US quits Unesco over 'anti-Israel bias'

UNESCO is a joke. It deserves to be dumped.
Why not dump the rest of the UN while you are at it? Currently the worldwide reputation of the US is in freefall; most people see the country, or at least it's leadership, as a joke anyway.
Why not dump the rest of the UN while you are at it? Currently the worldwide reputation of the US is in freefall; most people see the country, or at least it's leadership, as a joke anyway.
Fantastic idea. Tell the UN to get out of NY and move somewhere where it needed like Rwanda where it let over ten thousand people get hacked to death by machetes.

Fuck your world opinion. Where was your world as Pol Pot murdered over 3 million? North Korea starved 2 million of its people to death?
I'm unclear where UNESCO has been "anti-Israel" for the US to decide to quit...

Its because UNESCO is erasing Jewish history in Israel.


UNESCO resolutions which describe the Temple Mount only by its Arabic name and its Arab Muslim history and fail to make any mention of its Jewish origins. This is not accidental. This is a DELIBERATE and INTENTIONAL erasure of the Jewish connections to the monuments in order to deny the Jewish people political rights and it is part of a larger Arab political strategy.

The site is a Jewish site which was usurped by another culture. I would think normally, with respect to historical monuments, cultural appropriation is frowned upon. Most historical monuments, it appears to me, are described using the originating culture's language -- meaning that Jerusalem, its Old City, its Walls and the Temple Mount should, by convention, be listed by their Hebrew names.

Even if you disagree with that and view it instead as a shared historical site -- at the LEAST it should be described by both its Jewish and Arabic names.
Also because UNESCO is labeling security precautions as "Israeli aggression".


Item 25 of the 200th session, October 13, 2015, in a resolution presented by Arab States. Articles 8 through 13.

8. Strongly condemns the escalating Israeli aggressions and illegal measures against the Awqaf Department and its personnel, and against the freedom of worship and Muslims’ access to their Holy Site Al-Aqṣa Mosque/Al-Ḥaram Al-Sharif, and requests Israel, the occupying Power, to respect the historic status quo and to immediately stop these measures;

9. Firmly deplores the continuous storming of Al-Aqṣa Mosque/Al-Ḥaram Al-Sharif by Israeli right-wing extremists and uniformed forces, and urges Israel, the occupying Power, to take necessary measures to prevent provocative abuses that violate the sanctity and integrity of Al-Aqṣa Mosque/Al-Ḥaram Al-Sharif;

10. Deeply decries the continuous Israeli aggressions against civilians including Islamic religious figures and priests, decries the forceful entering into the different mosques and historic buildings inside Al-Aqṣa Mosque/Al-Ḥaram Al-Sharifby different Israeli employees including the so-called “Israeli Antiquities” officials, and arrests and injuries among Muslim worshippers and Jordanian Awqaf guards in Al-Aqṣa Mosque/Al-Ḥaram Al-Sharif by the Israeli forces, and urges Israel, the occupying Power, to end these aggressions and abuses which inflame the tension on the ground and between faiths;

11. Disapproves of the Israeli restriction of access to Al-Aqṣa Mosque/Al-Ḥaram Al-Sharif during the 2015 Eid Al-Adha and the subsequent violence, and calls on Israel, the occupying Power, to stop all violations against Al-Aqṣa Mosque/Al-Ḥaram Al-Sharif;

12. Deeply regrets the refusal of Israel to grant visas to UNESCO experts in charge of the UNESCO project at the Centre of Islamic Manuscripts in Al-Aqṣa Mosque/Al-Ḥaram AlSharif, and requests Israel to grant visas to UNESCO experts without restrictions;

13. Regrets the damage caused by the Israeli Forces, especially since 23 August 2015, to the historic gates and windows of the al-Qibli Mosque inside Al-Aqṣa Mosque/Al-Ḥaram AlSharif, and reaffirms, in this regard, the obligation of Israel to respect the integrity, authenticity and cultural heritage of Al-Aqṣa Mosque/Al-Ḥaram Al-Sharif, as reflected in the historic status quo, as a Muslim holy site of worship and as an integral part of a world cultural heritage site;
Oh, and also because UNESCO is inappropriately assigning territory to one party in a political dispute of land.

Which territory?

I didn't think that UNESCO had the powers to assign territory?

It doesn't. That is my point. But Hebron is labelled by UNESCO to be a "Palestinian city" and a "Palestinian world heritage site". EVEN THOUGH Hebron is a shared city with H1 being under Palestinian control and H2 under Israeli control.

