US vs Flynn

The essential fact was that at that time Trump believed the FBI.
There's a reason for that. Flynn plead guilty as charged.

You are a LYING, PIECE OF SHIT, SCUMBAG, HYPOCRITE. And, yes, I'm shouting.

Because of shit like you, people go to jail being forced to take a plea deal. I guess you want all of these, whites, hispanics, and blacks, who took a plea deal under serious pressure and threat from criminally-behaving prosecutors who knew they didn't have the evidence to succeed in trial and, in some cases, knew the defendant was innocent, put back in prison because they pleaded guilty.

If you let your TDS mean a different standard for Flynn, while defending the release of all those below, and the hundreds or thousands of others whose stories are the same, then that proves all those things I shouted at you.

If you apply the standard you applied to Flynn to all those below, then that proves all those things I shouted at you.

There's only one out for you; admit that you WERE a lying, piece of shit, scumbag, hypocrite, but that you were wrong and Flynn was justly exonerated.

There are consequences to the shit people on the left pull out of their hatred for justice, freedom, Trump, and capitalism. People lose their liberty and lose their lives because of the lying shit people like yo pull. That's why it does make me angry. Even social media is what gives comfort to the politicians. That makes you part of the problem. It makes you morally accountable for people in prison who were extorted into guilty pleas by criminal prosecutors.

but but but ... HE LIED GOD DAMN IT HE LIED!!!
He did lie.

And now the right has absolutely no place bitching about anyone lying to anyone. Although we both know they will.
Wrong! This is just the beginning of your end, leftie. The best and the worst is yet to come. Let the perp walks begin!
/——-/ I was going to ask when are all the Libtards who celebrated Flynn’s prosecution going to admit they were wrong. Then I realized they will never do it, they will claim Trump ordered the DOJ to drop the case. Libtards can never accept defeat.
Trump didn’t have to order everything. No one had any doubt as to what Trump wanted.

What were “libtards” proven wrong about? No facts changed. Just the people calling the shots.
What changed was the facts around the FBI's conduct during the investigation. It was piss poor considering they were running an investigations that they knew damn well would be combed through by everyone. Over and over again the FBI makes themselves look like true assholes with thier conduct weather or not you think Flynn should be fried. I may not agree with letting him off the hook but it certainly does not excuse the deplorable conduct from the FBI as they are proven to lie and then lie some more.
The FBI conduct does not excuse criminal behavior.

Generally not, but when the FBI creates the crime then that's entrapment.

But, I'll sure bet you don't take that same stand when someone gets arrested without getting Mirandized, or if the police search without a warrant, right?

Possession of cocaine is a law in every legal jurisdiction of the United States. If the police plant it, and then arrest you, should the behavior of the arrested person be excused? They were in possession of cocaine. That's a crime. Surely the conduct of the police don't excuse criminal behavior.
The FBI didn't create the crime. Flynn did by lying about it. No one induced him to lie.

The SCOTUS says this about entrapment:
"Government agents may not originate a criminal design, implant in an innocent person's mind the disposition to commit a criminal act, and then induce commission of the crime so that the Government may prosecute."

Now are you going to tell me that the FBI implanted in Flynn's mind the disposition to lie to their questions, a lie that he had apparently been telling his superiors?

If that's what you're saying, how did the FBI implant that in his mind?

but but but ... HE LIED GOD DAMN IT HE LIED!!!
He did lie.

And now the right has absolutely no place bitching about anyone lying to anyone. Although we both know they will.
Wrong! This is just the beginning of your end, leftie. The best and the worst is yet to come. Let the perp walks begin!
/——-/ I was going to ask when are all the Libtards who celebrated Flynn’s prosecution going to admit they were wrong. Then I realized they will never do it, they will claim Trump ordered the DOJ to drop the case. Libtards can never accept defeat.
Trump didn’t have to order everything. No one had any doubt as to what Trump wanted.

What were “libtards” proven wrong about? No facts changed. Just the people calling the shots.
What changed was the facts around the FBI's conduct during the investigation. It was piss poor considering they were running an investigations that they knew damn well would be combed through by everyone. Over and over again the FBI makes themselves look like true assholes with thier conduct weather or not you think Flynn should be fried. I may not agree with letting him off the hook but it certainly does not excuse the deplorable conduct from the FBI as they are proven to lie and then lie some more.
The FBI conduct does not excuse criminal behavior.

