US vs Flynn

It seems Justice is now being served. Next all the Democrats in on this plot should be indicted.

For what?
Start with presenting false evidence to the court, fraud, conspiracy to commit fraud.
Didn’t happen, so no.
Fraud and conspiracy to commit fraud has not been established but then again there has not been a completed investigation into that possibility yet as far as I know. Presenting false evidence to the FISA court though has been established by the department itself in the IG review. It is a massive report but the relevant conclusions are on page 413 and 414.
Presenting false information to the FISA court is going to land one particular lawyer who no one ever heard of in hot water, to be sure.

But that's not going to touch Comey.

The IG report you linked to would be considered an investigation which had no evidence of fraud or conspiracy to commit fraud.
A chain of messages included in the documents shows communications between Strzok and a redacted individual regarding the memo. On Jan. 4, Strzok messaged the other person to tell him or her not to close the case, apparently at the direction of FBI leadership. It’s not clear from the documents what caused the change in course, but another message between two redacted individuals notes a comment by Strzok suggesting that FBI leadership decided to interview Flynn after all.

The documents themselves don’t reveal the reason for the shift. But reporting by the New York Times provides a hint. According to the Times, the Jan. 4 decision not to close the case may have resulted from the FBI’s discovery that Flynn had spoken with Kislyak in the previous days and advised Russia against retaliating against U.S. sanctions levied by the Obama administration in response to Russian election interference—the matter about which FBI agents eventually interviewed Flynn, and about which he lied repeatedly to them. The issue was of concern to the bureau in part because it appeared that Flynn had lied to Vice President Mike Pence about those contacts as well, and the FBI became worried that Flynn’s falsehoods “posed a blackmail risk,” the Times writes. In other words, there’s a very good explanation for why the FBI made a U-turn on closing Flynn’s case: When the memo was drafted, the writer wasn’t yet aware of the most concerning conduct by Flynn.

but but but ... HE LIED GOD DAMN IT HE LIED!!!
He did lie.

And now the right has absolutely no place bitching about anyone lying to anyone. Although we both know they will.
Wrong! This is just the beginning of your end, leftie. The best and the worst is yet to come. Let the perp walks begin!
/——-/ I was going to ask when are all the Libtards who celebrated Flynn’s prosecution going to admit they were wrong. Then I realized they will never do it, they will claim Trump ordered the DOJ to drop the case. Libtards can never accept defeat.
Trump didn’t have to order everything. No one had any doubt as to what Trump wanted.

What were “libtards” proven wrong about? No facts changed. Just the people calling the shots.
What changed was the facts around the FBI's conduct during the investigation. It was piss poor considering they were running an investigations that they knew damn well would be combed through by everyone. Over and over again the FBI makes themselves look like true assholes with thier conduct weather or not you think Flynn should be fried. I may not agree with letting him off the hook but it certainly does not excuse the deplorable conduct from the FBI as they are proven to lie and then lie some more.
The FBI conduct does not excuse criminal behavior.
I did not say it did however that is not entirely incorrect. Misconduct by the prosecutor, the FBI or any investigatory body does, indeed, excuse criminal behavior all the time. That is how our leagal system works. If the police break into your home illegally and find 10 kilos of coccaine you will get off scott free because the search was illegal.

Does it excuse the behavior in this case? Possibly. If the FBI were busy altering documents, threatening Flynn's family with further persecution and performing sting operations then yes, it does. I care far less about one person, Flynn, than I do about the system itself. I care very much about reforming the corruption in our legal system and the fact that such happened on this scale in an investigation that is almost certainly the cleanest investigation completed is terrifying. The FBI did an absolute horrendous job here and that should have been flatly impossible.

