US-Funded Free Syrian Army Units Defecting to ISIS


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Am I missing something? Send hundreds of millions of dollars in guns and money to rebels for the purpose of overthrowing Assad, rebels join ISIS. Now Obama asking congress for AUMF to fight ISIS.

Israel News - Israeli intervention in Syria looking more likely - JerusalemOnline

Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon spoke with outgoing US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to discuss increased Israeli involvement in the war against IS. According to a report in Haaretz, Israel has been assisting villages around the Golan in exchange for keeping extremist Islamist groups away from the border. But with the recent defection of the Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade from the FSA to the IS dominated Islamist axis, a fact which has been confirmed on Debka and by retired Major General Amos Gilad on Reshet Bet, Israel may have to become more actively involved in the Syrian civil war due to the ascendancy of Islamic State in strategically sensitive areas near the Israeli border.

Additionally, the National reported that Mousab Zaytouneh, a leading figure in the Yarmouk Martyrs Brigades that was killed last Monday, was secretly in league with Islamic State. The report noted that there have been numerous reports from opposition sources that various FSA brigades have been secretly aligned with Islamic State. According to a report in Al Monitor, media leaks on some jihadist pages indicated that the most important sleeper cells in Daraa, which might have pledged their allegiance to IS, include Saraya al-Jihad led by Abu Musab; Tawheed al-Janoub Brigades; and Yarmouk Martyrs.

VIDEO: Ben Swann: How CIA and US Allies Created ISIS

Am I missing something? Send hundreds of millions of dollars in guns and money to rebels for the purpose of overthrowing Assad, rebels join ISIS. Now Obama asking congress for AUMF to fight ISIS.

Israel News - Israeli intervention in Syria looking more likely - JerusalemOnline

Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon spoke with outgoing US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to discuss increased Israeli involvement in the war against IS. According to a report in Haaretz, Israel has been assisting villages around the Golan in exchange for keeping extremist Islamist groups away from the border. But with the recent defection of the Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade from the FSA to the IS dominated Islamist axis, a fact which has been confirmed on Debka and by retired Major General Amos Gilad on Reshet Bet, Israel may have to become more actively involved in the Syrian civil war due to the ascendancy of Islamic State in strategically sensitive areas near the Israeli border.

Additionally, the National reported that Mousab Zaytouneh, a leading figure in the Yarmouk Martyrs Brigades that was killed last Monday, was secretly in league with Islamic State. The report noted that there have been numerous reports from opposition sources that various FSA brigades have been secretly aligned with Islamic State. According to a report in Al Monitor, media leaks on some jihadist pages indicated that the most important sleeper cells in Daraa, which might have pledged their allegiance to IS, include Saraya al-Jihad led by Abu Musab; Tawheed al-Janoub Brigades; and Yarmouk Martyrs.

VIDEO: Ben Swann: How CIA and US Allies Created ISIS

We really need a NO SHIT SHERLOCK forum.

Did anyone expect anything other than this?
Am I missing something? Send hundreds of millions of dollars in guns and money to rebels for the purpose of overthrowing Assad, rebels join ISIS. Now Obama asking congress for AUMF to fight ISIS.

Israel News - Israeli intervention in Syria looking more likely - JerusalemOnline

Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon spoke with outgoing US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to discuss increased Israeli involvement in the war against IS. According to a report in Haaretz, Israel has been assisting villages around the Golan in exchange for keeping extremist Islamist groups away from the border. But with the recent defection of the Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade from the FSA to the IS dominated Islamist axis, a fact which has been confirmed on Debka and by retired Major General Amos Gilad on Reshet Bet, Israel may have to become more actively involved in the Syrian civil war due to the ascendancy of Islamic State in strategically sensitive areas near the Israeli border.

Additionally, the National reported that Mousab Zaytouneh, a leading figure in the Yarmouk Martyrs Brigades that was killed last Monday, was secretly in league with Islamic State. The report noted that there have been numerous reports from opposition sources that various FSA brigades have been secretly aligned with Islamic State. According to a report in Al Monitor, media leaks on some jihadist pages indicated that the most important sleeper cells in Daraa, which might have pledged their allegiance to IS, include Saraya al-Jihad led by Abu Musab; Tawheed al-Janoub Brigades; and Yarmouk Martyrs.

VIDEO: Ben Swann: How CIA and US Allies Created ISIS

We really need a NO SHIT SHERLOCK forum.

