Vets urge Trump impeachment

It's yet to be seen if the military rank and file will stand behind their leaders who have stood with and behind them in combat or if they will stand behind Trump whose disregard of military justice rules and tradition has already caused the Secretary of the Navy to quit in protest over Trump's whim fueled by Fox and Friends.
Take off your blindfolds, bullydog. President Trump just rebuilt the American military after your ding-a-ling Obummer did all he could do to ensure his pals in the Middle East could do a more debilitating job on America than 9/11. Barack gutted the military beyond belief, and Trump had his hands full getting them back up. He's not going to let the American military down, and you can take that to the bank. Moron.

When he overruled long standing Military Justice System rulings, he didn't just let the military down. He struck a blow to the honor and tradition of our military. We train soldiers, not murderers. Obviously, you right wingers don't understand the difference.

You mean overruling the military justice system like Obama did with Chelsea Manning and Bowe Bergdahl?
1st post
I suppose that the Officers and college educated enlisted personnel are more than disappointed with Trump. His behavior, rhetoric and policies are not in the best interest of our country or the citizens, in uniform or not.
I suppose that the Officers and college educated enlisted personnel are more than disappointed with Trump. His behavior, rhetoric and policies are not in the best interest of our country or the citizens, in uniform or not.

That is 180 degrees from the truth. How can you ALWAYS be wrong? You would think that you would screw up and get something right occasionally, but it never happens!
It's yet to be seen if the military rank and file will stand behind their leaders who have stood with and behind them in combat or if they will stand behind Trump whose disregard of military justice rules and tradition has already caused the Secretary of the Navy to quit in protest over Trump's whim fueled by Fox and Friends.
Yeah cause nothing says military justice like railroading operators who's job is to the kill the enemy.

Railroading? His own squad turned the murderer in. Committing war crimes is not what made our military strong. Killing civilians is not what keeps us safe. The rules he broke aren't just some recent change brought about by politics. We shouldn't honor murder.

Please detail your own military service. Otherwise STFU on topics about military service because you have absolutely NOTHING to add.

What part of your military service taught you that it was OK to fire on unarmed civilians? Who taught you that murdering prisoners with a knife, and keeping a picture of yourself with the cut up lifeless body of your victim as a trophy is representative of what our military stands for, or even sane, for that matter? If that type behavior is acceptable, and even celebrated in the military you claim to have been in, you disgust me.
It's yet to be seen if the military rank and file will stand behind their leaders who have stood with and behind them in combat or if they will stand behind Trump whose disregard of military justice rules and tradition has already caused the Secretary of the Navy to quit in protest over Trump's whim fueled by Fox and Friends.

Honest question BULLDOG, do you have a college education?
It's yet to be seen if the military rank and file will stand behind their leaders who have stood with and behind them in combat or if they will stand behind Trump whose disregard of military justice rules and tradition has already caused the Secretary of the Navy to quit in protest over Trump's whim fueled by Fox and Friends.

Honest question BULLDOG, do you have a college education?

Yes I do.
5th post

Really impressive. Right?

There’s a problem though.

It’s funded by George Soros. Through one of his many cover groups.

187 groups funded by George Soros are being used to destroy America. To see the complete list of the 187 groups who are using Trump’s election as an excuse to destroy America, go here.

The groups flash on the screen so quickly it’s difficult to read.

More @ Scumbag Soros Behind Multi-Million Dollar Ad Featuring Military Vets Urging GOP House Members To Support Trump Impeachment [Video]

And here’s this:

Each of the ads contains a disclosure stating they’re paid for by “Defend American Democracy,” but D.C. business registration documents reveal the group is just one of the many projects of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a dark money nonprofit that pumped $141 million into liberal causes in 2018 alone, Open Secrets reported.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund reported receiving $52 million from a single anonymous donor in 2018, but as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, it is not required to disclose the identity of its donors.

This comes from AmericanLookout @ REPORT: Dark Money Group Linked To George Soros Producing Ads Urging Republicans To Impeach Trump

You prefer your veterans like E-7 Gallagher, right?

E-7 Gallagher? WTF is that? That's his paygrade, not his rank.

