Veterans Day


Aug 28, 2003
New York
Let me be the first to honor the men and women who served our country. My flag is waving proudly today in your honor.

I found this poem online. It wasn't written for this day but I think it's still worth repeating.

A Veteran Died Today

He was getting old and paunchy, and his hair was falling fast; and he sat around the post home, telling stories of the past. Of a war that he had fought in the deeds that he had done; sharing exploits with his buddies, all were heroes, everyone. And 'thos sometimes to his neighbors, his tales became a joke, all his comrades listened, for they know whereof he spoke. But, we'll hear his tales no longer, of ol' Bob has passed away, and the world's a little poorer, for a Veteran died today.

No, he won't be mourned by many, just his children and his wife, for bob lived a plain and ordinary sort of life. He held a job, raised a and quietly went his way, and the world won't note his passing, 'tho a Veteran died today.

See, when politicans leave this earth, their bodies lie in state, while thousands note their passing, and proclaim that they were great. Their life stories are grandly told, from the time they were young, but the passing of a Veteran goes unnoticed, and unsung.

Is the greatest contribution to the welfare of our land, some jerk who breaks his promises and cons his fellow man? Or the ordinary person, who in times of war and strife, goes off to serve this Country and offers up his life?

Now, the politican's salary and the style in which he lives, are sometimes disproportionate to the services he gives. While the ordinary Veteran who offered up his all, is paid off with a medal and, perhaps, a pension small. It's so easy to forget them, for it was so long ago, that our Bobs, Jims and Larrys went to battle, that we know. It was not the politicians, with their compromise and ploys, who won for us the freedom that our Nation now enjoys. Should you find yourself in danger, with an enemy at hand, would you really want some "cop out" with his wishy-washy stand? Or, would you want a Veteran who swore he would defend GOD, COUNTRY, FAMILY, and would fight until the end.

Yes, he was just a common Veteran and his ranks are growing thin, but his presence still remind us, we may need his kind again. For when foreigners are in trouble, then the Military's part, is to clean up all the troubles that the politicans start.

So, if we cannot do him honor, while he's here to hear the praise, then at least let's pay him homage at the ending of his days. Perhaps a simple headline in the paper that might say.


Jim I can honestly say I am humbled. These brave men and women provide the blanket of security and freedom under which we all sleep; to me it begs the question:

Do we truly understand and appreciate their sacrifices?

We read about fallen soldiers every day, after a while they become just numbers printed on a page, but do we give thought to the life that was lost. Let us not forget that each man and women had plans, dreams, and hopes for their future, a future no more. Mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters, loved ones leaving behind grieving families and shattered homes.

Let us do or say nothing to disgrace their memory and honor!

May God bless our fallen friends, and watch over and protect our men and women in harms way!

I would like to add a poem I came across:

We Stood For Freedom

Roger J. Robicheau
Former U.S. Army Specialist Fifth Class

We stood for freedom just like you
And loved the flag you cherish too
Our uniforms felt great to wear
You know the feel, and how you care.

In step we marched, the cadence way
The same is true with you today
Oh how we tried to do our best
As you do now, from test to test
How young we were and proud to be
Defenders of true liberty.

So many thoughts bind soldiers well
The facts may change, not how we jell
Each soldier past, and you now here
Do share what will not disappear
One thought now comes, straight from my heart
For soldiers home, who've done their part.

I'm honored to have served with you
May Godly peace, help get you through
And now I'll end with a request
Do ponder this, while home at rest
America, respect our day
Each veteran, helped freedom stay.
My humble thanks to all the Veterans and the men and women in our armed services - without them all - where would we be. God Bless them all!
I too would like to express my gratitude to all the men and women who have/are serving for our country! that goes for a lot of the members on this board! You are all Hero's in my book!!!!!

The best I did today was shake the hand of a veteran of vietnam - funny, I got called in for a random drug test, the guy and I were talking and he told me how he served in vietnam, so I shook his hand and thanked him for serving for us - the guy was amazed that I did that and told me how special it was to be thanked by someone. A simple thank you is all it took!!! so, thanks to you all!!!!!!
Thank you both for sharing these poems with us.
I'm very proud of the vets in my family and more
thankful than I can say to all the men and women
who've served in battle.

It's great to see some support for them.
Thank you for that poem. All of our veterans from WWI to today are being remember today. 11-11-18 was the end of the Great War.
Originally posted by janeeng
I too would like to express my gratitude to all the men and women who have/are serving for our country! that goes for a lot of the members on this board! You are all Hero's in my book!!!!!

You're welcome! :)

Although I will have to say, I don't really feel like a hero for having served in the Army, it was just something I did because I wanted to serve. Most other people I served with really feel the same way. So if you thanked a vet and they seemed a little weird about it, it's probably because, in our minds, it was not a gargantuan task for us... it was just what we did.
You are right Jeff, but at the same time, you have done things that some of us never had the courage to do, people have said some nasty things about the Military, and why I don't know - People seem to forget about who gave us our freedom, who is fighting for our rights, who stands in the front line, knowing, that you may not come home - I still feel your all hero's - just for the fact of your courage!!! I said my goodbyes to a couple of friends when they were returning to Bosnia after their 2 week leave, I guess maybe 6 years ago or so, there were over 300 soldiers getting back on that plane, I seen some that looked like they were 13 years old, young - and I saw tears roll, hard goodbyes, and I also saw the strong attitude on soldiers! it was a day I hold and cherish and was glad to be a part of that day!
You say you honor them, yet you endorse a president that steals their money

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