USMB Poll: Are you for or agaainst the Libya assault?

You for or against the Libya assault?

  • Total voters
Helping protect civilians in a civil war is a good thing.
Taking aides is not.

I believe that the President has the power to take unilateral military action such as this - I often argue that the powers of the CinC are not directly limited by the US constitution.

HOWEVER.... The Obama disagrees, and argues that there is NO "power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation."

You know... Like He did in Libya.

Obama on presidential war-making powers - Glenn Greenwald -

How do you people take this guy seriously?

There is no doubt this action by Obama exposes him as a massive Hippocrate. While I personally think as president he has the authority to act as he has. He has said more than once in the past, when referring to Bush, that no such Authority exists.

Yep he did say just that. Saw a sound bite on the news last night.

Hypocrite?? Yep he is that as well.

Unfortunately he's the POTUS and will be for another two years.

He's a community organizer/part time Senator/Law professor who was elected to the most powerful office in the world.

Jesus. Talk about a bad joke.
Whether you are for or against it - to no surprise, as we are seeing today, it is quickly becoming a cluster-f*ck.
If anything Qadaffi is stepping up his assault on rebels as he along with us heard it straight from the President of the United States - no ground troops.

This will drag on for months, cost taxpayers several, several billion dollars - and in the end either Qadaffi will still be in power - or if not - one GIANT mess as the power vacuum is filled.
Back in '86, you mean? Because we haven't 'bombed Gaddafi's house' this time around. | news | world news | Gaddafi's house bombed

Did you actually read the report.

An office complex in the compound He lives in was bombed. Hardly qualifies as his house.

The article was very misleading, it says his house was bombed but than it goes on to say it was a compound where he had a dwelling where he sometime stayed so you are correct, not a house per say I apologize.
Yea how bout that "No Fly Zone?" I didn't know Libya had flying buildings,cars,and tanks. This isn't a "No Fly Zone." It's a massacre.

I'm curious as to why bombing the fuck out of Ghaddafis house was necessary to establish a no fly zone? did Ghaddafi keep jets and anti aircraft missiles in his living room?







We bombed a communications hub in his compound. That is not the same thing.

I wanted to come back to this CG you are correct it was not his house, it was a compound that contained a dwelling where he stays sometimes so I got some bad info, these articles are very misleading.
Ghaddafi has several houses, the place they bombed did have a home where Ghaddafi occasionally stayed with his family, Ghaddafi never stays in 1 place too long similar to Saddam.

They Bombed Ghaddafi. See The Latest Details on The Front in Libya! | Trifter

Forgive me, but I prefer hard facts to bullshit. I'm not interested in what any media say, until I can confirm it as factually accurate. The media can't tell the difference between a military target and a house... that's their problem.

I don't know all the links I read says that compound had a place where Ghaddafi would occassionally stay with his family, could be wrong but thats what I've read.

Yep, but it also says the building bombed was an office complex. NOT HIS HOUSE.
I'm curious as to why bombing the fuck out of Ghaddafis house was necessary to establish a no fly zone? did Ghaddafi keep jets and anti aircraft missiles in his living room?







We bombed a communications hub in his compound. That is not the same thing.

I wanted to come back to this CG you are correct it was not his house, it was a compound that contained a dwelling where he stays sometimes so I got some bad info, these articles are very misleading.

Kudos for you for going back and getting it straight.

It's really important, certainly when we're talking about this kind of scenario, that we keep the facts straight. There is a lot of opinion masquerading as fact right now.






We bombed a communications hub in his compound. That is not the same thing.

I wanted to come back to this CG you are correct it was not his house, it was a compound that contained a dwelling where he stays sometimes so I got some bad info, these articles are very misleading.

Kudos for you for going back and getting it straight.

It's really important, certainly when we're talking about this kind of scenario, that we keep the facts straight. There is a lot of opinion masquerading as fact right now.

I read a few misleading articles today with the headline "US BOMBS GHADDAFIS HOUSE" and pics of pissed off Libyans, very misleading.:doubt:
Helping protect civilians in a civil war is a good thing.
Taking aides is not.

I believe that the President has the power to take unilateral military action such as this - I often argue that the powers of the CinC are not directly limited by the US constitution.

HOWEVER.... The Obama disagrees, and argues that there is NO "power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation."

You know... Like He did in Libya.

Obama on presidential war-making powers - Glenn Greenwald -

How do you people take this guy seriously?

There is no doubt this action by Obama exposes him as a massive Hippocrate. While I personally think as president he has the authority to act as he has. He has said more than once in the past, when referring to Bush, that no such Authority exists.

