US embassy to move to Jerusalem


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
The WH has confirmed that the US embassy will move to Jerusalem in mid May, roughly corresponding to Israel's Independence Day on the Gregorian calendar. Israel actually uses the Hebrew calendar which means it will celebrate its Independence Day on April 18, but its the thought that counts.
Trumps a moron but this is a good move. It ends the nonsense about some group of miscreants invented by a fat Egyptian from thinking they have any claim on anything in Israel at all.
The WH has confirmed that the US embassy will move to Jerusalem in mid May, roughly corresponding to Israel's Independence Day on the Gregorian calendar. Israel actually uses the Hebrew calendar which means it will celebrate its Independence Day on April 18, but its the thought that counts.
Great. So what country is going to take over the peace talks?
The WH has confirmed that the US embassy will move to Jerusalem in mid May, roughly corresponding to Israel's Independence Day on the Gregorian calendar. Israel actually uses the Hebrew calendar which means it will celebrate its Independence Day on April 18, but its the thought that counts.
Great. So what country is going to take over the peace talks?
There is only one country, the US.
The WH has confirmed that the US embassy will move to Jerusalem in mid May, roughly corresponding to Israel's Independence Day on the Gregorian calendar. Israel actually uses the Hebrew calendar which means it will celebrate its Independence Day on April 18, but its the thought that counts.
Great. So what country is going to take over the peace talks?
There is only one country, the US.

There are no peace talks.

There never were any.

The goal is to chip away at Israel till there's nothing defensible left and then attack for the fifth or sixth time. The Arabs figure maybe then they'll have a chance.

The Israeli's would do well to not only solidify their claim by moving the US embassy ASAP but to also begin the UN mandated process of segregating combatants from refugees and repatriating the combatants, those who assist combatants and those who are suspected of aiding combatants to the nearest point of debarkation, exactly as specified in the Geneva Conventions.

Enough is enough
throw the bums out
The WH has confirmed that the US embassy will move to Jerusalem in mid May, roughly corresponding to Israel's Independence Day on the Gregorian calendar. Israel actually uses the Hebrew calendar which means it will celebrate its Independence Day on April 18, but its the thought that counts.
Great. So what country is going to take over the peace talks?
There is only one country, the US.

There are no peace talks.

There never were any.

The goal is to chip away at Israel till there's nothing defensible left and then attack for the fifth or sixth time. The Arabs figure maybe then they'll have a chance.

The Israeli's would do well to not only solidify their claim by moving the US embassy ASAP but to also begin the UN mandated process of segregating combatants from refugees and repatriating the combatants, those who assist combatants and those who are suspected of aiding combatants to the nearest point of debarkation, exactly as specified in the Geneva Conventions.

Enough is enough
throw the bums out
I'm not an optimist about peace talks actually leading to peace, but the talks are important to make it easier for the Sunni nations to work with the US on reining in Iran.
The WH has confirmed that the US embassy will move to Jerusalem in mid May, roughly corresponding to Israel's Independence Day on the Gregorian calendar. Israel actually uses the Hebrew calendar which means it will celebrate its Independence Day on April 18, but its the thought that counts.
Great. So what country is going to take over the peace talks?
There is only one country, the US.

There are no peace talks.

There never were any.

The goal is to chip away at Israel till there's nothing defensible left and then attack for the fifth or sixth time. The Arabs figure maybe then they'll have a chance.

The Israeli's would do well to not only solidify their claim by moving the US embassy ASAP but to also begin the UN mandated process of segregating combatants from refugees and repatriating the combatants, those who assist combatants and those who are suspected of aiding combatants to the nearest point of debarkation, exactly as specified in the Geneva Conventions.

Enough is enough
throw the bums out
I'm not an optimist about peace talks actually leading to peace, but the talks are important to make it easier for the Sunni nations to work with the US on reining in Iran.

Iran has sworn to destabilizing the region and destroying the state of Israel. I don't think we need to be catering to Iran in any way shape or form.

