USA's "gun problem"


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
The problem with violence in the US is not a gun problem, but rather a cultural problem. Guns are simply the most effective way to express yourself positively or negatively. But the gun is just the tool, not the root problem. The root problem is opting for violence to solve problems. While there are many causes for this choice of violence, trying to fix it by outlawing guns is not one of the solutions. People will still opt to be violent and simply use whatever tools remain options. So to make a dent on our problem with violence, we have to address the root cause, not the symptom. That'd be like trying to cure a disease by treating the symptoms (how it works in the US in medicine too, treat the symptoms, not the condition or prevent the condition in the first place.)

So how do we prevent violence? Quit glorifying it. Quit supporting government policies and politicians authorizing use of military force around the world for every little disagreement. Quit accepting violence as a legitimate form of entertainment as with violent movies and videogames. Quit screwing around with food to maximize pleasure of eating if in doing so food becomes unhealthy. An unhealthy person is more prone to violent acting out much as a wounded animal is. Quit trying to suppress natural drives for pleasure and sex since an animal deprived of such pleasures will ALWAYS become more violent and self-destructive.

And for the love of God, quit trying to ban firearms so we have less firearms-related violence. Weapons bans only prevent law-abidding citizens from defending themselves against criminals who don't abide by those bans in the first place.
Encourage children from an early age to not have children until they are employed and married. A two parent home is the best way to keep children from turning to crime. Generations of children raising children on government welfare, with no adult role models to teach civilized behavior is fueling the gangs doing most of the shootings in our inner cities....address that supply, and you will reduce gun violence....
No, it's a gun problem. Every race have bast**s but not every race have guns to use! And as we can see, in many countries(European, but not third-world countries)where weapons are banned - crimes comitted with guns are very rare!
No, it's a gun problem. Every race have bast**s but not every race have guns to use! And as we can see, in many countries(European, but not third-world countries)where weapons are banned - crimes comitted with guns are very rare!

Alcohol kills and injures far more people in the US than guns do, why don't you anti-gun grabbers ban alcohol?
No, it's a gun problem. Every race have bast**s but not every race have guns to use! And as we can see, in many countries(European, but not third-world countries)where weapons are banned - crimes comitted with guns are very rare!

actually, you are has been shown in Europe, the only reason their criminals don't use guns for crimes is they have decided not to.....they can get guns when they want or need them......and in France, Australia, Canada, Belgium, Denmark and Britain....their criminals recently decided they needed guns and they got them......

In France, 3 terrorists spent 5,000 dollars and got fully automatic rifles, pistols, hand grenades, and a rocket propelled grenade and 30 round magazines....all illegal in France...they don't even have gun stores that sell these items...and they crossed an international border into Belgium to buy them in a train station.....and Belgium also has strict gun control laws....and 1 of the terrorists was a convicted criminal and he and his brother were both on the governments terrorist watch list.....

And they still got all those guns when they wanted them....

Dittos the denmark shooter...a man with an extensive criminal record...still got a fully automatic gun....

IN France, again....10 masked men last week with fully auto weapons shot up a neighborhood a few hours before the French prime minister was going to talk about the success of their anti crime programs......

IN Puerto island nation, where you can't just drive guns across a border, with stricter gun control than any where else in the United States....they have the highest gun murder rate in the world....or second....... European countries do not have gun crime because their criminals have decided not to use guns as often........that's other reason.....
No, it's a gun problem. Every race have bast**s but not every race have guns to use! And as we can see, in many countries(European, but not third-world countries)where weapons are banned - crimes comitted with guns are very rare!

Alcohol kills and injures far more people in the US than guns do, why don't you anti-gun grabbers ban alcohol?
Because alcohol is alcohol, and guns - are guns, it's not equal things.
haven't got gun while drunken fight - you will not kill your "enemy"(of course can, but in many rare cases), if you have - you can kill him!
Alcohol is often - way to relax, guns too, but people suffered much more from guns, not from alcohol!
No, it's a gun problem. Every race have bast**s but not every race have guns to use! And as we can see, in many countries(European, but not third-world countries)where weapons are banned - crimes comitted with guns are very rare!

