US role as a global model, guarantor of freedom, rule of law brought to an end by Trump

The End of the American Century

The inaugural address of Donald Trump did not contain the word justice or cooperation or ideals or morals or truth or charity. It has only one reference to freedom.

What it really means is America as a global model and guarantor of freedom and rule of law and fairness.

Trump ’s administration is the death knell of the American Century.

And wherever we may disengage around the world, we are never replaced by a better actor. The president’s vision of putting up our national drawbridge and hunkering down mirrors the transformation of Great Britain to Little England after the end of World War II. The American Century was a term of pride for many and it represented the flowering not only of American power but American values.

The American Century, RIP.


The country has diverged so far from what made it great that Trump supporters will look at what is written and insist it's more rants from a far left nut.

They don't even know what: guarantor of freedom, rule of law and fairness even means.

The most truly weird thing is they believe isolationism and protectionism will somehow bring us economic success.
Yes, Trump's agenda is for the United States to stop being the global policeman. The job of the federal government is to do what's best for Americans first. The rest of the world can take a distant second. That's the way it should be been all along. Your belief that American should be some giant welfare agency to the entire world is pure idiocy.

What is pure idiocy is your view that the "leadership" the US provided is only with regards to military intervention. The leadership was moral, not military. It was one of openness, co-operation and inclusion under which your country flourished.

Trump's path is shrinking your markets, not expanding them. Travel to the US in down and tourists are no longer flocking to your shores. Your trading partners are finding other markets for their goods and services, and companies are rethinking expanding or locating in the US. due to increasing civil unrest.

Trump's agenda is completely stalled and there is no evidence he will get anything done. His tax cuts and reforms were dependent on repealing and replacing the ACA since tax cuts can't be adding to the deficit 10 years after they are passed. That's why W's tax cuts had an expiry date.

The only thing Trump has been successful with is creating chaos, dysfunction and deepening racial divisions in the country. His constant attacks on the media, immigrants and the left are pushing the country into civil unrest.

Trump blames the media, but that's because Trump always blames others for his failures. Nothing is ever his fault.
The End of the American Century

The inaugural address of Donald Trump did not contain the word justice or cooperation or ideals or morals or truth or charity. It has only one reference to freedom.

What it really means is America as a global model and guarantor of freedom and rule of law and fairness.

Trump ’s administration is the death knell of the American Century.

And wherever we may disengage around the world, we are never replaced by a better actor. The president’s vision of putting up our national drawbridge and hunkering down mirrors the transformation of Great Britain to Little England after the end of World War II. The American Century was a term of pride for many and it represented the flowering not only of American power but American values.

The American Century, RIP.


The country has diverged so far from what made it great that Trump supporters will look at what is written and insist it's more rants from a far left nut.

They don't even know what: guarantor of freedom, rule of law and fairness even means.

The most truly weird thing is they believe isolationism and protectionism will somehow bring us economic success.
Yes, Trump's agenda is for the United States to stop being the global policeman. The job of the federal government is to do what's best for Americans first. The rest of the world can take a distant second. That's the way it should be been all along. Your belief that American should be some giant welfare agency to the entire world is pure idiocy.
You don't think promoting freedom and democracy around the world is good for America?

I guess considering that you support Putin, Assad and other bloody dictators, clearly, you don't share what America has stood for since WWII. Or even see it as a good thing.

You cannot impose liberty, self government, and republics on others with the use of force. You can conquer them, this is true. But imposing freedom is a contradiction of terms. You can invite them. Try to teach them. Persuade them but if people choose bondage they will choose to. You cannot govern yourself if you wont choose to do it.

That's the problem here too. Too many people at choosing to let the government rule them then govern themselves. They have the mentality "can't someone else do it?"
The End of the American Century

The inaugural address of Donald Trump did not contain the word justice or cooperation or ideals or morals or truth or charity. It has only one reference to freedom.

What it really means is America as a global model and guarantor of freedom and rule of law and fairness.

Trump ’s administration is the death knell of the American Century.

And wherever we may disengage around the world, we are never replaced by a better actor. The president’s vision of putting up our national drawbridge and hunkering down mirrors the transformation of Great Britain to Little England after the end of World War II. The American Century was a term of pride for many and it represented the flowering not only of American power but American values.

The American Century, RIP.


The country has diverged so far from what made it great that Trump supporters will look at what is written and insist it's more rants from a far left nut.

They don't even know what: guarantor of freedom, rule of law and fairness even means.