Generally not, but when the FBI creates the crime then that's entrapment.

But, I'll sure bet you don't take that same stand when someone gets arrested without getting Mirandized, or if the police search without a warrant, right?

Possession of cocaine is a law in every legal jurisdiction of the United States. If the police plant it, and then arrest you, should the behavior of the arrested person be excused? They were in possession of cocaine. That's a crime. Surely the conduct of the police don't excuse criminal behavior.
The FBI didn't create the crime. Flynn did by lying about it. No one induced him to lie.

The SCOTUS says this about entrapment:
"Government agents may not originate a criminal design, implant in an innocent person's mind the disposition to commit a criminal act, and then induce commission of the crime so that the Government may prosecute."

Now are you going to tell me that the FBI implanted in Flynn's mind the disposition to lie to their questions, a lie that he had apparently been telling his superiors?

If that's what you're saying, how did the FBI implant that in his mind?
They set out with the intent to find a lie, not to actually gather information, meaning that the sole purpose of the interview was to create a crime. Then the interviewers left the interview with the impression that Flynn did not lie. AFAIK, the interviewers were both aware of the transcript of the call itself.

It does not give you any pause whatsoever that the FBI conducts an interview on a known topic with which they cannot gain any information on, does not charge Flynn with or give any indication that it should be prosecuted for the sole purpose of trying to get Flynn in a lie to prosecute him under that charge?


The whole process surrounding this interview was corrupt.

but but but ... HE LIED GOD DAMN IT HE LIED!!!
He did lie.

And now the right has absolutely no place bitching about anyone lying to anyone. Although we both know they will.
Wrong! This is just the beginning of your end, leftie. The best and the worst is yet to come. Let the perp walks begin!
/——-/ I was going to ask when are all the Libtards who celebrated Flynn’s prosecution going to admit they were wrong. Then I realized they will never do it, they will claim Trump ordered the DOJ to drop the case. Libtards can never accept defeat.
Trump didn’t have to order everything. No one had any doubt as to what Trump wanted.

What were “libtards” proven wrong about? No facts changed. Just the people calling the shots.
What changed was the facts around the FBI's conduct during the investigation. It was piss poor considering they were running an investigations that they knew damn well would be combed through by everyone. Over and over again the FBI makes themselves look like true assholes with thier conduct weather or not you think Flynn should be fried. I may not agree with letting him off the hook but it certainly does not excuse the deplorable conduct from the FBI as they are proven to lie and then lie some more.
The FBI conduct does not excuse criminal behavior.

Generally not, but when the FBI creates the crime then that's entrapment.

But, I'll sure bet you don't take that same stand when someone gets arrested without getting Mirandized, or if the police search without a warrant, right?

Possession of cocaine is a law in every legal jurisdiction of the United States. If the police plant it, and then arrest you, should the behavior of the arrested person be excused? They were in possession of cocaine. That's a crime. Surely the conduct of the police don't excuse criminal behavior.
The FBI didn't create the crime. Flynn did by lying about it. No one induced him to lie.

The SCOTUS says this about entrapment:
"Government agents may not originate a criminal design, implant in an innocent person's mind the disposition to commit a criminal act, and then induce commission of the crime so that the Government may prosecute."

Now are you going to tell me that the FBI implanted in Flynn's mind the disposition to lie to their questions, a lie that he had apparently been telling his superiors?

If that's what you're saying, how did the FBI implant that in his mind?

There was no crime. The initial investigators, and the larger investigation, found that there was no crime until Peter Strzok, and only Peter Strzok, convinced the team to leave the investigation open. Then they extorted him into a guilty plea.

But, yes, knowing that there was no crime and knowing that they had the actual transcript of the call, and telling Flynn he didn't need a lawyer that he wasn't the target of the investigation when he was the target of the investigation was enough misconduct on their part to exonerate Flynn. They did implant into his mind the disposition to tell the lie by downplaying their interest in him. If he did say something wrong, then he did it because they'd convinced him that it was conversation and not criminal investigation.

