Victims of Communism

Many good anti-communist books, here is Kengor's 2017 gem:

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Communism

Kengor's droll Dedication:

"To the countless millions who suffered and died at the hands of the idiotic, insane, ignorant, asinine,
lying, conniving, criminal, horrific, destructive, dehumanizing, diabolical, bloody, brutal, barbarous,
ridiculous, pernicious, atrocious, hellacious, murderous, monstrous, malicious, malignant, moronic,
godless, and all-around stupid, vile, vicious, and evil ideology known as communism."

Bumping up my post 271 & recommending this book, which has the numbers in chapter two:

"The 1999 Black Book of Communism—a highly respected work published by Harvard University
Press—attempted the thankless task of tabulating the total communist death toll in the twentieth century. It
came up with a figure approaching a hundred million. Here is the general breakdown:
• U.S.S.R.: 20 million
• China: 65 million
• Vietnam: 1 million
• North Korea: 2 million
• Cambodia: 2 million deaths
• Eastern Europe: 1 million
• Latin America: 150,000
• Africa: 1.7 million
• Afghanistan: 1.5 million
• The international communist movement and Communist parties not in power: about 10,000.

The U.S.-based Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, the preeminent institution for detailing
communist crimes, agrees with the estimate of a hundred million deaths.
But in fact, these frightening numbers are quite conservative.
Take the figure for the Soviet Union, where the Black Book records twenty million dead. Most
accounts of the total Soviet death toll exceed thirty-three million, and some estimates are twice that. Cold
War historian Lee Edwards, citing the epic work on “democide” by political scientist R. J. Rummel,
estimates that Soviet governments were responsible for the death of 61.9 million of their own people from 1917 to 1987."
Communist nations are the bloodiest of all governments
Both false and irrelevant.

soupy spanking.gif
Communist nations are the bloodiest of all governments
Both false and irrelevant.
It is perfectly relevant to a thread about VICTIMS of communism. Clearly you do not know what relevant means.

It is a fact and absolutely true. It has been documented and proven beyond question but much like holocaust deniers you willfully deny fact
You're just playing around thinking that if you say something you might get lucky. What you've contributed (so far) is nonsense with no bearing, no logic, no parameter, and no relevance. Next, you'll be telling me that Communist philosophy can be judged by the number of TV's they own. :auiqs.jpg:
Communist nations are the bloodiest of all governments
Both false and irrelevant.
It is perfectly relevant to a thread about VICTIMS of communism. Clearly you do not know what relevant means.

It is a fact and absolutely true. It has been documented and proven beyond question but much like holocaust deniers you willfully deny fact
You're just playing around thinking that if you say something you might get lucky. What you've contributed (so far) is nonsense with no bearing, no logic, no parameter, and no relevance. Next, you'll be telling me that Communist philosophy can be judged by the number of TV's they own. :auiqs.jpg:
You are a childish liar.

What I have contributed is fact with logic and relevance.

You hate it because you are an uneducated moron but you know it is true.
Communist nations are the bloodiest of all governments
Both false and irrelevant.
It is perfectly relevant to a thread about VICTIMS of communism. Clearly you do not know what relevant means.

It is a fact and absolutely true. It has been documented and proven beyond question but much like holocaust deniers you willfully deny fact
You're just playing around thinking that if you say something you might get lucky. What you've contributed (so far) is nonsense with no bearing, no logic, no parameter, and no relevance. Next, you'll be telling me that Communist philosophy can be judged by the number of TV's they own. :auiqs.jpg:
You are a childish liar.

What I have contributed is fact with logic and relevance.

You hate it because you are an uneducated moron but you know it is true.
Just sit over there and stay out the way:


  • Soupy's play time.jpg
    Soupy's play time.jpg
    13.4 KB · Views: 26
Communist systems of government/economics, even as a matter of degree, are enervating to the human spirit.
Communist nations are the bloodiest of all governments
Both false and irrelevant.
It is perfectly relevant to a thread about VICTIMS of communism. Clearly you do not know what relevant means.

It is a fact and absolutely true. It has been documented and proven beyond question but much like holocaust deniers you willfully deny fact
You're just playing around thinking that if you say something you might get lucky. What you've contributed (so far) is nonsense with no bearing, no logic, no parameter, and no relevance. Next, you'll be telling me that Communist philosophy can be judged by the number of TV's they own. :auiqs.jpg:
You are a childish liar.

What I have contributed is fact with logic and relevance.

You hate it because you are an uneducated moron but you know it is true.
Just sit over there and stay out the way:
Still no intelligent argument against my fact based statement.

You have been owned boy.
You're just playing around thinking that if you say something you might get lucky. What you've contributed (so far) is nonsense with no bearing, no logic, no parameter, and no relevance. Next, you'll be telling me that Communist philosophy can be judged by the number of TV's they own. :auiqs.jpg:
You are a childish liar. What I have contributed is fact with logic and relevance.
You hate it because you are an uneducated moron but you know it is true.
Just sit over there and stay out the way:
Still no intelligent argument against my fact based statement. You have been owned boy.
You haven't contributed anything of relevance yet so take your fantasy and frustration back to bed.


  • Bedtime for Soupy boy.jpg
    Bedtime for Soupy boy.jpg
    26.1 KB · Views: 24
You're just playing around thinking that if you say something you might get lucky. What you've contributed (so far) is nonsense with no bearing, no logic, no parameter, and no relevance. Next, you'll be telling me that Communist philosophy can be judged by the number of TV's they own. :auiqs.jpg:
You are a childish liar. What I have contributed is fact with logic and relevance.
You hate it because you are an uneducated moron but you know it is true.
Just sit over there and stay out the way:
Still no intelligent argument against my fact based statement. You have been owned boy.
You haven't contributed anything of relevance yet so take your fantasy and frustration back to bed.
I have in fact stated fact relevant to the thread.

You contriuted failed memes and childish denial. You are out of your league boy
So you conceede I was correct very good boy
You are in a very sad state. Let me know if you want advice.
View attachment 477248
Nope I own you.
You are a humiliated brat
You don't know anything about Communism and anyway, your mother is calling you to dinner so you'd better skedaddle! :hyper:

View attachment 477296
I know far more about it than you do.

I have proven that in this thread.

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