Vets urge Trump impeachment

It's yet to be seen if the military rank and file will stand behind their leaders who have stood with and behind them in combat or if they will stand behind Trump whose disregard of military justice rules and tradition has already caused the Secretary of the Navy to quit in protest over Trump's whim fueled by Fox and Friends.
Yeah cause nothing says military justice like railroading operators who's job is to the kill the enemy.
Railroading? You accusing the military of railroading? Once again, proof that CRCs hate the military....and now we know they love war criminals.

I was in the military you tard. Killing the enemy is not a war crime to anyone other than partisan hacks like yourself. The only reason you give a shit about this case is Trump is involved.

Are you old enough to remember Lt. Calley?

Only One Man Was Found Guilty for His Role in the My Lai Massacre. This Is What It Was Like to Cover His Trial

I too served in the Military ('67-'69), the UCMJ covers Voluntary Manslaughter - 134-4 and Homicide 134-25; The SEAL was convicted and Donald (bone spur) Trump has no business interfering in the matter. trump set a dangerous precedent.

Gallagher killed an enemy combatant that is his fucking job. He was cleared of all charges except for taking a picture of the dead ISIS fighter. Comparing that to the My Lai incident makes you a fucking loon.

An unarmed, detained enemy combatant. That's murder.

Really impressive. Right?

There’s a problem though.

It’s funded by George Soros. Through one of his many cover groups.

187 groups funded by George Soros are being used to destroy America. To see the complete list of the 187 groups who are using Trump’s election as an excuse to destroy America, go here.

The groups flash on the screen so quickly it’s difficult to read.

More @ Scumbag Soros Behind Multi-Million Dollar Ad Featuring Military Vets Urging GOP House Members To Support Trump Impeachment [Video]

And here’s this:

Each of the ads contains a disclosure stating they’re paid for by “Defend American Democracy,” but D.C. business registration documents reveal the group is just one of the many projects of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a dark money nonprofit that pumped $141 million into liberal causes in 2018 alone, Open Secrets reported.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund reported receiving $52 million from a single anonymous donor in 2018, but as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, it is not required to disclose the identity of its donors.

This comes from AmericanLookout @ REPORT: Dark Money Group Linked To George Soros Producing Ads Urging Republicans To Impeach Trump

Looks like some Vets got paid by Sorros. They are not going to be popular with there fellow Vets when they see there sellout friends.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Or maybe they are expressing how they actually feel. Did you ever think of that?

If you wanted to express how you feel, would you do it in a soros ad? ANY AD? write a blog and make your point. An ad is an ad for gain of those running it. That's it.

Really impressive. Right?

There’s a problem though.

It’s funded by George Soros. Through one of his many cover groups.

187 groups funded by George Soros are being used to destroy America. To see the complete list of the 187 groups who are using Trump’s election as an excuse to destroy America, go here.

The groups flash on the screen so quickly it’s difficult to read.

More @ Scumbag Soros Behind Multi-Million Dollar Ad Featuring Military Vets Urging GOP House Members To Support Trump Impeachment [Video]

And here’s this:

Each of the ads contains a disclosure stating they’re paid for by “Defend American Democracy,” but D.C. business registration documents reveal the group is just one of the many projects of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a dark money nonprofit that pumped $141 million into liberal causes in 2018 alone, Open Secrets reported.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund reported receiving $52 million from a single anonymous donor in 2018, but as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, it is not required to disclose the identity of its donors.

This comes from AmericanLookout @ REPORT: Dark Money Group Linked To George Soros Producing Ads Urging Republicans To Impeach Trump

Looks like some Vets got paid by Sorros. They are not going to be popular with there fellow Vets when they see there sellout friends.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Or maybe they are expressing how they actually feel. Did you ever think of that?

If you wanted to express how you feel, would you do it in a soros ad? ANY AD? write a blog and make your point. An ad is an ad for gain of those running it. That's it.
True and I’d imagine that a Trump supporting vet wouldn’t be in a political ad speaking against the things he believes. Don’t you?

Really impressive. Right?

There’s a problem though.

