USSC Issues 'Scathing Review' Of Failed Biden Border Policy / Democrats' Failure To Adequately Address The Crisis


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"The two justices (Horsuch & Brown) argued that the Biden administration and (Democrat-controlled) Congress have failed to adequately address the immigration crisis that is likely coming after Title 42 is vacated, but they wrote that it is not the Supreme Court's job to issue policies where elected leaders fail."


"Democrats and Biden have FAILED to adequately address the illegal immigration invasion, but it is not the USSC's job to issue policy to fix Democrats' fuck-ups / messes!"

"The two justices (Horsuch & Brown) argued that the Biden administration and (Democrat-controlled) Congress have failed to adequately address the immigration crisis that is likely coming after Title 42 is vacated, but they wrote that it is not the Supreme Court's job to issue policies where elected leaders fail."


"Democrats and Biden have FAILED to adequately address the illegal immigration invasion, but it is not the USSC's job to issue policy to fix Democrats' fuck-ups / messes!"

I agree with Gorsuch and Brown. Injunction should remain in place while the court considers the argument of the states, but the Supreme Court is a court of law, not policymakers of last resort.
I agree with Gorsuch and Brown. Injunction should remain in place while the court considers the argument of the states, but the Supreme Court is a court of law, not policymakers of last resort.
...or the American people's last resort due to failed leaders / politicians and their bad policies.
Biden is a worthless asshole.

All he knows how to do is waste taxpayer dollars at every opportunity, and to give Affirmative Action jobs to blacks (only), as a way to buy votes for Dems.

He has no border policy and is allowing our country to be invaded by every conceivable kind of trash from countries around the world. Old Joe's a fucking traitor for doing nothing about this huge problem.

Failed Biden Border Policy / Democrats' Failure To Adequately Address The Crisis​

It's not like they don't know about it or haven't been warned, they have repeatedly dissed the topic altogether despite it being their top responsibility, so, at this point, it becomes an impeachable offense and a criminal matter. Joe Biden and Harris should stand to account for every single death caused by the open border and the thousands of crimes and drug overdoses that followed as a direct result.

This has gone far beyond Whoops! Just another elected official's quirk. Each should be sentenced to 30 life sentences w/o chance for parole.
To review how we got here, the ACLU sued the Biden admin to stop Title 42 because it had become unlawful, irrational, and there was no public health basis to keep it in place. The court agreed. The case was sent up the food chain to an appeals court (at the Biden admin's request because they wanted the authority to put it back in place if need be) at which time 19 Repub AG's tried to join the case as plaintiffs. The federal appeals court said no because they had waited over a year to take action. Another appeal, this time to the SC, and steps the conservatives.

The abject absurdity of the SC striking down any number of COVID related measures designed to protect the public's health only to leave Title 42 in place tells you how far the conservative majority is willing to leave common sense and consistency behind to inject their political beliefs on the country.

With latest Title 42 ruling, Supreme Court majority makes a mockery of the law

Justice Neil M. Gorsuch, the lone conservative to join his three progressive colleagues in opposing the court’s decision on Tuesday, was right to point out the flimsy legal basis that underlaid the order. “The current border crisis is not a COVID crisis,” Gorsuch wrote. “And courts should not be in the business of perpetuating administrative edicts designed for one emergency only because elected officials have failed to address a different emergency. We are a court of law, not policymakers of last resort.”

The manifest bad faith displayed by the conservative majority in making this ruling, which turns law and logic on its head, is..........well..........get used to it.
The Repub states are trying to use a COVID policy as an anti-asylum policy.
Isn't this Congress' job? ... Democrats has two solid years to fix this and all they managed was more tax-breaks for rich campaign donors ... same as Republicans ... not that I mind not having to pay taxes, but there's still a serious issue at the border ...

Whether I agree with Neil Gorsuch's political or personal views or not ... he does seem a well qualified jurist ... we're lucky to have him on the SCOTUS ...

The best court rulings disappoint both sides equally ...
The SC ruling was mind boggling, totally inconsistent with all of their other pandemic ending rulings.

