US Customs and Border Protection - I hate them

I am not feeling your pain here. I have MANY frustrations right here in the US. Many of them dealing with ALL these Mexican peons just popping up magically without ANY American intervention whatsoever. So, move back here next to ME. You will stop bitching about this, sweat pea. I am an American citizen LIVING in the US, and I hate THOSE people. You know whom I mean. It isn’t discretionary. And, it’s 24/7. You have NOTHING to bitch about. Oh, they threaten violence, I have bullets in my home. This thread is a joke.

And they do such a great job dont they ?
I've never had a problem with US customs and border patrol. In fact, they've been easier to deal with than I would expect.

Of course, I'm Canadian, and I'm going back and forth between Canada.

But hey ...

Truck driver ? Thats what I was doing down there. Commercial vehicles have some what of an easier time of it
You have NO clue what these Mexicans have done to me, or why I post, do YOU? I have no idea why you fled to Mexico, you have no idea what traumas illegal Mexicans have done to me, either. Don’t write this off to something as simplistic as bigotry, sis.

What makes you feel I fled to Mexico? I moved here because I wanted to. I still have a home in AZ, I could go back anytime I wanted. I don't want to. Not for the time being anyway.

I have been reading some of your posts trying to figure out what your problem is. Now I understand. You are just a nasty person overall. You have nothing positive to offer about anything in life. You are rude, arrogant, and not overly bright.

You whine and complain about illegals, yeah... I get that and I agree. But you live in Denver? OMG! Get over yourself. If you want to know what it's like living with illegals then move to a border state. Then you'll learn what you think you already know. On Monday mornings you can't go to many convenience stores because there are 100 illegals standing in the parking lot waiting for day labor. Parks are full of illegals sleeping there at night and all the women are pregnant and waiting to deliver because that is when the real welfare starts. Daily at the county hospital there is a huge massive line of women waiting for their pregnancy tests and they are hoping and praying for a positive result so they can kick out that anchor baby. Many restaurants have illegals working there and they don't even speak any English, you can't order food unless you speak Spanish. The county hospital has had times where it took three full days to be seen because they were THAT busy dealing with illegals. Our property taxes were raised just to bail out the county hospital from their financial obligations for taking care of illegals.

The state of AZ was sued and to comply with the ruling they have to have water stations throughout the desert for illegals so when they are sneaking into the country they won't die of dehydration. So now that is a job for prisoners, they fill the water stations with gallons upon gallons of drinking water.

In Texas women are in full labor and they show up at the hospital soaking wet from swimming to the US. They are desperate for that baby to be their anchor baby.

I've spent a great deal of time in Denver, it does not compare in the least to a border state. GAWD! What a little nasty crybaby you are.

Dear AnnieInMexico: Do you file are the requisite papers, visas and whatnot when you went to Mexico? Do you respect ALL the locals and at least try to learn the culture, the laws and the language? Do you accept the local populace and realize YOU are the one that bares ALL responsibility to acclimation? Well guess what? My poor little brand of Mexican expatriates don't do any of that, and, that makes me RACIST for noticing? And, I get shot at, threatened, my quality of life is ruined as a extra bonus! That isn’t something I control. I have NO control over ANY of that. None of which, is directly MY fault. If I had your problems, I wouldn’t
post at ALL.

Welcome to America. Your point? You are not dealing with anything other Americans deal with daily.

Yes to all the above. I have news for you, illegals are the same in every state and yours is not one of the worst states for illegals. In AZ 1 in 4 public school children are either an illegal or an anchor baby. Do the math.

When the hell did I call you racist? What are you smoking anyway? You really aren't playing with a full deck, dude. Have you considered therapy?

You are just an ass, a bizarre, creepy, ass and nothing more. I am done with you.

