Video shows Georgia students repeatedly slapping a teacher

Of course you can use different tenses in a sentence.

Oh good, another Dupe chimes in! No you cannot, not in one contiguous (unbroken) thought! Prove me wrong! To use different tenses, you have to string two or more thoughts together into one sentence broken up by either a comma or a semicolon, or use them in different sentences. .....


As expected, instead of having the character to admit you were wrong, you tried to change your claim and hope no one would notice.

I noticed.
As expected, instead of having the character to admit you were wrong, you tried to change your claim and hope no one would notice.

I noticed.

AS I KNEW YOU WOULD, instead of having the brains and integrity to say something original, genuine, on-topic and smart, you try to deflect the issue, avoid the fact that you cannot back up anything you say and fall back on the same tired and worn out liberal talking points used by ALL of your boneheaded brethren, hoping no one would notice.

I noticed. :ahole-1: :banana::blahblah::boobies::desk::funnyface::gs::haha::happy-1::mm::offtopic::poke::poop::rock::rofl::spinner::spinner::spinner:
It's plain that you "hadn't" the intellect to debate your ignorance of the word...

Stupid IS as stupid DOES! I bet you have multiple accounts here where you spew crap from one account then log on as other accounts to vote yourself winner! Is that the only way you Libtards can win, is by lying and cheating?

But then, you need to be able to recognize the TRUTH before you can tell truth from fiction. And here again, consistent as the sunrise, OffTheMark comes back to kick himself in the face yet again. "Hadn't" means "had not," so your statement above reads: It is plain that you had not the intellect to debate your ignorance of the word. Little tip Reconwreck, the word is PAST TENSE and the sentence was structured in the PRESENT TENSE (It IS plain, not, It WAS plain); you can't use two different tenses in the same sentence!!! So the correct grammar would have been to say: It is plain that you haven't (have not) (present possessive) the intellect to debate your ignorance of the word!

Great! Keep it up! Keep bringing it on more, idiot! It is just incredible that in hijacking this thread in an effort to save face, the more you talk, the more you just prove what a hapless, clueless moron you really are.

Of course you can use different tenses in a sentence.

Of course.
As expected, instead of having the character to admit you were wrong, you tried to change your claim and hope no one would notice.

I noticed.

AS I KNEW YOU WOULD, instead of having the brains and integrity to say something original, genuine, on-topic and smart, you try to deflect the issue, avoid the fact that you cannot back up anything you say ...

A) addressing exactly what you said is nothing like deflecting

B) I can back up everything I say

C) your claim was false
The written lan
Do you have a reliable source, pre-Islam?

They had nothing but oral tradition passed down from generation to generation.

And yes, Islam did bring some level of civilization to these tribes. Just being honest about these people living on that continent.

Outside of Ethiopia, and tribes close to the Med, there doesn't seem to be much elsewhere; the 17th Century Gold Coast tribes didn't have a written language except for a few traders who learned a little of the European scripts, south Africa doesn't have any indigenous written languages either, and neither did the tribes who were captured by other tribes and sold to European slave traders, no literacy of any kind evident in slaves anywhere.

My point is that the scholarship wasn't MUSLIM scholarship and language. It was the languages and the education of the people they conquered.

I would imagine the hunters for exotic animals for the coliseum games in many of the Roman cities were very active there, and for centuries, as well as around the coasts, so a few probably picked up a language or two, but if so they were clearly long gone by the time of the European conquests over most of Africa.
Bet you wish you could find a credible source other than some racist putz making up shit for a racist rag.

In other news, the white supremacist Booker T. Washington had a lot to say about what losers blacks were until they were lucky enough to be captured and brought to America, where they prospered like gangbusters compared to their African brothers, and did better in the South than they did in the North. Want to read some quotes from a black man with a brain who knows a lot, or do you prefer your own gibbering lobotomized Afro-Poop instead?
Booker wasnt around when Blacks begin scripting. How would he know these scripts existed when whites were hiding the information from him?

So your answer is no, you don't want to know what a real intellectual said about black people, and prefer your own silly gibbering fake history. Okay.
My answer is yes. My question to you is how would he know about ancient African scripts with whites hiding the information from him?

So you have no real questions, just some assumption you made up? Okay.