It’s funded by George Soros. Through one of his many cover groups.

187 groups funded by George Soros are being used to destroy America. To see the complete list of the 187 groups who are using Trump’s election as an excuse to destroy America, go here.

The groups flash on the screen so quickly it’s difficult to read.

More @ Scumbag Soros Behind Multi-Million Dollar Ad Featuring Military Vets Urging GOP House Members To Support Trump Impeachment [Video]

And here’s this:

Each of the ads contains a disclosure stating they’re paid for by “Defend American Democracy,” but D.C. business registration documents reveal the group is just one of the many projects of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a dark money nonprofit that pumped $141 million into liberal causes in 2018 alone, Open Secrets reported.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund reported receiving $52 million from a single anonymous donor in 2018, but as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, it is not required to disclose the identity of its donors.

This comes from AmericanLookout @ REPORT: Dark Money Group Linked To George Soros Producing Ads Urging Republicans To Impeach Trump

You prefer your veterans like E-7 Gallagher, right?

E-7 Gallagher? WTF is that? That's his paygrade, not his rank.

I guess that proves you lied about your military service.

It was his rank E 7 I guess you have lied about your military service.

Trump restores rank of Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher

That's a pay grade. His rank is Chief Petty Officer.

My paygrade was O-4. My rank was Lieutenant Commander.

Well when I was in an E-7 not only was your pay grade it was referred to as your rank also.

I guess that just shows that you are a moron in more ways than just one!

Really impressive. Right?

There’s a problem though.

It’s funded by George Soros. Through one of his many cover groups.

187 groups funded by George Soros are being used to destroy America. To see the complete list of the 187 groups who are using Trump’s election as an excuse to destroy America, go here.

The groups flash on the screen so quickly it’s difficult to read.

More @ Scumbag Soros Behind Multi-Million Dollar Ad Featuring Military Vets Urging GOP House Members To Support Trump Impeachment [Video]

And here’s this:

Each of the ads contains a disclosure stating they’re paid for by “Defend American Democracy,” but D.C. business registration documents reveal the group is just one of the many projects of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a dark money nonprofit that pumped $141 million into liberal causes in 2018 alone, Open Secrets reported.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund reported receiving $52 million from a single anonymous donor in 2018, but as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, it is not required to disclose the identity of its donors.

This comes from AmericanLookout @ REPORT: Dark Money Group Linked To George Soros Producing Ads Urging Republicans To Impeach Trump

You prefer your veterans like E-7 Gallagher, right?

E-7 Gallagher? WTF is that? That's his paygrade, not his rank.

I guess that proves you lied about your military service.

Nope...he's an E-7. NOT a Chief.

Check out this link!

U.S. Navy Ranks List - Lowest to Highest

It specifically shows that a paygrade of E-7 in the Navy is the rank of Chief Petty Officer.

Now, STFU, and stop claiming to have been in the military. If you don't know this, you never served!
It's yet to be seen if the military rank and file will stand behind their leaders who have stood with and behind them in combat or if they will stand behind Trump whose disregard of military justice rules and tradition has already caused the Secretary of the Navy to quit in protest over Trump's whim fueled by Fox and Friends.

Honest question BULLDOG, do you have a college education?

Yes I do.

Let me guess! You have a LIBERAL arts degree, right?
It's yet to be seen if the military rank and file will stand behind their leaders who have stood with and behind them in combat or if they will stand behind Trump whose disregard of military justice rules and tradition has already caused the Secretary of the Navy to quit in protest over Trump's whim fueled by Fox and Friends.
Yeah cause nothing says military justice like railroading operators who's job is to the kill the enemy.
Railroading? You accusing the military of railroading? Once again, proof that CRCs hate the military....and now we know they love war criminals.

I was in the military you tard. Killing the enemy is not a war crime to anyone other than partisan hacks like yourself. The only reason you give a shit about this case is Trump is involved.

Are you old enough to remember Lt. Calley?

Only One Man Was Found Guilty for His Role in the My Lai Massacre. This Is What It Was Like to Cover His Trial

I too served in the Military ('67-'69), the UCMJ covers Voluntary Manslaughter - 134-4 and Homicide 134-25; The SEAL was convicted and Donald (bone spur) Trump has no business interfering in the matter. trump set a dangerous precedent.

