Vets urge Trump impeachment

I suppose that the Officers and college educated enlisted personnel are more than disappointed with Trump. His behavior, rhetoric and policies are not in the best interest of our country or the citizens, in uniform or not.

Okay Troll, be specific.
I have NEVER met someone in the military, at any grade, that did not support the president and express their pleasure at what he had done and is doing for the military - and every citizen on this country.

In Navy boot camp in 1967 I attended an indoctrination as to the conflict in Vietnam. It was a lecture done by a Chief whose facts didn't jibe with what many of us knew. It was in a large auditorium with many of the Companies; soon after he began the lecture he was booed off the stage.
You prefer your veterans like E-7 Gallagher, right?

E-7 Gallagher? WTF is that? That's his paygrade, not his rank.

I guess that proves you lied about your military service.

It was his rank E 7 I guess you have lied about your military service.

Trump restores rank of Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher

That's a pay grade. His rank is Chief Petty Officer.

My paygrade was O-4. My rank was Lieutenant Commander.

Well when I was in an E-7 not only was your pay grade it was referred to as your rank also.

What the hell kind of military outfit were you in?
The RANK is and always has been the most important identifier for those in service - active, reserve, and national guard.

Yep and so was the pay grade when someone was dissing or sometimes yelling at you. Used to be the rank and pay grade were the same thing I cannot help it if it's changed over the years and you and the admiral cannot concede to that, in fact they have changed the rank designation sometime in the past 20 years for the branch I was in. I was not in the Navy but served from Feb 68 to Nov 71 and disabled vet. I also know a lot of vets that cannot stand the orange one. Just like we hated LBJ.

Now someone in thread may have referred to me as "stolen valor" well I have found over the years the stolen valor is someone who brags most of the time about their combat experience because back in my time almost all do not want to discuss their combat experiences. There are two disabled vets on this board I quite frequently disagree with about politics and I assume are quite younger than I am because of where they served but they don't brag, most want to forget. Then there is another on this board that 50% starts his threads I was a combat vet and I can do this and that and so on. That one I do suspect may either be stolen valor or has never been treated for his PTSD.
And, you know, I'm a 20 year retired Navy vet, and I think that Trump has finally done enough to warrant impeachment.

When the Mueller report came out, I thought that it was a good thing that the investigation happened so that we could possibly guard against further interference, but I didn't see anything that was at the level of impeachment. Maybe having the Congress tell him he did wrong, but that's about it.


When this stuff with the Ukraine started to surface, I thought we should wait and see how deep it went. Now that we have seen Trump was using Rudy as a back channel with them to get dirt on Biden without Rudy being an elected or appointed government official, that is when I started to wonder. Trump holding up aid that was already approved by Congress was bad, because the 3 branches of government are all supposed to be equal so that there are checks and balances on how much power anyone can grab.
Then why was it OK for the DNC to go to the Ukraine for dirt on Trump?

Hypocrisy is fascinating.
Because Trump was digging for BS dirt on Biden a political rival to benefit himself Now do you understand ?
you mean like RUSSIAN BS dirt that was made up by people and forced through the system illegally in front of FISA type of a benefit to the DNC/Hillary?

THAT type of benefit?

quit being such a fucking 1 way tool, dude. you cry out in pain that trump made a comment while you say NO THEY DIDN'T to the mass corruption the left ACTUALLY DID DO THAT YOU ARE BITCHING ABOUT TRUMP TRYING TO DO.

put the hate away and just look at facts. but you can't. kinda sad.
I love facts no matter which way they turn ,and the fact I admire the most is this garbage in our WH is the most undesirable president of all time Republicans making excuses for him and those slime in the senate I will never forgive
Great. Live a bitter life of self inflicted hate

Stupid but your call, letting someone you don't know pwn you like this.
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It's yet to be seen if the military rank and file will stand behind their leaders who have stood with and behind them in combat or if they will stand behind Trump whose disregard of military justice rules and tradition has already caused the Secretary of the Navy to quit in protest over Trump's whim fueled by Fox and Friends.

