USS liberty


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That's not what I'm saying.
That's a decision all US voters should have a say in.
After they know all the relevant information.

If Israel deliberately attacked a US vessel and got away with it, what other skeletons are hiding in that closet?

How likely is it, for example, the terror attacks of 9/11/2001 would have occurred if Harry Truman had just said "No" to the suitcase with $2 million allegedly offered by an American Zionist in 1948?

There are some pretty strong economic reasons to roll back the US Empire and start investing in things like high-speed rail and universal fiber-optic internet in this country.

If that means pulling the plug on the occupations of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Gaza, so much the better. To my mind the $7 million per day Israel receives from the US taxpayer could be put to better use in this country.

That's a decision all Americans should vote on; however, finding enough elected Republicans or Democrats willing to raise the issue in DC will first require showing Americans all the skeletons in the Empire's closet.

Starting with the Jewish State of Israel's.
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Not even close.

"The Israeli torpedo boats attacked with cannon fire and launched five torpedoes at Liberty.[34]

"One hit Liberty on the starboard side forward of the superstructure, creating a 40 ft (12 m) wide hole in what had been a former cargo hold converted to the ship's research spaces and killing 25 servicemen.[35]

"It has been said that the torpedo hit a major hull frame that absorbed much of the energy; crew members reported that if the torpedo had missed the frame the Liberty would have split in two.

"Russian linguist and Marine Staff Sergeant Bryce Lockwood later commented: 'I would never deny that it was God that kept the Liberty afloat!'.[6]

"Most of the U.S. deaths and injuries in the incident were caused by the torpedo blast.

"According to some witnesses, the torpedo boats then approached Liberty and strafed crewmen (including damage control parties and sailors preparing life rafts for launch) on deck.

Holy forty-foot Shit!

Bet you're glad you missed that party.

USS Liberty - Wiki
If Chomsky is a bad guy what would you call LBJ?

"...These he launched to assist us and again notified Washington of his actions.

"Again McNamara ordered the aircraft recalled. He requested confirmation of the order being unable to believe that Washington would let us sink.

"This time President Johnson ordered the recall with the comment that he did not care if every man drowned and the ship sank, but that he would not embarrass his allies.

USS Liberty - Wiki
Man your dense! Have you ever looked at things on the ground from a plane! Things that look very different close are not easily distinguishable up close! I love how you ASSume that the Israeli pilots are clearly aware of how these 2 ships look like. I mean you ASSume that they have seen both ships before and know the difference. You ASSume that these were very experience pilots in telling the difference between ships they might have never seen or had experience with. You know when you ASSume too much, you take on the first 3 letter of the word!

Funny how you so easily discount clearly no true motive or benefit whatsoever, and put extensive stock in two ships that look different close up

the pilots admitted they recognized the ships and requested to call off the attack

First, that is bullshit!
You say it's bullshit. The following is the public testimony of Lt. Cmdr. James Ennes, who was the Deck Officer on the Liberty when it was attacked. It is excerpted from his book, which I recommend that you read if you're interested in learning the truth.
The Day Israel Deliberately Killed Thirty Four American Sailors.

1000 Hours.

At about 1000, the ship was circled three times at low level by two armed Israeli Mirage jets, each carrying 18 rockets under each wing. One of the pilots was heard reporting by radio to Israeli headquarters that we were flying an American flag, but this was no news to the Israeli war room. Duty officers in the war room had identified the ship long before and had plotted her track on a large wall chart, along with her name, her top speed, and a reference to her intelligence mission. And according to several reports, Israelis immediate reaction to the ship's presence was to complain bitterly to the United States via the Central Intelligence Agency, demanding that the ship be moved.

The United States made several serious, almost frantic attempts to move the ship. As Liberty approached Gaza, the Joint Chiefs of Staff first sent a priority message ordering that the ship move 20 miles from the coast; the message was swamped by higher precedence traffic and was not processed until long after the crisis had ended. Hours later, a JCS duty officer phoned naval headquarters in London to relay an urgent JCS order to move the ship 100 miles from the coast; the telephone call was ignored, and Liberty's copy of a confirming message was misrouted to the Philippines before being returned to the Pentagon, where it was again misrouted, this time to Fort Meade in Maryland, where it was lost.

Eventually, at least six critical messages were lost, delayed, or otherwise mishandled. Any one of those messages might have saved Liberty. None reached the ship.

During the next four hours, the ship was visited five more times by Israeli reconnaissance aircraft, usually flying at very low level, and always close enough that I could readily see the pilot. On one occasion, the captain was on the bridge when the Noratlas approached at masthead level, causing him to warn me of a possible bombing run; the aircraft passed overhead at such low level that the deck plating shuddered.

The continued close surveillance was reassuring. Israel was an ally and, although several Arab states were then hostile toward the United States, Israel clearly dominated the sky, and were comforted to be watched so closely, as this seemed to assure that there could be no mistakes.

1400 Hours.

After being relieved of the watch at noon, I spent most of the noon hour on the bridge preparing for a general quarters drill scheduled for 1300. Finally, at 1400, all drills and bridge duties were completed, and I was preparing to go below after nearly seven hours on the bridge when three aircraft and three high-speed surface craft were simultaneously picked up on radar, all approaching the ship from the starboard quarter.

Moments later, the ship came under severe and continuous attack, first by Israeli Mirage jets that momentarily knocked out our puny 50-caliber machine guns and disabled all radio antennas, then by slower Israeli Mystere jets, which plastered the stack, gun mounts, open bridge, and superstructure with an inferno of napalm.

Who should we believe -- him or you?
If Chomsky is a bad guy what would you call LBJ?

"...These he launched to assist us and again notified Washington of his actions.

"Again McNamara ordered the aircraft recalled. He requested confirmation of the order being unable to believe that Washington would let us sink.

"This time President Johnson ordered the recall with the comment that he did not care if every man drowned and the ship sank, but that he would not embarrass his allies.

USS Liberty - Wiki

I would call LBJ, Chomsky. Is that right, it was a game, right, a linguistic trick, right. Did I win.
The SS Liberty sunk in a Gaza smuggling tunnel with a chief propshafted mate R. Corrie never to be seen again. Like in the X-Files.
Our judophobic merry go round:
Blood libel, when crapped out
Rachel P. Corrie, when crapped out
Chomskin, when crapped out
USS Liberty, when crapped out
UN resolutions. when crapped out
US money/aid/help/taxes, when crapped out
Start blood libel
Were you born crapped out?
A day without skool-boy arguments and profanities is a day lost for my followers here, of course.

I would not call the hate and ignorance of liberal rants school boy arguments, many school kids are intelligent or have the potential for intelligence and learning.

Ann Coulter Quotes

Political debate with liberals is basically impossible in America today because liberals are calling names while conservatives are trying to make arguments.
Ann Coulter
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