Venger's Soap: Bold & Beautiful*


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
I grew up watching soap operas with my mom on sick-days from school, so I wanted to offer up this spirited New Year's soap-fable, once again and just once more referencing my favorite cartoon anti-hero Venger, and my mom's favorite soap The Bold and the Beautiful. Ain't diaries and fan-fiction (and detectives) grand? Thanks so much for reading,


Los Angeles was the site of great intrigue, when Forrester Creations (FC) was determining its corporate leadership in 2021. FC was established as the ultimate fashion house for California and the American fashion industry, and Eric Forrester, founder and current CEO, wanted to maintain his leadership position. However, there were other contenders now for the role, including young and beautiful Steffi Forrester and even matriarchal fashion consultant Sally Spectra.


Eric believed he had the know-how and the experience to continue his leadership ways, but Steffi and Sally and others, including Bill Spencer, Jr. wanted a chance to take FC (Forrester Creations) in new directions, focusing on Eastern fashions and new age styles borrowed from comic book female characters like Scarlet Witch and Dark Phoenix. Eric didn't like this new direction, however. Suddenly FC intrigue made the LA fashion scene a thing of great and wondrous negotiations. How would capitalism in America benefit from all this?


VENGER: "I'm a sorcerer from another dimension, but I'm visiting Los Angeles to see its sights and esablish myself in FC."


Lauren Fenmore wanted to add some spice to this negotiation intrigue by stirring up scandals and gossip among the members of FC (Forrester Creations). For example, it was rumored that the young and beautiful Steffi Forrester was now pregnant with Bill Spencer's child. Lauren wanted FC to become a place of spice and gossip, but she was curious about this newcomer in town, a young fashion designer named 'Venger' who became buddies and good pals with Eric Forrester and was persuading him to look at graphics and video-game approaches to fashion design marketing. Lauren Fenmore wanted to create gossip that Venger and Eric were seeking to create a design monopoly. Lauren wanted to add her own two cents by perhaps seducing this newcomer Venger. She was a a real schemer!


VENGER: "All I care about is working as a fashion designer for FC alongside Eric Forrester, even if people call me nerdy!"


The odd thing was, the actual gossip worthy spice was ironically that Venger was a thief, a professional bank robber. Hailing from another dimension and planet, near Venus by a porthole, Venger had traveled to Earth and settled in Los Angeles seeking a 'human life' alongside the Forrester group in the City of Angels. Venger was plotting multiple bank heists of expensive diamonds owned by the rival company of FC, Diamond Web. No one knew this of course, not even the inquisitive Lauren Fenmore. Venger sought to rob the US Bank in LA for the $20 million diamonds owned by Diamond Web. Venger had the 'appropriate' bank robbery disguise for the heist in LA.


VENGER: I've stolen $20 million diamonds from the bank owned by Diamond Web.
ERIC: You what?
VENGER: Listen, Eric, this is the right turn for some scandal in the press.
ERIC: You want to attack Diamond Web with robbery gossip in the press, Venger?
VENGER: Why not?
ERIC: Venger, young man, you're a brilliant designer, but this is crime!
VENGER: This is the future, Eric.
ERIC: I know you're like a son I've never had, but I don't know about this, man!
VENGER: I'll take care of everything; I'll have Lauren Fenmore spread the gossip.
ERIC: Alright; I'll stand by you in the shadows, young man; but if this explodes, it's not me.


Meanwhile, the gossip wheels about the Diamond Web bank heist of the $20 million diamonds were churning and burning. FC designer and consultant Katie Logan was told by Lauren Fenmore that this heist would be a disaster for Diamond Web, and Lauren was talking to every socialite in LA about the 'apocalypse' of gem-lost by Diamond Web. Katie decided all this society gossip about treasures lost by Diamond Web would indeed ironically benefit Forrester Creations (FC), but only if Eric Forrester and his new 'prodigy' Venger found ways to spread this social news in democratic ways. Katie decided she'd become part of this equation with her unusual gift of gab.


Biracial youngsters Zende Forrester and girlfriend Mary Carter were intrigued by how this bank robbery and diamond-heist gossip in LA news was adding strange chemicals to the rivalry between FC and Diamond Web. Suddenly, young people were saying things like, "FC is more secure from modern threats posed by new age pirates, seeking to exploit dioramic vulnerabilities exposed by Diamond Web!" Zendy and Mary decided to research trends in minority sector crimes in LA related to dollars.


SALLY SPECTRA: "I've served as a matriarch in the City of Angels, and I'm wary of this bond between Eric and Venger."


Rumors still flew about the illegitimate pregnancy of CEO-hopeful Steffi Forrester, but it wasn't esablished who the father was, and now there were rumors that the father wasn't Bill Spencer, Jr., but in fact, Venger himself. Eric warned his 'adopted son' Venger that all this in-house gossip, no doubt flamed by Lauren Fenmore, could divide and destroy Forrester Creations (FC).


BILL SPENCER, JR.: "Hey, if Venger's the father of Steffi's child, I'm not going to suffer, and in fact, I'm going to go after Eric."


Venger was meanwhile working alongside Zende Forrester to develop a satellite graphic designed video-game for youngsters involving a virtual bank robbery scenario in the City of Angels. This video-game, loosely-titled, Angel Eyes, would entreat modern-day youth to consider how capitalism was deformed by modern piracy...and hijacking. Zende thought this was excellent educational outreach for FC media. However, would Diamond Web seriously suffer from all this robbery analysis? This was the concern of Sally Spectra, the wise old matriarch.


VENGER: "I vow to make Forrester Creations a thing of new age dreams, in the otherwise dizzying City of Angels, by Kerouac!"


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)


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