The most truly weird thing is they believe isolationism and protectionism will somehow bring us economic success.
Yes, Trump's agenda is for the United States to stop being the global policeman. The job of the federal government is to do what's best for Americans first. The rest of the world can take a distant second. That's the way it should be been all along. Your belief that American should be some giant welfare agency to the entire world is pure idiocy.
You don't think promoting freedom and democracy around the world is good for America?

I guess considering that you support Putin, Assad and other bloody dictators, clearly, you don't share what America has stood for since WWII. Or even see it as a good thing.
Progressivism is opposite of freedom
What is freedom to you?

The government getting out of our lives so we can govern ourselves
The American ideal ended when barack obama's favorite book was The Post American World and started carrying it around with him.
Obama's favorite books:

1. Moby Dick, Herman Melville
2. Self-Reliance, Ralph Waldo Emerson
3. Song Of Solomon, Toni Morrison
4. Parting The Waters, Taylor Branch
5. Gilead, Marylinne Robinson
6. Best and the Brightest, David Halberstam
7. The Federalist, Alexander Hamilton
8. Souls of Black Folk, W.E.B. Du Bois
9. The Power and the Glory, Graham Greene
10. The Quiet American, Graham Greene
11. Cancer Ward, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
12. Gandhi’s autobiography
13. Working, Studs Terkel
14. Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith
15. Theory of Moral Sentiments, Adam Smith
16. All the King’s Men, Robert Penn Warren

Every Book Barack Obama Has Recommended During His Presidency
The End of the American Century

The inaugural address of Donald Trump did not contain the word justice or cooperation or ideals or morals or truth or charity. It has only one reference to freedom.

What it really means is America as a global model and guarantor of freedom and rule of law and fairness.

Trump ’s administration is the death knell of the American Century.

And wherever we may disengage around the world, we are never replaced by a better actor. The president’s vision of putting up our national drawbridge and hunkering down mirrors the transformation of Great Britain to Little England after the end of World War II. The American Century was a term of pride for many and it represented the flowering not only of American power but American values.

The American Century, RIP.


The country has diverged so far from what made it great that Trump supporters will look at what is written and insist it's more rants from a far left nut.

They don't even know what: guarantor of freedom, rule of law and fairness even means.

The most truly weird thing is they believe isolationism and protectionism will somehow bring us economic success.
Yes, Trump's agenda is for the United States to stop being the global policeman. The job of the federal government is to do what's best for Americans first. The rest of the world can take a distant second. That's the way it should be been all along. Your belief that American should be some giant welfare agency to the entire world is pure idiocy.
You don't think promoting freedom and democracy around the world is good for America?

I guess considering that you support Putin, Assad and other bloody dictators, clearly, you don't share what America has stood for since WWII. Or even see it as a good thing.
When we "promote freedom and democracy" with cluster bombs, then it's not good for America or anyone else.

Your claim that I support Putin and Assad only shows that you're a lying douche bag snowflake. What America has stood for since WW II is mostly global hegemony.
The American ideal ended when barack obama's favorite book was The Post American World and started carrying it around with him.
Obama's favorite books:

1. Moby Dick, Herman Melville
2. Self-Reliance, Ralph Waldo Emerson
3. Song Of Solomon, Toni Morrison
4. Parting The Waters, Taylor Branch
5. Gilead, Marylinne Robinson
6. Best and the Brightest, David Halberstam
7. The Federalist, Alexander Hamilton
8. Souls of Black Folk, W.E.B. Du Bois
9. The Power and the Glory, Graham Greene
10. The Quiet American, Graham Greene
11. Cancer Ward, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
12. Gandhi’s autobiography
13. Working, Studs Terkel
14. Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith
15. Theory of Moral Sentiments, Adam Smith
16. All the King’s Men, Robert Penn Warren

Every Book Barack Obama Has Recommended During His Presidency

Like we believe Obama read 14 or 15
Well maybe he'll commission some Pirates to raid Mexican merchants to pay for da wall.
"US role as a global model, guarantor of freedom, rule of law brought to an end by Trump"
It was never that except in the imagination and self-delusion of a credulant populace. Trump, as terrible as he is, cannot be blamed for this. Even "W" came late to the scene for negating that image internationally; it was already done. Even by the time of Vietnam, the rest of the world was wise to the worldly ways of ole' Uncle Sam.
The American ideal ended when barack obama's favorite book was The Post American World and started carrying it around with him.
Obama's favorite books:

1. Moby Dick, Herman Melville
2. Self-Reliance, Ralph Waldo Emerson
3. Song Of Solomon, Toni Morrison
4. Parting The Waters, Taylor Branch
5. Gilead, Marylinne Robinson
6. Best and the Brightest, David Halberstam
7. The Federalist, Alexander Hamilton
8. Souls of Black Folk, W.E.B. Du Bois
9. The Power and the Glory, Graham Greene
10. The Quiet American, Graham Greene
11. Cancer Ward, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
12. Gandhi’s autobiography
13. Working, Studs Terkel
14. Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith
15. Theory of Moral Sentiments, Adam Smith
16. All the King’s Men, Robert Penn Warren

Every Book Barack Obama Has Recommended During His Presidency
What Obama Is Reading

Maybe he liked it because The Post America World was written by a fellow muslim.
From the Book:

The real problem, Zakaria argues, is the rise of China, trailed by India. China’s is indeed the most incredible success story in history — a tale of almost 30 years of growth in the 7-to-10-percent range that seems to defy the laws of economic gravity. The United States, Germany and Japan had similar tales to tell in the late 19th century, but bust was the price of boom, and for Germany as well as Japan (add Russia, too), headlong industrialization ended in the horrors of 20th-century totalitarianism.

But for China it’s up, up and away. As Zakaria memorably puts it, ”China today exports in a single day more than it exported in all of 1978.” Authoritarian modernization just hums along. The Party’s message reads ”Enrich yourselves, but leave the driving to us,” and most of 1.3 billion Chinese seem happy to comply — and to consume. With power safely lodged in the Politburo, China does not conform to the historical pattern of ”first rich, then rowdy,” which led to Tokyo’s and Berlin’s imperialist careers.


Wow, doesn't sound very anti American.

Oh wait, you just saw the name and the title and then assumed you knew what it said.

That's the problem with right wingers and education. They just assume they know what it's about so they don't need it. In the meantime, they whine, "Oh moon God Trump, please bring our now automated jobs back that are never actually coming back. I want a big salary without the need to know anything of value."

So sad.
Like everything else the Orange Clown promised, he has absolutely no idea how to deliver.
His 'isolationism' has evaporated (N Korea, Afghanistan), he's threatening to close down the Government unless Congress (not Mexico!) will pay for the Wall, his 'Repeal and Replace' can't get to first base, and he plays golf every fucking weekend.
What a tool!


Terrorists hate golf. Every swing of a club is a dagger to their heart.

So, FORE! For Freedom.

Holy jeepers, even I could not see away to spin that into Bone Spur love. My compliments!
The American ideal ended when barack obama's favorite book was The Post American World and started carrying it around with him.
Obama's favorite books:

1. Moby Dick, Herman Melville
2. Self-Reliance, Ralph Waldo Emerson
3. Song Of Solomon, Toni Morrison
4. Parting The Waters, Taylor Branch
5. Gilead, Marylinne Robinson
6. Best and the Brightest, David Halberstam
7. The Federalist, Alexander Hamilton
8. Souls of Black Folk, W.E.B. Du Bois
9. The Power and the Glory, Graham Greene
10. The Quiet American, Graham Greene
11. Cancer Ward, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
12. Gandhi’s autobiography
13. Working, Studs Terkel
14. Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith
15. Theory of Moral Sentiments, Adam Smith
16. All the King’s Men, Robert Penn Warren

Every Book Barack Obama Has Recommended During His Presidency

Like we believe Obama read 14 or 15
And yet you believe Trump reads more than a Mar a Lago menu. Look at him on the teleprompter. Does that look like a guy who practices reading? Besides, golden showers get the pages all wet.
The American ideal ended when barack obama's favorite book was The Post American World and started carrying it around with him.
Obama's favorite books:

1. Moby Dick, Herman Melville
2. Self-Reliance, Ralph Waldo Emerson
3. Song Of Solomon, Toni Morrison
4. Parting The Waters, Taylor Branch
5. Gilead, Marylinne Robinson
6. Best and the Brightest, David Halberstam
7. The Federalist, Alexander Hamilton
8. Souls of Black Folk, W.E.B. Du Bois
9. The Power and the Glory, Graham Greene
10. The Quiet American, Graham Greene
11. Cancer Ward, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
12. Gandhi’s autobiography
13. Working, Studs Terkel
14. Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith
15. Theory of Moral Sentiments, Adam Smith
16. All the King’s Men, Robert Penn Warren

Every Book Barack Obama Has Recommended During His Presidency

Like we believe Obama read 14 or 15
And yet you believe Trump reads more than a Mar a Lago menu. Look at him on the teleprompter. Does that look like a guy who practices reading? Besides, golden showers get the pages all wet.