Hebron, like the Old City of Jerusalem and the Walls, should be, at best, listed as a "world heritage site where the territorial status is yet to be determined".
UNESCO’s new head issues ‘don’t quit’ plea to US and Israel
Audrey Azoulay says she hopes member states will become more involved in organization rather than abandon it at its time of crisis

Azoulay reiterated that the “first thing she would endeavor” if confirmed by the General Conference in November, would be to “restore the credibility” of the organization and the confidence of member states.
Azoulay was named to head the UN’s embattled cultural agency on Friday, beating her Qatari rival after a politically charged contest clouded by Gulf tensions and accusations of anti-Israel bias...

UNESCO’s new head issues ‘don’t quit’ plea to US and Israel

She was minister of culture in France, her father Andre Azoulay is advisor to the royal family of Morocco.
But the question is to what extent does the head of UNESCO has any power to overrule biased, discriminatory decisions?
UNESCO resolutions which describe the Temple Mount only by its Arabic name and its Arab Muslim history and fail to make any mention of its Jewish origins. This is not accidental. This is a DELIBERATE and INTENTIONAL erasure of the Jewish connections to the monuments in order to deny the Jewish people political rights and it is part of a larger Arab political strategy.
This is not true. It is a talking point of the fanatical, extremist zionists. This is another easy one.


And does this mean the US loses her veto power? How would that bode for Israel is the real question.
UNESCO resolutions which describe the Temple Mount only by its Arabic name and its Arab Muslim history and fail to make any mention of its Jewish origins. This is not accidental. This is a DELIBERATE and INTENTIONAL erasure of the Jewish connections to the monuments in order to deny the Jewish people political rights and it is part of a larger Arab political strategy.
This is not true. It is a talking point of the fanatical, extremist zionists. This is another easy one.


And does this mean the US loses her veto power? How would that bode for Israel is the real question.
How it bodes Abdul is that yet another corrupt crooked anti-Israel organization goes down the toilet of history.
UNESCO resolutions which describe the Temple Mount only by its Arabic name and its Arab Muslim history and fail to make any mention of its Jewish origins. This is not accidental. This is a DELIBERATE and INTENTIONAL erasure of the Jewish connections to the monuments in order to deny the Jewish people political rights and it is part of a larger Arab political strategy.
This is not true. It is a talking point of the fanatical, extremist zionists. This is another easy one.

What part isn't true?

That UNESCO resolutions describe the Temple Mount only by its Arabic name? I've already quoted some of the relevant articles in my post #24. Did you need the full text? Did you see the words "Temple Mount" or "Har Habayit" there?

Or that its deliberate? Did you think it was just an "oopsie" that seven Arab/Muslim nations submitted a resolution to UNESCO concerning a monument of Jewish cultural heritage which "forgot" to mention Jews, Jewish religion, Jewish culture, Jewish identity, and Jewish history? Do you think they meant to reference that, but it must have gotten lost on the way to the printers? Have they issued an apology for that completely unintentional omission?

And why would the preservation of Jewish cultural property and Jewish religious identity be considered fanatical and extreme? Do the Jewish people not have the right, as do all people, to safeguard, preserve and protect their tangible and intangible cultural property?

Its ridiculous that Jewish people have to even address this. No where is it more clear than in the issues surrounding the Temple Mount. The Arab Muslims are creating a conflict based on the false premise that the Jewish people should be held exempt from achieving the basic human rights inherent to all people -- including freedom of access and freedom of worship at their own Holy Places. Its is a violation of the peace treaty between Israel and Jordan and it is an egregious violation of international humanitarian law.

That any people should support this travesty is appalling.
I'm unclear where UNESCO has been "anti-Israel" for the US to decide to quit...

Its because UNESCO is erasing Jewish history in Israel.

Is it? How us UNESCO erasing Jewish history in Israel?

Their excuse was Hebron, which is in the West Bank and which is under Palestinian authority, and UNESCO called it a Palestinian world heritage site, and Israel get pissy about it.
I'm unclear where UNESCO has been "anti-Israel" for the US to decide to quit...

Is it because UNESCO granted membership to Palestine?

Feels a rather weak excuse if that is the case!

Palestine originated as a Roman name for ancient Israel. Arabs cannot write or even say palestine in Arabic: No p

"Palestine" is an ancient name for the region, dating back to the 5th century BC; the Romans changed the name from "Judea" back to Palestine after the Bar-Kokhba revolt. "Ancient Israel" if it ever really existed, was long extinct by then.
The P'lishtim were exterminated way before Rome resurrected the name.
Then again, Rome seems to be into bullshit resurrections.
Is it? How us UNESCO erasing Jewish history in Israel?

Their excuse was Hebron, which is in the West Bank and which is under Palestinian authority, and UNESCO called it a Palestinian world heritage site, and Israel get pissy about it.