If anything we should hammer them with sanctions with NO let up untill they not only forgo their nuclear ambitions but also hold free elections
The WH has confirmed that the US embassy will move to Jerusalem in mid May, roughly corresponding to Israel's Independence Day on the Gregorian calendar. Israel actually uses the Hebrew calendar which means it will celebrate its Independence Day on April 18, but its the thought that counts.
Great. So what country is going to take over the peace talks?
There is only one country, the US.

There are no peace talks.

There never were any.

The goal is to chip away at Israel till there's nothing defensible left and then attack for the fifth or sixth time. The Arabs figure maybe then they'll have a chance.

The Israeli's would do well to not only solidify their claim by moving the US embassy ASAP but to also begin the UN mandated process of segregating combatants from refugees and repatriating the combatants, those who assist combatants and those who are suspected of aiding combatants to the nearest point of debarkation, exactly as specified in the Geneva Conventions.

Enough is enough
throw the bums out
I'm not an optimist about peace talks actually leading to peace, but the talks are important to make it easier for the Sunni nations to work with the US on reining in Iran.

Iran has sworn to destabilizing the region and destroying the state of Israel. I don't think we need to be catering to Iran in any way shape or form.

If anything we should hammer them with sanctions with NO let up untill they not only forgo their nuclear ambitions but also hold free elections
I think we should get the hell out of there and let the other countries in the Middle East do what they will to Iran. It's their business, not ours.
Great. So what country is going to take over the peace talks?
There is only one country, the US.

There are no peace talks.

There never were any.

The goal is to chip away at Israel till there's nothing defensible left and then attack for the fifth or sixth time. The Arabs figure maybe then they'll have a chance.

The Israeli's would do well to not only solidify their claim by moving the US embassy ASAP but to also begin the UN mandated process of segregating combatants from refugees and repatriating the combatants, those who assist combatants and those who are suspected of aiding combatants to the nearest point of debarkation, exactly as specified in the Geneva Conventions.

Enough is enough
throw the bums out
I'm not an optimist about peace talks actually leading to peace, but the talks are important to make it easier for the Sunni nations to work with the US on reining in Iran.

Iran has sworn to destabilizing the region and destroying the state of Israel. I don't think we need to be catering to Iran in any way shape or form.

If anything we should hammer them with sanctions with NO let up untill they not only forgo their nuclear ambitions but also hold free elections
I think we should get the hell out of there and let the other countries in the Middle East do what they will to Iran. It's their business, not ours.
Of course it's our business. The US economy depends on the international economy and war in the ME will send the world economy trending downward taking the US economy with it. Uncertainty over time will do the same thing. When the US commits to a project, most of the world believes the US will see it through and that steadies the world economy and the US economy. There is no other country or group of countries that can do that.
The WH has confirmed that the US embassy will move to Jerusalem in mid May, roughly corresponding to Israel's Independence Day on the Gregorian calendar. Israel actually uses the Hebrew calendar which means it will celebrate its Independence Day on April 18, but its the thought that counts.
Great. So what country is going to take over the peace talks?
There is only one country, the US.

There are no peace talks.

There never were any.

The goal is to chip away at Israel till there's nothing defensible left and then attack for the fifth or sixth time. The Arabs figure maybe then they'll have a chance.

The Israeli's would do well to not only solidify their claim by moving the US embassy ASAP but to also begin the UN mandated process of segregating combatants from refugees and repatriating the combatants, those who assist combatants and those who are suspected of aiding combatants to the nearest point of debarkation, exactly as specified in the Geneva Conventions.

Enough is enough
throw the bums out
I'm not an optimist about peace talks actually leading to peace, but the talks are important to make it easier for the Sunni nations to work with the US on reining in Iran.

Iran has sworn to destabilizing the region and destroying the state of Israel. I don't think we need to be catering to Iran in any way shape or form.

If anything we should hammer them with sanctions with NO let up untill they not only forgo their nuclear ambitions but also hold free elections
That seems to be what Trump is trying to do, and the more countries that join him, the more effective it will be. The Sunni nations are especially important because of their location since a large US military force with bases on the Gulf will give credibility to US statements that all options are on the table.
There is only one country, the US.

There are no peace talks.

There never were any.

The goal is to chip away at Israel till there's nothing defensible left and then attack for the fifth or sixth time. The Arabs figure maybe then they'll have a chance.