Did anyone expect anything other than this?

Well congratulations on being one of the Elect, who knows more than the typical American as it seems to be on this board. But have you had any talks around the water cooler lately? You're likely to get eyes bugging at the mention of ISIS as the bogeyman from out of nowhere here to rape decent white women and eat babies.
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Obama has done nothing but help the isis.
Not just Obama. Bush's Iraq invasion unleashing the Sunni - Shiite war came first. The president is just a figurehead. The Project for a New American Century psychos are running the show.
'Regime Change.' Time to end that disastrous policy. Have to agree with what Putin said the other day. The U.S. has done nothing but create horrific chaos in the Middle East.

It's time to practice what Dr. Paul has suggested for many years... Go with the Bible. 'Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.' We would not accept other nations invading and demanding 'Regime Change' here in the U.S. Why should we expect others to accept it?
Obama has done nothing but help the isis.
Not just Obama. Bush's Iraq invasion unleashing the Sunni - Shiite war came first. The president is just a figurehead. The Project for a New American Century psychos are running the show.
Personally I blame WInston Churchill.

I hate liberturdians.

Old, stupid, Hippie castoffs no longer wanted by the radical scum in the dimocrap party, so they raise hell with everyone, pretending to be conservative because they finally got a haircut and bought a Volvo

fucking dirtbags
Obama has done nothing but help the isis.
Not just Obama. Bush's Iraq invasion unleashing the Sunni - Shiite war came first. The president is just a figurehead. The Project for a New American Century psychos are running the show.
Personally I blame WInston Churchill.

I hate liberturdians.

Old, stupid, Hippie castoffs no longer wanted by the radical scum in the dimocrap party, so they raise hell with everyone, pretending to be conservative because they finally got a haircut and bought a Volvo

fucking dirtbags
I agree. They want to sit around, smoke pot, fuck, and bitch about big corporations.
Obama has done nothing but help the isis.
Not just Obama. Bush's Iraq invasion unleashing the Sunni - Shiite war came first. The president is just a figurehead. The Project for a New American Century psychos are running the show.
Personally I blame WInston Churchill.

I hate liberturdians.

Old, stupid, Hippie castoffs no longer wanted by the radical scum in the dimocrap party, so they raise hell with everyone, pretending to be conservative because they finally got a haircut and bought a Volvo

fucking dirtbags

Nah, Putin had it right. The U.S. has done nothing but create horrific chaos in the Middle East. 'Regime Change' is an awful and unjust policy. It's time to end it.
Obama has done nothing but help the isis.
Not just Obama. Bush's Iraq invasion unleashing the Sunni - Shiite war came first. The president is just a figurehead. The Project for a New American Century psychos are running the show.
Personally I blame WInston Churchill.

I hate liberturdians.

Old, stupid, Hippie castoffs no longer wanted by the radical scum in the dimocrap party, so they raise hell with everyone, pretending to be conservative because they finally got a haircut and bought a Volvo

fucking dirtbags
I agree. They want to sit around, smoke pot, fuck, and bitch about big corporations.

What's wrong with that?
Obama has done nothing but help the isis.
Not just Obama. Bush's Iraq invasion unleashing the Sunni - Shiite war came first. The president is just a figurehead. The Project for a New American Century psychos are running the show.
Personally I blame WInston Churchill.

I hate liberturdians.

Old, stupid, Hippie castoffs no longer wanted by the radical scum in the dimocrap party, so they raise hell with everyone, pretending to be conservative because they finally got a haircut and bought a Volvo

fucking dirtbags
I agree. They want to sit around, smoke pot, fuck, and bitch about big corporations.

What's wrong with that?
Go fuck yourself.
Not just Obama. Bush's Iraq invasion unleashing the Sunni - Shiite war came first. The president is just a figurehead. The Project for a New American Century psychos are running the show.
Personally I blame WInston Churchill.

I hate liberturdians.

Old, stupid, Hippie castoffs no longer wanted by the radical scum in the dimocrap party, so they raise hell with everyone, pretending to be conservative because they finally got a haircut and bought a Volvo

fucking dirtbags
I agree. They want to sit around, smoke pot, fuck, and bitch about big corporations.

What's wrong with that?
Go fuck yourself.