Hell, lying to judges to obtain warrens was terrible on its own. Now we are seeing that it is even more pervasive? That is insane. This is one of the most powerful institutions in the entire nation.
/——-/ Libtards will never concede that Flynn was set up, bankrupt and had his son threatened with prosecution. General Flynn copped a plea because he had no options left. He was ruined.
If the FBI were busy altering documents,
From Lawfare............"None of this material gives rise to a colorable claim of misconduct, and as the Times notes, Sullivan has already rejected the notion that the 302 was doctored. As the judge wrote back in December: “[T]he Court agrees with the government that there were no material changes in the interview reports, and that those reports track the interviewing FBI agents’ notes.” Sullivan went on: “Having carefully reviewed the interviewing FBI agents’ notes, the draft interview reports, the final version of the FD302, and the statements contained therein, the Court agrees with the government that those documents are ‘consistent and clear that [Mr. Flynn] made multiple false statements to the [FBI] agents about his communications with the Russian Ambassador on January 24, 2017.’”

but but but ... HE LIED GOD DAMN IT HE LIED!!!
He did lie.

And now the right has absolutely no place bitching about anyone lying to anyone. Although we both know they will.
Wrong! This is just the beginning of your end, leftie. The best and the worst is yet to come. Let the perp walks begin!
/——-/ I was going to ask when are all the Libtards who celebrated Flynn’s prosecution going to admit they were wrong. Then I realized they will never do it, they will claim Trump ordered the DOJ to drop the case. Libtards can never accept defeat.
Trump didn’t have to order everything. No one had any doubt as to what Trump wanted.

What were “libtards” proven wrong about? No facts changed. Just the people calling the shots.
What changed was the facts around the FBI's conduct during the investigation. It was piss poor considering they were running an investigations that they knew damn well would be combed through by everyone. Over and over again the FBI makes themselves look like true assholes with thier conduct weather or not you think Flynn should be fried. I may not agree with letting him off the hook but it certainly does not excuse the deplorable conduct from the FBI as they are proven to lie and then lie some more.
The FBI conduct does not excuse criminal behavior.
I did not say it did however that is not entirely incorrect. Misconduct by the prosecutor, the FBI or any investigatory body does, indeed, excuse criminal behavior all the time. That is how our leagal system works. If the police break into your home illegally and find 10 kilos of coccaine you will get off scott free because the search was illegal.

Does it excuse the behavior in this case? Possibly. If the FBI were busy altering documents, threatening Flynn's family with further persecution and performing sting operations then yes, it does. I care far less about one person, Flynn, than I do about the system itself. I care very much about reforming the corruption in our legal system and the fact that such happened on this scale in an investigation that is almost certainly the cleanest investigation completed is terrifying. The FBI did an absolute horrendous job here and that should have been flatly impossible.

Hell, lying to judges to obtain warrens was terrible on its own. Now we are seeing that it is even more pervasive? That is insane. This is one of the most powerful institutions in the entire nation.
/——-/ Libtards will never concede that Flynn was set up, bankrupt and had his son threatened with prosecution. General Flynn copped a plea because he had no options left. He was ruined.
Read it, fuckball.


but but but ... HE LIED GOD DAMN IT HE LIED!!!
He did lie.

And now the right has absolutely no place bitching about anyone lying to anyone. Although we both know they will.
Wrong! This is just the beginning of your end, leftie. The best and the worst is yet to come. Let the perp walks begin!
/——-/ I was going to ask when are all the Libtards who celebrated Flynn’s prosecution going to admit they were wrong. Then I realized they will never do it, they will claim Trump ordered the DOJ to drop the case. Libtards can never accept defeat.
Trump didn’t have to order everything. No one had any doubt as to what Trump wanted.

What were “libtards” proven wrong about? No facts changed. Just the people calling the shots.
What changed was the facts around the FBI's conduct during the investigation. It was piss poor considering they were running an investigations that they knew damn well would be combed through by everyone. Over and over again the FBI makes themselves look like true assholes with thier conduct weather or not you think Flynn should be fried. I may not agree with letting him off the hook but it certainly does not excuse the deplorable conduct from the FBI as they are proven to lie and then lie some more.
The FBI conduct does not excuse criminal behavior.
I did not say it did however that is not entirely incorrect. Misconduct by the prosecutor, the FBI or any investigatory body does, indeed, excuse criminal behavior all the time. That is how our leagal system works. If the police break into your home illegally and find 10 kilos of coccaine you will get off scott free because the search was illegal.