Enough with the name calling. I had a rather long drawn out reply written, but, I know it would have just been ignored anyway, that seems to be your mindset here... Honey, you NEVER should have gone to Mexico. You opt to travel to/live in MEXICO. This hemisphere’s most crime ridden corrupt nation. THAT wasn't too bright, either. Then, you have your ...German luxury car STOLDEN. An ugly American gets their fancy car stolen. You are lucky you didn’t gat raped, and kidnapped, or worse. But, I digress. Instead of telling me what my world is, let me tell you my OWN experience, OK? I live with Mexicans and I live almost a thousand miles from the border. These people are worse than any momentary petty hasles you get with border agents. As far as your beemer?
I can relate. I had my cheap American made car stolen (by a Mexican) three years ago. But, then there was the a Anglo guy stabbed to death by a group of Mexicans 50 feet in front from my doorstep. Yet another murder a few later years, that chap was a Mexican also stabbed by another wetback at a party across the alley behind mi casa, senorita. But, YOU HATE the poor under paid lackeys that didn't treat you like a princess. Wow, that must be traumatizing. Poor -poor YOU! Pampered spoilt egotistical child. I hate the Mexicans that intimidate, harass , steal and murder HERE in OUR homeland. But I am a ... ass? A Bigot? A "Creep" ? You need a wider perspective , FYI.
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AnnieinMexico 'my dear', YOU chose to move to the most corrupt, crime ridden place on the planet earth! You also chose to come go back and forth. What you have experienced I'm sure many have also. My advice to you is to stop your whinning and stay put in MEXICO!!! Problem solved.
US Customs and Border Protection - I hate those people. I don't think most people realize who is earning their tax dollars. They are the largest law enforcement agency in the US. They get a whopping 11 weeks of training. ELEVEN weeks! That's it, count 'em! Then they are given a gun and a tremendous amount of power. Money isn't bad either, I forget the exact amount but I seem to recall that for that whole 11 weeks of training their starting salary is around $50K plus fantastic federal employee benefits. I know lots of people that would love to have that job and they'd do it for a whole lot less money and they would do it well. But, instead we have these toads doing the job.

I am a US citizen living in Mexico. I have been living here since last year but I have been crossing the border on a regular basis for five years. Every year it gets worse. I want to tell you things I have seen and experienced.

About a month ago my BMW was stolen. It was stolen in Mexico so I reported it to the city police in Mexico and that day crossed the border to report it in the US. The US wants these stolen car reports so if the car is taken across the border and pulled over, US law enforcement will know they are dealing with bad people. Besides, the car is registered in California. I was anxious to get it reported stolen because I had these visions of horror, people loading my car with drugs and crossing the border while the car is in my name. So my American friend, Ken, who also lives in Mexico went with me.

We started out at 1:30PM. We waited in the line until 2:45PM. Then we finally got to primary. That's basically where you are profiled, passports scanned, and you are asked why you were in Mexico, blah blah blah. If they have any doubt about your story, if you have drugs, or... if you are the 35th car you are sent to secondary. There you get out of your car, they search your car, scan your passports again, and ask you the same questions again. We were actually forgotten about. It was shift change and we were left waiting in 111(F) temps for two full hours. Finally someone noticed us and processed us and sent us on our way. But I want to tell you what I saw during those 2 hours.

The agent that searched our car has a staph infection on his lower legs. He has these pus soaked bandages with pus draining down his legs. HE is the guy that gets in your car to search it. When he was done there were yellow crusty things where he was when he was in the car. Gross.

When he was done searching the car he slammed the door shut and then yelled, "FUCK!" He thought he locked the keys in the car, he did not. He tried the door and realized it was not locked.

Later there was another agent about 5' away from us and yet another about 10' away from us. One of the agents yelled to the other agent, "Nothing but a bunch of fucking idiots showing up today!" The other agent yelled back, "I know, a bunch of fucking idiots!"

About 20' next to us was another car, two American elderly people. They were standing in front of their car as they were told to do. They were probably in their late 60s or early 70s. They were just standing there and an agent was walking by the older man and accidentally bumped into him. It was the agents fault but a simple mistake. Instead of saying excuse me, he stopped and began yelling at the older man saying, "What the fuck?" The citizen was not happy and they began a verbal exchange. The agent walked up to the old man and shoved him in the chest. It was insanity at its best! After the agent shoved the older man he did that stupid male macho thing, he took a step back, threw back his shoulders, and put his fists up. The joke was on the dumbass agent, turns out the older man is a retired border patrol agent. Within minutes a supervisor was there and dealing with the mess.