Alcohol kills and injures far more people in the US than guns do, why don't you anti-gun grabbers ban alcohol?
Because alcohol is alcohol, and guns - are guns, it's not equal things.
haven't got gun while drunken fight - you will not kill your "enemy"(of course can, but in many rare cases), if you have - you can kill him!
Alcohol is often - way to relax, guns too, but people suffered much more from guns, not from alcohol!

You haven't added the benefits of guns to your equation...each year, on average, guns are used by honest, law abiding ,innocent, non military, non police, people to stop violent crime and save lives 1.6 million times......

Vs.....8-9,000 gun murders

vs. ...6-700 accidental gun deaths...

so guns are a net benefit in the hands of good people......
No, it's a gun problem. Every race have bast**s but not every race have guns to use! And as we can see, in many countries(European, but not third-world countries)where weapons are banned - crimes comitted with guns are very rare!

actually, you are has been shown in Europe, the only reason their criminals don't use guns for crimes is they have decided not to.....they can get guns when they want or need them......and in France, Australia, Canada, Belgium, Denmark and Britain....their criminals recently decided they needed guns and they got them......

In France, 3 terrorists spent 5,000 dollars and got fully automatic rifles, pistols, hand grenades, and a rocket propelled grenade and 30 round magazines....all illegal in France...they don't even have gun stores that sell these items...and they crossed an international border into Belgium to buy them in a train station.....and Belgium also has strict gun control laws....and 1 of the terrorists was a convicted criminal and he and his brother were both on the governments terrorist watch list.....

And they still got all those guns when they wanted them....

Dittos the denmark shooter...a man with an extensive criminal record...still got a fully automatic gun....

IN France, again....10 masked men last week with fully auto weapons shot up a neighborhood a few hours before the French prime minister was going to talk about the success of their anti crime programs......

IN Puerto island nation, where you can't just drive guns across a border, with stricter gun control than any where else in the United States....they have the highest gun murder rate in the world....or second....... European countries do not have gun crime because their criminals have decided not to use guns as often........that's other reason.....
You should understand that now, "lawabiding citizens" can buy weapons in stores and kill somebody, but when we will ban weapons - many of them will not buy it illegally! i'm talking about LEGAL weapons.
No, it's a gun problem. Every race have bast**s but not every race have guns to use! And as we can see, in many countries(European, but not third-world countries)where weapons are banned - crimes comitted with guns are very rare!
And yet Britain, Scotland, France , Belgium and other European Countries have higher levels of violent crime.
No, it's a gun problem. Every race have bast**s but not every race have guns to use! And as we can see, in many countries(European, but not third-world countries)where weapons are banned - crimes comitted with guns are very rare!

Alcohol kills and injures far more people in the US than guns do, why don't you anti-gun grabbers ban alcohol?
Because alcohol is alcohol, and guns - are guns, it's not equal things.
haven't got gun while drunken fight - you will not kill your "enemy"(of course can, but in many rare cases), if you have - you can kill him!
Alcohol is often - way to relax, guns too, but people suffered much more from guns, not from alcohol!

You haven't added the benefits of guns to your equation...each year, on average, guns are used by honest, law abiding ,innocent, non military, non police, people to stop violent crime and save lives 1.6 million times......

Vs.....8-9,000 gun murders

vs. ...6-700 accidental gun deaths...

so guns are a net benefit in the hands of good people......
This sounds like total bullshit. Do you have any true statistics to back this up?
No, it's a gun problem. Every race have bast**s but not every race have guns to use! And as we can see, in many countries(European, but not third-world countries)where weapons are banned - crimes comitted with guns are very rare!

actually, you are has been shown in Europe, the only reason their criminals don't use guns for crimes is they have decided not to.....they can get guns when they want or need them......and in France, Australia, Canada, Belgium, Denmark and Britain....their criminals recently decided they needed guns and they got them......

In France, 3 terrorists spent 5,000 dollars and got fully automatic rifles, pistols, hand grenades, and a rocket propelled grenade and 30 round magazines....all illegal in France...they don't even have gun stores that sell these items...and they crossed an international border into Belgium to buy them in a train station.....and Belgium also has strict gun control laws....and 1 of the terrorists was a convicted criminal and he and his brother were both on the governments terrorist watch list.....

And they still got all those guns when they wanted them....

Dittos the denmark shooter...a man with an extensive criminal record...still got a fully automatic gun....