Are you Communist traitors planning military action? Will you be backed by the Chinese military? Yeah, we know who is behind the DNC.
And, you know, I'm a 20 year retired Navy vet, and I think that Trump has finally done enough to warrant impeachment.

When the Mueller report came out, I thought that it was a good thing that the investigation happened so that we could possibly guard against further interference, but I didn't see anything that was at the level of impeachment. Maybe having the Congress tell him he did wrong, but that's about it.


When this stuff with the Ukraine started to surface, I thought we should wait and see how deep it went. Now that we have seen Trump was using Rudy as a back channel with them to get dirt on Biden without Rudy being an elected or appointed government official, that is when I started to wonder. Trump holding up aid that was already approved by Congress was bad, because the 3 branches of government are all supposed to be equal so that there are checks and balances on how much power anyone can grab.
Then why was it OK for the DNC to go to the Ukraine for dirt on Trump?

Hypocrisy is fascinating.
Because Trump was digging for BS dirt on Biden a political rival to benefit himself Now do you understand ?
you mean like RUSSIAN BS dirt that was made up by people and forced through the system illegally in front of FISA type of a benefit to the DNC/Hillary?

THAT type of benefit?

quit being such a fucking 1 way tool, dude. you cry out in pain that trump made a comment while you say NO THEY DIDN'T to the mass corruption the left ACTUALLY DID DO THAT YOU ARE BITCHING ABOUT TRUMP TRYING TO DO.

put the hate away and just look at facts. but you can't. kinda sad.
I love facts no matter which way they turn ,and the fact I admire the most is this garbage in our WH is the most undesirable president of all time Republicans making excuses for him and those slime in the senate I will never forgive
Great. Live a bitter life of self inflicted hate

Stupid but your call, letting someone you don't know pwn you like this.
Ice you have me all wrong Yes I hate these sniveling cowards in the WH and senate but it doesn't affect my life as a proud father and good businessman whose managed to accumulate all I and my family needs
It's yet to be seen if the military rank and file will stand behind their leaders who have stood with and behind them in combat or if they will stand behind Trump whose disregard of military justice rules and tradition has already caused the Secretary of the Navy to quit in protest over Trump's whim fueled by Fox and Friends.

Are you Communist traitors planning military action? Will you be backed by the Chinese military? Yeah, we know who is behind the DNC.

The military has always had a presence when it comes to presidential elections, even if that presence has never been in a traditionally military role.
It's yet to be seen if the military rank and file will stand behind their leaders who have stood with and behind them in combat or if they will stand behind Trump whose disregard of military justice rules and tradition has already caused the Secretary of the Navy to quit in protest over Trump's whim fueled by Fox and Friends.

Are you Communist traitors planning military action? Will you be backed by the Chinese military? Yeah, we know who is behind the DNC.

The military has always had a presence when it comes to presidential elections, even if that presence has never been in a traditionally military role.

Military members vote as they chose individually.

The implication is you traitors will attempt to overthrow the government. No doubt backed by China, who controls the democrat party.
It's yet to be seen if the military rank and file will stand behind their leaders who have stood with and behind them in combat or if they will stand behind Trump whose disregard of military justice rules and tradition has already caused the Secretary of the Navy to quit in protest over Trump's whim fueled by Fox and Friends.

Are you Communist traitors planning military action? Will you be backed by the Chinese military? Yeah, we know who is behind the DNC.

The military has always had a presence when it comes to presidential elections, even if that presence has never been in a traditionally military role.

Military members vote as they chose individually.

The implication is you traitors will attempt to overthrow the government. No doubt backed by China, who controls the democrat party.
OVERTHROW the Gov't?? Like republican asses tried to do with Clinton and then lied their asses off so Hillary would lose to a S,,bag?
And Pap I bet you were out there speaking out against what they were doing to Bill lol
It's yet to be seen if the military rank and file will stand behind their leaders who have stood with and behind them in combat or if they will stand behind Trump whose disregard of military justice rules and tradition has already caused the Secretary of the Navy to quit in protest over Trump's whim fueled by Fox and Friends.