I guess that proves you lied about your military service.

It was his rank E 7 I guess you have lied about your military service.

Trump restores rank of Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher

That's a pay grade. His rank is Chief Petty Officer.

My paygrade was O-4. My rank was Lieutenant Commander.

Well when I was in an E-7 not only was your pay grade it was referred to as your rank also.

Really impressive. Right?

There’s a problem though.

It’s funded by George Soros. Through one of his many cover groups.

187 groups funded by George Soros are being used to destroy America. To see the complete list of the 187 groups who are using Trump’s election as an excuse to destroy America, go here.

The groups flash on the screen so quickly it’s difficult to read.

More @ Scumbag Soros Behind Multi-Million Dollar Ad Featuring Military Vets Urging GOP House Members To Support Trump Impeachment [Video]

And here’s this:

Each of the ads contains a disclosure stating they’re paid for by “Defend American Democracy,” but D.C. business registration documents reveal the group is just one of the many projects of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a dark money nonprofit that pumped $141 million into liberal causes in 2018 alone, Open Secrets reported.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund reported receiving $52 million from a single anonymous donor in 2018, but as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, it is not required to disclose the identity of its donors.

This comes from AmericanLookout @ REPORT: Dark Money Group Linked To George Soros Producing Ads Urging Republicans To Impeach Trump

You prefer your veterans like E-7 Gallagher, right?

E-7 Gallagher? WTF is that? That's his paygrade, not his rank.

I guess that proves you lied about your military service.

Nope...he's an E-7. NOT a Chief.
It's yet to be seen if the military rank and file will stand behind their leaders who have stood with and behind them in combat or if they will stand behind Trump whose disregard of military justice rules and tradition has already caused the Secretary of the Navy to quit in protest over Trump's whim fueled by Fox and Friends.
Yeah cause nothing says military justice like railroading operators who's job is to the kill the enemy.
Railroading? You accusing the military of railroading? Once again, proof that CRCs hate the military....and now we know they love war criminals.

Really impressive. Right?

There’s a problem though.

It’s funded by George Soros. Through one of his many cover groups.

187 groups funded by George Soros are being used to destroy America. To see the complete list of the 187 groups who are using Trump’s election as an excuse to destroy America, go here.

The groups flash on the screen so quickly it’s difficult to read.

More @ Scumbag Soros Behind Multi-Million Dollar Ad Featuring Military Vets Urging GOP House Members To Support Trump Impeachment [Video]

And here’s this:

Each of the ads contains a disclosure stating they’re paid for by “Defend American Democracy,” but D.C. business registration documents reveal the group is just one of the many projects of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a dark money nonprofit that pumped $141 million into liberal causes in 2018 alone, Open Secrets reported.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund reported receiving $52 million from a single anonymous donor in 2018, but as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, it is not required to disclose the identity of its donors.

This comes from AmericanLookout @ REPORT: Dark Money Group Linked To George Soros Producing Ads Urging Republicans To Impeach Trump

It doesn't matter who it's funded by. What DOES matter is the number of veterans it attracts.

If you took a poll of ALL active and retired military Trump would win in a landslide.
Paying vets for testimonials is garbage.

Show us that poll.

Really impressive. Right?

There’s a problem though.

It’s funded by George Soros. Through one of his many cover groups.

187 groups funded by George Soros are being used to destroy America. To see the complete list of the 187 groups who are using Trump’s election as an excuse to destroy America, go here.

The groups flash on the screen so quickly it’s difficult to read.

More @ Scumbag Soros Behind Multi-Million Dollar Ad Featuring Military Vets Urging GOP House Members To Support Trump Impeachment [Video]

And here’s this:

Each of the ads contains a disclosure stating they’re paid for by “Defend American Democracy,” but D.C. business registration documents reveal the group is just one of the many projects of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a dark money nonprofit that pumped $141 million into liberal causes in 2018 alone, Open Secrets reported.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund reported receiving $52 million from a single anonymous donor in 2018, but as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, it is not required to disclose the identity of its donors.