Does it excuse the behavior in this case? Possibly. If the FBI were busy altering documents, threatening Flynn's family with further persecution and performing sting operations then yes, it does. I care far less about one person, Flynn, than I do about the system itself. I care very much about reforming the corruption in our legal system and the fact that such happened on this scale in an investigation that is almost certainly the cleanest investigation completed is terrifying. The FBI did an absolute horrendous job here and that should have been flatly impossible.

Hell, lying to judges to obtain warrens was terrible on its own. Now we are seeing that it is even more pervasive? That is insane. This is one of the most powerful institutions in the entire nation.
/——-/ Libtards will never concede that Flynn was set up, bankrupt and had his son threatened with prosecution. General Flynn copped a plea because he had no options left. He was ruined.
Read it, fuckball.

/——/ You go read blogs, you big dope.
If the FBI were busy altering documents,
From Lawfare............"None of this material gives rise to a colorable claim of misconduct, and as the Times notes, Sullivan has already rejected the notion that the 302 was doctored. As the judge wrote back in December: “[T]he Court agrees with the government that there were no material changes in the interview reports, and that those reports track the interviewing FBI agents’ notes.” Sullivan went on: “Having carefully reviewed the interviewing FBI agents’ notes, the draft interview reports, the final version of the FD302, and the statements contained therein, the Court agrees with the government that those documents are ‘consistent and clear that [Mr. Flynn] made multiple false statements to the [FBI] agents about his communications with the Russian Ambassador on January 24, 2017.’”
/———/ “In court documents filed Thursday, the Justice Department said that after reviewing newly disclosed information and other materials, it agreed with Flynn’s lawyers that his interview with the FBI should never have taken place because his contacts with the Russian ambassador were “entirely appropriate.”

It was Gen Flynn’s job and he didn’t have an attorney present because he didn’t know it was a formal interview. And you can’t prove otherwise.
If the FBI were busy altering documents,
From Lawfare............"None of this material gives rise to a colorable claim of misconduct, and as the Times notes, Sullivan has already rejected the notion that the 302 was doctored. As the judge wrote back in December: “[T]he Court agrees with the government that there were no material changes in the interview reports, and that those reports track the interviewing FBI agents’ notes.” Sullivan went on: “Having carefully reviewed the interviewing FBI agents’ notes, the draft interview reports, the final version of the FD302, and the statements contained therein, the Court agrees with the government that those documents are ‘consistent and clear that [Mr. Flynn] made multiple false statements to the [FBI] agents about his communications with the Russian Ambassador on January 24, 2017.’”
/———/ “In court documents filed Thursday, the Justice Department said that after reviewing newly disclosed information and other materials, it agreed with Flynn’s lawyers that his interview with the FBI should never have taken place because his contacts with the Russian ambassador were “entirely appropriate.”

It was Gen Flynn’s job and he didn’t have an attorney present because he didn’t know it was a formal interview. And you can’t prove otherwise.
If Flynn didn't understand that his interview was part of an FBI investigation, he's an idiot.

If the DoJ thinks conducting foreign policy before you take office is appropriate, then these lawyers are idiots.

If it was so appropriate, why was everyone lying about it?

but but but ... HE LIED GOD DAMN IT HE LIED!!!
He did lie.

And now the right has absolutely no place bitching about anyone lying to anyone. Although we both know they will.
Wrong! This is just the beginning of your end, leftie. The best and the worst is yet to come. Let the perp walks begin!
/——-/ I was going to ask when are all the Libtards who celebrated Flynn’s prosecution going to admit they were wrong. Then I realized they will never do it, they will claim Trump ordered the DOJ to drop the case. Libtards can never accept defeat.
Trump didn’t have to order everything. No one had any doubt as to what Trump wanted.

What were “libtards” proven wrong about? No facts changed. Just the people calling the shots.
What changed was the facts around the FBI's conduct during the investigation. It was piss poor considering they were running an investigations that they knew damn well would be combed through by everyone. Over and over again the FBI makes themselves look like true assholes with thier conduct weather or not you think Flynn should be fried. I may not agree with letting him off the hook but it certainly does not excuse the deplorable conduct from the FBI as they are proven to lie and then lie some more.
The FBI conduct does not excuse criminal behavior.
I did not say it did however that is not entirely incorrect. Misconduct by the prosecutor, the FBI or any investigatory body does, indeed, excuse criminal behavior all the time. That is how our leagal system works. If the police break into your home illegally and find 10 kilos of coccaine you will get off scott free because the search was illegal.