Are you Communist traitors planning military action? Will you be backed by the Chinese military? Yeah, we know who is behind the DNC.

The military has always had a presence when it comes to presidential elections, even if that presence has never been in a traditionally military role.

Military members vote as they chose individually.

The implication is you traitors will attempt to overthrow the government. No doubt backed by China, who controls the democrat party.

No. That might be the accusation you nut bag Trump supporters are spewing this week, but it's nothing more than that. Certainly nothing connected with reality.
And Pap I bet you were out there speaking out against what they were doing to Bill lol

I'm not speaking out about impeachment, if that is what the House wants to do, then they need to do it. I am speaking specifically about the rich elite that the Democrats claim to hate, that love to interfere with politics.
And Pap I bet you were out there speaking out against what they were doing to Bill lol

I'm not speaking out about impeachment, if that is what the House wants to do, then they need to do it. I am speaking specifically about the rich elite that the Democrats claim to hate, that love to interfere with politics.
Not all Dems are AOS and not all hate the wealthy Just another tool for republicans to use like E mails ,not a citizen and benghazi
And Pap I bet you were out there speaking out against what they were doing to Bill lol

I'm not speaking out about impeachment, if that is what the House wants to do, then they need to do it. I am speaking specifically about the rich elite that the Democrats claim to hate, that love to interfere with politics.
Not all Dems are AOS and not all hate the wealthy Just another tool for republicans to use like E mails ,not a citizen and benghazi

Not sure what an AOS is.
And Pap I bet you were out there speaking out against what they were doing to Bill lol

I'm not speaking out about impeachment, if that is what the House wants to do, then they need to do it. I am speaking specifically about the rich elite that the Democrats claim to hate, that love to interfere with politics.
Not all Dems are AOS and not all hate the wealthy Just another tool for republicans to use like E mails ,not a citizen and benghazi

Not sure what an AOS is.
Who ever the Dems new socialist is
And Pap I bet you were out there speaking out against what they were doing to Bill lol

I'm not speaking out about impeachment, if that is what the House wants to do, then they need to do it. I am speaking specifically about the rich elite that the Democrats claim to hate, that love to interfere with politics.
Not all Dems are AOS and not all hate the wealthy Just another tool for republicans to use like E mails ,not a citizen and benghazi

Not sure what an AOS is.
widely seen as the biggest upset victory in the 2018 midterm election primaries.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Wikipedia › wiki › Alexandria_Ocasio
And Pap I bet you were out there speaking out against what they were doing to Bill lol

I'm not speaking out about impeachment, if that is what the House wants to do, then they need to do it. I am speaking specifically about the rich elite that the Democrats claim to hate, that love to interfere with politics.
Not all Dems are AOS and not all hate the wealthy Just another tool for republicans to use like E mails ,not a citizen and benghazi

Not sure what an AOS is.
widely seen as the biggest upset victory in the 2018 midterm election primaries.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Wikipedia › wiki › Alexandria_Ocasio

Isn't that AOC and not AOS? I like her, she calls out other Dems on their BS. I am sure as she gets more seasoned she will quit calling out her party and become the status quo.
And Pap I bet you were out there speaking out against what they were doing to Bill lol

I'm not speaking out about impeachment, if that is what the House wants to do, then they need to do it. I am speaking specifically about the rich elite that the Democrats claim to hate, that love to interfere with politics.
Not all Dems are AOS and not all hate the wealthy Just another tool for republicans to use like E mails ,not a citizen and benghazi

Not sure what an AOS is.
widely seen as the biggest upset victory in the 2018 midterm election primaries.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Wikipedia › wiki › Alexandria_Ocasio

Isn't that AOC and not AOS? I like her, she calls out other Dems on their BS. I am sure as she gets more seasoned she will quit calling out her party and become the status quo.
Not very fond of her Screwed up a deal with Amazon that would have increased value of my RE in the town over

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