This SC, is destroying the SC, and their inconsistency is destroying our faith in the Law.

Yes, there is a real problem at the border.... And Biden needs to do something,

but to use an order that is no longer the national health risk that it was, to take care of another problem..

it is just plain wrong for the SC to be making those decisions.... They are simply suppose to be judging the law and its constitutionality.

Personally, I think there is still a health crisis....

And masks and distancing should be in place again, even as voluntary....hospitals are jammed packed again, but with 3 different viruses going around..... Which makes it harder for the rest of society with other medical needs, get the health-care that they need.
Ummmmmmmmmmmmm, Biden and the dems have renewed the pause of student loan payments due to the Covid emergency. Which way is it?
Try not to be so willfully ignorant in 2023.

The administration’s move comes in response to a federal appeals court ruling last week that imposed a nationwide injunction on the debt relief plan.
The SC ruling was mind boggling, totally inconsistent with all of their other pandemic ending rulings.

This SC, is destroying the SC, and their inconsistency is destroying our faith in the Law.

Yes, there is a real problem at the border.... And Biden needs to do something,

but to use an order that is no longer the national health risk that it was, to take care of another problem..

it is just plain wrong for the SC to be making those decisions.... They are simply suppose to be judging the law and its constitutionality.

Personally, I think there is still a health crisis....

And masks and distancing should be in place again, even as voluntary....hospitals are jammed packed again, but with 3 different viruses going around..... Which makes it harder for the rest of society with other medical needs, get the health-care that they need.
It's ludicrous to hear Roberts lament the loss of faith in the SC while at the same time making overtly political rulings.
Try not to be so willfully ignorant in 2023.

The administration’s move comes in response to a federal appeals court ruling last week that imposed a nationwide injunction on the debt relief plan.
What in the hell are you talking about? Biden wanted to cancel student debt. The court ruled he couldn't. So, Biden postponed debt relief payments citing a national Covid emergency and yet Biden and the dems claim at the border that title 42 should be ended because there is no national Covid emergency.
To review how we got here, the ACLU sued the Biden admin to stop Title 42 because it had become unlawful, irrational, and there was no public health basis to keep it in place. The court agreed. The case was sent up the food chain to an appeals court (at the Biden admin's request because they wanted the authority to put it back in place if need be) at which time 19 Repub AG's tried to join the case as plaintiffs. The federal appeals court said no because they had waited over a year to take action. Another appeal, this time to the SC, and steps the conservatives.

The abject absurdity of the SC striking down any number of COVID related measures designed to protect the public's health only to leave Title 42 in place tells you how far the conservative majority is willing to leave common sense and consistency behind to inject their political beliefs on the country.

With latest Title 42 ruling, Supreme Court majority makes a mockery of the law

Justice Neil M. Gorsuch, the lone conservative to join his three progressive colleagues in opposing the court’s decision on Tuesday, was right to point out the flimsy legal basis that underlaid the order. “The current border crisis is not a COVID crisis,” Gorsuch wrote. “And courts should not be in the business of perpetuating administrative edicts designed for one emergency only because elected officials have failed to address a different emergency. We are a court of law, not policymakers of last resort.”

The manifest bad faith displayed by the conservative majority in making this ruling, which turns law and logic on its head, is..........well..........get used to it.
Excellent job by the mods of burying the thread.
What in the hell are you talking about? Biden wanted to cancel student debt. The court ruled he couldn't. So, Biden postponed debt relief payments citing a national Covid emergency and yet Biden and the dems claim at the border that title 42 should be ended because there is no national Covid emergency.
You have the chronology wrong. COVID came before the courts blocked debt forgiveness. Try not to be so willfully ignorant in 2023.
You have the chronology wrong. COVID came before the courts blocked debt forgiveness. Try not to be so willfully ignorant in 2023.
What on Earth are you talking about? Biden renewed the postponement of student debt relief after the court ruled against him on canceling student loan debt, citing an ongoing national Covid emergency. At the same time, he has tried claiming at the border that title 42 should be ended because there is no longer a national Covid emegency.

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