USA - China Climate Deal


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2012
Indianapolis, Indiana
This would be, as they say, a big {bidenism} deal. And it will keep happening. Denier kooks being ignored all over the world, that is. Kooks, we definitely encourage your kook politicians to step up and humiliate themselves now.

US and China strike deal on carbon cuts in push for global climate change pact Environment The Guardian
China, the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world, has agreed to cap its output by 2030 or earlier if possible. Previously China had only ever pledged to reduce the rapid rate of growth in its emissions. Now it has also promised to increase its use of energy from zero-emission sources to 20% by 2030.

The United States has pledged to cut its emissions to 26-28% below 2005 levels by 2025.

The European Union has already endorsed a binding 40% greenhouse gas emissions reduction target by 2030.

Let the ravings about the VastGlobalSocialistConspiracy commence. It's not like the kooks have anything else.
Cool! Maybe now Beijing will stop looking like this:

China has a long way to go, as does the US.

Even so - it's progress, and China is clearly totally committed to renewables, with some massive projects and businesses in place. China's role in solar is growing massively. They want the jobs many Americans sneered at, it seems.

Everyone should be happy about China cleaning up its act, even if it does take another 20 years before you see Hong Kong from Stanley Peak!
China has a long way to go, as does the US.

Even so - it's progress, and China is clearly totally committed to renewables, with some massive projects and businesses in place. China's role in solar is growing massively. They want the jobs many Americans sneered at, it seems.

Everyone should be happy about China cleaning up its act, even if it does take another 20 years before you see Hong Kong from Stanley Peak!

In the mean time America gets slapped with regulations that hurt our economy while the chinese continue to pollute and over take America in business and the world economy.
What a deal......
This would be, as they say, a big {bidenism} deal. And it will keep happening. Denier kooks being ignored all over the world, that is. Kooks, we definitely encourage your kook politicians to step up and humiliate themselves now.

US and China strike deal on carbon cuts in push for global climate change pact Environment The Guardian
China, the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world, has agreed to cap its output by 2030 or earlier if possible. Previously China had only ever pledged to reduce the rapid rate of growth in its emissions. Now it has also promised to increase its use of energy from zero-emission sources to 20% by 2030.

The United States has pledged to cut its emissions to 26-28% below 2005 levels by 2025.

The European Union has already endorsed a binding 40% greenhouse gas emissions reduction target by 2030.

Let the ravings about the VastGlobalSocialistConspiracy commence. It's not like the kooks have anything else.

BREAKING The US and China Just Announced a Huge Deal on Climate and It s a Game Changer Mother Jones

"The announcement also sets the stage for conflict with the Senate's new Republican leadership, which just today signaled that attacking Obama's climate initiatives will be a top priority in 2015." What a "priority." [spits] One argument they've consistently made against the US doing ANY thing, (pointing at China) "but but but mommmmm" has been effectively neutered.
In the mean time America gets slapped with regulations that hurt our economy while the chinese continue to pollute and over take America in business and the world economy.
What a deal......, genius.Who would be 'slapping you with regulations', pray tell?

The US is already miles behind other countries in this field, and many of those countries are enjoying the jobs and the exports just fine.
How will it be enforced? Are there international laws in place? And what technology will drop emissions by a quarter in that amount of time? Sounds like masturbation to me.

If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. :banana:
In the mean time America gets slapped with regulations that hurt our economy while the chinese continue to pollute and over take America in business and the world economy.
What a deal......, genius.Who would be 'slapping you with regulations', pray tell?

The US is already miles behind other countries in this field, and many of those countries are enjoying the jobs and the exports just fine.

So explain chinas horrible air quality if they are so far ahead.
You're a complete idiot.
Herewego -

No, I'm not an idiot .- I'm just literate. You may not have met our kind before.

China is MILES behind all western nations in pollution and energy. MILES behind.

It is catching up fast through investment right across the entire sector - from coal to nuclear to wind to solar and solar thermal - some of which helps their pollution and some of which does not.

What is good for them is that their investment in renewables is so vast and their domestic market so intense that they benefit from economies of scale and can export in massive quantities.

This creates jobs and dollars.

Does that make sense now?, genius.Whowould be 'slapping you with regulations', pray tell?

The US is already miles behind other countries in this field, and many of those countries are enjoying the jobs and the exports just fine.
The liberals in big government would be slapping business with regulations, more than now, in increasing measure, whether they can afford it or not. Indifferent to anything but their Utopian views. Except now they don't have congress in their hip pocket.
Herewego -

No, I'm not an idiot .- I'm just literate. You may not have met our kind before.

China is MILES behind all western nations in pollution and energy. MILES behind.

It is catching up fast through investment right across the entire sector - from coal to nuclear to wind to solar and solar thermal - some of which helps their pollution and some of which does not.

What is good for them is that their investment in renewables is so vast and their domestic market so intense that they benefit from economies of scale and can export in massive quantities.

This creates jobs and dollars.

Does that make sense now?

China promises a lot of things. I'll wait to see some actual progress.
Unfortunately while we are handcuffed by environmental quackery China continues to take over as the strongest world power financially.
Herewego -

No, I'm not an idiot .- I'm just literate. You may not have met our kind before.

China is MILES behind all western nations in pollution and energy. MILES behind.

It is catching up fast through investment right across the entire sector - from coal to nuclear to wind to solar and solar thermal - some of which helps their pollution and some of which does not.

What is good for them is that their investment in renewables is so vast and their domestic market so intense that they benefit from economies of scale and can export in massive quantities.

This creates jobs and dollars.

Does that make sense now?

China promises a lot of things. I'll wait to see some actual progress.
Unfortunately while we are handcuffed by environmental quackery China continues to take over as the strongest world power financially.

All the money in the world won't buy clean water, elbow room, or a future for our progeny. It really IS that simple.

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