Does it excuse the behavior in this case? Possibly. If the FBI were busy altering documents, threatening Flynn's family with further persecution and performing sting operations then yes, it does. I care far less about one person, Flynn, than I do about the system itself. I care very much about reforming the corruption in our legal system and the fact that such happened on this scale in an investigation that is almost certainly the cleanest investigation completed is terrifying. The FBI did an absolute horrendous job here and that should have been flatly impossible.

Hell, lying to judges to obtain warrens was terrible on its own. Now we are seeing that it is even more pervasive? That is insane. This is one of the most powerful institutions in the entire nation.
/——-/ Libtards will never concede that Flynn was set up, bankrupt and had his son threatened with prosecution. General Flynn copped a plea because he had no options left. He was ruined.
Read it, fuckball.

/——/ You go read blogs, you big dope.
cracks me up when people read a blog and go SEE IT'S RIGHT THERE!

yea, but a blog is just opinions like in here. nothing more.

but but but ... HE LIED GOD DAMN IT HE LIED!!!
He did lie.

And now the right has absolutely no place bitching about anyone lying to anyone. Although we both know they will.
Wrong! This is just the beginning of your end, leftie. The best and the worst is yet to come. Let the perp walks begin!
/——-/ I was going to ask when are all the Libtards who celebrated Flynn’s prosecution going to admit they were wrong. Then I realized they will never do it, they will claim Trump ordered the DOJ to drop the case. Libtards can never accept defeat.
Trump didn’t have to order everything. No one had any doubt as to what Trump wanted.

What were “libtards” proven wrong about? No facts changed. Just the people calling the shots.
What changed was the facts around the FBI's conduct during the investigation. It was piss poor considering they were running an investigations that they knew damn well would be combed through by everyone. Over and over again the FBI makes themselves look like true assholes with thier conduct weather or not you think Flynn should be fried. I may not agree with letting him off the hook but it certainly does not excuse the deplorable conduct from the FBI as they are proven to lie and then lie some more.
The FBI conduct does not excuse criminal behavior.
I did not say it did however that is not entirely incorrect. Misconduct by the prosecutor, the FBI or any investigatory body does, indeed, excuse criminal behavior all the time. That is how our leagal system works. If the police break into your home illegally and find 10 kilos of coccaine you will get off scott free because the search was illegal.

Does it excuse the behavior in this case? Possibly. If the FBI were busy altering documents, threatening Flynn's family with further persecution and performing sting operations then yes, it does. I care far less about one person, Flynn, than I do about the system itself. I care very much about reforming the corruption in our legal system and the fact that such happened on this scale in an investigation that is almost certainly the cleanest investigation completed is terrifying. The FBI did an absolute horrendous job here and that should have been flatly impossible.

Hell, lying to judges to obtain warrens was terrible on its own. Now we are seeing that it is even more pervasive? That is insane. This is one of the most powerful institutions in the entire nation.
/——-/ Libtards will never concede that Flynn was set up, bankrupt and had his son threatened with prosecution. General Flynn copped a plea because he had no options left. He was ruined.
Read it, fuckball.

/——/ You go read blogs, you big dope.
cracks me up when people read a blog and go SEE IT'S RIGHT THERE!

yea, but a blog is just opinions like in here. nothing more.

Like when people post links to Sharyl Attkisson?

but but but ... HE LIED GOD DAMN IT HE LIED!!!
He did lie.

And now the right has absolutely no place bitching about anyone lying to anyone. Although we both know they will.
Wrong! This is just the beginning of your end, leftie. The best and the worst is yet to come. Let the perp walks begin!
/——-/ I was going to ask when are all the Libtards who celebrated Flynn’s prosecution going to admit they were wrong. Then I realized they will never do it, they will claim Trump ordered the DOJ to drop the case. Libtards can never accept defeat.
Trump didn’t have to order everything. No one had any doubt as to what Trump wanted.

