Video: Tokitae, The Last Southern Resident Orca From Puget Sound Washington Held in Captivity Has Died


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
In the last few years I've been watching various nature documentaries as well as the Netflix movie "Blackfish" which is about the killer whales that were captured and sold to places like Sea World over the last half a century. The area also caught nation-wide attention when one of the female whales was apparently mourning the death of her calf because she refused to let go of and managed to carry it above water for a little more than two weeks before finally letting go. She now has another calf although it is probably more than a year old now.

In any case, the Lummi nation had finally reached an agreement with the Miami aquarium where Tokitae has lived for the past 54 years, to allow her to be brought home. They were making plans for her to return around November 2023 but alas now this will never happen.

They slaughtered 58 orcas in order to capture the ones they did, well the video tells the story but if you get a chance to watch Blackfish and you like these types of documentaries, I highly recommend it.

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We knew her as Lolita! I've visited her several times at the Miami Sea Aquarium.

This is very sad, to see her die, suddenly! :(
I used to see those things chasing schools of ..porpoises.

They both swim the same, just the black n white ones are bigger.

I think they probably prey on the porpoises. More than a few times it looked like they were chasing them to me.

I doubt they're following them for good will or something.
We knew her as Lolita! I've visited her several times at the Miami Sea Aquarium.

This is very sad, to see her die, suddenly! :(
When I was a kid I saw Shamu at SeaWorld in San Diego and of course as children we had no knowledge of it being cruel to keep them in captivity the way they were.

That's one of the things I love about living here in the Puget Sound area of Washington State. There is a lot going on in nature all around us. So far there have been no clashes and I hope it stays that way :)
We have 6 species of Whales up here in Maine, Orca is one of them, but not as populated as the others...

Every time my sister comes up to visit from Florida, we have to do the whale watching boat trip..she even pays for my fare, so I have no excuse of it being too expensive! :lol:
Hmmmm, looking back on was my sister who hauled me to the Miami Seaquarium, and PAID my way, back then too.....!!!

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