This comes from AmericanLookout @ REPORT: Dark Money Group Linked To George Soros Producing Ads Urging Republicans To Impeach Trump

So, here are the Cliff's Notes of this crybaby thread:

Soros paying for political action = evil

Kochs paying for political action = A OK!

10th post

Really impressive. Right?

There’s a problem though.

It’s funded by George Soros. Through one of his many cover groups.

187 groups funded by George Soros are being used to destroy America. To see the complete list of the 187 groups who are using Trump’s election as an excuse to destroy America, go here.

The groups flash on the screen so quickly it’s difficult to read.

More @ Scumbag Soros Behind Multi-Million Dollar Ad Featuring Military Vets Urging GOP House Members To Support Trump Impeachment [Video]

And here’s this:

Each of the ads contains a disclosure stating they’re paid for by “Defend American Democracy,” but D.C. business registration documents reveal the group is just one of the many projects of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a dark money nonprofit that pumped $141 million into liberal causes in 2018 alone, Open Secrets reported.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund reported receiving $52 million from a single anonymous donor in 2018, but as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, it is not required to disclose the identity of its donors.

This comes from AmericanLookout @ REPORT: Dark Money Group Linked To George Soros Producing Ads Urging Republicans To Impeach Trump

That isn't anything. You should see what pies Soros has in the open borders issue. Read, "Open Borders, Inc." by Michelle Malkin. It is an eye opener.

Really impressive. Right?

There’s a problem though.

It’s funded by George Soros. Through one of his many cover groups.

187 groups funded by George Soros are being used to destroy America. To see the complete list of the 187 groups who are using Trump’s election as an excuse to destroy America, go here.

The groups flash on the screen so quickly it’s difficult to read.

More @ Scumbag Soros Behind Multi-Million Dollar Ad Featuring Military Vets Urging GOP House Members To Support Trump Impeachment [Video]

And here’s this:

Each of the ads contains a disclosure stating they’re paid for by “Defend American Democracy,” but D.C. business registration documents reveal the group is just one of the many projects of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a dark money nonprofit that pumped $141 million into liberal causes in 2018 alone, Open Secrets reported.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund reported receiving $52 million from a single anonymous donor in 2018, but as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, it is not required to disclose the identity of its donors.

This comes from AmericanLookout @ REPORT: Dark Money Group Linked To George Soros Producing Ads Urging Republicans To Impeach Trump

No legit Vet supports impeachment...The Leftist Golfing Gator types, the Chelsea Mannings, pole puffers, rug muchers and general pieces of shits probably do though.
2 Transgender Veterans Find Courage — And Sisterhood — Off The Battlefield

Really impressive. Right?

There’s a problem though.

It’s funded by George Soros. Through one of his many cover groups.

187 groups funded by George Soros are being used to destroy America. To see the complete list of the 187 groups who are using Trump’s election as an excuse to destroy America, go here.

The groups flash on the screen so quickly it’s difficult to read.

More @ Scumbag Soros Behind Multi-Million Dollar Ad Featuring Military Vets Urging GOP House Members To Support Trump Impeachment [Video]

And here’s this:

Each of the ads contains a disclosure stating they’re paid for by “Defend American Democracy,” but D.C. business registration documents reveal the group is just one of the many projects of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a dark money nonprofit that pumped $141 million into liberal causes in 2018 alone, Open Secrets reported.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund reported receiving $52 million from a single anonymous donor in 2018, but as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, it is not required to disclose the identity of its donors.

This comes from AmericanLookout @ REPORT: Dark Money Group Linked To George Soros Producing Ads Urging Republicans To Impeach Trump

No legit Vet supports impeachment...The Leftist Golfing Gator types, the Chelsea Mannings, pole puffers, rug muchers and general pieces of shits probably do though.
2 Transgender Veterans Find Courage — And Sisterhood — Off The Battlefield

Sorry to disappoint you little buddy, but I have been against it since the first time it was mentioned 2 plus years ago. I have even posted multiple times on here that I thought if it happened it would do irreparable harm to the country.

You will need to find a new fantasy to have about me.

