Zone1 USSC to hear racial discrimination in education case today


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
The legal effort was brought to the high court by the conservative group Students for Fair Admissions, which argues that nearly four decades of affirmative action precedent have disproportionately harmed Asian American applicants and that institutions should amend their policies to adopt "race-neutral" standards. The justices will hear two cases Monday over admissions policies at the public University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the private Harvard University .

Edward Blum, the 70-year-old head at SFFA and a longtime critic of affirmative action, said the group represents nearly 20,000 students who are asking the high court to overturn its decision in Grutter v. Bollinger, which affirmed the partial use of race in admissions at the University of Michigan in a 5-4 opinion in 2003, so long as it didn't rely on race as a sole deciding factor.

Maya Wiley, the president and CEO of the LCEF, told the Washington Examiner. “One thing is clear — the future of our multiracial democracy is at stake. The civil rights community is united because we know that we are stronger together, even in the face of the so-called Students for Fair Admissions’

The Left doesn't actually believe in Civil Rights.
They demand racial discrimination in Education and in Employment.
They need to start accepting that everyone has the same Civil Rights.
Where is their "inclusion and equity" in Civil Rights?
They undermine the whole premise of their existence.
I never understood why affirmative action is so popular.

If I needed complicated surgery on my bunghole, and I was considering two proctologists- one who merited his position as a board certified A-Hole specialist and another who just got his job because of the color of his skin- I'd go for the former.

Maybe its just me, but I expect a Rear Admiral who works on me to be able to differentiate someone's butt from a hole in the ground.
Can you imagine the howls from the left?

First the SC throws out Roe vs Wade, then they shitcan Affirmative Action!

That would be so much winning I could hardly stand it.

Trump was right: We're going to say "Please stop, Mr. Trump. I can't stand all this winning!!!"
Can you imagine the howls from the left?

First the SC throws out Roe vs Wade, then they shitcan Affirmative Action!

That would be so much winning I could hardly stand it.

Trump was right: We're going to say "Please stop, Mr. Trump. I can't stand all this winning!!!"
I think that they will abolish Affirmative Action, because it is a blatant 14th Amendment violation.
Everyone has the same Civil Rights.
Here is the thing.
Everyone is not admitted to Harvard or even to any other college regardless of what their race is if they are not qualified.
There are plenty of colleges for everyone.
Just do the work required.
I think that they will abolish Affirmative Action, because it is a blatant 14th Amendment violation.
Everyone has the same Civil Rights.
Here is the thing.
Everyone is not admitted to Harvard or even to any other college regardless of what their race is if they are not qualified.
There are plenty of colleges for everyone.
Just do the work required.

They have no choice but to strike it down. To do otherwise would be racist toward Asian Americans.
I think that they will abolish Affirmative Action, because it is a blatant 14th Amendment violation.
Everyone has the same Civil Rights.
Here is the thing.
Everyone is not admitted to Harvard or even to any other college regardless of what their race is if they are not qualified.
There are plenty of colleges for everyone.
Just do the work required.

The work around would be to base some admission slots on parental income.

Reserve a few spots for those who's parents are under the poverty line, but meet the overall requirements for entry. Or maybe over the poverty line but not wealthy like the rest of the attendees usually are.
The work around would be to base some admission slots on parental income.

Reserve a few spots for those who's parents are under the poverty line, but meet the overall requirements for entry. Or maybe over the poverty line but not wealthy like the rest of the attendees usually are.

They need to better prepare all students for college.
The public schools are a mess.
The Left doesn't actually care about "inclusiveness and equality" when it comes to helping poor people.
They make everything about race because they are racists.
The largest racial group of poor people in American are poor white folks, but they are routinely ignored by the "compassionate Left".
The poverty rate is different for racial groups, but that doesn't mean that there should be racial discrimination when comes to helping the poor, but that is what the Left does.
It is a total vs rate thing.


Can you imagine the howls from the left?

First the SC throws out Roe vs Wade, then they shitcan Affirmative Action!

That would be so much winning I could hardly stand it.

Trump was right: We're going to say "Please stop, Mr. Trump. I can't stand all this winning!!!"

It would be a wonderfully victorious day.

It's time!
I never understood why affirmative action is so popular.

If I needed complicated surgery on my bunghole, and I was considering two proctologists- one who merited his position as a board certified A-Hole specialist and another who just got his job because of the color of his skin- I'd go for the former.

Maybe its just me, but I expect a Rear Admiral who works on me to be able to differentiate someone's butt from a hole in the ground.
If had lived in the US fifty years ago you would know why Affirmative Action was passed.
They need to better prepare all students for college.
The public schools are a mess.
The Left doesn't actually care about "inclusiveness and equality" when it comes to helping poor people.
They make everything about race because they are racists.
The largest racial group of poor people in American are poor white folks, but they are routinely ignored by the "compassionate Left".
The poverty rate is different for racial groups, but that doesn't mean that there should be racial discrimination when comes to helping the poor, but that is what the Left does.
It is a total vs rate thing.

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Especially those white womenz AA has helped that were once held down and back from education and work opprotunities by white men.
At the 2003 ruling, the SCOTUS took a wishy-washy approach by kicking it down the road, to abolish it in about 20 years. We are now at that point.

And the group bringing the case is brilliant. They know they can’t argue that Asians are being rejected to make room for blacks with scores and grades waaaaaay below them, since blacks are a protected minority and the leftists would be screaming, so they are saying that Asians are being rejected to make room for whites with grades and scores somewhat below them, since the leftists are OK with the “white privilege” approach.

Simply brilliant. But the end result will be the same: it will be ruled that you can’t formulate tests and adjust cut-off points with the goal of achieving a specific racial outcome.

The sad thing is that we will have to wait for June, probably, for the ruling, meaning that another year will go by with leftists using race as a determinant in admissions. But by the entering class of 2024, the progressives will no longer be able to reject or accept people due to their race.
But these days you have to ask the question why a black student with a lawyer and a doctor as parents should have an advantage over someone like me who's parents were a check sorter/mainframe technician and a nurse.
You could ask that but it won't be ask.

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