US youth fare poorly in child welfare survey


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Jun 29, 2008
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US youth fare poorly in child welfare survey - Yahoo! News

PARIS – American youths suffer among the industrialized world's worst rates of infant mortality, teenage pregnancy and child poverty, even though the United States spends more per child than better-performing countries such as Switzerland, Japan and the Netherlands, a new survey indicates.

The OECD, a Paris-based watchdog of industrialized nations, urged the U.S. to shift more of its public spending to its youngest children, under the age of six, to improve their health and educational performance.

I am a firm believer in early childhood education. More resources can only help the children that need it, and in return give them a head start when they do start school.
We're broke ... plain and simple, we don't have money for anything right now. If we don't fix that first it will be worse than it is now.
We're broke ... plain and simple, we don't have money for anything right now. If we don't fix that first it will be worse than it is now.

Yes, because weapons, cars and banks are more important than children.
We're broke ... plain and simple, we don't have money for anything right now. If we don't fix that first it will be worse than it is now.

"...even though the United States spends more per child than better-performing countries such as Switzerland, Japan and the Netherlands, a new survey indicates."
We're broke ... plain and simple, we don't have money for anything right now. If we don't fix that first it will be worse than it is now.

Yes, because weapons, cars and banks are more important than children.

Regardless of past mistakes, that doesn't change the fact that we're broke. ;)

We can't spend money we don't have, that's what keeps making matters worse.
We're broke ... plain and simple, we don't have money for anything right now. If we don't fix that first it will be worse than it is now.

"...even though the United States spends more per child than better-performing countries such as Switzerland, Japan and the Netherlands, a new survey indicates."

Now that's a good point. We are still failing even though we spend a lot of money already. I missed that. I focused on the second part for some reason.
We're broke ... plain and simple, we don't have money for anything right now. If we don't fix that first it will be worse than it is now.

Yes, because weapons, cars and banks are more important than children.

Regardless of past mistakes, that doesn't change the fact that we're broke. ;)

We can't spend money we don't have, that's what keeps making matters worse.

But we (the US) does spend money we don't have anyway, always have, be it a Democrat or Republican office. Why wouldn't you (well, not you because you hate people) but most of us want the money used to help our youth get off to a better start in life?
We're broke ... plain and simple, we don't have money for anything right now. If we don't fix that first it will be worse than it is now.

"...even though the United States spends more per child than better-performing countries such as Switzerland, Japan and the Netherlands, a new survey indicates."

Now that's a good point. We are still failing even though we spend a lot of money already. I missed that.

Thanks. The linked article goes on to explain where the bulk of the money is spent, and that evening it out for early childhood education would be a wise investment. It makes sense. Everything; nutrition, education, the sense that the community cares about them, is most beneficial during the time their brain activity is at its peak. The formative years.
"...even though the United States spends more per child than better-performing countries such as Switzerland, Japan and the Netherlands, a new survey indicates."

Now that's a good point. We are still failing even though we spend a lot of money already. I missed that.

Thanks. The linked article goes on to explain where the bulk of the money is spent, and that evening it out for early childhood education would be a wise investment. It makes sense. Everything; nutrition, education, the sense that the community cares about them, is most beneficial during the time their brain activity is at its peak. The formative years.

Here are just two of the many studies done on what you just said Barb, thank you!

RAND | Monograph/Reports | Assessing Costs and Benefits of Early Childhood Intervention Programs: Overview and Applications to the Starting Early, Starting Smart Program

Hot Topic: A Benefit-Cost Analysis of the Abecedarian Early Childhood Intervention
I am a firm believer in early childhood education. More resources can only help the children that need it, and in return give them a head start when they do start school.

I agree with you. Our daughter learned to read before she started into Kindergarten. She attended Headstart, plus an Aunt taught her to read. It truly gave her a headstart. She went through most of her Junior High and High School years with a 4.0 average. She was offered several scholarships which she decided not to accept. I offered her my new cougar plus to pay for everything while she went to college if she would go to law school, she declined.

Son on the other hand had Dyslexia so his school years were opposite of daughter's school years.

Our society needs to have a better system in many places for teaching children the basics in many areas.

I learned everything my brother learned before I ever went to school. He is two years older than me. He would come home from school and show me everything he had learned in school. I was reading also when I entered kindergarten. When I started school it was in a one room schoolhouse where there were children up to 11th grade. 13 children in that school all different ages so the teacher had a one on one with each child. That was great. On warm days the teacher would let us go to the river and go swimming if everyone did their work and was well behaved.
Now that's a good point. We are still failing even though we spend a lot of money already. I missed that.

Thanks. The linked article goes on to explain where the bulk of the money is spent, and that evening it out for early childhood education would be a wise investment. It makes sense. Everything; nutrition, education, the sense that the community cares about them, is most beneficial during the time their brain activity is at its peak. The formative years.

Here are just two of the many studies done on what you just said Barb, thank you!

RAND | Monograph/Reports | Assessing Costs and Benefits of Early Childhood Intervention Programs: Overview and Applications to the Starting Early, Starting Smart Program

Hot Topic: A Benefit-Cost Analysis of the Abecedarian Early Childhood Intervention

From the hot topic linked above:

" [...] * The children in high-quality programs are projected to make roughly $143,000 more over their lifetimes than those who didn't take part in the program.
* Mothers of children who were enrolled can also expect greater earnings – about $133,000 more over their lifetimes.
* School districts can expect to save more than $11,000 per child because participants are less likely to require special or remedial education.
* Results suggested a possible impact on smoking. Participants were less likely to smoke (39% vs. 55% in the control group), resulting in health benefits and longer lives, for a total benefit of $164,000 per person.
* The children of participants are projected to earn nearly $48,000 more throughout their lifetimes.