I could go on but I think you get the idea. These people are like children out of control. Ever been to a restaurant and kids are running around, screaming, undisciplined, and unruly? That's what these guys are but they have guns and a whole lot of power. These are the assholes protecting our borders. If they are doing such a great job I want to know why we have 30,000,000+ illegals in the US and more and more drugs entering the country daily? Eleven whole weeks of training, $50K a year and they are totally incapable of doing their jobs. I've been watching this stuff for 5 years now and I'm sick of it.

Senator Pryor from Arkansas is not a happy camper, his office researched these guys and found out that only 15% of them are polygraphed and of those 15%, 60% are disqualified due to criminal backgrounds, theft, etc. So if 60% are disqualified, why aren't they ALL polygraphed just like any other Law Enforcement Officer?

Two weeks ago they went too far. I'm going to the media with this. We have an appt Monday with a TV station in California and Tuesday a reporter from a newspaper is coming to Mexico to see first hand what I am talking about. The AZ Republic is also doing a story on border patrol. I'm out for blood this time.

My friend, Ken, owns a dental clinic in Mexico. A professor from the dental university here is his dentist. We were going to the US for various errands and I wanted to see if I could get lidocaine cheaper in the US for him. There are a millions types and strengths of lidocaine, it's the drug they use to numb you up before drilling on your teeth or suturing a wound. There is no way to abuse it, all it does is numb you up. It's totally legal to bring into the US. I stopped at the dental clinic, grabbed a sleeve of lidocaine since I'm not sure what strength dentists use and put it in my purse. We drove across the border and were sent to secondary. I think it was sticking out of my purse and primary saw it and didn't know what it was. I totally understand, no problem. I wasn't trying to hide it since it's not illegal to take to the US.

The agent at secondary didn't know what the drug was. He arrested me, handcuffed me, and then I was shackled to a chair for 3 hours while he Googled Lidocaine. I'm still okay with this because he really is just doing his job. I don't expect every agent to know every drug by heart, I get that. I knew as soon as he researched it he would see what it was, and it was legal.

What I DO have a problem with his what he said to me. Before researching it he told me I was nothing but a drug hag. I responded that I don't even know what that is. He said it is when my friend pays me $50 to cross the border with a car loaded with drugs. I explained there were no drugs in the car, search it, see for yourself. He responded, "Ohhhhh, we will! Every inch of it." I said that was fine. I knew there was nothing illegal in there. Then he went on to tell me that he couldn't understand what whore hags like me are thinking bringing all these drugs into the US. Whore hag?? I didn't even want to know what that meant. Then he asked me if I was a tweaker. I said no, I've never done illegal drugs. He responded, "Oh com'on ya little tweaker, tell me the truth!" Then he checked my arms for track marks, there are none.

It was hot that day, around 115(F). After three hours I asked for water, I was refused. I asked for a phone call, I was refused. I asked for a supervisor, I wanted to confront him about the whore hag, drug hag, and tweaker in front of his supervisor. I was refused.

After three hours of this he finally walked in the room, (it's like an office), put the lidocaine back in my purse, unshackled me, and admitted there is no way to abuse lidocaine, it was legal to bring into the US, and I was free to go. I just looked at him and sarcastically said... So I'm not a drug hag? He said no, I wasn't and I was free to go. I asked for a supervisor again and was denied. Totally against all their policies.

So I've been making an issue of this. I'm going to tell my story to every journalist who will listen. I've complained to everyone under the sun. The dumbass agent wasn't thinking clearly, they video tape EVERYTHING. It won't be my word against his, it's ALL video taped. Everything inside the building and outside as well. I have been getting calls from Washington DC, local people, everyone. Apparently the stink I'm making is working. But I'm not letting up.

THIS is why we have so many illegals and drugs in the US, these are the dumbasses securing our borders.