He was not convicted, you stupid POS! How the fuck can you get that wrong?

Really impressive. Right?

There’s a problem though.

It’s funded by George Soros. Through one of his many cover groups.

187 groups funded by George Soros are being used to destroy America. To see the complete list of the 187 groups who are using Trump’s election as an excuse to destroy America, go here.

The groups flash on the screen so quickly it’s difficult to read.

More @ Scumbag Soros Behind Multi-Million Dollar Ad Featuring Military Vets Urging GOP House Members To Support Trump Impeachment [Video]

And here’s this:

Each of the ads contains a disclosure stating they’re paid for by “Defend American Democracy,” but D.C. business registration documents reveal the group is just one of the many projects of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a dark money nonprofit that pumped $141 million into liberal causes in 2018 alone, Open Secrets reported.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund reported receiving $52 million from a single anonymous donor in 2018, but as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, it is not required to disclose the identity of its donors.

This comes from AmericanLookout @ REPORT: Dark Money Group Linked To George Soros Producing Ads Urging Republicans To Impeach Trump

Looks like some Vets got paid by Sorros. They are not going to be popular with there fellow Vets when they see there sellout friends.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Or maybe they are expressing how they actually feel. Did you ever think of that?

If you wanted to express how you feel, would you do it in a soros ad? ANY AD? write a blog and make your point. An ad is an ad for gain of those running it. That's it.
True and I’d imagine that a Trump supporting vet wouldn’t be in a political ad speaking against the things he believes. Don’t you?

It would be an ad. If paid by the person running it great. They may likely also believe it. If Trump is paying for it he's buying the association and getting something for his investment.

If soros OR Trump paid then who knows if the one talking is even a vet.

So... If soros paid for it then is it really the voice of a vet or someone playing a paid part so Trump would get a negative connotation?

Really impressive. Right?

There’s a problem though.

It’s funded by George Soros. Through one of his many cover groups.

187 groups funded by George Soros are being used to destroy America. To see the complete list of the 187 groups who are using Trump’s election as an excuse to destroy America, go here.

The groups flash on the screen so quickly it’s difficult to read.

More @ Scumbag Soros Behind Multi-Million Dollar Ad Featuring Military Vets Urging GOP House Members To Support Trump Impeachment [Video]

And here’s this:

Each of the ads contains a disclosure stating they’re paid for by “Defend American Democracy,” but D.C. business registration documents reveal the group is just one of the many projects of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a dark money nonprofit that pumped $141 million into liberal causes in 2018 alone, Open Secrets reported.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund reported receiving $52 million from a single anonymous donor in 2018, but as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, it is not required to disclose the identity of its donors.

This comes from AmericanLookout @ REPORT: Dark Money Group Linked To George Soros Producing Ads Urging Republicans To Impeach Trump

Looks like some Vets got paid by Sorros. They are not going to be popular with there fellow Vets when they see there sellout friends.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Or maybe they are expressing how they actually feel. Did you ever think of that?

If you wanted to express how you feel, would you do it in a soros ad? ANY AD? write a blog and make your point. An ad is an ad for gain of those running it. That's it.
True and I’d imagine that a Trump supporting vet wouldn’t be in a political ad speaking against the things he believes. Don’t you?

It would be an ad. If paid by the person running it great. They may likely also believe it. If Trump is paying for it he's buying the association and getting something for his investment.

If soros OR Trump paid then who knows if the one talking is even a vet.

So... If soros paid for it then is it really the voice of a vet or someone playing a paid part so Trump would get a negative connotation?
I have no clue. Could be either. It would make much more sense to find Vets with the right POV for the ad as there are several
Vet groups that oppose Trump. But like I said, I don’t know anything about this particular situation.
Strong support for Trump among veterans in new national poll
Jul 10, 2019 · More veterans approve of President Donald Trump's performance as commander in chief than dislike his tenure so far, but many still worry he ..