Still not hearing why that's so wrong. Enlighten us.
Obama has done nothing but help the isis.
Not just Obama. Bush's Iraq invasion unleashing the Sunni - Shiite war came first. The president is just a figurehead. The Project for a New American Century psychos are running the show.
Personally I blame WInston Churchill.

I hate liberturdians.

Old, stupid, Hippie castoffs no longer wanted by the radical scum in the dimocrap party, so they raise hell with everyone, pretending to be conservative because they finally got a haircut and bought a Volvo

fucking dirtbags

Nah, Putin had it right. The U.S. has done nothing but create horrific chaos in the Middle East. 'Regime Change' is an awful and unjust policy. It's time to end it.

ISIS has been created as an excuse for endless war. Israel wants bombed-out Muslim countries so that is what it's going to get, no matter how much it costs the American taxpayer. Leon Panetta just said we are looking at a 30 year war. Who does that benefit? Not the U.S.

Obama has done nothing but help the isis.
Not just Obama. Bush's Iraq invasion unleashing the Sunni - Shiite war came first. The president is just a figurehead. The Project for a New American Century psychos are running the show.
Personally I blame WInston Churchill.

I hate liberturdians.

Old, stupid, Hippie castoffs no longer wanted by the radical scum in the dimocrap party, so they raise hell with everyone, pretending to be conservative because they finally got a haircut and bought a Volvo

fucking dirtbags

Nah, Putin had it right. The U.S. has done nothing but create horrific chaos in the Middle East. 'Regime Change' is an awful and unjust policy. It's time to end it.

Putin doesn't have anything right. Neither does Ron Paul. Especially when it comes to understanding Islam. He's clueless.
Obama has done nothing but help the isis.
Not just Obama. Bush's Iraq invasion unleashing the Sunni - Shiite war came first. The president is just a figurehead. The Project for a New American Century psychos are running the show.
Personally I blame WInston Churchill.

I hate liberturdians.

Old, stupid, Hippie castoffs no longer wanted by the radical scum in the dimocrap party, so they raise hell with everyone, pretending to be conservative because they finally got a haircut and bought a Volvo

fucking dirtbags

Nah, Putin had it right. The U.S. has done nothing but create horrific chaos in the Middle East. 'Regime Change' is an awful and unjust policy. It's time to end it.

ISIS has been created as an excuse for endless war. Israel wants bombed-out Muslim countries so that is what it's going to get, no matter how much it costs the American taxpayer. Leon Panetta just said we are looking at a 30 year war. Who does that benefit? Not the U.S.

We know the head of ISIS is really a Mossad agent, right?
Arming the Syrians was out of the McCain/Lindsey Graham camp.
I had no idea McCain or Lindsey was the commander in chief. AS I recall, Obama was the one who declared US policy was to unseat Assad. Before he decided to make Assad a partner against ISIS.
Obama has done nothing but help the isis.
Not just Obama. Bush's Iraq invasion unleashing the Sunni - Shiite war came first. The president is just a figurehead. The Project for a New American Century psychos are running the show.
Personally I blame WInston Churchill.

I hate liberturdians.

Old, stupid, Hippie castoffs no longer wanted by the radical scum in the dimocrap party, so they raise hell with everyone, pretending to be conservative because they finally got a haircut and bought a Volvo

fucking dirtbags

Nah, Putin had it right. The U.S. has done nothing but create horrific chaos in the Middle East. 'Regime Change' is an awful and unjust policy. It's time to end it.

ISIS has been created as an excuse for endless war. Israel wants bombed-out Muslim countries so that is what it's going to get, no matter how much it costs the American taxpayer. Leon Panetta just said we are looking at a 30 year war. Who does that benefit? Not the U.S.

Permanent War only benefits the Globalist Elites. Average American Citizens see no benefit at all. In fact, they get forced to pay for it. Just take a look at what's going on in Ukraine for more proof.

Joe Biden and his spoiled brat son are making a whole lotta cash there. Meanwhile, he's demanding American Taxpayers fork over $Millions to prop up a regime that took power by way of an illegal coup. No average American Citizen will gain anything in Ukraine. But some fatcat Globalist Elites like Biden sure will.
The US government can't intervene in domestic issues without fucking things up. Why anyone thinks they can intervene in issues half way around the world with better success is beyond me. Of course, true conservatives understand this. But nowadays, there are very few conservatives and mostly we have a bunch of shithead neocons.

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