Venger's Girlfriend: Part III


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
One more Venger tragic-romance tale to sign off with on my lonely wine-filled New Year's Eve, USMB. Thanks so much for reading (and enjoy!),


Venger returned to Earth one last time, and this time, he wanted to find a different woman to find love with on Earth. He separated from his last human girlfriend and now sought someone else with whom to find momentary bliss. He was lonely, you see, still lonely, as the alien lone sorcerer on his planet. He left behind his horse Nightmare once more to travel to Earth.


VENGER: "Once more, I'll transform into the Algerian-American prince named Isaac, and I'll seek a new love entirely in America!"


Venger traveled to Los Angeles and settled down in a nice apartment in the City of Angels. He took a job as a software developer at a small start-up in LA while planning a diamond heist in a bank in downtown LA. You see, Venger was seeking all sorts of excitement during this most likely last visit to Earth and America. Los Angeles became his playground and laboratory!


VENGER: "I'll make paintings of sex and love and post them online and see if a woman responds with sensual liking!"


A woman did respond to Venger's sensual art post. This woman was a fiery redhead named Amy. She studied at UCLA. She was a clerk at a law firm in LA. She went to nightclubs seeking men to date. She was as lonely as Venger. She contacted him through his art website to secure a coffee date with him. Venger (aka, 'Isaac') fell in love with Amy instantly and they made love in his LA apartment. In fact, that's all they did for the next few months! She was his angel without any doubts.


VENGER: "Now, I'll fulfill my other Earth-visit fantasy and rob the Cue bank in downtown Los Angeles for $10 million diamonds."


That's just what Venger did, you know! He walked into the Cue bank in a head-gear and shades and and pretended to be a fundamentalist terrorist wielding a water-gun filled with corrosive HCL acid, claiming he was sent by the two terrorist groups Isis and Cobra but had no intention to fire his horrifying 'acid-gun' inside the bank. He was immediately escorted to the vault-room by the guards and manager after being assured no alarm was set off for his 10 minute heist and then procured the $10 million diamonds from vault-room safe box #445 belonging to corrupt Saudi prince Ahmed Shah. Venger (aka, 'Isaac') walked out of the Cue bank that LA afternoon a millionaire.


VENGER: Keep these diamonds, darling.
AMY: Where did you get them, Isaac?
VENGER: Don't ask!
AMY: What're you in blood diamonds or something?
VENGER: These aren't pesky blood diamonds, Amy, but they are black.
AMY: Why're you gifting me this now, Isaac?
VENGER: Because I have to part ways, and I can't forget you, darling.
AMY: Alright.


Venger returned to his home planet and began washing the dark hair of his horse Nightmare. He whispered into his horse's ear and told him, "I sought both love and excitement on Earth and found the former was much more...divine."


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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