And these are the people that WILL be running our health care, I can hardly wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, .....
Someone recently posted the salary for Border patrol. This is not Border Patrol, this is US Customs and Border Security, whole different agency. Here is their starting pay after that whole 11 weeks of training to secure our borders;

Q: What is the pay and benefits package? A: New agents are hired at the GL-5, GL-7 or GL-9 level depending on education and experience and are paid at a special salary rate for Federal law enforcement personnel. The base starting salary is GL-5 ($38,619), GL-7 ($43,964), and GL-9 ($49,029) grade levels, with excellent opportunity for overtime pay. (Note: Any applicable locality pay would be added to the base rate depending on Duty Location an applicant is selected for). In addition, you'll receive a uniform allowance of $1500.00 and an excellent Federal Government benefits package including life insurance, health insurance, liberal retirement benefits, and a thrift savings plan (401-K).

Q: What are the grades and salary levels? A: Entry level is at grade GL-5, GL-7 or GL-9, depending on qualifications. Upon successful completion of the 6½-month probationary examination, individuals hired at the GL-5 level are eligible for promotion to grade GL-7, and individuals hired at GL-7 are eligible for promotion to GL-9. Career progression to the GS-11 and GS-12 generally follows after one year at the preceding lower grade level (GL-9/GS-11). Positions above the GS-12 level are filled through agency merit promotion competition. Entry-level Agents are entitled to special salary rates for law enforcement officers, and may be entitled to special locality pay. Information on the current salary schedule is available from your local Office of Personnel Management, from any Human Resources Office, or on the Internet at Office of Personnel Management. ( Office of Personnel Management )


A bit higher than border patrol.
Someone recently posted the salary for Border patrol. This is not Border Patrol, this is US Customs and Border Security, whole different agency. Here is their starting pay after that whole 11 weeks of training to secure our borders;

Q: What is the pay and benefits package? A: New agents are hired at the GL-5, GL-7 or GL-9 level depending on education and experience and are paid at a special salary rate for Federal law enforcement personnel. The base starting salary is GL-5 ($38,619), GL-7 ($43,964), and GL-9 ($49,029) grade levels, with excellent opportunity for overtime pay. (Note: Any applicable locality pay would be added to the base rate depending on Duty Location an applicant is selected for). In addition, you'll receive a uniform allowance of $1500.00 and an excellent Federal Government benefits package including life insurance, health insurance, liberal retirement benefits, and a thrift savings plan (401-K).

Q: What are the grades and salary levels? A: Entry level is at grade GL-5, GL-7 or GL-9, depending on qualifications. Upon successful completion of the 6½-month probationary examination, individuals hired at the GL-5 level are eligible for promotion to grade GL-7, and individuals hired at GL-7 are eligible for promotion to GL-9. Career progression to the GS-11 and GS-12 generally follows after one year at the preceding lower grade level (GL-9/GS-11). Positions above the GS-12 level are filled through agency merit promotion competition. Entry-level Agents are entitled to special salary rates for law enforcement officers, and may be entitled to special locality pay. Information on the current salary schedule is available from your local Office of Personnel Management, from any Human Resources Office, or on the Internet at Office of Personnel Management. ( Office of Personnel Management )


A bit higher than border patrol.

Pursue it. Maybe you will get them promoted. Geeze, woman. Read some of the other threads on here and you will learn what a REAL problem is.
The Border Patrol does the job of protecting America's sovereignty and risk their lives on the border every day, they are true American Hero’s!

REGION: Report shows as many as 5,600 illegal immigrants have died along border

Civil rights groups blame border enforcement strategies for deaths

"Officials with the Department of Homeland Security say its search and rescue teams have saved numerous lives at the border.
Authorities blame the deaths on unscrupulous smugglers who abandon people in dangerous terrain.

In 1998, the federal government formed the Border Patrol's Search, Trauma and Rescue team, known as Borstar, to help people stranded deep in the brush or desert.

"Customs and Border Protection remains committed to ensuring a safe and secure border," said Lloyd Easterling, a spokesman for the agency, in a written statement.

"By working closely with federal, state and local law enforcement and humanitarian groups on both sides of the border, CBP focuses its efforts on preventing illegal border crossings and targeting human smugglers," Easterling said."

The Border Patrol does the job of protecting America's sovereignty and risk their lives on the border every day, they are true American Hero’s!

