Venger's Skylight


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a lovely New Year's short piece (picture-paged of course!) about my favorite neo-classic cartoon character Venger (Dungeons & Dragons) who's really the 'Western civilization' folk-literary antecedent of the Indian avatar Karna (an anti-hero). I grew up reading Indian fables and watching American cartoons like Dungeons & Dragons and always found Venger to be a complex and deep and not completely villainous character signifying a consciousness about social dreams. Venger is oddly both unattainable and yet lonely and brooding about life and daydreams. He's a prince of shadows but also a messenger of dreams. This is a life-love piece (my final one!) about Venger traveling to Earth with his new girlfriend Thief (also from the Dungeons & Dragons cartoon) and seeking a new life of promise...and duty. Hope you enjoy this (Happy New Year's Day, USMB!),





I've spent time on my lonely planet with my dark horse Nightmare for many centuries. Now, I live on Earth as a transformed human, in an LA condo with my girlfriend Thief and our niece and two daughters. We have a treasured red ruby and we spend time together reading and playing and making love and watching cartoons! My life has been transformed by my girlfriend. I'm no longer brooding!


Our LA condo is magnificent. It was a pretty penny, but I purchased it with endeavor money I acquired while engaging in enterprises with my partner in business and crime Prince Lotor who also traveled to Earth from a faraway dominion with me! My LA condo is something that is beautiful, spacious, and idyllic for life on Earth. It's also energy efficient, which my girlfriend Thief really appreciates.


THIEF: "My real name's Shelbye, but Venger insists I keep my name Thief for sentimental purposes, but I do since I love Venger."


We have a gorgeous red parakeet named Aladdin. He talks to us and our niece and two daughters. He's a fantastic parakeet and accents our LA condo with great flair. He's a lovely red bird, he is!


Our niece Sivana is gorgeous and very smart for her age so he enrich her activities with Reading Rainbow and Highlights.


Our one daughter Pippi loves tricycles and we let her ride her little bike in our condo when we clear the floor on Saturdays.


Our other daughter Alexandra is a big fan of chess and othello and ludo, so we entreat these hobbies for her.


Ludo is a game involving great strategy, imagination, and piece motions. We play with our niece and daughters every Sunday!


My skylight in our LA condo is a reflection of the domestic values we espouse on Earth and in America in this new age of much traffic congestion and Coronavirus fears, keeping everything clean and habitat-friendly. This is the moral responsibility of life on Earth in this new millennium and new year.


THIEF: "Ou red ruby is worth over $30 million, and Venger keeps it locked in a hidden safe in the wall of our spacious condo."


I purchased a lovely Honda bike, which we ride on and off, and we find our rides in LA both pleasant and adventurous, but we keep everything with temperance and humility, because that's a real family life, you know!


VENGER: "I left behind my old life of dark crimes (bank robbery) and sorcery with Lotor and his wife for a new life in America."


THIEF: "For me to afford my beau Venger his precious 'skylight' in the City of Angels, I remain thoughtful about his need for dreams."


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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