Using Atomic Bomb in Japan saved 250,000


Righteous Robert
May 26, 2009
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Using Atomic Bomb in Japan saved 250,000 American Lives
and maybe as many as a Million American lives
because those dumb Japanese would have fought to the death.
Because their Leaders would have been making up stories
about the American Government.
It's amazing what IDIOTS will believe from their Government.
I know what's Right and what's Wrong.
Just takes a little intelligence to figure that out.
Vietnam was totally wrong
and if Americans weren't playing that stupid game called
"Follow The Leader"
then 58,000 plus Americans wouldn't of have to die in Nam.

Murderers (the Non-Vets)

I shouldn't call the Non-Vets Murderers
just because they lack any Intelligence.

Baltimore Bob
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I think they deserved it after the horrific war crimes they commited.
I think they deserved it after the horrific war crimes they commited.

the japanese armies committed those atrocities, not the japanese People ;)

Ignorance is bliss. You may want to do a little research on the Japanese culture before the end of WW2.

And the Atomic bombs saved more than allied lives, it probably saved the Japanese race from near extinction.
I think they deserved it after the horrific war crimes they commited.

the japanese armies committed those atrocities, not the japanese People ;)

Ignorance is bliss. You may want to do a little research on the Japanese culture before the end of WW2.

So every single japanese citizen is responsible for what a solder stationed in China did?

then doesn't that same 'reasoning' make every American responsible for everything America as ever done or any US soldier does in times of combat- making Al Queda's attack an attack against those who actually hold responsible for all percived transgressions, and not against 'innocent civilians'?

or is one of them ignorant 'double-standard' doohickeys?

And the Atomic bombs saved more than allied lives, it probably saved the Japanese race from near extinction.

-which has jack to do with what I said ;)
Using Atomic Bomb in Japan saved 250,000 American Lives
and maybe as many as a Million American lives
because those dumb Japanese would have fought to the death.
Because their Leaders would have been making up stories
about the American Government.
It's amazing what IDIOTS will believe from their Government.
I know what's Right and what's Wrong.
Just takes a little intelligence to figure that out.
Vietnam was totally wrong
and if Americans weren't playing that stupid game called
"Follow The Leader"
then 58,000 plus Americans wouldn't of have to die in Nam.

Murderers (the Non-Vets)

I shouldn't call the Non-Vets Murderers
just because they lack any Intelligence.

Baltimore Bob

Another one of your "I'm a victim"/The US Govt lied threads. I'm glad they dropped those bombs and if they hadn't surrendered unconditionally, I would have dropped more (if we had more).
Once again you DUMB FUCK. What the Japanese Army did was what the society in Japan wanted done. No one of any importance EVER questioned the actions of the Army at all. Japan had no policy of any kind to allow or encourage their troops to behave humanely or by international standards. And in fact any soldier dumb enough OR ANY CIVILIAN, that did question was likely to end up dead or in prison.

It is not real hard you lazy fuck, to learn about the Society that BREED the Japanese Army.

There is no comparison on the Allied side. But you keep making the stupid claim there was. It just shows us how moronically stupid you really are.

You are aware you dumb ass, that if we had invaded the civilian population was armed with bambo spears and would have human wave attacked our lines? You are aware I hope, that on Saipan and Okinawa, both considered Japanese soil that civilians either voluntarily ( Saipan and Okinawa) or involuntarily ( Okinawa) committed suicide in droves?

Why? Because they BELIEVED their Army when it told them the Americans were worse then death. The civilians absolutely supported the military , anything it did was not only acceptable but patriotic to the civilians.

But you just keep proving what a dumb ass you really are.
the japanese armies committed those atrocities, not the japanese People ;)

Ignorance is bliss. You may want to do a little research on the Japanese culture before the end of WW2.

So every single japanese citizen is responsible for what a solder stationed in China did?

then doesn't that same 'reasoning' make every American responsible for everything America as ever done or any US soldier does in times of combat- making Al Queda's attack an attack against those who actually hold responsible for all percived transgressions, and not against 'innocent civilians'?

or is one of them ignorant 'double-standard' doohickeys?

And the Atomic bombs saved more than allied lives, it probably saved the Japanese race from near extinction.