IN France, again....10 masked men last week with fully auto weapons shot up a neighborhood a few hours before the French prime minister was going to talk about the success of their anti crime programs......

IN Puerto island nation, where you can't just drive guns across a border, with stricter gun control than any where else in the United States....they have the highest gun murder rate in the world....or second....... European countries do not have gun crime because their criminals have decided not to use guns as often........that's other reason.....
You should understand that now, "lawabiding citizens" can buy weapons in stores and kill somebody, but when we will ban weapons - many of them will not buy it illegally! i'm talking about LEGAL weapons.

Nah, they will be dead when you have to force confiscate the weapons from the holdouts, and from the inevitable civil war that would happen soon after.
No, it's a gun problem. Every race have bast**s but not every race have guns to use! And as we can see, in many countries(European, but not third-world countries)where weapons are banned - crimes comitted with guns are very rare!

Alcohol kills and injures far more people in the US than guns do, why don't you anti-gun grabbers ban alcohol?
Because alcohol is alcohol, and guns - are guns, it's not equal things.
haven't got gun while drunken fight - you will not kill your "enemy"(of course can, but in many rare cases), if you have - you can kill him!
Alcohol is often - way to relax, guns too, but people suffered much more from guns, not from alcohol!

You haven't added the benefits of guns to your equation...each year, on average, guns are used by honest, law abiding ,innocent, non military, non police, people to stop violent crime and save lives 1.6 million times......

Vs.....8-9,000 gun murders

vs. ...6-700 accidental gun deaths...

so guns are a net benefit in the hands of good people......
This sounds like total bullshit. Do you have any true statistics to back this up?

Funny that you would ask that....notice how many studies there are and the numbers......the clinton justice dept. study and the obama CDC studies are anti gun look at what they particular.....

A quick guide to the studies and the numbers.....the full lay out of what was studied by each study is in the links....
GunCite-Gun Control-How Often Are Guns Used in Self-Defense

GunCite Frequency of Defensive Gun Use in Previous Surveys
DMIa 1978...2,141,512
L.A. TIMES...1994...3,609,68
Kleck...2.5 million
Obama's CDC....2013....500,000--3million


DEPT. OF JUSTICE...1994...1.5 million
Journal of Quantitative Criminology--- 989,883 times per year."

Tarrance... 1994... 764,036
Lawerence Southwich Jr. 400,000 fewer violent crimes and at least 800,000 violent crimes deterred..

NCVS (National Crime Victimization Survey)....108,000

Notice, the 3 different groupings of stats from the research listed so far.....not one of them approaches the NCVS number of 100,000....
Go to the FBI tables for the murder averages around 8-9,000 a year.....

The accidental gun deaths...from the CDC and other sources....
No, it's a gun problem. Every race have bast**s but not every race have guns to use! And as we can see, in many countries(European, but not third-world countries)where weapons are banned - crimes comitted with guns are very rare!

actually, you are has been shown in Europe, the only reason their criminals don't use guns for crimes is they have decided not to.....they can get guns when they want or need them......and in France, Australia, Canada, Belgium, Denmark and Britain....their criminals recently decided they needed guns and they got them......

In France, 3 terrorists spent 5,000 dollars and got fully automatic rifles, pistols, hand grenades, and a rocket propelled grenade and 30 round magazines....all illegal in France...they don't even have gun stores that sell these items...and they crossed an international border into Belgium to buy them in a train station.....and Belgium also has strict gun control laws....and 1 of the terrorists was a convicted criminal and he and his brother were both on the governments terrorist watch list.....

And they still got all those guns when they wanted them....

Dittos the denmark shooter...a man with an extensive criminal record...still got a fully automatic gun....

IN France, again....10 masked men last week with fully auto weapons shot up a neighborhood a few hours before the French prime minister was going to talk about the success of their anti crime programs......

IN Puerto island nation, where you can't just drive guns across a border, with stricter gun control than any where else in the United States....they have the highest gun murder rate in the world....or second....... European countries do not have gun crime because their criminals have decided not to use guns as often........that's other reason.....

