Van Drew, D-N.J., HAMMERS Fellow Dems: This Impeachment Is Everything Our Country Does NOT Stand For


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
There is at least 1 Democrat in the House who is completely against the Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat Extremist Elites attempting to running successfully accomplish what former President Obama and his proven criminal administration failed to do 4 years ago - carry out the political coup against this President, especially right before the election...and he's letting his fellow Democrats, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and the American people hear it!

"Rep. Jeff Van Drew, D-N.J., took on his party's leadership in a new interview, criticizing House Democrats' decision to have a "small, elite group" of lawmakers pursue an impeachment inquiry just before the 2020 presidential election.

“To some folks, that’s reminiscent of what was done to kings and queens many years ago," he said during an interview with USA Today. "Everything our country doesn’t stand for."

Speaker Pelosi - when asked why not just let the American people decide who they want to lead the country through the up-coming election rather than seek to take that decision out of voters' hands by attempting to Impeachment based on zero evidence of 'High Crimes and Misdemeanors' - already declared that allowing the American people to decide who they want to be President is 'DANGEROUS'.

The American people were already entrusted with that decision in 2016, and - according to Pelosi - the voters made a horrible, dangerous error in Judgment by electing Donald Trump President instead of Hillary Clinton.

Allowing Americans to pick their own leaders / rulers being too much of a risk is exactly why, for example, the Democratic Party stacked the deck against Sanders, helped HRC cheat in debates, and eventually GAVE Hillary the party nomination she could not win herself.

Van Drew continues to point out that his fellow Democrats are continuing to make a mockery of our Judicial System, of the Constitution, of the Constitutional Rights Americans have, and the right to choose our own representatives through casting a ballot that actually means something, that can not - WILL not be overturned by partisan extremists simply because they do not like how the American people voted.

Van Drew continues to rebuke his fellow Democrats, pointing out that everything they have done the last 4 years, making it a party / personal mission to un-do the 2016 election, is against everything this country stands for.

House Dem continues to rail against impeachment push: 'Everything our country doesn't stand for'

Pelosi, of course, is "3rd in line" and hence has that huge


in impeaching the sitting Prez... all she would need is someone to off Pence at the right time, and PRESTO.....

Prez Pelosi....
Pelosi will not get enough D votes to send this idiocy to the senate unless Trump offers enough incentive to swing district Ds at which point the Ds stand to become a third party for all intents and purposes.
Van Drew will either walk back his criticism of Pelosi or his abandoned car will be found next week in the Meadowlands
'Unsavory,' not impeachable: Democratic lawmaker explains why he opposes removing Trump
Democratic Rep. Van Drew: Trump's conduct 'unsavory,' not impeachable

"My job isn’t really to like or dislike him," he said in an interview with USA TODAY in his office on Capitol Hill. "My job is to exact as much goodwill and help for my district and for this nation and for this world that I possibly can while he’s president.”

It's going to interesting to see if libs will burn themselves at the stake over no evidence and vote purely based on rabid hate.
my money is on Trump and Pelosi starting a bidding war for the votes of Ds in swing districts. In the senate Trump cannot be convicted and Pelosi et al can not avoid subpoenas to testify under oath and Trump has absolute 5th amendment protection, that should be interesting.

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