The Israeli's would do well to not only solidify their claim by moving the US embassy ASAP but to also begin the UN mandated process of segregating combatants from refugees and repatriating the combatants, those who assist combatants and those who are suspected of aiding combatants to the nearest point of debarkation, exactly as specified in the Geneva Conventions.

Enough is enough
throw the bums out
I'm not an optimist about peace talks actually leading to peace, but the talks are important to make it easier for the Sunni nations to work with the US on reining in Iran.

Iran has sworn to destabilizing the region and destroying the state of Israel. I don't think we need to be catering to Iran in any way shape or form.

If anything we should hammer them with sanctions with NO let up untill they not only forgo their nuclear ambitions but also hold free elections
I think we should get the hell out of there and let the other countries in the Middle East do what they will to Iran. It's their business, not ours.
Of course it's our business. The US economy depends on the international economy and war in the ME will send the world economy trending downward taking the US economy with it. Uncertainty over time will do the same thing. When the US commits to a project, most of the world believes the US will see it through and that steadies the world economy and the US economy. There is no other country or group of countries that can do that.
What project are we committed to? Saving the Middle East? NO WAY. We went in there to bomb the shit out of someone or other and then way led to way and we're getting deeper in the woods with every mile, but it's not too late. Maybe they don't want to be democratic. If they do, let them work it out in their own countries, themselves. Like we did. Well, France helped some at the end. We've helped enough.
All options aren't on the table. There's plenty that either Israel or the US don't find acceptable. The Arab nations have grabbed first 75% of the mandated area and then another maybe 5% with Gaza. Now they want more. Israel will never go with that unless it includes population swaps and significant control of militarily important parameters

The facts are that Israel will not capitulate to Arab demands it reduce itself to an indefensible condition and the Arabs aren't willing to engage in peace unless Israel does so.

The intention on the part of the Arab states is clear and the refusal on the part of the Israeli's is completely understandable.

It boils down to tribal rights, is the itinerant Arab population of Judea willing to tolerate the native peoples or are then going to continue and insist on a genocidal policy towards the Judaic people.

That's really the only question remaining.
There are no peace talks.

There never were any.

The goal is to chip away at Israel till there's nothing defensible left and then attack for the fifth or sixth time. The Arabs figure maybe then they'll have a chance.

The Israeli's would do well to not only solidify their claim by moving the US embassy ASAP but to also begin the UN mandated process of segregating combatants from refugees and repatriating the combatants, those who assist combatants and those who are suspected of aiding combatants to the nearest point of debarkation, exactly as specified in the Geneva Conventions.

Enough is enough
throw the bums out
I'm not an optimist about peace talks actually leading to peace, but the talks are important to make it easier for the Sunni nations to work with the US on reining in Iran.

Iran has sworn to destabilizing the region and destroying the state of Israel. I don't think we need to be catering to Iran in any way shape or form.

If anything we should hammer them with sanctions with NO let up untill they not only forgo their nuclear ambitions but also hold free elections
I think we should get the hell out of there and let the other countries in the Middle East do what they will to Iran. It's their business, not ours.
Of course it's our business. The US economy depends on the international economy and war in the ME will send the world economy trending downward taking the US economy with it. Uncertainty over time will do the same thing. When the US commits to a project, most of the world believes the US will see it through and that steadies the world economy and the US economy. There is no other country or group of countries that can do that.
What project are we committed to? Saving the Middle East? NO WAY. We went in there to bomb the shit out of someone or other and then way led to way and we're getting deeper in the woods with every mile, but it's not too late. Maybe they don't want to be democratic. If they do, let them work it out in their own countries, themselves. Like we did. Well, France helped some at the end. We've helped enough.
This is not about saving the Iranian people, it's about saving the rest of the ME from them. If the US leaves, there will be war between Israel and Iran that will engulf the whole ME and you will feel it as the US economy begins to slow down. Obama's half assed ideas, really more slogans than ideas, about leaving the ME is the cause of all the troubles there today, the rise of ISIS, the Iranian take over of Iraq and Syria, hundreds of thousands of people deal and millions homeless refugees who are straining the EU to the breaking point. Madeleine Albright was right when she said the US is the indispensable nation. When we leave there is no one to take our place
All options aren't on the table. There's plenty that either Israel or the US don't find acceptable. The Arab nations have grabbed first 75% of the mandated area and then another maybe 5% with Gaza. Now they want more. Israel will never go with that unless it includes population swaps and significant control of militarily important parameters

The facts are that Israel will not capitulate to Arab demands it reduce itself to an indefensible condition and the Arabs aren't willing to engage in peace unless Israel does so.