-which has jack to do with what I said ;)

Japanese culture considered all other races inferior, and bushido dictates suicide or sacrifice rather than the shame of capture. They held POWs in contempt for the same reason. They considered them shamed warriors. Asian, mid and South Pacific islanders were beneath human status. They had no qualms whatsoever about murdering them out of hand. Japanese officers were cruel to their troops who in turn were cruel to prisoners and civilians or anything else they could take it out on. Mercy was not a trait of Japanese culture or society.

IMO, it would have taken nothing less than an atomic bomb to get them to surrender. Matter of fact, took two.
My only point, Gunny was that AG is fallacious in equating the will of every civilian including children0 with the actions of a government and a nation's command structure. Thus to say that each of those civilians (who each might or might not have agreed with what was being done) 'deserved it' for what 'they' did is the same narrow-minded and hate-filled thinking that has brought so much woe to humanity in the past
My only point, Gunny was that AG is fallacious in equating the will of every civilian including children0 with the actions of a government and a nation's command structure. Thus to say that each of those civilians (who each might or might not have agreed with what was being done) 'deserved it' for what 'they' did is the same narrow-minded and hate-filled thinking that has brought so much woe to humanity in the past

Nothing wrong with your logic ... except you're applying Western logic to the Eastern mind. The Japanese as a people believe honor is everything, and dying to protect their homeland and Emperor a duty. The Emperor heads the Japanese government, and they believed he was a deity (half-god, IIRC). Your average Japanese probably could not and/or did not differentiate between the will of the government and military and the Emperor.

And the Japanese as a people, not just the military, believed they were a race superior to all others.

Note that "unconditional surrender" meant with the condition that the Emperor would not be charged, tried nor otherwise accused of anything.

IMO, as a military leader, I could conclude and/or assume nothing other than what RGS is saying. My job is to win without needlessly endangering my armed forces. The official estimated US casualty rate for an invasion of mainland Japan was 1M.

If you are arguing the morality of bombing industrial cities where noncombatants are killed, the argument is as old as the event. The actual concept behind winning wars is to win them. Civilian casualties are an unfortunate circumstance of war.

However, I consider the loss of 1M men unacceptable if I have an alternative that will save each and every one.
I never challenged the decision to nuke H&N; I only said that RGS needs to not only view the world through such a narrow lense
Maybe some of the civilians did support their government and military, and maybe others were too scared to speak up. However, blind patriotism doesn't warrant being vaporized.
I never challenged the decision to nuke H&N; I only said that RGS needs to not only view the world through such a narrow lense

Well, the number of times he said dumbass aside, he is essentially saying the same thing I am. He just has that way with words.:lol:

Marines spend a lot of time in Okinawa and/or Japan. It's not hard to get a sense of the culture, and if you don't want to be treated like just another ignorant gai-jin, you learn some of the customs and culture. Showing respect for their culture will do wonders in Japan/Okinawa. Even if you screw it up once or twice.:lol:

I learned my first lesson from my landlord: Don't sit on the tatami and drink saki with the evil bastard.:evil: You're fine until you try to get up.:lol:
Maybe some of the civilians did support their government and military, and maybe others were too scared to speak up. However, blind patriotism doesn't warrant being vaporized.

Perhaps not, but being on the losing side unfortunately does.

I don't believe that at all. Those civilians didn't deserve to be killed.

The military targets needed to be taken out. They supported Japan's warmaking capability.

It's not a matter of who you think deserved to be killed. It's a matter of winning a war, and lest you forget, Japan started it and I doubt anyone that died at Pearl Harbor deserved to die either.

There are consequences for actions. Military actions bring consequences against nations, not just that nation's military personnel. That "clinical" war is pipedreaming from the left, and it's why we don't win anymore. We're more concerned with being politically correct than winning.
Perhaps not, but being on the losing side unfortunately does.

I don't believe that at all. Those civilians didn't deserve to be killed.

The military targets needed to be taken out. They supported Japan's warmaking capability.

It's not a matter of who you think deserved to be killed. It's a matter of winning a war, and lest you forget, Japan started it and I doubt anyone that died at Pearl Harbor deserved to die either.

There are consequences for actions. Military actions bring consequences against nations, not just that nation's military personnel. That "clinical" war is pipedreaming from the left, and it's why we don't win anymore. We're more concerned with being politically correct than winning.

The children didn't help Japan's war-making capability. Yes, Japan attacked us first, and certainly nobody deserved to die there. However, attacking the civilians for the crimes of the government is a crime unto itself.
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