If I go to dinner with an FBI agent and, when dessert time comes, I tell him I never eat sweets and then, later that evening, he finds me at Baskin Robbins stuffing myself with ice cream, it is proof I lied to the FBI. It wasn't in an investigation and he can't arrest me for lying to the FBI, do you agree? If the FBI tells me that he's not investigating me and I don't need a lawyer and we're simply having a conversation and I lie, the FBI planted the disposition to do so because, had they said I needed a lawyer and that I was the target of the investigation, I would not lie.

If the FBI sends an undercover agent to a drug den and the FBI agent, undercover, asks a suspect whether the big boss was going to make a big buy, and the underling simply replies to the undercover agent, "No, Mr. Big is just going to dinner," knowing that's a lie, did the underling lie to the FBI? Yes. Can they prosecute him? No. Unless you were making the call, I suppose.

but but but ... HE LIED GOD DAMN IT HE LIED!!!
He did lie.

And now the right has absolutely no place bitching about anyone lying to anyone. Although we both know they will.
Wrong! This is just the beginning of your end, leftie. The best and the worst is yet to come. Let the perp walks begin!
/——-/ I was going to ask when are all the Libtards who celebrated Flynn’s prosecution going to admit they were wrong. Then I realized they will never do it, they will claim Trump ordered the DOJ to drop the case. Libtards can never accept defeat.
Trump didn’t have to order everything. No one had any doubt as to what Trump wanted.

What were “libtards” proven wrong about? No facts changed. Just the people calling the shots.
What changed was the facts around the FBI's conduct during the investigation. It was piss poor considering they were running an investigations that they knew damn well would be combed through by everyone. Over and over again the FBI makes themselves look like true assholes with thier conduct weather or not you think Flynn should be fried. I may not agree with letting him off the hook but it certainly does not excuse the deplorable conduct from the FBI as they are proven to lie and then lie some more.
The FBI conduct does not excuse criminal behavior.

Generally not, but when the FBI creates the crime then that's entrapment.

But, I'll sure bet you don't take that same stand when someone gets arrested without getting Mirandized, or if the police search without a warrant, right?

Possession of cocaine is a law in every legal jurisdiction of the United States. If the police plant it, and then arrest you, should the behavior of the arrested person be excused? They were in possession of cocaine. That's a crime. Surely the conduct of the police don't excuse criminal behavior.
The FBI didn't create the crime. Flynn did by lying about it. No one induced him to lie.

The SCOTUS says this about entrapment:
"Government agents may not originate a criminal design, implant in an innocent person's mind the disposition to commit a criminal act, and then induce commission of the crime so that the Government may prosecute."

Now are you going to tell me that the FBI implanted in Flynn's mind the disposition to lie to their questions, a lie that he had apparently been telling his superiors?

If that's what you're saying, how did the FBI implant that in his mind?
/——/ Perjury trap.

but but but ... HE LIED GOD DAMN IT HE LIED!!!
He did lie.

And now the right has absolutely no place bitching about anyone lying to anyone. Although we both know they will.
Wrong! This is just the beginning of your end, leftie. The best and the worst is yet to come. Let the perp walks begin!
/——-/ I was going to ask when are all the Libtards who celebrated Flynn’s prosecution going to admit they were wrong. Then I realized they will never do it, they will claim Trump ordered the DOJ to drop the case. Libtards can never accept defeat.
Trump didn’t have to order everything. No one had any doubt as to what Trump wanted.

What were “libtards” proven wrong about? No facts changed. Just the people calling the shots.
What changed was the facts around the FBI's conduct during the investigation. It was piss poor considering they were running an investigations that they knew damn well would be combed through by everyone. Over and over again the FBI makes themselves look like true assholes with thier conduct weather or not you think Flynn should be fried. I may not agree with letting him off the hook but it certainly does not excuse the deplorable conduct from the FBI as they are proven to lie and then lie some more.
The FBI conduct does not excuse criminal behavior.

Generally not, but when the FBI creates the crime then that's entrapment.

But, I'll sure bet you don't take that same stand when someone gets arrested without getting Mirandized, or if the police search without a warrant, right?

Possession of cocaine is a law in every legal jurisdiction of the United States. If the police plant it, and then arrest you, should the behavior of the arrested person be excused? They were in possession of cocaine. That's a crime. Surely the conduct of the police don't excuse criminal behavior.
The FBI didn't create the crime. Flynn did by lying about it. No one induced him to lie.