I wonder why His supporters do not take Him to task for this.
Forgive me, but I prefer hard facts to bullshit. I'm not interested in what any media say, until I can confirm it as factually accurate. The media can't tell the difference between a military target and a house... that's their problem.

I don't know all the links I read says that compound had a place where Ghaddafi would occassionally stay with his family, could be wrong but thats what I've read.

Yep, but it also says the building bombed was an office complex. NOT HIS HOUSE.

I went back and apologized for the bad info, my bad.:redface:
It's not a fucking war. Can we not just stick to facts instead of hysterical hyperbole?

I'm sorry but when you send cruise missiles and fighter jets into a country and choose sides, you are in a war. We can disagree on this without cussing each other out.

It is not a war. It is a UN sanctioned intervention... specifically to stop Gaddafi from bombing the crap out of his own people. That is not war... it is intervention. There is no way to implement a 'no fly zone' (as authorized by the UN) without taking out the structures that Gadaffi needs to either:

a. strike at the UN forces
b. strike at his own people

This is not rocket science, it is rational thought.

LOL, that's some shit logic right there.

It's not war because someone else says it's not. Yet if some country started shooting missiles at the US could they say "it's not war, I'm just doing what these other guys said was ok."

Yeah, it's fuckin war...
It's not a fucking war. Can we not just stick to facts instead of hysterical hyperbole?
I'm sorry but when you send cruise missiles and fighter jets into a country and choose sides, you are in a war. We can disagree on this without cussing each other out.
It is not a war. It is a UN sanctioned intervention...
Attacking civilian and/or military targets of a sovereign state is an act of war.
A war is nothing more than a series of acts of war.
Thus, war.

There is no way to implement a 'no fly zone' (as authorized by the UN) without taking out the structures that Gadaffi needs to either
A no fly zone is a form of blockade, especially when enforced across sovereign airspace.
A blockade is an act of war.
A war is nothing more than a series of acts of war.
Thus, war.

-This- is not rocket science, it is rational thought.
I wanted to come back to this CG you are correct it was not his house, it was a compound that contained a dwelling where he stays sometimes so I got some bad info, these articles are very misleading.

Kudos for you for going back and getting it straight.

It's really important, certainly when we're talking about this kind of scenario, that we keep the facts straight. There is a lot of opinion masquerading as fact right now.

I read a few misleading articles today with the headline "US BOMBS GHADDAFIS HOUSE" and pics of pissed off Libyans, very misleading.:doubt:

From the pictures of the building I saw, it is hard to determine if it was even a recent Bombing. I think we can be sure of one thing. We can not trust one word coming from the Libyan Government about this war.
Kudos for you for going back and getting it straight.

It's really important, certainly when we're talking about this kind of scenario, that we keep the facts straight. There is a lot of opinion masquerading as fact right now.

I read a few misleading articles today with the headline "US BOMBS GHADDAFIS HOUSE" and pics of pissed off Libyans, very misleading.:doubt:

From the pictures of the building I saw, it is hard to determine if it was even a recent Bombing. I think we can be sure of one thing. We can not trust one word coming from the Libyan Government about this war.

Definently correct about that.
Helping protect civilians in a civil war is a good thing.
Taking aides is not.

I believe that the President has the power to take unilateral military action such as this - I often argue that the powers of the CinC are not directly limited by the US constitution.

HOWEVER.... The Obama disagrees, and argues that there is NO "power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation."

You know... Like He did in Libya.

Obama on presidential war-making powers - Glenn Greenwald -

How do you people take this guy seriously?

There is no doubt this action by Obama exposes him as a massive Hippocrate. While I personally think as president he has the authority to act as he has. He has said more than once in the past, when referring to Bush, that no such Authority exists.

I wonder why His supporters do not take Him to task for this.

Some on the far left are, but for the most part Liberal America is keeping their mouth shut about it. Nothing knew we all know they are hypocritical asses.
There is no doubt this action by Obama exposes him as a massive Hippocrate. While I personally think as president he has the authority to act as he has. He has said more than once in the past, when referring to Bush, that no such Authority exists.

I wonder why His supporters do not take Him to task for this.

Some on the far left are, but for the most part Liberal America is keeping their mouth shut about it. Nothing knew we all know they are hypocritical asses.

Indeed - some are. I make sure I applaud them.
Not a lot of clapping going on here, though...
Boy this Vote isn't even close. I actually thought it would be closer. Hey it's not scientific but it still has meaning. It's interesting.
The poll should have been public, as all should be here. I wonder if mmost the people (12 at this point) who voted for the war are "liberals."

If they voted I'd bet RW/TR/Shaman/Rtard all voted pro war, who knows, I could be wrong.

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