Victims of Illegal Immigration Storm Nancy Pelosi’s Office


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

'Sooo Nancy, tell us again why you are siding with violent illegals over the American people...'

"Angel families, American victims of crimes committed by illegal aliens, marched on Capitol Hill and Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office Tuesday, along with legislators and Women for Trump.

Reps. Mo Brooks, Louie Gohmert, Matt Gaetz were among the several legislators gathered with the Angel families and Women for Trump in front of the U.S. Capitol Building, as they put faces to the statistics of Americans killed or injured due to illegal aliens and the drugs that flow in the U.S. at the southern border. Among them were D.J. and Wendy Corcoran and their daughter Avery, Sabine Durden, Maureen Laquerre, Maureen Maloney, Mary Ann Mendoza, Kent Terry, and Susan Stevens, who have each lost a loved one. Former Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Tom Homan also accompanied the group."


"I'm sorry but your loss, and the loss of many more Americans at the hands of violent illegals in this country, some who have been deported multiple times but who just keep illegally crossing back into the US.

Your loss, though, does not make this a 'national emergency' or a 'crisis' and is not worth spending some of YOUR tax money on to fund a wall to keep more illegals from coming and to keep those already deported out.

Instead of agreeing to negotiate or compromise with the President and instead of giving him and you anything, let me share THIS with you to help ease your grief and make you feel better....

"American citizens in this country commit more crimes and kill more people than illegals who don't belong here.

Illegal Border crossing - what we know about and can record - is down right now.

Instead of funding a wall to keep illegals like those who murdered your loved ones, we are going to use your tax dollars to keep Sanctuary Cities open to welcome in more poor immigrants, and your tax dollars will continue to go pay the cost of more than $100 Billion a year to support and take care of the 20+ million illegals who are already here and those coming every day.

Thanks for stopping by - make sure you take some of the Anti-Trump propaganda and paraphernalia we have on the table by the door on your way out. Oh, and enjoy my shutdown. "



Victims of Illegal Immigration Storm Nancy Pelosi’s Office


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