The intention on the part of the Arab states is clear and the refusal on the part of the Israeli's is completely understandable.

It boils down to tribal rights, is the itinerant Arab population of Judea willing to tolerate the native peoples or are then going to continue and insist on a genocidal policy towards the Judaic people.

That's really the only question remaining.
The Palestinians are not a major threat to Israel, but Iran is, and all options are on the table when it comes to Iran.
I'm not an optimist about peace talks actually leading to peace, but the talks are important to make it easier for the Sunni nations to work with the US on reining in Iran.

Iran has sworn to destabilizing the region and destroying the state of Israel. I don't think we need to be catering to Iran in any way shape or form.

If anything we should hammer them with sanctions with NO let up untill they not only forgo their nuclear ambitions but also hold free elections
I think we should get the hell out of there and let the other countries in the Middle East do what they will to Iran. It's their business, not ours.
Of course it's our business. The US economy depends on the international economy and war in the ME will send the world economy trending downward taking the US economy with it. Uncertainty over time will do the same thing. When the US commits to a project, most of the world believes the US will see it through and that steadies the world economy and the US economy. There is no other country or group of countries that can do that.
What project are we committed to? Saving the Middle East? NO WAY. We went in there to bomb the shit out of someone or other and then way led to way and we're getting deeper in the woods with every mile, but it's not too late. Maybe they don't want to be democratic. If they do, let them work it out in their own countries, themselves. Like we did. Well, France helped some at the end. We've helped enough.
This is not about saving the Iranian people, it's about saving the rest of the ME from them. If the US leaves, there will be war between Israel and Iran that will engulf the whole ME and you will feel it as the US economy begins to slow down. Obama's half assed ideas, really more slogans than ideas, about leaving the ME is the cause of all the troubles there today, the rise of ISIS, the Iranian take over of Iraq and Syria, hundreds of thousands of people deal and millions homeless refugees who are straining the EU to the breaking point. Madeleine Albright was right when she said the US is the indispensable nation. When we leave there is no one to take our place

The Iranians already have nukes

The Israeli most likely already have nukes

If the US bails, there's a lot more to be concerned about than just simple economics.
All options aren't on the table. There's plenty that either Israel or the US don't find acceptable. The Arab nations have grabbed first 75% of the mandated area and then another maybe 5% with Gaza. Now they want more. Israel will never go with that unless it includes population swaps and significant control of militarily important parameters

The facts are that Israel will not capitulate to Arab demands it reduce itself to an indefensible condition and the Arabs aren't willing to engage in peace unless Israel does so.

The intention on the part of the Arab states is clear and the refusal on the part of the Israeli's is completely understandable.

It boils down to tribal rights, is the itinerant Arab population of Judea willing to tolerate the native peoples or are then going to continue and insist on a genocidal policy towards the Judaic people.

That's really the only question remaining.
The Palestinians are not a major threat to Israel, but Iran is, and all options are on the table when it comes to Iran.

Not really, The ONLY option is to oppose Iran at every turn. Any cooperation with them can only result in disaster as they have vowed long ago to destroy or at least try and destroy Israel
Iran has sworn to destabilizing the region and destroying the state of Israel. I don't think we need to be catering to Iran in any way shape or form.