The SCOTUS says this about entrapment:
"Government agents may not originate a criminal design, implant in an innocent person's mind the disposition to commit a criminal act, and then induce commission of the crime so that the Government may prosecute."

Now are you going to tell me that the FBI implanted in Flynn's mind the disposition to lie to their questions, a lie that he had apparently been telling his superiors?

If that's what you're saying, how did the FBI implant that in his mind?
They set out with the intent to find a lie, not to actually gather information, meaning that the sole purpose of the interview was to create a crime. Then the interviewers left the interview with the impression that Flynn did not lie. AFAIK, the interviewers were both aware of the transcript of the call itself.

It does not give you any pause whatsoever that the FBI conducts an interview on a known topic with which they cannot gain any information on, does not charge Flynn with or give any indication that it should be prosecuted for the sole purpose of trying to get Flynn in a lie to prosecute him under that charge?


The whole process surrounding this interview was corrupt.

The interviewers didn’t “find a lie”. They did set out expecting Flynn to lie to them, since apparently this was already the lie he had been telling the Vice President.

All they had to do was ask the question.

The fact that Flynn lied does tell them something. It tells them that Flynn is compromised. The question going in was whether Flynn was lying to save his ass or if he was lying for political reasons as part of the strategy. They came away believing he was lying to save his ass. The problem is the Russians knew he was lying.

Asking someone a question they already know the answer to happens all the time in law enforcement.

but but but ... HE LIED GOD DAMN IT HE LIED!!!
He did lie.

And now the right has absolutely no place bitching about anyone lying to anyone. Although we both know they will.
Wrong! This is just the beginning of your end, leftie. The best and the worst is yet to come. Let the perp walks begin!
/——-/ I was going to ask when are all the Libtards who celebrated Flynn’s prosecution going to admit they were wrong. Then I realized they will never do it, they will claim Trump ordered the DOJ to drop the case. Libtards can never accept defeat.
Trump didn’t have to order everything. No one had any doubt as to what Trump wanted.

What were “libtards” proven wrong about? No facts changed. Just the people calling the shots.
What changed was the facts around the FBI's conduct during the investigation. It was piss poor considering they were running an investigations that they knew damn well would be combed through by everyone. Over and over again the FBI makes themselves look like true assholes with thier conduct weather or not you think Flynn should be fried. I may not agree with letting him off the hook but it certainly does not excuse the deplorable conduct from the FBI as they are proven to lie and then lie some more.
The FBI conduct does not excuse criminal behavior.

Generally not, but when the FBI creates the crime then that's entrapment.

But, I'll sure bet you don't take that same stand when someone gets arrested without getting Mirandized, or if the police search without a warrant, right?

Possession of cocaine is a law in every legal jurisdiction of the United States. If the police plant it, and then arrest you, should the behavior of the arrested person be excused? They were in possession of cocaine. That's a crime. Surely the conduct of the police don't excuse criminal behavior.
The FBI didn't create the crime. Flynn did by lying about it. No one induced him to lie.

The SCOTUS says this about entrapment:
"Government agents may not originate a criminal design, implant in an innocent person's mind the disposition to commit a criminal act, and then induce commission of the crime so that the Government may prosecute."

Now are you going to tell me that the FBI implanted in Flynn's mind the disposition to lie to their questions, a lie that he had apparently been telling his superiors?

If that's what you're saying, how did the FBI implant that in his mind?
They set out with the intent to find a lie, not to actually gather information, meaning that the sole purpose of the interview was to create a crime. Then the interviewers left the interview with the impression that Flynn did not lie. AFAIK, the interviewers were both aware of the transcript of the call itself.

It does not give you any pause whatsoever that the FBI conducts an interview on a known topic with which they cannot gain any information on, does not charge Flynn with or give any indication that it should be prosecuted for the sole purpose of trying to get Flynn in a lie to prosecute him under that charge?


The whole process surrounding this interview was corrupt.

The interviewers didn’t “find a lie”. They did set out expecting Flynn to lie to them, since apparently this was already the lie he had been telling the Vice President.

All they had to do was ask the question.