What were “libtards” proven wrong about? No facts changed. Just the people calling the shots.
What changed was the facts around the FBI's conduct during the investigation. It was piss poor considering they were running an investigations that they knew damn well would be combed through by everyone. Over and over again the FBI makes themselves look like true assholes with thier conduct weather or not you think Flynn should be fried. I may not agree with letting him off the hook but it certainly does not excuse the deplorable conduct from the FBI as they are proven to lie and then lie some more.
The FBI conduct does not excuse criminal behavior.
I did not say it did however that is not entirely incorrect. Misconduct by the prosecutor, the FBI or any investigatory body does, indeed, excuse criminal behavior all the time. That is how our leagal system works. If the police break into your home illegally and find 10 kilos of coccaine you will get off scott free because the search was illegal.

Does it excuse the behavior in this case? Possibly. If the FBI were busy altering documents, threatening Flynn's family with further persecution and performing sting operations then yes, it does. I care far less about one person, Flynn, than I do about the system itself. I care very much about reforming the corruption in our legal system and the fact that such happened on this scale in an investigation that is almost certainly the cleanest investigation completed is terrifying. The FBI did an absolute horrendous job here and that should have been flatly impossible.

Hell, lying to judges to obtain warrens was terrible on its own. Now we are seeing that it is even more pervasive? That is insane. This is one of the most powerful institutions in the entire nation.
What misconduct? Read this and then ask yourself what sources of info you used that made you draw all the wrong conclusions.

There is an entire IG report on misconduct to start with. That was enough to give me very serious questions about how the top law enforcement agency acts. As it pertains directly to Flynn, there are charges of altering documents, entrapment and threatening him. Altering documents is enough to throw this all into question particularly in the manner that they have done so. Yes, you have a nice opinion piece about why you should just accept that the FBI is above board but that is bullshit of the highest order. The final decition is with the judge and, hopefully, they have all the relevant information. We will see what the actual outcome is for Flynn. As I said earlier, I dont really care either way and still have confidence in the judicial branch even if I have lost all confidence in the executive to enforce the law in any just manner whatsoever. If the judge decides the misconduct does not warrant releasing Flynn from his plea then so be it. I thought none of these charges should even have mattered, afaik he was working for Turkey while he was the natinal security advosor. I cannot fathom why that is not the charge he faced and perhaps, if the judge accepts the retraction, he will be charged for it.

I certainly have not come to 'all the wrong conclusions' as I have not made many conclusions other than the hard fact the FBI acted incorrectly and made serious errors throughout this investigation. And again, the priority and gravity of the investigation itself should have precluded anything untoward happening.

but but but ... HE LIED GOD DAMN IT HE LIED!!!
He did lie.

And now the right has absolutely no place bitching about anyone lying to anyone. Although we both know they will.
Wrong! This is just the beginning of your end, leftie. The best and the worst is yet to come. Let the perp walks begin!
/——-/ I was going to ask when are all the Libtards who celebrated Flynn’s prosecution going to admit they were wrong. Then I realized they will never do it, they will claim Trump ordered the DOJ to drop the case. Libtards can never accept defeat.
Trump didn’t have to order everything. No one had any doubt as to what Trump wanted.

What were “libtards” proven wrong about? No facts changed. Just the people calling the shots.
What changed was the facts around the FBI's conduct during the investigation. It was piss poor considering they were running an investigations that they knew damn well would be combed through by everyone. Over and over again the FBI makes themselves look like true assholes with thier conduct weather or not you think Flynn should be fried. I may not agree with letting him off the hook but it certainly does not excuse the deplorable conduct from the FBI as they are proven to lie and then lie some more.
The FBI conduct does not excuse criminal behavior.
I did not say it did however that is not entirely incorrect. Misconduct by the prosecutor, the FBI or any investigatory body does, indeed, excuse criminal behavior all the time. That is how our leagal system works. If the police break into your home illegally and find 10 kilos of coccaine you will get off scott free because the search was illegal.

Does it excuse the behavior in this case? Possibly. If the FBI were busy altering documents, threatening Flynn's family with further persecution and performing sting operations then yes, it does. I care far less about one person, Flynn, than I do about the system itself. I care very much about reforming the corruption in our legal system and the fact that such happened on this scale in an investigation that is almost certainly the cleanest investigation completed is terrifying. The FBI did an absolute horrendous job here and that should have been flatly impossible.