REGION: Report shows as many as 5,600 illegal immigrants have died along border

Civil rights groups blame border enforcement strategies for deaths

"Officials with the Department of Homeland Security say its search and rescue teams have saved numerous lives at the border.
Authorities blame the deaths on unscrupulous smugglers who abandon people in dangerous terrain.

In 1998, the federal government formed the Border Patrol's Search, Trauma and Rescue team, known as Borstar, to help people stranded deep in the brush or desert.

"Customs and Border Protection remains committed to ensuring a safe and secure border," said Lloyd Easterling, a spokesman for the agency, in a written statement.

"By working closely with federal, state and local law enforcement and humanitarian groups on both sides of the border, CBP focuses its efforts on preventing illegal border crossings and targeting human smugglers," Easterling said."

My gripe isn't with Border Patrol, my gripe is with US Customs and Border Protection.

Protection my butt!
The Border Patrol does the job of protecting America's sovereignty and risk their lives on the border every day, they are true American Hero’s!

REGION: Report shows as many as 5,600 illegal immigrants have died along border

Civil rights groups blame border enforcement strategies for deaths

"Officials with the Department of Homeland Security say its search and rescue teams have saved numerous lives at the border.
Authorities blame the deaths on unscrupulous smugglers who abandon people in dangerous terrain.

In 1998, the federal government formed the Border Patrol's Search, Trauma and Rescue team, known as Borstar, to help people stranded deep in the brush or desert.

"Customs and Border Protection remains committed to ensuring a safe and secure border," said Lloyd Easterling, a spokesman for the agency, in a written statement.

"By working closely with federal, state and local law enforcement and humanitarian groups on both sides of the border, CBP focuses its efforts on preventing illegal border crossings and targeting human smugglers," Easterling said."

When I came back from Egypt the customs guy got smart with me. It is kinda funny really. He asked if I had been out of the country for business or pleasure. I said both as it was a nursing conference and hospital tours, but with some sightseeing as well. THEN, he asked me where I went. LOL. I said 'Egypt.' He said, 'Yeah that's what I thought.' Well DUH~ I had just deplaned in the EgyptAir terminal. And that's where he was located. WTF? Where did he think I had been to Guatemala? They are bureaucrats and assholes. You will not change them. It's more fun to laugh it off.

Then again, you can get on one side of the border and stay there. I'm bettin' you know which side some on this thread want you to be. :)
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Someone recently posted the salary for Border patrol. This is not Border Patrol, this is US Customs and Border Security, whole different agency. Here is their starting pay after that whole 11 weeks of training to secure our borders;

Q: What is the pay and benefits package? A: New agents are hired at the GL-5, GL-7 or GL-9 level depending on education and experience and are paid at a special salary rate for Federal law enforcement personnel. The base starting salary is GL-5 ($38,619), GL-7 ($43,964), and GL-9 ($49,029) grade levels, with excellent opportunity for overtime pay. (Note: Any applicable locality pay would be added to the base rate depending on Duty Location an applicant is selected for). In addition, you'll receive a uniform allowance of $1500.00 and an excellent Federal Government benefits package including life insurance, health insurance, liberal retirement benefits, and a thrift savings plan (401-K).

Q: What are the grades and salary levels? A: Entry level is at grade GL-5, GL-7 or GL-9, depending on qualifications. Upon successful completion of the 6½-month probationary examination, individuals hired at the GL-5 level are eligible for promotion to grade GL-7, and individuals hired at GL-7 are eligible for promotion to GL-9. Career progression to the GS-11 and GS-12 generally follows after one year at the preceding lower grade level (GL-9/GS-11). Positions above the GS-12 level are filled through agency merit promotion competition. Entry-level Agents are entitled to special salary rates for law enforcement officers, and may be entitled to special locality pay. Information on the current salary schedule is available from your local Office of Personnel Management, from any Human Resources Office, or on the Internet at Office of Personnel Management. ( Office of Personnel Management )


A bit higher than border patrol.

Oh. I thought custom did the checking.
I have no idea what you are talking about. If you don't like the thread, don't read it. It's not a difficult concept.

