Vimeo shuts down religious groups messages


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
(WND) – Vimeo is described as a web platform that allows users to create accounts for hosting, sharing and streaming videos. Unless the videos are not politically correct. That’s according to Church United, a non-profit in Newport Beach, California, whose Vimeo page was abruptly shut down because some content dealt with the issue of counseling people who want to overcome same-sex inclinations.
Vimeo shuts down religious group's messages - WND - WND

When companies pull this bs, pray they lose their millions if not billions, because traitors and anti american scum like this deserve to be poorer than ever. Pricks like this are what dismantles American freedom, rights, and liberty. They are playing the communist hand. FK U TO VIMEO we will be sure to help bring you down too for the political fk you just turned into.

GO WORSHIP YOUR LEADER LIKE A GOOD little COMMUNIST MORON WOULD DO! When you are an indoctrinated idiots you won't ever know what freedom is anyway.
(WND) – Vimeo is described as a web platform that allows users to create accounts for hosting, sharing and streaming videos. Unless the videos are not politically correct. That’s according to Church United, a non-profit in Newport Beach, California, whose Vimeo page was abruptly shut down because some content dealt with the issue of counseling people who want to overcome same-sex inclinations.
Vimeo shuts down religious group's messages - WND - WND

When companies pull this bs, pray they lose their millions if not billions, because traitors and anti american scum like this deserve to be poorer than ever. Pricks like this are what dismantles American freedom, rights, and liberty. They are playing the communist hand. FK U TO VIMEO we will be sure to help bring you down too for the political fk you just turned into.

GO WORSHIP YOUR LEADER LIKE A GOOD little COMMUNIST MORON WOULD DO! When you are an indoctrinated idiots you won't ever know what freedom is anyway.

according to the Judeo-Christian folk God created humans in God's image.

Many humans have been born 'gay' and it is said that God is perfect.

If God is perfect then His creation should also be perfect.

So, it would seem you are in favor of 'conversion therapy' for gay humans?

If a perfect God created humans in His own image then why would you desire to have God's own creation be 'converted' from what they were born as?

Your thread seems to suggest you are pretty intense in your belief on the topic; why don't you go start your own 'conversion therapy' clinic & go and make your attempts to change the humans that your God created gay?
(WND) – Vimeo is described as a web platform that allows users to create accounts for hosting, sharing and streaming videos. Unless the videos are not politically correct. That’s according to Church United, a non-profit in Newport Beach, California, whose Vimeo page was abruptly shut down because some content dealt with the issue of counseling people who want to overcome same-sex inclinations.
Vimeo shuts down religious group's messages - WND - WND

When companies pull this bs, pray they lose their millions if not billions, because traitors and anti american scum like this deserve to be poorer than ever. Pricks like this are what dismantles American freedom, rights, and liberty. They are playing the communist hand. FK U TO VIMEO we will be sure to help bring you down too for the political fk you just turned into.

GO WORSHIP YOUR LEADER LIKE A GOOD little COMMUNIST MORON WOULD DO! When you are an indoctrinated idiots you won't ever know what freedom is anyway.

according to the Judeo-Christian folk God created humans in God's image.

Many humans have been born 'gay' and it is said that God is perfect.

If God is perfect then His creation should also be perfect.

So, it would seem you are in favor of 'conversion therapy' for gay humans?

If a perfect God created humans in His own image then why would you desire to have God's own creation be 'converted' from what they were born as?

Your thread seems to suggest you are pretty intense in your belief on the topic; why don't you go start your own 'conversion therapy' clinic & go and make your attempts to change the humans that your God created gay?

Free are making a case it's a choice.

Of course you're incapable of grasping it though
according to the Judeo-Christian folk God created humans in God's image.

Many humans have been born 'gay' and it is said that God is perfect.

If God is perfect then His creation should also be perfect.

So, it would seem you are in favor of 'conversion therapy' for gay humans?

If a perfect God created humans in His own image then why would you desire to have God's own creation be 'converted' from what they were born as?

Your thread seems to suggest you are pretty intense in your belief on the topic; why don't you go start your own 'conversion therapy' clinic & go and make your attempts to change the humans that your God created gay?
You're doing OK (kinda/sorta), but you're forgetting to include the sin problem in your equation.

Changes the whole dynamic of the point you're trying to make.

Just an FYI.
(WND) – Vimeo is described as a web platform that allows users to create accounts for hosting, sharing and streaming videos. Unless the videos are not politically correct. That’s according to Church United, a non-profit in Newport Beach, California, whose Vimeo page was abruptly shut down because some content dealt with the issue of counseling people who want to overcome same-sex inclinations.
Vimeo shuts down religious group's messages - WND - WND

When companies pull this bs, pray they lose their millions if not billions, because traitors and anti american scum like this deserve to be poorer than ever. Pricks like this are what dismantles American freedom, rights, and liberty. They are playing the communist hand. FK U TO VIMEO we will be sure to help bring you down too for the political fk you just turned into.

GO WORSHIP YOUR LEADER LIKE A GOOD little COMMUNIST MORON WOULD DO! When you are an indoctrinated idiots you won't ever know what freedom is anyway.
Good for Vimeo. Perfectly within their rights.
(WND) – Vimeo is described as a web platform that allows users to create accounts for hosting, sharing and streaming videos. Unless the videos are not politically correct. That’s according to Church United, a non-profit in Newport Beach, California, whose Vimeo page was abruptly shut down because some content dealt with the issue of counseling people who want to overcome same-sex inclinations.
Vimeo shuts down religious group's messages - WND - WND

When companies pull this bs, pray they lose their millions if not billions, because traitors and anti american scum like this deserve to be poorer than ever. Pricks like this are what dismantles American freedom, rights, and liberty. They are playing the communist hand. FK U TO VIMEO we will be sure to help bring you down too for the political fk you just turned into.

GO WORSHIP YOUR LEADER LIKE A GOOD little COMMUNIST MORON WOULD DO! When you are an indoctrinated idiots you won't ever know what freedom is anyway.

according to the Judeo-Christian folk God created humans in God's image.

Many humans have been born 'gay' and it is said that God is perfect.

If God is perfect then His creation should also be perfect.

So, it would seem you are in favor of 'conversion therapy' for gay humans?

If a perfect God created humans in His own image then why would you desire to have God's own creation be 'converted' from what they were born as?

Your thread seems to suggest you are pretty intense in your belief on the topic; why don't you go start your own 'conversion therapy' clinic & go and make your attempts to change the humans that your God created gay?
God loves to suck a good cock :dunno:
Absolute knowledge is death. According to Derrida, god is death. The human population awakens to the exodus from religion, simultaneously substituting knowledge for the violence and danger of faith. The cosmos are unfolding as they should, because intelligence always comes after. It's best when it does, and only when it does.

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Miss Spain to make history as first transgender contestant on Miss Universe

How is god going to decide if satan is gay when crossdressing actually preserves masculinity? Indeed, the timing of this media ca ca is due to the fact that yinrise will be at its zenith on 21 Dec, and yang will be at its low ebb and just beginning to rise.

'Lines of the Universe are feminine, lines of the State, prostitutional.'
(The theologian Fenelon, quoted in A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia)

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A thousand tiny sexes: Feminism and rhizomatics - PDF Free Download
Timepoint 0:59 shows Ponce as the young boy who would become Miss Spain:

BRAVO!!! Ms Spain Angela Ponce Received WARM RECOGNITION

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