and keep them alive in medical facilities for as long as possible.

4. Harvest their organs before they are in a hopeless condition without killing them. The government has already said it has the Right to remove organs from live patients; so why not live violent criminals:

. . . Cass Sunstein, Obama’s Regulatory Czar who became famous for saying that the government “owns the rights to body parts of people who are dead or in certain hopeless conditions, and it can remove their organs without asking anyone’s permission,”. . .

Obama Lunges Toward Global Government
by Phyllis Schlafly
June 6, 2012

Obama Lunges Toward Global Government

I guarantee that any one of the items on the list will all but eliminate violent crimes. Does anyone really think those cowards who murder and maim would do it knowing what is waiting for them when they get caught. Even Muslims who long for martyrdom will think twice before facing decades of blindness, or living in a vegetative state. Let’s not forget that Islam cuts off a thief’s hand. My suggestions address violence.

In addition to the punishment, the sentence must be carried out within one year after a violent criminal is found guilty. Bottom line: Victims —— not criminals —— must be the first priority of criminal law. If that means redefining cruel and unusual punishment so be it. Justification: Severe punishment is the last recourse left to a society being driven insane by Socialists/Communists.

Realistically, there is not a chance Socialists posing as Democrats will do what is necessary to stop the violence they encourage. Hell, bleeding hearts are slowly abolishing the death penalty. I posted this message to show that public voices are all full of horseshit. Not a one of them wants to stop the violence. They are all hooked on finding a way to legislate love. Every one of them is struggling to say something so profound they will make racial violence disappear without punishing violent criminals.
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