VA orders removal of Flag


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013

An American flag was taken down from a Richmond, Virginia construction site after officials ordered its removal. They claim it created a target for protestors.

It's a sad day when officials are bowing to the mob and removing our country's flag and sign of freedom in order to decrease the chances of being attacked by protestors.

An American flag was taken down from a Richmond, Virginia construction site after officials ordered its removal. They claim it created a target for protestors.

It's a sad day when officials are bowing to the mob and removing our country's flag and sign of freedom in order to decrease the chances of being attacked by protestors.
Those people know better and can do better than this. It used to be the state of Presidents now they turn their back on the flag.
They need to change their state song to this cause those people aren't worth sht. I recommend Sweet Virginia, by the Rolling stones.

An American flag was taken down from a Richmond, Virginia construction site after officials ordered its removal. They claim it created a target for protestors.

It's a sad day when officials are bowing to the mob and removing our country's flag and sign of freedom in order to decrease the chances of being attacked by protestors.

Why are these people even called protestors? they are not. Vandalism is a form of violence and violence is Force. Sadly mob rule has been condoned for too long so now these people feel they have a right. Seems to me though if they want to target the flag and target America and its symbols, then America also has the right to protest and target them individually.

An American flag was taken down from a Richmond, Virginia construction site after officials ordered its removal. They claim it created a target for protestors.

It's a sad day when officials are bowing to the mob and removing our country's flag and sign of freedom in order to decrease the chances of being attacked by protestors.

I wouldn't have removed it. What next, my borough orders me to remove the flag from my house because it might attract bad people from a blue state?
I don't think this is about protesters, this is about some woke son of a bitch making a political statement.
Indeed....The onus is on the allegedly offended....Fuck them.

And think about it-- -- it's not like they really thought some Trump Supporter or some troublesome "white nationalist" was thought at risk of showing up making trouble over the flag, if ANYONE did, it would be your BLM / Progressive, Triggered, Leftwing anarchist. One of their ilk.

No red blooded American would protest the flag flying anywhere.

An American flag was taken down from a Richmond, Virginia construction site after officials ordered its removal. They claim it created a target for protestors.

It's a sad day when officials are bowing to the mob and removing our country's flag and sign of freedom in order to decrease the chances of being attacked by protestors.
What out there isn't going to be a target for protesters?

God bless you always!!!

Oh shit they took down the flag it's a call to arms, let the DOD start talking about implementing the draft or come up with a plan that EVERY American male has to serve like they do in other countries and you will watch that fake ass patriotism go out the window. Many of these folks are Patriotic as hell until the country says, "pick up your weapon and follow me".
Oh shit they took down the flag it's a call to arms, let the DOD start talking about implementing the draft or come up with a plan that EVERY American male has to serve like they do in other countries and you will watch that fake ass patriotism go out the window. Many of these folks are Patriotic as hell until the country says, "pick up your weapon and follow me".
LINK....if not, you should get your head examined, and find out why you hate AMERICA like you do....move to china you fucking racist
It's shameless cowtailing and submissive behavior like this that allows cancel culture and BLM to continue to have power.

They aren't actually a government body, they have no actual power, they can't really do anything unless Americans let them do things. Our society is to blame for this kind of thing because we let it happen.
Hang the chinese flag. That should soothe everyone, including the VA which is now an embarassment.
What is surprising is...the VA did it. How many have died defending that flag and this country? Too many.
It was the state of Virginia (Abbreviation VA) not The Veterans Administration (abbreviation VA). Still a very wrong move on that state's part.

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