Who said I believe that? I haven't mentioned Trumps reading habits or implied anything about them. Why? Because o don't know anything about them.

I sincerely hope he is reading up. Particularly on economics and military strategy. Whether he is who knows?

His reading habits are irrelevant to this discussion. They are irrelevant to the fact that Obama most likely hasn't touched 14 or 15. You can't tell me anyone well educated in the free market and the hand of providence is going to completely ignore it when it comes to implementing policy
The American ideal ended when barack obama's favorite book was The Post American World and started carrying it around with him.
Obama's favorite books:

1. Moby Dick, Herman Melville
2. Self-Reliance, Ralph Waldo Emerson
3. Song Of Solomon, Toni Morrison
4. Parting The Waters, Taylor Branch
5. Gilead, Marylinne Robinson
6. Best and the Brightest, David Halberstam
7. The Federalist, Alexander Hamilton
8. Souls of Black Folk, W.E.B. Du Bois
9. The Power and the Glory, Graham Greene
10. The Quiet American, Graham Greene
11. Cancer Ward, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
12. Gandhi’s autobiography
13. Working, Studs Terkel
14. Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith
15. Theory of Moral Sentiments, Adam Smith
16. All the King’s Men, Robert Penn Warren

Every Book Barack Obama Has Recommended During His Presidency

Like we believe Obama read 14 or 15
And yet you believe Trump reads more than a Mar a Lago menu. Look at him on the teleprompter. Does that look like a guy who practices reading? Besides, golden showers get the pages all wet.

Who said I believe that? I haven't mentioned Trumps reading habits or implied anything about them. Why? Because o don't know anything about them.

I sincerely hope he is reading up. Particularly on economics and military strategy. Whether he is who knows?

His reading habits are irrelevant to this discussion. They are irrelevant to the fact that Obama most likely hasn't touched 14 or 15. You can't tell me anyone well educated in the free market and the hand of providence is going to completely ignore it when it comes to implementing policy
You think Trump is well educated in the Free Market? Or anything?
The End of the American Century

The inaugural address of Donald Trump did not contain the word justice or cooperation or ideals or morals or truth or charity. It has only one reference to freedom.

What it really means is America as a global model and guarantor of freedom and rule of law and fairness.

Trump ’s administration is the death knell of the American Century.

And wherever we may disengage around the world, we are never replaced by a better actor. The president’s vision of putting up our national drawbridge and hunkering down mirrors the transformation of Great Britain to Little England after the end of World War II. The American Century was a term of pride for many and it represented the flowering not only of American power but American values.

The American Century, RIP.


The country has diverged so far from what made it great that Trump supporters will look at what is written and insist it's more rants from a far left nut.

They don't even know what: guarantor of freedom, rule of law and fairness even means.

The most truly weird thing is they believe isolationism and protectionism will somehow bring us economic success.
The comrade has never respected the rule of law.
Look at life as a businessman..
He also has never respected the Constitution..
Look at the last 7 months..
The American ideal ended when barack obama's favorite book was The Post American World and started carrying it around with him.
Obama's favorite books:

1. Moby Dick, Herman Melville
2. Self-Reliance, Ralph Waldo Emerson
3. Song Of Solomon, Toni Morrison
4. Parting The Waters, Taylor Branch
5. Gilead, Marylinne Robinson
6. Best and the Brightest, David Halberstam
7. The Federalist, Alexander Hamilton
8. Souls of Black Folk, W.E.B. Du Bois
9. The Power and the Glory, Graham Greene
10. The Quiet American, Graham Greene
11. Cancer Ward, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
12. Gandhi’s autobiography
13. Working, Studs Terkel
14. Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith
15. Theory of Moral Sentiments, Adam Smith
16. All the King’s Men, Robert Penn Warren

Every Book Barack Obama Has Recommended During His Presidency
What Obama Is Reading

Maybe he liked it because The Post America World was written by a fellow muslim.
Yet another birther.
The American ideal ended when barack obama's favorite book was The Post American World and started carrying it around with him.
Obama's favorite books:

1. Moby Dick, Herman Melville
2. Self-Reliance, Ralph Waldo Emerson
3. Song Of Solomon, Toni Morrison
4. Parting The Waters, Taylor Branch
5. Gilead, Marylinne Robinson
6. Best and the Brightest, David Halberstam
7. The Federalist, Alexander Hamilton
8. Souls of Black Folk, W.E.B. Du Bois
9. The Power and the Glory, Graham Greene
10. The Quiet American, Graham Greene
11. Cancer Ward, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
12. Gandhi’s autobiography
13. Working, Studs Terkel
14. Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith
15. Theory of Moral Sentiments, Adam Smith
16. All the King’s Men, Robert Penn Warren