Does your wife know how much you fantasize and think about me?
It's yet to be seen if the military rank and file will stand behind their leaders who have stood with and behind them in combat or if they will stand behind Trump whose disregard of military justice rules and tradition has already caused the Secretary of the Navy to quit in protest over Trump's whim fueled by Fox and Friends.
Yeah cause nothing says military justice like railroading operators who's job is to the kill the enemy.
Railroading? You accusing the military of railroading? Once again, proof that CRCs hate the military....and now we know they love war criminals.
I was in the military you tard. Killing the enemy is not a war crime to anyone other than partisan hacks like yourself. The only reason you give a shit about this case is Trump is involved.
What did Trump pull in Syria?

He abandoned our allies and the troops were disgusted

He did not abandon our allies, the Kurds. He got US troops out of the way of the Turkish invasion.
The democrats' whining about a Kurdish slaughter and extermination was total bullshit.
Turkey wanted a buffer zone, they have it. Now the US has some armor there protecting the Kurd's oil field.
Trump got a win-win-win in Syria, he defeated ISIS, he avoided a conflict with Turkey, and he protected the Kurds.

'Were you there to see what happened when our troops were directed retreat, when Russian Troops took over our airbase, when the Kurds throw potatoes at them when they left the theater?

Of course not, you were watching Fox & Friends and Hannity, or reading other right wing blogs.
It's yet to be seen if the military rank and file will stand behind their leaders who have stood with and behind them in combat or if they will stand behind Trump whose disregard of military justice rules and tradition has already caused the Secretary of the Navy to quit in protest over Trump's whim fueled by Fox and Friends.
Yeah cause nothing says military justice like railroading operators who's job is to the kill the enemy.
Railroading? You accusing the military of railroading? Once again, proof that CRCs hate the military....and now we know they love war criminals.

I was in the military you tard. Killing the enemy is not a war crime to anyone other than partisan hacks like yourself. The only reason you give a shit about this case is Trump is involved.

Are you old enough to remember Lt. Calley?

Only One Man Was Found Guilty for His Role in the My Lai Massacre. This Is What It Was Like to Cover His Trial

I too served in the Military ('67-'69), the UCMJ covers Voluntary Manslaughter - 134-4 and Homicide 134-25; The SEAL was convicted and Donald (bone spur) Trump has no business interfering in the matter. trump set a dangerous precedent.
I suppose that the Officers and college educated enlisted personnel are more than disappointed with Trump. His behavior, rhetoric and policies are not in the best interest of our country or the citizens, in uniform or not.

That is 180 degrees from the truth. How can you ALWAYS be wrong? You would think that you would screw up and get something right occasionally, but it never happens!

Have you polled all the officers and enlisted personnel with a college education? Your opinion put aside, do you think the personnel were proud and happy to be told to surrender an air base to the Russians, and become guards to the oil fields which are not US Property?

If all you have are personnel attacks do what the DICK Cheney told a US Senator to do, i.e. "go fuck yourself".
Last edited:
It's yet to be seen if the military rank and file will stand behind their leaders who have stood with and behind them in combat or if they will stand behind Trump whose disregard of military justice rules and tradition has already caused the Secretary of the Navy to quit in protest over Trump's whim fueled by Fox and Friends.
Yeah cause nothing says military justice like railroading operators who's job is to the kill the enemy.
Railroading? You accusing the military of railroading? Once again, proof that CRCs hate the military....and now we know they love war criminals.

I was in the military you tard. Killing the enemy is not a war crime to anyone other than partisan hacks like yourself. The only reason you give a shit about this case is Trump is involved.

Are you old enough to remember Lt. Calley?

Only One Man Was Found Guilty for His Role in the My Lai Massacre. This Is What It Was Like to Cover His Trial

I too served in the Military ('67-'69), the UCMJ covers Voluntary Manslaughter - 134-4 and Homicide 134-25; The SEAL was convicted and Donald (bone spur) Trump has no business interfering in the matter. trump set a dangerous precedent.
Gallagher killed an enemy combatant that is his fucking job. He was cleared of all charges except for taking a picture of the dead ISIS fighter. Comparing that to the My Lai incident makes you a fucking loon.

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