Veterans side with Trump on military issues more often than the general population - CNNPolitics
Jul 10, 2019 · A majority of US veterans support President Donald Trump, his foreign policy and his usage of the military, outpacing support from .

New Poll of U.S. Troops and Veterans Reveals Their Thoughts on Current Military Policies ...
Their frustration is significant because they also voiced strong support for the war ... 65 percent of respondents backed the move by President Trump to deploy

Trump's Opposition to 'Endless Wars' Appeals to Those Who Fought Them

Nov 1, 2019 · Veterans have supported Mr. Trump more than the general population. About 56 percent of veterans said they approved of the job ...

In survey, Trump draws strong support from US military veterans - ABC News -
Jul 10, 2019 · President Donald Trump draws stronger support from U.S. veterans than from the general American public on his leadership of the

I just love how a bought off soldiers views become a TALKING POINT for our subversives when they have NOTHING OF SUBSTANCE to offer to the American people!
It's yet to be seen if the military rank and file will stand behind their leaders who have stood with and behind them in combat or if they will stand behind Trump whose disregard of military justice rules and tradition has already caused the Secretary of the Navy to quit in protest over Trump's whim fueled by Fox and Friends.

Honest question BULLDOG, do you have a college education?

Yes I do.

Let me guess! You have a LIBERAL arts degree, right?

Not many liberal arts classes required to get a degree in Civil Engineering
It's yet to be seen if the military rank and file will stand behind their leaders who have stood with and behind them in combat or if they will stand behind Trump whose disregard of military justice rules and tradition has already caused the Secretary of the Navy to quit in protest over Trump's whim fueled by Fox and Friends.
Trump fired his ass for disobeying orders, moron. The officers will stand with Trump. They aren't traitors like you.
It's yet to be seen if the military rank and file will stand behind their leaders who have stood with and behind them in combat or if they will stand behind Trump whose disregard of military justice rules and tradition has already caused the Secretary of the Navy to quit in protest over Trump's whim fueled by Fox and Friends.

Honest question BULLDOG, do you have a college education?

Yes I do.

Let me guess! You have a LIBERAL arts degree, right?

Not many liberal arts classes required to get a degree in Civil Engineering

You must have failed miserably, because there is nothing civil about you.
It's yet to be seen if the military rank and file will stand behind their leaders who have stood with and behind them in combat or if they will stand behind Trump whose disregard of military justice rules and tradition has already caused the Secretary of the Navy to quit in protest over Trump's whim fueled by Fox and Friends.
Yeah cause nothing says military justice like railroading operators who's job is to the kill the enemy.

Railroading? His own squad turned the murderer in. Committing war crimes is not what made our military strong. Killing civilians is not what keeps us safe. The rules he broke aren't just some recent change brought about by politics. We shouldn't honor murder.
UPDATE - Edward Gallagher is found NOT GUILTY of murder - sentenced to rank reduction & pay deduction

  • The 40-year-old was convicted of posing with the corpse of an ISIS fighter - he is expected to be spared jail as the maximum sentence for the crime is four months and he spent longer in confinement awaiting trial
  • He maintained his innocence throughout and said he was being set up by a group of younger, less disciplined men who did not like his leadership style
  • The jury was made up of five Marines and two sailors, including one SEAL - the prosecution needed five of the seven jurors to convict
  • The turning point in the court martial was when one of the SEALs, Corey Scott, who had been expected to testify for the prosecution took responsibility for killing the boy Gallagher was alleged to have murdered
  • Scott now faces perjury charges from the Naval prosecutors he blindsided - they say he made it up to protect Gallagher after being granted immunity for his own war crimes
  • Outside the court Tuesday Gallagher greeted the media alongside his wife and lawyers - he spoke briefly saying: 'I'm happy and I'm thankful'

Really impressive. Right?

There’s a problem though.

It’s funded by George Soros. Through one of his many cover groups.

187 groups funded by George Soros are being used to destroy America. To see the complete list of the 187 groups who are using Trump’s election as an excuse to destroy America, go here.

The groups flash on the screen so quickly it’s difficult to read.