When in a gun free zone, a strong criminal can get by using lesser weapons or none at all if he knows that his prey are incapable of resisting.
No, it's a gun problem. Every race have bast**s but not every race have guns to use! And as we can see, in many countries(European, but not third-world countries)where weapons are banned - crimes comitted with guns are very rare!
actually, you are has been shown in Europe, the only reason their criminals don't use guns for crimes is they have decided not to.....they can get guns when they want or need them......and in France, Australia, Canada, Belgium, Denmark and Britain....their criminals recently decided they needed guns and they got them......

In France, 3 terrorists spent 5,000 dollars and got fully automatic rifles, pistols, hand grenades, and a rocket propelled grenade and 30 round magazines....all illegal in France...they don't even have gun stores that sell these items...and they crossed an international border into Belgium to buy them in a train station.....and Belgium also has strict gun control laws....and 1 of the terrorists was a convicted criminal and he and his brother were both on the governments terrorist watch list.....

And they still got all those guns when they wanted them....

Dittos the denmark shooter...a man with an extensive criminal record...still got a fully automatic gun....

IN France, again....10 masked men last week with fully auto weapons shot up a neighborhood a few hours before the French prime minister was going to talk about the success of their anti crime programs......

IN Puerto island nation, where you can't just drive guns across a border, with stricter gun control than any where else in the United States....they have the highest gun murder rate in the world....or second....... European countries do not have gun crime because their criminals have decided not to use guns as often........that's other reason.....
You should understand that now, "lawabiding citizens" can buy weapons in stores and kill somebody, but when we will ban weapons - many of them will not buy it illegally! i'm talking about LEGAL weapons.
YOU want ONLY the criminals to have guns?
Criminals will ALWAYS get/have guns.
YOU want to leave the honest law-abiding citizen at the mercy of the armed criminal?
No, it's a gun problem. Every race have bast**s but not every race have guns to use! And as we can see, in many countries(European, but not third-world countries)where weapons are banned - crimes comitted with guns are very rare!
"GUN-FREE ZONES" are a joke.
Does anyone believe that the criminals or ANYONE with criminal intent, obeys those signs?
Only the law-abiding citizens obey the laws.
The armed law-abiding citizens are responsible for stopping tens of thousands of crimes a year., and YOU want the people (armed citizen) that COULD save your life to stay outta those areas(GUN-FREE ZONES).?
actually, you are has been shown in Europe, the only reason their criminals don't use guns for crimes is they have decided not to.....they can get guns when they want or need them......and in France, Australia, Canada, Belgium, Denmark and Britain....their criminals recently decided they needed guns and they got them......

In France, 3 terrorists spent 5,000 dollars and got fully automatic rifles, pistols, hand grenades, and a rocket propelled grenade and 30 round magazines....all illegal in France...they don't even have gun stores that sell these items...and they crossed an international border into Belgium to buy them in a train station.....and Belgium also has strict gun control laws....and 1 of the terrorists was a convicted criminal and he and his brother were both on the governments terrorist watch list.....

And they still got all those guns when they wanted them....

Dittos the denmark shooter...a man with an extensive criminal record...still got a fully automatic gun....

IN France, again....10 masked men last week with fully auto weapons shot up a neighborhood a few hours before the French prime minister was going to talk about the success of their anti crime programs......

IN Puerto island nation, where you can't just drive guns across a border, with stricter gun control than any where else in the United States....they have the highest gun murder rate in the world....or second....... European countries do not have gun crime because their criminals have decided not to use guns as often........that's other reason.....

When in a gun free zone, a strong criminal can get by using lesser weapons or none at all if he knows that his prey are incapable of resisting.
So how do we prevent violence?

Well. What group of people do you believe perpetuate the greatest amount of death and destruction with guns?
Things like murder/suicides, accidental kid deaths, road rage with guns, domestic violence with guns, murder in general, drive by shoots, mass school shootings etc, etc.

The people committing the vast majority of those shootings and killings definitely share two things in common;
the shooters are male and the shooters are under 30.

Draw your own conclusions, but IF we really want to prevent some of the violence, I know what I'd do.
Well this is a dumb.pointless thread
TRANSLATION: I can't refute what you said, but I hate it anyway. So I'll call it names and try to pretend it has no point (by ignoring the points you made), and hope I can get somebody to believe me somehow instead of you.

You are strong in the knowledge of who and what anti gunners are.....young padawan......

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