Hell, lying to judges to obtain warrens was terrible on its own. Now we are seeing that it is even more pervasive? That is insane. This is one of the most powerful institutions in the entire nation.
What misconduct? Read this and then ask yourself what sources of info you used that made you draw all the wrong conclusions.

There is an entire IG report on misconduct to start with. That was enough to give me very serious questions about how the top law enforcement agency acts. As it pertains directly to Flynn, there are charges of altering documents, entrapment and threatening him. Altering documents is enough to throw this all into question particularly in the manner that they have done so. Yes, you have a nice opinion piece about why you should just accept that the FBI is above board but that is bullshit of the highest order. The final decition is with the judge and, hopefully, they have all the relevant information. We will see what the actual outcome is for Flynn. As I said earlier, I dont really care either way and still have confidence in the judicial branch even if I have lost all confidence in the executive to enforce the law in any just manner whatsoever. If the judge decides the misconduct does not warrant releasing Flynn from his plea then so be it. I thought none of these charges should even have mattered, afaik he was working for Turkey while he was the natinal security advosor. I cannot fathom why that is not the charge he faced and perhaps, if the judge accepts the retraction, he will be charged for it.

I certainly have not come to 'all the wrong conclusions' as I have not made many conclusions other than the hard fact the FBI acted incorrectly and made serious errors throughout this investigation. And again, the priority and gravity of the investigation itself should have precluded anything untoward happening.
Alteration of documents comes into play with Carter Page, not Flynn. The IG report is very informative, but has very little to do with Flynn, actually.

but but but ... HE LIED GOD DAMN IT HE LIED!!!
He did lie.

And now the right has absolutely no place bitching about anyone lying to anyone. Although we both know they will.
Wrong! This is just the beginning of your end, leftie. The best and the worst is yet to come. Let the perp walks begin!
/——-/ I was going to ask when are all the Libtards who celebrated Flynn’s prosecution going to admit they were wrong. Then I realized they will never do it, they will claim Trump ordered the DOJ to drop the case. Libtards can never accept defeat.
Trump didn’t have to order everything. No one had any doubt as to what Trump wanted.

What were “libtards” proven wrong about? No facts changed. Just the people calling the shots.
What changed was the facts around the FBI's conduct during the investigation. It was piss poor considering they were running an investigations that they knew damn well would be combed through by everyone. Over and over again the FBI makes themselves look like true assholes with thier conduct weather or not you think Flynn should be fried. I may not agree with letting him off the hook but it certainly does not excuse the deplorable conduct from the FBI as they are proven to lie and then lie some more.
The FBI conduct does not excuse criminal behavior.
I did not say it did however that is not entirely incorrect. Misconduct by the prosecutor, the FBI or any investigatory body does, indeed, excuse criminal behavior all the time. That is how our leagal system works. If the police break into your home illegally and find 10 kilos of coccaine you will get off scott free because the search was illegal.

Does it excuse the behavior in this case? Possibly. If the FBI were busy altering documents, threatening Flynn's family with further persecution and performing sting operations then yes, it does. I care far less about one person, Flynn, than I do about the system itself. I care very much about reforming the corruption in our legal system and the fact that such happened on this scale in an investigation that is almost certainly the cleanest investigation completed is terrifying. The FBI did an absolute horrendous job here and that should have been flatly impossible.

Hell, lying to judges to obtain warrens was terrible on its own. Now we are seeing that it is even more pervasive? That is insane. This is one of the most powerful institutions in the entire nation.
What misconduct? Read this and then ask yourself what sources of info you used that made you draw all the wrong conclusions.

