Vatican Watcher Stunned as Pope Francis Drops Title ‘Vicar" OF Christ’ Assumes Power as Jorge Marion Bergolio In ‘His Own Name


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
" Former papal nuncio Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has called the dropping of Pope Francis’ essential title “Vicar of Christ” from the 2020 Pontifical Yearbook an act that appears to “officially alter the Papacy,” such that the Pope “no longer recognizes himself as guardian.” “This change in the layout and content of an official text of the Catholic Church cannot be ignored, nor is it possible to attribute it to a gesture of humility on the part of Francis, which is not in keeping with his name being so prominently featured,” wrote Viganò in a statement.

oman Catholics from deep within the Vatican are sounding the alarm bells today because Pope Francis is once again doing wacky, end times stuff. Today’s story comes from an article on the Catholic site Life Site News from a statement they received from Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. Viganò is quite alarmed that Pope Francis has dropped the title ‘Vicar of Christ’ in the annual Vatican Yearbook, and instead has listed himself in ‘his own name’ of Jorge Mario Bergoglio. Life Site News and Viganò are rightly alarmed by this breach of long-standing Vatican protocol, but if they knew anything about bible prophecy, they’d really be quaking in their boots. "

Vatican Watchers Stunned As Pope Francis Drops Title 'Vicar Of Christ' Assumes Power As Jorge Mario Bergoglio In 'His Own Name' Fulfilling John 5:43 Prophecy Of Antichrist • Now The End Begins
Pope Francis now wants to be known by his own name as he drops the title 'vicar of Christ' and assumes power as Jorge Mario Bergoglio - Antichrist!

Are you Catholics paying attention? The lord has spoken.
The authority of the Pope comes from the moral and ethical influence that emanates from the position
as head of the church.
If people sense the Pope is no longer as moral or ethical as he pretends to be his authority crumbles and so
does the church.
The authority of the Pope comes from the moral and ethical influence that emanates from the position
as head of the church.
If people sense the Pope is no longer as moral or ethical as he pretends to be his authority crumbles and so
does the church.
The term "vicar of Christ" means he stands in the place of Christ on earth. This is where all the troubles began. You might say it means he "represents" Christ on earth, but the first is the real definition, and that is offensive to true Christian's, who do not recognize an intermediary. Christ is with the true Christian and we dont need to go thru a flawed man -- particularly THIS man.

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