US Media Is Mostly Propaganda


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Southern California
Fox News, NTD , Sky News(Australia) and OAN are the exceptions
The propaganda of CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, The NY Slimes and the Washingtion Pest is no better than the Nazi media that perverted The Third Reich.Rachel Maddow and Joy Reid are no better than Joseph Goebbels or Pravda.
Fox News, NTD , Sky News(Australia) and OAN are the exceptions
The propaganda of CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, The NY Slimes and the Washingtion Pest is no better than the Nazi media that perverted The Third Reich.Rachel Maddow and Joy Reid are no better than Joseph Goebbels or Pravda.
You left out all of social media, as well as much of YouTube, and often this message board. And then of course there is the internet, which is way, way more propaganda then the mainstream media.

You are the consumer. You must look at the information from many sources, be capable of going deeper, and do your own research.
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Viktor , this is nothing new. The Lamestream press has always been hostile towards Republicans, at least since Nixon. And let's not forget when we were saddled with the "Fairness" Doctrine, the Leftist POV was the monopoly within the media with the occasional Conservative "snippet" just to barely comply with the FD. Why do you think AM radio played nothing but music back in the day? Because they knew any Conservative commentator/host would be suicide for the station.
How did Stalin use propaganda and terror to remain in power?
“Over the course of his rule, Joseph Stalin ruthlessly used propaganda and terror to inspire craven loyalty in Russian citizens and maintain absolute power within the communist party and the politburo.”
What we're seeing today is directly out of Communist Stalin's playbook. We're routinely hit with one terror tactic after the other, and the media is totally controlled. The puppets watching the mainstream “news” outlets are fed only what the official narrative allows.
Viktor , this is nothing new. The Lamestream press has always been hostile towards Republicans, at least since Nixon. And let's not forget when we were saddled with the "Fairness" Doctrine, the Leftist POV was the monopoly within the media with the occasional Conservative "snippet" just to barely comply with the FD. Why do you think AM radio played nothing but music back in the day? Because they knew any Conservative commentator/host would be suicide for the station.
No. Reagan and George H.W. Bush got a fair shake, and you can't blame the media for Son-of-a-Bush.
Fox News, NTD , Sky News(Australia) and OAN are the exceptions
The propaganda of CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, The NY Slimes and the Washingtion Pest is no better than the Nazi media that perverted The Third Reich.Rachel Maddow and Joy Reid are no better than Joseph Goebbels or Pravda.

I'd not say propaganda, more manipulation. Propaganda would be "we are the government, he's how think" whereas manipulation is more "we're not the government, however we want to influence you to think in a certain way".

People need to be manipulated. Most people don't have the skills to handle the amount of knowledge they're expected to have to function as a voter.
What a crock of shit. Reagan and both Bushes got routinely pilloried by the Leftist controlled media.
Nothing that influence me against Reagan and George H.W. Bush. Me thinks, you just became sensitive. Son-of-a-bush killed a bunch of my friends for nothing. The economy crashed on his watch, putting me and a lot of others out of work. You cannot blame the media for what happened on his watch.
Nothing that influence me against Reagan and George H.W. Bush. Me thinks, you just became sensitive. Son-of-a-bush killed a bunch of my friends for nothing. The economy crashed on his watch, putting me and a lot of others out of work. You cannot blame the media for what happened on his watch.
Oh, so preventing further terror attacks on US Soil was nothing? Man the Code Pink really got to you.
Oh, so preventing further terror attacks on US Soil was nothing? Man the Code Pink really got to you.
Oh? What attacks did the Son-of-a-Bush prevent? I remember the one 9 months into his term, he didn't prevent. Are you a fan of the Patriot act, warrantless wire taps, and extraordinary rendition? I am not, and it has nothing to do with the media.
Oh? What attacks did the Son-of-a-Bush prevent? I remember the one 9 months into his term, he didn't prevent. Are you a fan of the Patriot act, warrantless wire taps, and extraordinary rendition? I am not, and it has nothing to do with the media.
The Patriot Act was responsible for bringing down the Lackawanna Six, who if they were left unchecked, would've launched an attack either in Buffalo, or more likely Lewiston and the Niagara Power Plant.
Fox News, NTD , Sky News(Australia) and OAN are the exceptions
The propaganda of CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, The NY Slimes and the Washingtion Pest is no better than the Nazi media that perverted The Third Reich.Rachel Maddow and Joy Reid are no better than Joseph Goebbels or Pravda.
As well as all major newspapers.
The Patriot Act was responsible for bringing down the Lackawanna Six, who if they were left unchecked, would've launched an attack either in Buffalo, or more likely Lewiston and the Niagara Power Plant.
Never heard of it.
Fox News, NTD , Sky News(Australia) and OAN are the exceptions
The propaganda of CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, The NY Slimes and the Washingtion Pest is no better than the Nazi media that perverted The Third Reich.Rachel Maddow and Joy Reid are no better than Joseph Goebbels or Pravda.

The latest suit of almost 800 million tells me that you are wrong. And they aren't through whereas OAN is going to have to pony up their bucks for lying and playing propaganda. You really need to get help.
If it is not for Propaganda use , why acquire it in the first place and then run it for the last seventy six years ? Or do you think it is all run by a board of Good News fairies ?

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