Did they hide TV from him, too?
answer my question first. Dont deflect.

I cant believe what an idiot you are. TV wasnt invented until after he passed away.

So they did hide it from him. I can't believe you're stupid enough to peddle nonsense about 'stuff being hidden from them' and expect to be taken seriously, but that's part of the comedy show in any thread you pop into and try to school everybody even though you're dumber than dirt.
Booker wasnt around when Blacks begin scripting. How would he know these scripts existed when whites were hiding the information from him?

So your answer is no, you don't want to know what a real intellectual said about black people, and prefer your own silly gibbering fake history. Okay.
My answer is yes. My question to you is how would he know about ancient African scripts with whites hiding the information from him?

So you have no real questions, just some assumption you made up? Okay.

Did they hide TV from him, too?
answer my question first. Dont deflect.

I cant believe what an idiot you are. TV wasnt invented until after he passed away.

So they did hide it from him. I can't believe you're stupid enough to peddle nonsense about 'stuff being hidden from them' and expect to be taken seriously, but that's part of the comedy show in any thread you pop into and try to school everybody even though you're dumber than dirt.
Well if they hid it from him how would he know about it you idiot? :laugh:
A) addressing exactly what you said is nothing like deflecting

True, if you actually addressed what I said. You did not.

B) I can back up everything I say

Your claim. But as of yet unproven.

C) your claim was false

Because you say so? What do you think you are, the arbiter of TRUTH? Ha. My claims were not false, jack, but since I made many claims, it is worthless to say "my claim" was false. Just another pointless point with no point at all by a liberal rube.
A) addressing exactly what you said is nothing like deflecting

True, if you actually addressed what I said. You did not.

B) I can back up everything I say

Your claim. But as of yet unproven.

C) your claim was false

Because you say so? .....

Because it's true.

Like the usual liberal double-talker, you have addressed NOTHING, you have provided exactly NOTHING, and you have proven NOTHING. Just pure lip service as always to satisfy your puerile brain.
It's plain that you "hadn't" the intellect to debate your ignorance of the word...

Stupid IS as stupid DOES! I bet you have multiple accounts here where you spew crap from one account then log on as other accounts to vote yourself winner! Is that the only way you Libtards can win, is by lying and cheating?

But then, you need to be able to recognize the TRUTH before you can tell truth from fiction. And here again, consistent as the sunrise, OffTheMark comes back to kick himself in the face yet again. "Hadn't" means "had not," so your statement above reads: It is plain that you had not the intellect to debate your ignorance of the word. Little tip Reconwreck, the word is PAST TENSE and the sentence was structured in the PRESENT TENSE (It IS plain, not, It WAS plain); you can't use two different tenses in the same sentence!!! So the correct grammar would have been to say: It is plain that you haven't (have not) (present possessive) the intellect to debate your ignorance of the word!

Great! Keep it up! Keep bringing it on more, idiot! It is just incredible that in hijacking this thread in an effort to save face, the more you talk, the more you just prove what a hapless, clueless moron you really are.

Of course you can use different tenses in a sentence.

For example:
The past tense for "pass tents" is "passed tents".
A) addressing exactly what you said is nothing like deflecting

True, if you actually addressed what I said. You did not.

B) I can back up everything I say

Your claim. But as of yet unproven.

C) your claim was false

Because you say so? .....

Because it's true.

Like the usual liberal double-talker, you have addressed NOTHING, you have provided exactly NOTHING, and you have proven NOTHING. Just pure lip service as always to satisfy your puerile brain.

Southern whites
As expected, instead of having the character to admit you were wrong, you tried to change your claim and hope no one would notice.

I noticed.

AS I KNEW YOU WOULD, instead of having the brains and integrity to say something original, genuine, on-topic and smart, you try to deflect the issue, avoid the fact that you cannot back up anything you say and fall back on the same tired and worn out liberal talking points used by ALL of your boneheaded brethren, hoping no one would notice.

I noticed. :ahole-1: :banana::blahblah::boobies::desk::funnyface::gs::haha::happy-1::mm::offtopic::poke::poop::rock::rofl::spinner::spinner::spinner:

Ok, original and thought provoking...Two of the greatest whites people's contributions to the world. Opera music and two banjos with overtones of inbreeding.

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