The fact that Flynn lied does tell them something. It tells them that Flynn is compromised. The question going in was whether Flynn was lying to save his ass or if he was lying for political reasons as part of the strategy. They came away believing he was lying to save his ass. The problem is the Russians knew he was lying.

Asking someone a question they already know the answer to happens all the time in law enforcement.

It's still, at the very worst for Flynn, the equivalent of my Baskin Robbins analogy.

Evidence out now Flynn was pressured.

Popcorn time.
This is not true. Trump himself fired Flynn for lying to Pence about Russia. Lying is lying. Pressured by who, and for what? You have no answer do you?

Lying to Pence was a fireable offence but not a criminal offense. He wasn't prosecuted for lying to Pence. In his lies to Pence, he was trying to protect the Whitehouse from the attack of the FBI that he new was coming by then. It's forgiveable.
How is it possible that there are thinking humans who believe, to this day, that Michael Flynn is an honest man who did nothing worthy of prison time?

Easy. Libs lied the whole time. This isn't real difficult.
Irrelevant argument to this thread. You lose.

Evidence out now Flynn was pressured.

Popcorn time.
This is not true. Trump himself fired Flynn for lying to Pence about Russia. Lying is lying. Pressured by who, and for what? You have no answer do you?

Lying to Pence was a fireable offence but not a criminal offense. He wasn't prosecuted for lying to Pence. In his lies to Pence, he was trying to protect the Whitehouse from the attack of the FBI that he new was coming by then. It's forgiveable.
But lying to the FBI with his connections and communications to Russia is. You must have forgotten that part?

but but but ... HE LIED GOD DAMN IT HE LIED!!!
He did lie.

And now the right has absolutely no place bitching about anyone lying to anyone. Although we both know they will.
Wrong! This is just the beginning of your end, leftie. The best and the worst is yet to come. Let the perp walks begin!
/——-/ I was going to ask when are all the Libtards who celebrated Flynn’s prosecution going to admit they were wrong. Then I realized they will never do it, they will claim Trump ordered the DOJ to drop the case. Libtards can never accept defeat.
Trump didn’t have to order everything. No one had any doubt as to what Trump wanted.

What were “libtards” proven wrong about? No facts changed. Just the people calling the shots.
What changed was the facts around the FBI's conduct during the investigation. It was piss poor considering they were running an investigations that they knew damn well would be combed through by everyone. Over and over again the FBI makes themselves look like true assholes with thier conduct weather or not you think Flynn should be fried. I may not agree with letting him off the hook but it certainly does not excuse the deplorable conduct from the FBI as they are proven to lie and then lie some more.
The FBI conduct does not excuse criminal behavior.

Generally not, but when the FBI creates the crime then that's entrapment.

But, I'll sure bet you don't take that same stand when someone gets arrested without getting Mirandized, or if the police search without a warrant, right?

Possession of cocaine is a law in every legal jurisdiction of the United States. If the police plant it, and then arrest you, should the behavior of the arrested person be excused? They were in possession of cocaine. That's a crime. Surely the conduct of the police don't excuse criminal behavior.
The FBI didn't create the crime. Flynn did by lying about it. No one induced him to lie.

The SCOTUS says this about entrapment:
"Government agents may not originate a criminal design, implant in an innocent person's mind the disposition to commit a criminal act, and then induce commission of the crime so that the Government may prosecute."

Now are you going to tell me that the FBI implanted in Flynn's mind the disposition to lie to their questions, a lie that he had apparently been telling his superiors?

If that's what you're saying, how did the FBI implant that in his mind?
They set out with the intent to find a lie, not to actually gather information, meaning that the sole purpose of the interview was to create a crime. Then the interviewers left the interview with the impression that Flynn did not lie. AFAIK, the interviewers were both aware of the transcript of the call itself.

It does not give you any pause whatsoever that the FBI conducts an interview on a known topic with which they cannot gain any information on, does not charge Flynn with or give any indication that it should be prosecuted for the sole purpose of trying to get Flynn in a lie to prosecute him under that charge?


The whole process surrounding this interview was corrupt.

The interviewers didn’t “find a lie”. They did set out expecting Flynn to lie to them, since apparently this was already the lie he had been telling the Vice President.

All they had to do was ask the question.

