US signs anti-abortion declaration with group of largely authoritarian governments

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

The “core supporters” of the declaration are Brazil, Egypt, Hungary, Indonesia and Uganda, and the 27 other signatories include Belarus (where security forces are currently trying to suppress a women-led protest movement), Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Sudan, South Sudan, Libya.

Most of the signatories are among the 20 worst countries to be a woman according to the Women, Peace and Security Index established by Georgetown University.

The list of Americas new friends must make sobering reading. Not to worry. In a fortnight President Joe will consign this to the bin.

welcome to amerika - make yourself comfortable.
So the US, under the "leadership" of trump, takes another giant leap into authoritarianism, and installing a right-wing theocracy to rule over a once-free people. They always go after women and LGBTs first, as we are considered expendable.

The US government has no business taking any stand on abortion, which is not an issue that legitimately involves government. It is purely ideological and there is no universal agreement.

The “core supporters” of the declaration are Brazil, Egypt, Hungary, Indonesia and Uganda, and the 27 other signatories include Belarus (where security forces are currently trying to suppress a women-led protest movement), Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Sudan, South Sudan, Libya.

Most of the signatories are among the 20 worst countries to be a woman according to the Women, Peace and Security Index established by Georgetown University.

The list of Americas new friends must make sobering reading. Not to worry. In a fortnight President Joe will consign this to the bin.

And the world can go on killing babies...yea!
So the US, under the "leadership" of trump, takes another giant leap into authoritarianism, and installing a right-wing theocracy to rule over a once-free people. They always go after women and LGBTs first, as we are considered expendable.

The US government has no business taking any stand on abortion, which is not an issue that legitimately involves government. It is purely ideological and there is no universal agreement.

Standing up for the lives of the unborn that can not defend themselves is honorable.

The “core supporters” of the declaration are Brazil, Egypt, Hungary, Indonesia and Uganda, and the 27 other signatories include Belarus (where security forces are currently trying to suppress a women-led protest movement), Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Sudan, South Sudan, Libya.

Most of the signatories are among the 20 worst countries to be a woman according to the Women, Peace and Security Index established by Georgetown University.

The list of Americas new friends must make sobering reading. Not to worry. In a fortnight President Joe will consign this to the bin.
sometimes in life tommy thought processes overlap
I bet if you quite posting on usmb both the right and the left would celebrate
So the US, under the "leadership" of trump, takes another giant leap into authoritarianism, and installing a right-wing theocracy to rule over a once-free people. They always go after women and LGBTs first, as we are considered expendable.

The US government has no business taking any stand on abortion, which is not an issue that legitimately involves government. It is purely ideological and there is no universal agreement.

Standing up for the lives of the unborn that can not defend themselves is honorable.

This is not an issue for government. Your "killing babies" thing is an exaggeration pushed by your religious sect.
Just how "authoritarian" is ripping an unborn baby out of the womb and murdering her/him?
They don't rip a fetus out of the womb.

That is exactly what they do....Rods are inserted to keep the cervix open, and a suction device is inserted sucking the baby apart as it removes it from the womb....

That is what you are killing at 12 weeks.
So the US, under the "leadership" of trump, takes another giant leap into authoritarianism, and installing a right-wing theocracy to rule over a once-free people. They always go after women and LGBTs first, as we are considered expendable.

The US government has no business taking any stand on abortion, which is not an issue that legitimately involves government. It is purely ideological and there is no universal agreement.

Standing up for the lives of the unborn that can not defend themselves is honorable.

This is not an issue for government. Your "killing babies" thing is an exaggeration pushed by your religious sect.

Nonsense, that is what you tell yourself so that you don't have to face the horror of killing an innocent baby.
So the US, under the "leadership" of trump, takes another giant leap into authoritarianism, and installing a right-wing theocracy to rule over a once-free people. They always go after women and LGBTs first, as we are considered expendable.

The US government has no business taking any stand on abortion, which is not an issue that legitimately involves government. It is purely ideological and there is no universal agreement.

Standing up for the lives of the unborn that can not defend themselves is honorable.

Are you a male? You sound like one.
So the US, under the "leadership" of trump, takes another giant leap into authoritarianism, and installing a right-wing theocracy to rule over a once-free people. They always go after women and LGBTs first, as we are considered expendable.

The US government has no business taking any stand on abortion, which is not an issue that legitimately involves government. It is purely ideological and there is no universal agreement.

Standing up for the lives of the unborn that can not defend themselves is honorable.

Are you a male? You sound like one.

Does it matter? What does that picture of a 12 week fetus show you....? Is that a toaster? is it a Buick?

Looks like a human to me....
So the US, under the "leadership" of trump, takes another giant leap into authoritarianism, and installing a right-wing theocracy to rule over a once-free people. They always go after women and LGBTs first, as we are considered expendable.

The US government has no business taking any stand on abortion, which is not an issue that legitimately involves government. It is purely ideological and there is no universal agreement.

Standing up for the lives of the unborn that can not defend themselves is honorable.

Are you a male? You sound like one.

Does it matter? What does that picture of a 12 week fetus show you....? Is that a toaster? is it a Buick?

Looks like a human to me....

Yet nothing is developed, no its not an infant. You are a male, speaks volumes, you want to control the female.

The “core supporters” of the declaration are Brazil, Egypt, Hungary, Indonesia and Uganda, and the 27 other signatories include Belarus (where security forces are currently trying to suppress a women-led protest movement), Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Sudan, South Sudan, Libya.

Most of the signatories are among the 20 worst countries to be a woman according to the Women, Peace and Security Index established by Georgetown University.

The list of Americas new friends must make sobering reading. Not to worry. In a fortnight President Joe will consign this to the bin.

You Gheys can't get pregnant Tammy.

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