CDZ Vice President? Two Come To Mind


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
The country is big enough and the job large enough I truly feel it's time we had a WORKING VP. Trey is smart, tough and he is down right brutal when it comes to calling someone on the carpet. We tax payers NEED that working for us.

Every dirty trick and tactic that can be used against a person HAS been used against Walker. TWO elections and TWO recalls and law suits to many to count have NOT taken him down.

The American people NEED the two hardest working most committed pair of Constitution supporting Bill of Rights defenders to overcome the open and aggressive assault our rights our foundation and our nation.

We NEED two people who are NOT afraid to say "Islamic Terrorists".

God and Country
Dark Fury
Ideally, the President should be a former Governor and the VP a former Senator.
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Well, you've put this in the CDZ, which is just fine, but the question is:

exactly what are we supposed to debate?
I picked the two I picked because they I think go "right" the hardest.
The GOP does NOT need to run like "democrat lite" it NEEDS to present a STRONG position from the other end of the political spectrum.
Right now, today, I'd like to see:

Walker President
Fiorino V. P.
Rubio Secretary of State
Cruz Attorney General-Very smart man/lawyer...little too much preacher/snake oil for the stump, but boy would he ever clean up that cess-pool Eric Holder is leaving behind.
Clinton San Quinton
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Right now, today, I'd like to see:

Walker President
Fiorino V. P.
Rubio Secretary of State
Cruz Attorney General-Very smart man/lawyer...little too much preacher/snake oil for the stump, but boy would he ever clean up that cess-pool Eric Holder is leaving behind.
Clinton San Quinton
Florino? Got a link to that person?
Carly Fiorina. Was head of Hewlitt-Packard, ran for Senate in California and lost---which in that looney bin of a state is a plus on your resume. She is currently doing the best job out there of exposing Hillary Clinton for the fraud she is.
Carly Fiorina. Was head of Hewlitt-Packard, ran for Senate in California and lost---which in that looney bin of a state is a plus on your resume. She is currently doing the best job out there of exposing Hillary Clinton for the fraud she is.
Thank you I WILL make it a point to look up her Bio.
Ideally, the President should be a former Governor and the VP a former Senator.
Please explain your reasoning for this.

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A Governor has experience working with a legislature and running a large governmental organization through a cabinet. In the VP capacity of President of the Senate, a former Senator would be more able to bridge the gap between the Executive and Legislative Branches. Gesundheit!
Ideally, the President should be a former Governor and the VP a former Senator.
Please explain your reasoning for this.

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A Governor has experience working with a legislature and running a large governmental organization through a cabinet. In the VP capacity of President of the Senate, a former Senator would be more able to bridge the gap between the Executive and Legislative Branches. Gesundheit!
So you would see Walker as more qualified? You do make good points.
So you would see Walker as more qualified?

Yes, although being Governor of a larger State would be better. Along with the prerequisite of electability, another factor in evaluating a candidate is the expected composition of Congress. For example, Bush 41 would have been much more effective as the "kinder, gentler" face of a Republican majority than he was as a patsy for the Democratic majority. Conversely, Clinton was more effective as a "restraining" influence on the opposition majority.

I think Jeb Bush would be most effective with a GOP majority, whereas Ted Cruz would be better at holding a Democrat majority's feet to the fire. Scott Walker would be somewhere in between, but I would not underestimate the money that teachers and labor unions would throw against him in a national election. I see Marco Rubio as a strong VP candidate with hispanic voters, especially if Jeb isn't nominated. What do you think?

P.S. I would love to see Gowdy or Cruz as Attorney General.
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The country is big enough and the job large enough I truly feel it's time we had a WORKING VP. Trey is smart, tough and he is down right brutal when it comes to calling someone on the carpet. We tax payers NEED that working for us.

Every dirty trick and tactic that can be used against a person HAS been used against Walker. TWO elections and TWO recalls and law suits to many to count have NOT taken him down.

The American people NEED the two hardest working most committed pair of Constitution supporting Bill of Rights defenders to overcome the open and aggressive assault our rights our foundation and our nation.

We NEED two people who are NOT afraid to say "Islamic Terrorists".

God and Country
Dark Fury
VP would be a waste of Trey Gowdy's talents.

We need him as AG to prosecute the criminals in this administration after they leave office.
VP would be a waste of Trey Gowdy's talents.

We need him as AG to prosecute the criminals in this administration after they leave office.

Don't count on it. Obama will issue a blanket pardon for everyone in his administration.

Unfortunately, he forgot that Cruz would have to be elected first. Not the ideal candidate to attract independents.

What do independent NOT like on a platform such as this?

So you would see Walker as more qualified?

Yes, although being Governor of a larger State would be better. Along with the prerequisite of electability, another factor in evaluating a candidate is the expected composition of Congress. For example, Bush 41 would have been much more effective as the "kinder, gentler" face of a Republican majority than he was as a patsy for the Democratic majority. Conversely, Clinton was more effective as a "restraining" influence on the opposition majority.

I think Jeb Bush would be most effective with a GOP majority, whereas Ted Cruz would be better at holding a Democrat majority's feet to the fire. Scott Walker would be somewhere in between, but I would not underestimate the money that teachers and labor unions would throw against him in a national election. I see Marco Rubio as a strong VP candidate with hispanic voters, especially if Jeb isn't nominated. What do you think?

P.S. I would love to see Gowdy or Cruz as Attorney General.
Gowdy as AG would put half the DNC in prison, that thought has me smiling. Jeb I see as to liberal and if the country moves right even close to what it did in 2014 well then he is to left for the party.

The country is moving right no doubt. With the House and Senate having ALREADY moved right a "moderate" in the oval office may not be a good idea?

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