The fact that Flynn lied does tell them something. It tells them that Flynn is compromised. The question going in was whether Flynn was lying to save his ass or if he was lying for political reasons as part of the strategy. They came away believing he was lying to save his ass. The problem is the Russians knew he was lying.

Asking someone a question they already know the answer to happens all the time in law enforcement.

It's still, at the very worst for Flynn, the equivalent of my Baskin Robbins analogy.
Wrong! Flynn got caught lying to the FBI about his communications with Russia behind the back of a sitting president Obama. That would be treason if it were war.

but but but ... HE LIED GOD DAMN IT HE LIED!!!
He did lie.

And now the right has absolutely no place bitching about anyone lying to anyone. Although we both know they will.
Wrong! This is just the beginning of your end, leftie. The best and the worst is yet to come. Let the perp walks begin!
/——-/ I was going to ask when are all the Libtards who celebrated Flynn’s prosecution going to admit they were wrong. Then I realized they will never do it, they will claim Trump ordered the DOJ to drop the case. Libtards can never accept defeat.
Trump didn’t have to order everything. No one had any doubt as to what Trump wanted.

What were “libtards” proven wrong about? No facts changed. Just the people calling the shots.
What changed was the facts around the FBI's conduct during the investigation. It was piss poor considering they were running an investigations that they knew damn well would be combed through by everyone. Over and over again the FBI makes themselves look like true assholes with thier conduct weather or not you think Flynn should be fried. I may not agree with letting him off the hook but it certainly does not excuse the deplorable conduct from the FBI as they are proven to lie and then lie some more.
The FBI conduct does not excuse criminal behavior.

Generally not, but when the FBI creates the crime then that's entrapment.

But, I'll sure bet you don't take that same stand when someone gets arrested without getting Mirandized, or if the police search without a warrant, right?

Possession of cocaine is a law in every legal jurisdiction of the United States. If the police plant it, and then arrest you, should the behavior of the arrested person be excused? They were in possession of cocaine. That's a crime. Surely the conduct of the police don't excuse criminal behavior.
The FBI didn't create the crime. Flynn did by lying about it. No one induced him to lie.

The SCOTUS says this about entrapment:
"Government agents may not originate a criminal design, implant in an innocent person's mind the disposition to commit a criminal act, and then induce commission of the crime so that the Government may prosecute."

Now are you going to tell me that the FBI implanted in Flynn's mind the disposition to lie to their questions, a lie that he had apparently been telling his superiors?

If that's what you're saying, how did the FBI implant that in his mind?
Fbi admission of their lie is on record
He lied under oath. He was pressured by the DOJ which was, and is, headed up by republicans.

Comey admitted on TV that he sent people into the Trump administration when it was 3 days old in order to sabotage it.

Can you tell me what Flynn supposedly lied about?

I didn't think so.

How long his shoe laces were perhaps? Maybe he said his car was red when the dealership lists the color as "crimson" :dunno:
His communications with Russia. Makes no difference what it was about. It was with Russia. That would be treason in war time. And he did it while having no official government role.

but but but ... HE LIED GOD DAMN IT HE LIED!!!
He did lie.

And now the right has absolutely no place bitching about anyone lying to anyone. Although we both know they will.
Wrong! This is just the beginning of your end, leftie. The best and the worst is yet to come. Let the perp walks begin!
/——-/ I was going to ask when are all the Libtards who celebrated Flynn’s prosecution going to admit they were wrong. Then I realized they will never do it, they will claim Trump ordered the DOJ to drop the case. Libtards can never accept defeat.
Trump didn’t have to order everything. No one had any doubt as to what Trump wanted.

What were “libtards” proven wrong about? No facts changed. Just the people calling the shots.
What changed was the facts around the FBI's conduct during the investigation. It was piss poor considering they were running an investigations that they knew damn well would be combed through by everyone. Over and over again the FBI makes themselves look like true assholes with thier conduct weather or not you think Flynn should be fried. I may not agree with letting him off the hook but it certainly does not excuse the deplorable conduct from the FBI as they are proven to lie and then lie some more.
The FBI conduct does not excuse criminal behavior.

Generally not, but when the FBI creates the crime then that's entrapment.

But, I'll sure bet you don't take that same stand when someone gets arrested without getting Mirandized, or if the police search without a warrant, right?