More @ Scumbag Soros Behind Multi-Million Dollar Ad Featuring Military Vets Urging GOP House Members To Support Trump Impeachment [Video]

And here’s this:

Each of the ads contains a disclosure stating they’re paid for by “Defend American Democracy,” but D.C. business registration documents reveal the group is just one of the many projects of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a dark money nonprofit that pumped $141 million into liberal causes in 2018 alone, Open Secrets reported.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund reported receiving $52 million from a single anonymous donor in 2018, but as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, it is not required to disclose the identity of its donors.

This comes from AmericanLookout @ REPORT: Dark Money Group Linked To George Soros Producing Ads Urging Republicans To Impeach Trump

You prefer your veterans like E-7 Gallagher, right?

We know you prefer your soldiers to be more like bergdahl.

Really impressive. Right?

There’s a problem though.

It’s funded by George Soros. Through one of his many cover groups.

187 groups funded by George Soros are being used to destroy America. To see the complete list of the 187 groups who are using Trump’s election as an excuse to destroy America, go here.

The groups flash on the screen so quickly it’s difficult to read.

More @ Scumbag Soros Behind Multi-Million Dollar Ad Featuring Military Vets Urging GOP House Members To Support Trump Impeachment [Video]

And here’s this:

Each of the ads contains a disclosure stating they’re paid for by “Defend American Democracy,” but D.C. business registration documents reveal the group is just one of the many projects of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a dark money nonprofit that pumped $141 million into liberal causes in 2018 alone, Open Secrets reported.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund reported receiving $52 million from a single anonymous donor in 2018, but as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, it is not required to disclose the identity of its donors.

This comes from AmericanLookout @ REPORT: Dark Money Group Linked To George Soros Producing Ads Urging Republicans To Impeach Trump

You prefer your veterans like E-7 Gallagher, right?

We know you prefer your soldiers to be more like bergdahl.

No. She has fantasies about doing Chelsea Manning's manufactured slot where Tab A used to be!
It's yet to be seen if the military rank and file will stand behind their leaders who have stood with and behind them in combat or if they will stand behind Trump whose disregard of military justice rules and tradition has already caused the Secretary of the Navy to quit in protest over Trump's whim fueled by Fox and Friends.
Yeah cause nothing says military justice like railroading operators who's job is to the kill the enemy.
Railroading? You accusing the military of railroading? Once again, proof that CRCs hate the military....and now we know they love war criminals.

I was in the military you tard. Killing the enemy is not a war crime to anyone other than partisan hacks like yourself. The only reason you give a shit about this case is Trump is involved.

Are you old enough to remember Lt. Calley?

Only One Man Was Found Guilty for His Role in the My Lai Massacre. This Is What It Was Like to Cover His Trial

I too served in the Military ('67-'69), the UCMJ covers Voluntary Manslaughter - 134-4 and Homicide 134-25; The SEAL was convicted and Donald (bone spur) Trump has no business interfering in the matter. trump set a dangerous precedent.

He was not convicted, you stupid POS! How the fuck can you get that wrong?

Yeah, only Lt. Calley was convicted, and his company killed the civilians. You're punk, and a coward.
Yeah cause nothing says military justice like railroading operators who's job is to the kill the enemy.
Railroading? You accusing the military of railroading? Once again, proof that CRCs hate the military....and now we know they love war criminals.

I was in the military you tard. Killing the enemy is not a war crime to anyone other than partisan hacks like yourself. The only reason you give a shit about this case is Trump is involved.

Are you old enough to remember Lt. Calley?

Only One Man Was Found Guilty for His Role in the My Lai Massacre. This Is What It Was Like to Cover His Trial

I too served in the Military ('67-'69), the UCMJ covers Voluntary Manslaughter - 134-4 and Homicide 134-25; The SEAL was convicted and Donald (bone spur) Trump has no business interfering in the matter. trump set a dangerous precedent.

He was not convicted, you stupid POS! How the fuck can you get that wrong?

Yeah, only Lt. Calley was convicted, and his company killed the civilians. You're punk, and a coward.

You get it wrong, and then insult my honor. Great job, dumbass!

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