Video shows Georgia students repeatedly slapping a teacher

The sentence you quoted IS the proof, you drooling moron. Try reading it, shitforbrains.

What sentence? What proof? ....

The one you quoted, dumbass.

Which one was that?

You quoted a sentence you are trying hard to overlook now.
Well played, sir.

Well played for what? Two clueless jackasses with the IQ of Bevis and Butthead both agreeing with each other while they stroke themselves that they proved absolutely nothing but their own stupidity.
My friend, if this idiot is too stupid to admit that he was ignorant of the word "hadn't" and claimed that no such word existed, what makes you think that he will admit that you made him look like an illiterate fool also???

Jackass #2 (if you aren't both the same person), do you really think I don't know the contraction HADN'T? I've forgotten more about the English language than you'll ever know. Give me a word for a conjunction between the Sun and Moon that starts with an S? Impress me. Do yourself a favor and quit trying to lie and hide all the time from the fact that you and all your little buddies don't know jack, you are all faux-intellectuals, you are caught in lies all the time, you are shown ignorant all of the time, proven WRONG all of the time, because you never ever have a clear and cogent answer for anything when called out other than to name-call others like little girls! Half the time I don't think you are even smart enough to get how wrong others prove you to be!!! You wrote two grossly misspelled words in a mere five word sentence, one wasn't even a word, wasn't even the RIGHT word had it been spelled right, completely changing the whole meaning of the sentence that a forth grader would have gotten an F in school for and you can't even admit that much. Tell me, what does an idiot like you do for a living, serve cappuccino at a Starbucks? Do you even have a high-school education? Let me hear you say something intelligent. I've known many 6th graders who could make better conversation and arguments than you and could talk circles around the two of you combined.
All this just so you don't have to face the fact that you are so stupid that you didn't know that the word "hadn't"
.... you can't use two different tenses in the same sentence!!! ......


And yet you can't provide ONE SINGLE example! :poop: And don't change my words, poopie boy, anyone can go back and see that I said you can't change tenses in the same contiguous sentence. Now go back to your japanese poopie porn little boy, you've been schooled.
All this just so you don't have to face the fact that you are so stupid that you didn't know that the word "hadn't"

Yet it was YOU who couldn't even SPELL it and YOU are the one who keeps coming back on the same stupid subject, not I. It must be really terrible to be wrong and a liberal. Of course, liberals ought to be quite used to it because they are wrong ALL of the time. I guess that's why they have to provide safety places for you, time outs, counseling for your little hurt feelings and barn animals to pet to help you get over it. Yet neither of you geniuses have answered the question. WHAT IS ANOTHER NAME FOR A CONJUNCTION OF THE SUN AND MOON THAT STARTS WITH AN 'S.' I knew that one in 6th grade. Surely you can out think a ten year old. Maybe not.
And that you are too idiotic to even realize that you cannot have a tense and meaning to a non-existent word!!!
All this just so you don't have to face the fact that you are so stupid that you didn't know that the word "hadn't"

Yet it was YOU who couldn't even SPELL it and YOU are the one who keeps coming back on the same stupid subject, not I. It must be really terrible to be wrong and a liberal. Of course, liberals ought to be quite used to it because they are wrong ALL of the time. I guess that's why they have to provide safety places for you, time outs, counseling for your little hurt feelings and barn animals to pet to help you get over it. Yet neither of you geniuses have answered the question. WHAT IS ANOTHER NAME FOR A CONJUNCTION OF THE SUN AND MOON THAT STARTS WITH AN 'S.' I knew that one in 6th grade. Surely you can out think a ten year old. Maybe not.
And that you are too idiotic to even realize that you cannot have a tense and meaning to a non-existent word!!! are this stupid...
And that you are too idiotic to even realize that you cannot have a tense and meaning to a non-existent word!!! are this stupid...

And the moron returns to LIE once again! How can you have a tense and meaning to the word "handn't?" Even if you had spelled it right, the proper syntax would have been to use the word: "Haven't." I'd say you were dumber than a box of shoes, but that would be an insult to the shoes. In your own words, you've got no hand.
.... you can't use two different tenses in the same sentence!!! ......


And yet you can't provide ONE SINGLE example! .......

I've provided many, you illiterate buffoon. You were busted trying to move the goalposts and qualify your original, ridiculous claim.

You realize everyone is laughing at you by now, right?
Yeah I saw that too; this idiot will do anything to disprove his lack of literacy and intelligence...
I quoted him and yet he still tries to lie and say he never stated that "hadn't" was an actual

He may be a racist, he just isn't one of the smart racists...
[I've provided many, you illiterate buffoon.

You haven't provided JACK, you pathological compulsive liar. You are a total waste of human flesh. I should charge you for my time.

You were busted trying to move the goalposts and qualify your original, ridiculous claim. You realize everyone is laughing at you by now, right?

Sure! JUST SHOW THE PROOF when I was "busted" for anything, wet poopie lover! You never show any proof. Just cheap talk. NAME the ridiculous claim! Give us the post number where it happened. All you two idiots have done is talk in circles and keep trying to change the subject, and the fact that you don't know jack. I could buy a hand puppet that makes more sense than you.
.... you can't use two different tenses in the same sentence!!! ......


And yet you can't provide ONE SINGLE example! .......

I've provided many, you illiterate buffoon. You were busted trying to move the goalposts and qualify your original, ridiculous claim.

You realize everyone is laughing at you by now, right?
And that you are too idiotic to even realize that you cannot have a tense and meaning to a non-existent word!!!

This jackass took the blue pill and thinks he's
Yeah I saw that too; this idiot will do anything to disprove his lack of literacy and intelligence...

Answer the question! You keep avoiding the question. I keep giving you an out for your asinine comments and your futile arguments but you are too ignorant to take them, Quit trying to lie about everything you slobbering jackass! You may only be a Libtard, but they must have picked you out from the bottom of the barrel. You should be more concerned about PROVING you have ANY literacy or intelligence! All you have left is trying to lie, accusing me of exactly what you do. Was your mother and father liars too? I've met some really STUPID jackasses in my life but you two set the bar to an all-time low.
Yeah I saw that too; this idiot will do anything to disprove his lack of literacy and intelligence...

Answer the question! You keep avoiding the question. I keep giving you an out for your asinine comments and your futile arguments but you are too ignorant to take them, Quit trying to lie about everything you slobbering jackass! You may only be a Libtard, but they must have picked you out from the bottom of the barrel. You should be more concerned about PROVING you have ANY literacy or intelligence! All you have left is trying to lie, accusing me of exactly what you do. Was your mother and father liars too? I've met some really STUPID jackasses in my life but you two set the bar to an all-time low.
Yeah I saw that too; this idiot will do anything to disprove his lack of literacy and intelligence...

Answer the question! You keep avoiding the question. I keep giving you an out for your asinine comments and your futile arguments but you are too ignorant to take them, Quit trying to lie about everything you slobbering jackass! You may only be a Libtard, but they must have picked you out from the bottom of the barrel. You should be more concerned about PROVING you have ANY literacy or intelligence! All you have left is trying to lie, accusing me of exactly what you do. Was your mother and father liars too? I've met some really STUPID jackasses in my life but you two set the bar to an all-time low.
And that you are too idiotic to even realize that you cannot have a tense and meaning to a non-existent word!!!

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