Hebron is NOT under Palestinian authority. It is a shared city. H1 is under Palestinian authority. H2 is under Israeli authority. By treaty. All part of the final negotiations. So, until the negotiations are final, it would be correct of all international bodies, including UNESCO, to label it as under dispute, while recognizing the importance of the site to both the Jewish people and the Muslim faith. AT WORST. At best, it should be acknowledged for what it truly is -- a site of cultural heritage and importance to the Jewish people, which was conquered and usurped by an invading culture.
Is it? How us UNESCO erasing Jewish history in Israel?

Their excuse was Hebron, which is in the West Bank and which is under Palestinian authority, and UNESCO called it a Palestinian world heritage site, and Israel get pissy about it.

Hebron is NOT under Palestinian authority. It is a shared city. H1 is under Palestinian authority. H2 is under Israeli authority. By treaty. All part of the final negotiations. So, until the negotiations are final, it would be correct of all international bodies, including UNESCO, to label it as under dispute, while recognizing the importance of the site to both the Jewish people and the Muslim faith. AT WORST. At best, it should be acknowledged for what it truly is -- a site of cultural heritage and importance to the Jewish people, which was conquered and usurped by an invading culture.
After Netanyahu's last speech at the UN I am betting all of this Pali crap discussion will be over within 3 years or so.
Netanyahu basically stated Israel is fully prepared to kick ass, with or without the UN's approval.
Is it? How us UNESCO erasing Jewish history in Israel?

Their excuse was Hebron, which is in the West Bank and which is under Palestinian authority, and UNESCO called it a Palestinian world heritage site, and Israel get pissy about it.

Hebron is NOT under Palestinian authority. It is a shared city. H1 is under Palestinian authority. H2 is under Israeli authority. By treaty. All part of the final negotiations. So, until the negotiations are final, it would be correct of all international bodies, including UNESCO, to label it as under dispute, while recognizing the importance of the site to both the Jewish people and the Muslim faith. AT WORST. At best, it should be acknowledged for what it truly is -- a site of cultural heritage and importance to the Jewish people, which was conquered and usurped by an invading culture.
After Netanyahu's last speech at the UN I am betting all of this Pali crap discussion will be over within 3 years or so.
Netanyahu basically stated Israel is fully prepared to kick ass, with or without the UN's approval.

The sooner the better, imo.
Take the UN with the UNESCO into outer space - it will be neutral then.
Give all the land and the property to an Indian tribe.

WHAT? :fu:
I'm unclear where UNESCO has been "anti-Israel" for the US to decide to quit...

Its because UNESCO is erasing Jewish history in Israel.

Is it? How us UNESCO erasing Jewish history in Israel?

Their excuse was Hebron, which is in the West Bank and which is under Palestinian authority, and UNESCO called it a Palestinian world heritage site, and Israel get pissy about it.

Just 1 Problem: Palestinians do not exist
Just 1 Problem: Palestinians do not exist

Give it up. Palestinians most certainly do exist. They are the group of Arab people who live, or lived, in the territory separated from the Ottoman Empire and placed under the Mandate for Palestine, and who continue to struggle for self-determination and sovereignty in that territory. If you don't want to call them Palestinians, call them something else. But give up trying to convince us they don't exist. They do. And you are doing humanity a disservice by denying them their reality.
Is it? How us UNESCO erasing Jewish history in Israel?

Their excuse was Hebron, which is in the West Bank and which is under Palestinian authority, and UNESCO called it a Palestinian world heritage site, and Israel get pissy about it.

Hebron is NOT under Palestinian authority. It is a shared city. H1 is under Palestinian authority. H2 is under Israeli authority. By treaty. All part of the final negotiations. So, until the negotiations are final, it would be correct of all international bodies, including UNESCO, to label it as under dispute, while recognizing the importance of the site to both the Jewish people and the Muslim faith. AT WORST. At best, it should be acknowledged for what it truly is -- a site of cultural heritage and importance to the Jewish people, which was conquered and usurped by an invading culture.

H2 is 20% of the city.

It's in the West Bank.

Hebron/Al-Khalil Old Town
But here's what UNESCO says about Hebron old town

"This place became a site of pilgrimage for the three monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam."

Er... changing history? They acknowledge that all three religions have pilgrimage here. They say it's in Palestine, because it's in the West bank.
I'm unclear where UNESCO has been "anti-Israel" for the US to decide to quit...

Its because UNESCO is erasing Jewish history in Israel.

Is it? How us UNESCO erasing Jewish history in Israel?

Their excuse was Hebron, which is in the West Bank and which is under Palestinian authority, and UNESCO called it a Palestinian world heritage site, and Israel get pissy about it.

Just 1 Problem: Palestinians do not exist

Don't they? Why's that?

The UK is a country. Does this mean the Scottish don't exist?

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