If anything we should hammer them with sanctions with NO let up untill they not only forgo their nuclear ambitions but also hold free elections
I think we should get the hell out of there and let the other countries in the Middle East do what they will to Iran. It's their business, not ours.
Of course it's our business. The US economy depends on the international economy and war in the ME will send the world economy trending downward taking the US economy with it. Uncertainty over time will do the same thing. When the US commits to a project, most of the world believes the US will see it through and that steadies the world economy and the US economy. There is no other country or group of countries that can do that.
What project are we committed to? Saving the Middle East? NO WAY. We went in there to bomb the shit out of someone or other and then way led to way and we're getting deeper in the woods with every mile, but it's not too late. Maybe they don't want to be democratic. If they do, let them work it out in their own countries, themselves. Like we did. Well, France helped some at the end. We've helped enough.
This is not about saving the Iranian people, it's about saving the rest of the ME from them. If the US leaves, there will be war between Israel and Iran that will engulf the whole ME and you will feel it as the US economy begins to slow down. Obama's half assed ideas, really more slogans than ideas, about leaving the ME is the cause of all the troubles there today, the rise of ISIS, the Iranian take over of Iraq and Syria, hundreds of thousands of people deal and millions homeless refugees who are straining the EU to the breaking point. Madeleine Albright was right when she said the US is the indispensable nation. When we leave there is no one to take our place

The Iranians already have nukes

The Israeli most likely already have nukes

If the US bails, there's a lot more to be concerned about than just simple economics.
Israel certainly has nukes, perhaps even thermonuclear weapons, and the Iranians certainly do not. Whatever the US and EU may do, Netanyahu laid down a red line in his 2012 speech at the UNGA that Iran has not dared to cross. He said that if Iran ever stockpiles 200 kg of 20% uranium, Israel will blow up their nuclear program. Israel will not wait until there is proof Iran is building a bomb. If it sees evidence that suggests Iran is trying to build a bomb, such as 200 kg of 20% enriched uranium, it will attack.
All options aren't on the table. There's plenty that either Israel or the US don't find acceptable. The Arab nations have grabbed first 75% of the mandated area and then another maybe 5% with Gaza. Now they want more. Israel will never go with that unless it includes population swaps and significant control of militarily important parameters

The facts are that Israel will not capitulate to Arab demands it reduce itself to an indefensible condition and the Arabs aren't willing to engage in peace unless Israel does so.

The intention on the part of the Arab states is clear and the refusal on the part of the Israeli's is completely understandable.

It boils down to tribal rights, is the itinerant Arab population of Judea willing to tolerate the native peoples or are then going to continue and insist on a genocidal policy towards the Judaic people.

That's really the only question remaining.
The Palestinians are not a major threat to Israel, but Iran is, and all options are on the table when it comes to Iran.

Not really, The ONLY option is to oppose Iran at every turn. Any cooperation with them can only result in disaster as they have vowed long ago to destroy or at least try and destroy Israel
As far as Israel is concerned all options are on the table. If there is no credible threat of military action from the US then whether or not there will be war,will depend entirely on the Israeli assessment of the Iranian nuclear program, regardless what anyone else thinks.
The WH has confirmed that the US embassy will move to Jerusalem in mid May, roughly corresponding to Israel's Independence Day on the Gregorian calendar. Israel actually uses the Hebrew calendar which means it will celebrate its Independence Day on April 18, but its the thought that counts.
Great. So what country is going to take over the peace talks?
There is only one country, the US.

There are no peace talks.

There never were any.

The goal is to chip away at Israel till there's nothing defensible left and then attack for the fifth or sixth time. The Arabs figure maybe then they'll have a chance.

The Israeli's would do well to not only solidify their claim by moving the US embassy ASAP but to also begin the UN mandated process of segregating combatants from refugees and repatriating the combatants, those who assist combatants and those who are suspected of aiding combatants to the nearest point of debarkation, exactly as specified in the Geneva Conventions.

Enough is enough
throw the bums out
I'm not an optimist about peace talks actually leading to peace, but the talks are important to make it easier for the Sunni nations to work with the US on reining in Iran.

Iran has sworn to destabilizing the region and destroying the state of Israel. I don't think we need to be catering to Iran in any way shape or form.

If anything we should hammer them with sanctions with NO let up untill they not only forgo their nuclear ambitions but also hold free elections

I should care about Iran vs Israel, because?
Nonsense the Iranians and the N Koreans developed Nukes together and send them back and forth. There's NO doubt the Iranians already have nuclear weapons

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