Rubio's chilling warning: China has weaponized US ‘corporate lust for profits'


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Wake up America and hold accountable any business that sells out your principles to a foreign dictatorship.

Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio said Wednesday that China has weaponized America's own "corporate lust for profits" against the U.S.

In a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing, Rubio said, "It is time to wake up" and look at corporate America’s reliance on the Chinese Communist Party.

"U.S. corporations are so desperate to have access to the Chinese market that they’ll lead costly boycotts in an American state that passes a law that they don’t like," Rubio said. "American companies have actually fired Americans who live in America for saying or writing something that China doesn’t like."
Wake up America and hold accountable any business that sells out your principles to a foreign dictatorship.
Shocked Canadian is shocked.

Wake up America and hold accountable any business that sells out your principles to a foreign dictatorship.

Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio said Wednesday that China has weaponized America's own "corporate lust for profits" against the U.S.

In a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing, Rubio said, "It is time to wake up" and look at corporate America’s reliance on the Chinese Communist Party.

"U.S. corporations are so desperate to have access to the Chinese market that they’ll lead costly boycotts in an American state that passes a law that they don’t like," Rubio said. "American companies have actually fired Americans who live in America for saying or writing something that China doesn’t like."
Rubio’s “warning” is laughable, because it’s over thirty years too late.

Where was this GOP concern when Ronald Reagan began promoting subsidies and corporate tax cuts to finance the exodus of U.S. manufacturing to China? Conservatives and centrists are in their fifth decade touting Reagan and his snake oil known as trickle down as saving America’s parasitic free market economy.

Rubio is finally yelling, “FIRE!” But, his alarm is decades after the ashes have cooled. It’s too late now, the ability of Big Business to bring manufacturing back to the U.S. is gone. For U.S. corporate leaders their focus, for the past thirty years has not been on growth, but instead, limited to next quarter’s profits. So, the solid assets needed to offer banks as collateral to finance the rebuilding of factories here at home, is nonexistent.

Of course, there is always the federal government to provide the unknown trillions-of-dollars to rebuild factories. But can the feds find suckers willing to extend that kind of credit to a nation that refuses to collect delinquent taxes owed by its billionaires? Not a great credit risk, considering the trillions the U.S. already has on the cuff.

It would seem the corporate representatives during the 1980s, who carried the bags of cash to U.S. politicians in Congress, and to Reagan and George H.W. Bush in the White House, started a ball rolling that is now rolling over the owners and top executives of Big Business.

Rubio’s statement that, "China is stealing between $300 and $600 billion a year of American technology and intellectual property." That is not really true. To enable the Chinese to manufacture the many household electronics, and certain electronic components used to assemble products here in America, Big Business hands the Chinese the “American technology and intellectual property” freely. After all, to keep profits rolling in, the Chinese contracted to build these hundreds-of-millions products and components, must have all the info necessary to deliver, on time.

What the vast majority of Americans refuse to admit is, Reagan and his federal team, which includes most of the politicians that have served from then until this day, joined with the greedy billionaires and heads of business, to make China the manufacturing giant it is today. The endless warnings from progressives, economists historians... throughout the years, went ignored by the politicians, business leaders, the press, conservatives, centrists, and everyone else that eagerly swallowed Reagan’s snake oil.

There is little the U.S. government, U.S. billionaires, or U.S. Fortune Five Hundred companies can do. Not Biden, not Jeff Bezos, not Bill Gates, and certainly not trump (China’s president laughed at trump nearly as much as Putin).

China can defeat the United States, and never fire a shot. China need only stop shipping the products manufactured there for U.S. corporations, for one month. America’s economy would quickly grind to a stop.

And, it took the Republican Rubio until 2021 to realize this. Anyone with a B in fifth grade arithmetic knew by the early 1990s this situation would inevitably develop. Naturally, that level of education is far beyond that of the trump Nazis.

Rubio’s “warning” is laughable, because it’s over thirty years too late.

Where was this GOP concern when Ronald Reagan began promoting subsidies and corporate tax cuts to finance the exodus of U.S. manufacturing to China? Conservatives and centrists are in their fifth decade touting Reagan and his snake oil known as trickle down as saving America’s parasitic free market economy.

Rubio is finally yelling, “FIRE!” But, his alarm is decades after the ashes have cooled. It’s too late now, the ability of Big Business to bring manufacturing back to the U.S. is gone. For U.S. corporate leaders their focus, for the past thirty years has not been on growth, but instead, limited to next quarter’s profits. So, the solid assets needed to offer banks as collateral to finance the rebuilding of factories here at home, is nonexistent.

Of course, there is always the federal government to provide the unknown trillions-of-dollars to rebuild factories. But can the feds find suckers willing to extend that kind of credit to a nation that refuses to collect delinquent taxes owed by its billionaires? Not a great credit risk, considering the trillions the U.S. already has on the cuff.

It would seem the corporate representatives during the 1980s, who carried the bags of cash to U.S. politicians in Congress, and to Reagan and George H.W. Bush in the White House, started a ball rolling that is now rolling over the owners and top executives of Big Business.

Rubio’s statement that, "China is stealing between $300 and $600 billion a year of American technology and intellectual property." That is not really true. To enable the Chinese to manufacture the many household electronics, and certain electronic components used to assemble products here in America, Big Business hands the Chinese the “American technology and intellectual property” freely. After all, to keep profits rolling in, the Chinese contracted to build these hundreds-of-millions products and components, must have all the info necessary to deliver, on time.

What the vast majority of Americans refuse to admit is, Reagan and his federal team, which includes most of the politicians that have served from then until this day, joined with the greedy billionaires and heads of business, to make China the manufacturing giant it is today. The endless warnings from progressives, economists historians... throughout the years, went ignored by the politicians, business leaders, the press, conservatives, centrists, and everyone else that eagerly swallowed Reagan’s snake oil.

There is little the U.S. government, U.S. billionaires, or U.S. Fortune Five Hundred companies can do. Not Biden, not Jeff Bezos, not Bill Gates, and certainly not trump (China’s president laughed at trump nearly as much as Putin).

China can defeat the United States, and never fire a shot. China need only stop shipping the products manufactured there for U.S. corporations, for one month. America’s economy would quickly grind to a stop.

And, it took the Republican Rubio until 2021 to realize this. Anyone with a B in fifth grade arithmetic knew by the early 1990s this situation would inevitably develop. Naturally, that level of education is far beyond that of the trump Nazis.

Trump came in trying to restore America, and you idiot's did everything possible to defend globalism, and to destroy Trump for speaking up for America. He was bringing businesses back to America, creating job's, lowering prices, oil independence, and on and on and on.

You'll have an opportunity again to do what's right (if we survive this blundering Biden circus), and vote for Trump.
Wake up America and hold accountable any business that sells out your principles to a foreign dictatorship.

Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio said Wednesday that China has weaponized America's own "corporate lust for profits" against the U.S.

In a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing, Rubio said, "It is time to wake up" and look at corporate America’s reliance on the Chinese Communist Party.

"U.S. corporations are so desperate to have access to the Chinese market that they’ll lead costly boycotts in an American state that passes a law that they don’t like," Rubio said. "American companies have actually fired Americans who live in America for saying or writing something that China doesn’t like."

Its good to see Little Marco make a stunning observation like this. In other news...water is wet and the sun is hot.

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