There is an entire IG report on misconduct to start with. That was enough to give me very serious questions about how the top law enforcement agency acts. As it pertains directly to Flynn, there are charges of altering documents, entrapment and threatening him. Altering documents is enough to throw this all into question particularly in the manner that they have done so. Yes, you have a nice opinion piece about why you should just accept that the FBI is above board but that is bullshit of the highest order. The final decition is with the judge and, hopefully, they have all the relevant information. We will see what the actual outcome is for Flynn. As I said earlier, I dont really care either way and still have confidence in the judicial branch even if I have lost all confidence in the executive to enforce the law in any just manner whatsoever. If the judge decides the misconduct does not warrant releasing Flynn from his plea then so be it. I thought none of these charges should even have mattered, afaik he was working for Turkey while he was the natinal security advosor. I cannot fathom why that is not the charge he faced and perhaps, if the judge accepts the retraction, he will be charged for it.

I certainly have not come to 'all the wrong conclusions' as I have not made many conclusions other than the hard fact the FBI acted incorrectly and made serious errors throughout this investigation. And again, the priority and gravity of the investigation itself should have precluded anything untoward happening.
Alteration of documents comes into play with Carter Page, not Flynn. The IG report is very informative, but has very little to do with Flynn, actually.
I did not say it did. That is why that statement is followed by: "As it pertains directly to Flynn" as I understand the IG report was on FISA warrants.

And yes, there are charges that documents (specifically the interviewers notes) were altered here as well. The fact they had already been shown to have made alterations and left out information previously speaks to a pattern here.

but but but ... HE LIED GOD DAMN IT HE LIED!!!
He did lie.

And now the right has absolutely no place bitching about anyone lying to anyone. Although we both know they will.
Wrong! This is just the beginning of your end, leftie. The best and the worst is yet to come. Let the perp walks begin!
/——-/ I was going to ask when are all the Libtards who celebrated Flynn’s prosecution going to admit they were wrong. Then I realized they will never do it, they will claim Trump ordered the DOJ to drop the case. Libtards can never accept defeat.
Trump didn’t have to order everything. No one had any doubt as to what Trump wanted.

What were “libtards” proven wrong about? No facts changed. Just the people calling the shots.
What changed was the facts around the FBI's conduct during the investigation. It was piss poor considering they were running an investigations that they knew damn well would be combed through by everyone. Over and over again the FBI makes themselves look like true assholes with thier conduct weather or not you think Flynn should be fried. I may not agree with letting him off the hook but it certainly does not excuse the deplorable conduct from the FBI as they are proven to lie and then lie some more.
The FBI conduct does not excuse criminal behavior.
I did not say it did however that is not entirely incorrect. Misconduct by the prosecutor, the FBI or any investigatory body does, indeed, excuse criminal behavior all the time. That is how our leagal system works. If the police break into your home illegally and find 10 kilos of coccaine you will get off scott free because the search was illegal.

Does it excuse the behavior in this case? Possibly. If the FBI were busy altering documents, threatening Flynn's family with further persecution and performing sting operations then yes, it does. I care far less about one person, Flynn, than I do about the system itself. I care very much about reforming the corruption in our legal system and the fact that such happened on this scale in an investigation that is almost certainly the cleanest investigation completed is terrifying. The FBI did an absolute horrendous job here and that should have been flatly impossible.

Hell, lying to judges to obtain warrens was terrible on its own. Now we are seeing that it is even more pervasive? That is insane. This is one of the most powerful institutions in the entire nation.
What misconduct? Read this and then ask yourself what sources of info you used that made you draw all the wrong conclusions.

There is an entire IG report on misconduct to start with. That was enough to give me very serious questions about how the top law enforcement agency acts. As it pertains directly to Flynn, there are charges of altering documents, entrapment and threatening him. Altering documents is enough to throw this all into question particularly in the manner that they have done so. Yes, you have a nice opinion piece about why you should just accept that the FBI is above board but that is bullshit of the highest order. The final decition is with the judge and, hopefully, they have all the relevant information. We will see what the actual outcome is for Flynn. As I said earlier, I dont really care either way and still have confidence in the judicial branch even if I have lost all confidence in the executive to enforce the law in any just manner whatsoever. If the judge decides the misconduct does not warrant releasing Flynn from his plea then so be it. I thought none of these charges should even have mattered, afaik he was working for Turkey while he was the natinal security advosor. I cannot fathom why that is not the charge he faced and perhaps, if the judge accepts the retraction, he will be charged for it.

