
I'd be all for offering citizenship to every illegal valedictorian who has been accepted to an Ivy League college.
That'll do wonders for discouraging migrants to come here illegally. Sheeesh!!
UncleTard has a lot of family still waiting in Mexico for his signal to come on up!
US high school valedictorian outs herself as illegal immigrant during graduation speech

An interesting graduation speech by the class valedictorian who used the occasion to reveal herself as an illegal immigrant. I don't suppose Yale will care either way.

Are you jealous that this illegal is better than you?

No, why would I be?

Because you are an ignorant bastard.
Why don't you address the post instead of attacking the poster and trying to bring him down to your level?

Asking him first. His been stalking me. I still don't know why he was acting that way. I asked him a question........ If I did anything to insult him but he never answered my question.
US high school valedictorian outs herself as illegal immigrant during graduation speech

An interesting graduation speech by the class valedictorian who used the occasion to reveal herself as an illegal immigrant. I don't suppose Yale will care either way.

Are you jealous that this illegal is better than you?

No, why would I be?

Because you are an ignorant bastard.

Not so much. What are you so afraid of?

Afraid of what? Your insult.
US high school valedictorian outs herself as illegal immigrant during graduation speech

An interesting graduation speech by the class valedictorian who used the occasion to reveal herself as an illegal immigrant. I don't suppose Yale will care either way.

Are you jealous that this illegal is better than you?

No, why would I be?

Because you are an ignorant bastard.

Not so much. What are you so afraid of?

Afraid of what? Your insult.

If you review the above exchange, I believe you'll see that - yet again - the insult came from you. How about addressing the topic?
If we could trade a drop out idiot like you for a bright young person like her, that'd be a great deal.
Are you going to include "drop out" every time you post to me ? :laugh:

EARTH TO UNKOTARD: Millions of people dropped out of graduate school because of AFFIRMATIVE ACTION discrimination in financial aid. Are you going to minimize all of them too ? If you had an ounce of decency (and intelligence), you would condemn the racial discrimination that caused all these financially troubled people to drop out (and have their careers ruined), instead of attacking them.

You might also note that I didn't "drop out" of my undergraduate college, from which I graduated with 2 Bachelors degrees (in Economics & Geography), and taught these subjects for 3 years in the city University of New York. I also didn't drop out of military service, which I got 2 honorable discharges from (US Army & NY Army National Guard). I also didn't "drop out" from studying and learning the 4 musical instruments that I play, and have played professionally for years (violin, mandolin, harmonica, guitar) And you play how many ? :biggrin:

PS - wanna tell us about how much $$$ this valedictorian is going to extract (pillage) out of the US economy, and remittance-wire back to Mexico, over the next 10 years, while she is stealing a US job, in this country ?
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If you review the above exchange, I believe you'll see that - yet again - the insult came from you. How about addressing the topic?
How about if YOU address it, instead of bringing up my graduate school history from 39 years ago ? Clean your OWN kitchen, hypocrite.
Q: What do you call a wetback valedictorian?

A: UncleTard's hero.
There is absolutely no doubt that this intelligent young lady will go on to contribute more to society and the economy than some bitter, racist, drop-out loser coward whining from the sidelines.
Q: What do you call a ..... valedictorian?

A: A person 100,000,000 times more intelligent, deserving, and valuable than some mudda idiot sniping at his betters from the internet.
Q: What do you call a ..... valedictorian?
A: A person 100,000,000 times more intelligent, deserving, and valuable than some mudda idiot sniping at his betters from the internet.
It just proves ONCE AGAIN that you're a fucking beaner trying to promote your munchkin race of drug dealers and taco swallowers. Give it a rest already.
It must be galling for some college drop-out loser and his muddy high school drop-out side kick to see a young person they so badly want to make the target of their hatred but who is so clearly their superior. Gotta suck for those bitter, impotent losers. None of which, of course, has a damn thing to do with questions of immigration, which cannot be discussed with such mentally and emotionally stunted stiffs.
I think she just 'graduation speeched' her way to a book deal and a scholarship covering her grad studies as well. No dummy, this girl.

She is a dummy UNKOTARD. She is intelligent but she is not smart.
Normally illegals are quiet of their status here because Americans don't like illegals.
Now walking around Yale with label on her forehead.......... Look I'm illegal I made it here to Yale.
Normally illegals are quiet of their status here because Americans don't like illegals......

She's going to attend Yale and if her legal status comes up at all it will be in praise of her (for right or wrong). She won't suffer any negative consequences, and I'd expect she will be a US citizen by the time she graduates.
Are you jealous that this illegal is better than you?

No, why would I be?

Because you are an ignorant bastard.

Not so much. What are you so afraid of?

Afraid of what? Your insult.

If you review the above exchange, I believe you'll see that - yet again - the insult came from you. How about addressing the topic?

How about addressing several threads that you've been stalking me in last 2 days? Hypocrite.
Normally illegals are quiet of their status here because Americans don't like illegals......

She's going to attend Yale and if her legal status comes up at all it will be in praise of her (for right or wrong). She won't suffer any negative consequences, and I'd expect she will be a US citizen by the time she graduates.

Yes she will suffer....... Did you ever heard any illegals.............. Hey look I'm illegal?
You have not answer my original question. Did I insult your intelligence or something that you've been stalking and attacking me?
No, why would I be?

Because you are an ignorant bastard.

Not so much. What are you so afraid of?

Afraid of what? Your insult.

If you review the above exchange, I believe you'll see that - yet again - the insult came from you. How about addressing the topic?

How about addressing several threads that you've been stalking me in last 2 days? Hypocrite.

How about addressing the topic instead of lying and whining, kid?

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