The overall return? Roughly four dollars in benefits for every dollar invested. [...]

Society benefits from cared for, educated, and nourished children becoming well adjusted and prosperous adults. Girls and boys who have a firm sense of a bright future have far fewer antisocial tendencies and also less propensity to have children at younger ages. Honestly, doing good for our kids does well for all of us.
first...get over thinking this country gives a flying flip about the children....its like the troops looks good when running for office but once they are elected, its over. peeps like to make a big deal about caring for kids but actions speak louder than words. if we were to reduce the premature births in this country...millions would be key would be the security of health care. From the minute one is born to the minute one dies...they should have secure health care. doing this would eliminate a lot of the costs of todays medical system.

i hear the moaning and bitching about abortin keeping couples wanting to adopt from it..what a crock of shit. it only keeps those wanting white male, perfect infants from adopting. there are two ophanages in this county..if you feel you are being kept from adopting by the supply side...please pm me and i will give you contact numbers of the orphanages. lots of kids there...just not the perfect white male infant.

dental care for kids: has been one of the most abused programs with kids getting full sets of metal teeth etc paid for by taxpayers. who the hell is running this mess? how have the beaucrats takens over?

so much money is put out and wasted. simple as that. has been and will be, why? we have created a layer of middle men/women not needed. they are protecting themselves to the hilt. as taxpayers we allow ourselves to be distracted all to hell over what? beer with the potus.....who is fucking whom? guess what...i am tried of all of them fucking the us voter. but who can we blame for that....ourselves. we continue to follow the path of partisan politics like 14 yr old boys getting their first whiff of a woman.
we have only ourselves to blame.

i could go on about how the foster system focus has been for decades to reunite children at all costs...preventing kids from going into the system for adoption until all hopes of reuniting them with the bad as fuck parents have that time the kid has some age and trauma...what the hell is wrong with taking the kids out of abusive homes and placing them in orphanages? we do not have to have dickens orpanages...shouldnt a kid be giving a bed, food, education and security..even if he/she is born to a crackhead?

we must stop the cycle of proverty that exists in this country.

we must deal with the inner city problems as well as the welfar system that allows welfare queens to flourish...and yes we all have our stories.
Which is worse, expecting parents to teach their kids or leaving them with trillion dollar debts?
first...get over thinking this country gives a flying flip about the children....its like the troops looks good when running for office but once they are elected, its over. peeps like to make a big deal about caring for kids but actions speak louder than words. if we were to reduce the premature births in this country...millions would be key would be the security of health care. From the minute one is born to the minute one dies...they should have secure health care. doing this would eliminate a lot of the costs of todays medical system.

i hear the moaning and bitching about abortin keeping couples wanting to adopt from it..what a crock of shit. it only keeps those wanting white male, perfect infants from adopting. there are two ophanages in this county..if you feel you are being kept from adopting by the supply side...please pm me and i will give you contact numbers of the orphanages. lots of kids there...just not the perfect white male infant.

dental care for kids: has been one of the most abused programs with kids getting full sets of metal teeth etc paid for by taxpayers. who the hell is running this mess? how have the beaucrats takens over?

so much money is put out and wasted. simple as that. has been and will be, why? we have created a layer of middle men/women not needed. they are protecting themselves to the hilt.
as taxpayers we allow ourselves to be distracted all to hell over what? beer with the potus.....who is fucking whom? guess what...i am tried of all of them fucking the us voter. but who can we blame for that....ourselves. we continue to follow the path of partisan politics like 14 yr old boys getting their first whiff of a woman.
we have only ourselves to blame.

i could go on about how the foster system focus has been for decades to reunite children at all costs...preventing kids from going into the system for adoption until all hopes of reuniting them with the bad as fuck parents have that time the kid has some age and trauma...what the hell is wrong with taking the kids out of abusive homes and placing them in orphanages? we do not have to have dickens orpanages...shouldnt a kid be giving a bed, food, education and security..even if he/she is born to a crackhead?

we must stop the cycle of proverty that exists in this country.

we must deal with the inner city problems as well as the welfar system that allows welfare queens to flourish...and yes we all have our stories.
You hit the big time with that self protecting bs going on. That is true for every aspect you can cover. There are many people are more concerned with covering their own ass and could give a shit about what good they may be doing or what damage they may be causing others. The greed is so far out of control in this country and it is pathetic.

Peeps hate to admit they are wrong and will very seldom stand on principals if it will cost them anything.

Very few people can now afford to have a stay at home mom or dad or they are wanting that new house or wanting to look good so both parents work and have very little time for their children.

Not so sure on the "welfare queen" aspect. From my view I have seen young mothers struggling trying to take care of their babes working jobs that do not pay well enough for them to survive without help from the state or they end up selling themselves as strippers or to some creep that will help them pay the bills.

I drew welfare when the children were small. I don't have a problem with a young mother getting help. Long term I paid back society well more than ten fold of what help I received. Truth is if my family could have used us as tax write-offs in those years the government would not have needed to help. Each year they paid a heck of a lot more than was paid out in assistance to the children and I. Between brother and dad they paid in ten times of what the children and I received. That same theory can apply to the elderly. People can take care of elderly family members instead of putting them in institutions if they could be credited for that. Instead we have those bureaucrats and corporates who pay themselves very well and keep on paying themselves when they retire with everyone else's money and the rest can go suck eggs as far as many of them are concerned.

The state pays for braces? I did not know that.

I've have always heard the "squeaky wheel" gets the grease so keep on squeaking. Yet remember also that big wheels move slow" so don't let your hopes be dashed when you can't see it all happening.
Which is worse, expecting parents to teach their kids or leaving them with trillion dollar debts?
Poverty creates more problems than any other thing out there. Ignorance breeds poverty.

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