Possession of cocaine is a law in every legal jurisdiction of the United States. If the police plant it, and then arrest you, should the behavior of the arrested person be excused? They were in possession of cocaine. That's a crime. Surely the conduct of the police don't excuse criminal behavior.
The FBI didn't create the crime. Flynn did by lying about it. No one induced him to lie.

The SCOTUS says this about entrapment:
"Government agents may not originate a criminal design, implant in an innocent person's mind the disposition to commit a criminal act, and then induce commission of the crime so that the Government may prosecute."

Now are you going to tell me that the FBI implanted in Flynn's mind the disposition to lie to their questions, a lie that he had apparently been telling his superiors?

If that's what you're saying, how did the FBI implant that in his mind?
Fbi admission of their lie is on record
Show us. You can't can you?

but but but ... HE LIED GOD DAMN IT HE LIED!!!
He did lie.

And now the right has absolutely no place bitching about anyone lying to anyone. Although we both know they will.
Wrong! This is just the beginning of your end, leftie. The best and the worst is yet to come. Let the perp walks begin!
/——-/ I was going to ask when are all the Libtards who celebrated Flynn’s prosecution going to admit they were wrong. Then I realized they will never do it, they will claim Trump ordered the DOJ to drop the case. Libtards can never accept defeat.
Trump didn’t have to order everything. No one had any doubt as to what Trump wanted.

What were “libtards” proven wrong about? No facts changed. Just the people calling the shots.
What changed was the facts around the FBI's conduct during the investigation. It was piss poor considering they were running an investigations that they knew damn well would be combed through by everyone. Over and over again the FBI makes themselves look like true assholes with thier conduct weather or not you think Flynn should be fried. I may not agree with letting him off the hook but it certainly does not excuse the deplorable conduct from the FBI as they are proven to lie and then lie some more.
The FBI conduct does not excuse criminal behavior.

Generally not, but when the FBI creates the crime then that's entrapment.

But, I'll sure bet you don't take that same stand when someone gets arrested without getting Mirandized, or if the police search without a warrant, right?

Possession of cocaine is a law in every legal jurisdiction of the United States. If the police plant it, and then arrest you, should the behavior of the arrested person be excused? They were in possession of cocaine. That's a crime. Surely the conduct of the police don't excuse criminal behavior.
The FBI didn't create the crime. Flynn did by lying about it. No one induced him to lie.

The SCOTUS says this about entrapment:
"Government agents may not originate a criminal design, implant in an innocent person's mind the disposition to commit a criminal act, and then induce commission of the crime so that the Government may prosecute."

Now are you going to tell me that the FBI implanted in Flynn's mind the disposition to lie to their questions, a lie that he had apparently been telling his superiors?

If that's what you're saying, how did the FBI implant that in his mind?
/——/ Perjury trap.
No such evidence exists of that.
He lied under oath. He was pressured by the DOJ which was, and is, headed up by republicans.

Comey admitted on TV that he sent people into the Trump administration when it was 3 days old in order to sabotage it.

Can you tell me what Flynn supposedly lied about?

I didn't think so.

How long his shoe laces were perhaps? Maybe he said his car was red when the dealership lists the color as "crimson" :dunno:
His communications with Russia. Makes no difference what it was about. It was with Russia. That would be treason in war time. And he did it while having no official government role.

Show me the declaration that Russia was an enemy? Was Russia an enemy when Obama said, "Wait until after the election and then I can do more?" Was Russia the enemy when Hillary took a prop Easy Button from Office Depot and played like it was a "Reset" button for the Russian relationship? Was Russia an enemy during the entire election when Hillary kept touting her supposed wonderful relationship with Russia? Was Russia an enemy when Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, and Barack Obama approved selling them 20% of the material core to the construction of nuclear weapons? So, that pretty much excludes Treason, doesn't it?

Once Trump was in office, then it is he, and he alone, who can say who or what is an enemy of the United States unless the Congress actually votes to declare war.

Though not legally so because there's no declaration from the President or Congress, dealing with Iran would be far closer to treason since they have sworn to destroy us - so giving them nuclear weapons seems pretty treasonous... But, the President does get to decide who is an enemy.

As far as communicating with Russia, anyone can communicate with Russia. It's common for incoming staff to start meeting with foreign dignitaries.

