Van Gordon Sauter, ex-CBS News president: ‘Liberal leaning’ media passes its tipping point


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
About 35 years ago I was sitting at lunch next to Jeane Kirkpatrick, a onetime Democrat who became a foreign-policy adviser to President Reagan and later U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. She was lamenting what she called the “liberal leaning” media. As the president of CBS News, I assured her it was only a “liberal tilt” and could be corrected.

“You don’t understand,“ she scolded. “It’s too late.”

Kirkpatrick was prophetic. The highly influential daily newspapers in New York, Washington, Los Angeles and Boston are now decidedly liberal. On the home screen, the three broadcast network divisions still have their liberal tilt. Two of the three leading cable news sources are unrelentingly liberal in their fear and loathing of President Trump.

BJ - The Democratic Media reports positively for the Democrats and negatively towards the Republicans, as long as consumers know that, it's fine - far too many Libs don't see that it is simply an in-kind donation to the Political Branch of the Democratic Party from the Media Branch.
There is no Obamagate since Barr killed it.
One word explains the media, capitalism...Don't like it move to a one party system in a country of yer choice.
There is no Obamagate since Barr killed it.
One word explains the media, capitalism...Don't like it move to a one party system in a country of yer choice.

You post from an ignorant point of view -
It's not based on Capitalism at all.
It's agenda driven
Otherwise everyone would copy Fox, which has all the ratings.
There is no Obamagate since Barr killed it.
One word explains the media, capitalism...Don't like it move to a one party system in a country of yer choice.

You post from an ignorant point of view -
It's not based on Capitalism at all.
It's agenda driven
Otherwise everyone would copy Fox, which has all the ratings.
Why do you hate capitalism?
There is no Obamagate since Barr killed it.
One word explains the media, capitalism...Don't like it move to a one party system in a country of yer choice.
Its impossible to look at CNNs ratings compared to Fox and call them capitalists

they are Marxists at heart who care about political power more than money
The left wing media is destroying American culture, it’s not longer the news but they brainwash watchers in to thinking A certain way with miss truths, fake news. It’s sad when I sit down and watch the news with my father all the lies.. and he doesn’t know better because he doesn’t have internet.. sad I don’t want a state run media but if we don’t confront anti American media that are colluding. Then we are in trouble.

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