Every Book Barack Obama Has Recommended During His Presidency
Trump's the first prez I can remember to not list the books he'll be reading on his August vacation. That's because those who know him state he doesn't read..
I want my president to be a reader.... at the very least..
The End of the American Century

The inaugural address of Donald Trump did not contain the word justice or cooperation or ideals or morals or truth or charity. It has only one reference to freedom.

What it really means is America as a global model and guarantor of freedom and rule of law and fairness.

Trump ’s administration is the death knell of the American Century.

And wherever we may disengage around the world, we are never replaced by a better actor. The president’s vision of putting up our national drawbridge and hunkering down mirrors the transformation of Great Britain to Little England after the end of World War II. The American Century was a term of pride for many and it represented the flowering not only of American power but American values.

The American Century, RIP.


The country has diverged so far from what made it great that Trump supporters will look at what is written and insist it's more rants from a far left nut.

They don't even know what: guarantor of freedom, rule of law and fairness even means.

The most truly weird thing is they believe isolationism and protectionism will somehow bring us economic success.
Globalism sucks, you do realize getting along is overrated?
Thanks for that endorsement for chaos and anarchy. No wonder you're a trump supporter..
The End of the American Century

The inaugural address of Donald Trump did not contain the word justice or cooperation or ideals or morals or truth or charity. It has only one reference to freedom.

What it really means is America as a global model and guarantor of freedom and rule of law and fairness.

Trump ’s administration is the death knell of the American Century.

And wherever we may disengage around the world, we are never replaced by a better actor. The president’s vision of putting up our national drawbridge and hunkering down mirrors the transformation of Great Britain to Little England after the end of World War II. The American Century was a term of pride for many and it represented the flowering not only of American power but American values.

The American Century, RIP.


The country has diverged so far from what made it great that Trump supporters will look at what is written and insist it's more rants from a far left nut.

They don't even know what: guarantor of freedom, rule of law and fairness even means.

The most truly weird thing is they believe isolationism and protectionism will somehow bring us economic success.
Globalism sucks, you do realize getting along is overrated?
Thanks for that endorsement for chaos and anarchy. No wonder you're a trump supporter..
Your political correctness makes you look like a pussy whipped bitch
The End of the American Century

The inaugural address of Donald Trump did not contain the word justice or cooperation or ideals or morals or truth or charity. It has only one reference to freedom.

What it really means is America as a global model and guarantor of freedom and rule of law and fairness.

Trump ’s administration is the death knell of the American Century.

And wherever we may disengage around the world, we are never replaced by a better actor. The president’s vision of putting up our national drawbridge and hunkering down mirrors the transformation of Great Britain to Little England after the end of World War II. The American Century was a term of pride for many and it represented the flowering not only of American power but American values.

The American Century, RIP.


The country has diverged so far from what made it great that Trump supporters will look at what is written and insist it's more rants from a far left nut.

They don't even know what: guarantor of freedom, rule of law and fairness even means.

The most truly weird thing is they believe isolationism and protectionism will somehow bring us economic success.

The rumors of Americas demise is greatly exaggerated by a bunch of left wing regressives that have worked tirelessly to bring about that demise. Just STFU already and accept your dear leaders fundamental transformation was rejected by America. Get more butt hurt cream and deal with it.

The American ideal ended when barack obama's favorite book was The Post American World and started carrying it around with him.
Obama's favorite books:

1. Moby Dick, Herman Melville
2. Self-Reliance, Ralph Waldo Emerson
3. Song Of Solomon, Toni Morrison
4. Parting The Waters, Taylor Branch
5. Gilead, Marylinne Robinson
6. Best and the Brightest, David Halberstam
7. The Federalist, Alexander Hamilton
8. Souls of Black Folk, W.E.B. Du Bois
9. The Power and the Glory, Graham Greene
10. The Quiet American, Graham Greene
11. Cancer Ward, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
12. Gandhi’s autobiography
13. Working, Studs Terkel
14. Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith
15. Theory of Moral Sentiments, Adam Smith
16. All the King’s Men, Robert Penn Warren

Every Book Barack Obama Has Recommended During His Presidency

I wonder who put those on the teleprompter for him.


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