And why is Obama still, and Kerry still, meeting with foreign leaders even though they don't represent the government? They have far less reason to meet with foreign leaders than would an incoming transition team.

but but but ... HE LIED GOD DAMN IT HE LIED!!!
He did lie.

And now the right has absolutely no place bitching about anyone lying to anyone. Although we both know they will.
Wrong! This is just the beginning of your end, leftie. The best and the worst is yet to come. Let the perp walks begin!
/——-/ I was going to ask when are all the Libtards who celebrated Flynn’s prosecution going to admit they were wrong. Then I realized they will never do it, they will claim Trump ordered the DOJ to drop the case. Libtards can never accept defeat.
Trump didn’t have to order everything. No one had any doubt as to what Trump wanted.

What were “libtards” proven wrong about? No facts changed. Just the people calling the shots.
What changed was the facts around the FBI's conduct during the investigation. It was piss poor considering they were running an investigations that they knew damn well would be combed through by everyone. Over and over again the FBI makes themselves look like true assholes with thier conduct weather or not you think Flynn should be fried. I may not agree with letting him off the hook but it certainly does not excuse the deplorable conduct from the FBI as they are proven to lie and then lie some more.
The FBI conduct does not excuse criminal behavior.

Generally not, but when the FBI creates the crime then that's entrapment.

But, I'll sure bet you don't take that same stand when someone gets arrested without getting Mirandized, or if the police search without a warrant, right?

Possession of cocaine is a law in every legal jurisdiction of the United States. If the police plant it, and then arrest you, should the behavior of the arrested person be excused? They were in possession of cocaine. That's a crime. Surely the conduct of the police don't excuse criminal behavior.
The FBI didn't create the crime. Flynn did by lying about it. No one induced him to lie.

The SCOTUS says this about entrapment:
"Government agents may not originate a criminal design, implant in an innocent person's mind the disposition to commit a criminal act, and then induce commission of the crime so that the Government may prosecute."

Now are you going to tell me that the FBI implanted in Flynn's mind the disposition to lie to their questions, a lie that he had apparently been telling his superiors?

If that's what you're saying, how did the FBI implant that in his mind?
Fbi admission of their lie is on record

but but but ... HE LIED GOD DAMN IT HE LIED!!!
He did lie.

And now the right has absolutely no place bitching about anyone lying to anyone. Although we both know they will.
Wrong! This is just the beginning of your end, leftie. The best and the worst is yet to come. Let the perp walks begin!
/——-/ I was going to ask when are all the Libtards who celebrated Flynn’s prosecution going to admit they were wrong. Then I realized they will never do it, they will claim Trump ordered the DOJ to drop the case. Libtards can never accept defeat.
Trump didn’t have to order everything. No one had any doubt as to what Trump wanted.

What were “libtards” proven wrong about? No facts changed. Just the people calling the shots.
What changed was the facts around the FBI's conduct during the investigation. It was piss poor considering they were running an investigations that they knew damn well would be combed through by everyone. Over and over again the FBI makes themselves look like true assholes with thier conduct weather or not you think Flynn should be fried. I may not agree with letting him off the hook but it certainly does not excuse the deplorable conduct from the FBI as they are proven to lie and then lie some more.
The FBI conduct does not excuse criminal behavior.

Generally not, but when the FBI creates the crime then that's entrapment.

But, I'll sure bet you don't take that same stand when someone gets arrested without getting Mirandized, or if the police search without a warrant, right?

Possession of cocaine is a law in every legal jurisdiction of the United States. If the police plant it, and then arrest you, should the behavior of the arrested person be excused? They were in possession of cocaine. That's a crime. Surely the conduct of the police don't excuse criminal behavior.
The FBI didn't create the crime. Flynn did by lying about it. No one induced him to lie.

The SCOTUS says this about entrapment:
"Government agents may not originate a criminal design, implant in an innocent person's mind the disposition to commit a criminal act, and then induce commission of the crime so that the Government may prosecute."

Now are you going to tell me that the FBI implanted in Flynn's mind the disposition to lie to their questions, a lie that he had apparently been telling his superiors?

If that's what you're saying, how did the FBI implant that in his mind?
/——/ Perjury trap.
There was no perjury trap.

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