I certainly have not come to 'all the wrong conclusions' as I have not made many conclusions other than the hard fact the FBI acted incorrectly and made serious errors throughout this investigation. And again, the priority and gravity of the investigation itself should have precluded anything untoward happening.
Alteration of documents comes into play with Carter Page, not Flynn. The IG report is very informative, but has very little to do with Flynn, actually.
I did not say it did. That is why that statement is followed by: "As it pertains directly to Flynn" as I understand the IG report was on FISA warrants.

And yes, there are charges that documents (specifically the interviewers notes) were altered here as well. The fact they had already been shown to have made alterations and left out information previously speaks to a pattern here.
The interview notes were not seen to be altered with Flynn.
Well it wasn’t the DOJ he’d sue, it would be the fbi

You haven't been following the news for 4 years, have you? You wouldn't have to do any actual research to know that the FBI is part of the DOJ or to know that Rod Rosenstein was part of the conspiracy; you could just watch the news to know both - well, maybe not CNN.

but but but ... HE LIED GOD DAMN IT HE LIED!!!
He did lie.

And now the right has absolutely no place bitching about anyone lying to anyone. Although we both know they will.
Wrong! This is just the beginning of your end, leftie. The best and the worst is yet to come. Let the perp walks begin!
/——-/ I was going to ask when are all the Libtards who celebrated Flynn’s prosecution going to admit they were wrong. Then I realized they will never do it, they will claim Trump ordered the DOJ to drop the case. Libtards can never accept defeat.
Trump didn’t have to order everything. No one had any doubt as to what Trump wanted.

What were “libtards” proven wrong about? No facts changed. Just the people calling the shots.
What changed was the facts around the FBI's conduct during the investigation. It was piss poor considering they were running an investigations that they knew damn well would be combed through by everyone. Over and over again the FBI makes themselves look like true assholes with thier conduct weather or not you think Flynn should be fried. I may not agree with letting him off the hook but it certainly does not excuse the deplorable conduct from the FBI as they are proven to lie and then lie some more.
The FBI conduct does not excuse criminal behavior.

Generally not, but when the FBI creates the crime then that's entrapment.

But, I'll sure bet you don't take that same stand when someone gets arrested without getting Mirandized, or if the police search without a warrant, right?

Possession of cocaine is a law in every legal jurisdiction of the United States. If the police plant it, and then arrest you, should the behavior of the arrested person be excused? They were in possession of cocaine. That's a crime. Surely the conduct of the police don't excuse criminal behavior.
If the FBI were busy altering documents, threatening Flynn's family with further persecution
They weren't altering documents but they were looking in to possible prosecution (not persecution) of Mike's kid. What a chip off the old traitor. Mike must be so proud.

The Obama appointee Inspector General of the DOJ has already released the proof of one DOJ attorney falsifying an email from the CIA to justify a warrant and investigation into Carter Page. Do you think that's the only time they did that? I've been hearing reports that the original interview notes are being hidden and that the ones available were modified by Peter Strzok. We shall see. The evidence or proof may be out; I don't know. I'm tired from a long day at work and I'm not searching it now; maybe someone else knows. In any case, no matter what, we know that the DOJ has intentionally and criminally falsified documents to prosecute the attempted coup against the elected president of the United States.

In a court of law, when a witness has been caught lying, the judge will tell the jury that they may, if they choose, to assume that everything the witness said is a lie. We know the DOJ has been caught lying in their prosecution of Trump's team. I, then, believe that they lied in nearly all or all of everything they've said prior to Bill Barr coming in to clean it up and restore the justice system in the United States.
Well it wasn’t the DOJ he’d sue, it would be the fbi

You haven't been following the news for 4 years, have you? You wouldn't have to do any actual research to know that the FBI is part of the DOJ or to know that Rod Rosenstein was part of the conspiracy; you could just watch the news to know both - well, maybe not CNN.
Yeah, but the fbi directly lied
Well it wasn’t the DOJ he’d sue, it would be the fbi

You haven't been following the news for 4 years, have you? You wouldn't have to do any actual research to know that the FBI is part of the DOJ or to know that Rod Rosenstein was part of the conspiracy; you could just watch the news to know both - well, maybe not CNN.
Yeah, but the fbi directly lied
Who did carter page sue?

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