Wow. That was quick. I expected that response. You bitch to much...I think you mean, "if I don't like your thread, don't RESPOND". I think YOU missed MY point here. Should I spell it out? You are whining like a child. If you don't like your "situation", MOVE back to the US. I live with MEXICANS, here in the US, and the situation you dealt with is petty. Try living with illegal Mexicans! I am contrasting my experience to yours. You, dear, are being petty. And, oblivious. I can spell it out even more if you like.

Your bigotry is not my problem. I lived in Phoenix for the last 25 years until last year. I know about illegals. 50% of all illegals cross through Arizona, the rest of illegals cross through all the other border states combined. I am well aware and very vocal about the problem.

Your whining makes you look childish. Your bigotry makes you look silly. But quite frankly it has nothing to do with this thread.
Your whinning makes you look childish. If you do not like the drama move back to the U.S.
The Border Patrol does the job of protecting America's sovereignty and risk their lives on the border every day, they are true American Hero’s!

REGION: Report shows as many as 5,600 illegal immigrants have died along border

Civil rights groups blame border enforcement strategies for deaths

"Officials with the Department of Homeland Security say its search and rescue teams have saved numerous lives at the border.
Authorities blame the deaths on unscrupulous smugglers who abandon people in dangerous terrain.

In 1998, the federal government formed the Border Patrol's Search, Trauma and Rescue team, known as Borstar, to help people stranded deep in the brush or desert.

"Customs and Border Protection remains committed to ensuring a safe and secure border," said Lloyd Easterling, a spokesman for the agency, in a written statement.

"By working closely with federal, state and local law enforcement and humanitarian groups on both sides of the border, CBP focuses its efforts on preventing illegal border crossings and targeting human smugglers," Easterling said."

My gripe isn't with Border Patrol, my gripe is with US Customs and Border Protection.

Protection my butt!

In cali right ?
Your whinning makes you look childish. If you do not like the drama move back to the U.S.

Lucky for me, the media totally disagrees with you. Amazingly, they have a long list of complaints from US citizens.

I guess you are going to have to suck it up and deal with reality.

What is your ID again?? I'm forgetting.... Doesn't appear you are living up to your Av. Some people are talk, some are do. Heh....
Wow. That was quick. I expected that response. You bitch to much...I think you mean, "if I don't like your thread, don't RESPOND". I think YOU missed MY point here. Should I spell it out? You are whining like a child. If you don't like your "situation", MOVE back to the US. I live with MEXICANS, here in the US, and the situation you dealt with is petty. Try living with illegal Mexicans! I am contrasting my experience to yours. You, dear, are being petty. And, oblivious. I can spell it out even more if you like.

Your bigotry is not my problem. I lived in Phoenix for the last 25 years until last year. I know about illegals. 50% of all illegals cross through Arizona, the rest of illegals cross through all the other border states combined. I am well aware and very vocal about the problem.

Your whining makes you look childish. Your bigotry makes you look silly. But quite frankly it has nothing to do with this thread.
Your whinning makes you look childish. If you do not like the drama move back to the U.S.

My suggestion would be stay in Mexico.
Your whinning makes you look childish. If you do not like the drama move back to the U.S.

Lucky for me, the media totally disagrees with you. Amazingly, they have a long list of complaints from US citizens.

I guess you are going to have to suck it up and deal with reality.

What is your ID again?? I'm forgetting.... Doesn't appear you are living up to your Av. Some people are talk, some are do. Heh....
I am not the one living in mexico. If you talked to any one that knows me you will find that I am As American as any one. I want to deport all illegals, seal up the borders, and put the military on the borders.
Yeah, for U.S. Customs & Border Protection :clap2:

CBP Seize More Than 400 Pounds Of Marijuana At Southern New Mexico Port

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Columbus, N.M. – U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers working at the Columbus port of entry made a 426-pound marijuana seizure Monday. A Canadian man was arrested in connection with the failed smuggling attempt.


The seizure was made just before 1:00 p.m., August 29th when a 1999 Dodge Ram towing a gooseneck trailer entered the port from Mexico. CBP officers working at the primary inspection booth selected the vehicle for a secondary inspection. CBP drug sniffing dog “Domi” searched the vehicle and alerted to the presence of drugs in the trailer. CBP officers searched the trailer and located a green leafy substance which tested positive for marijuana after probing the I-beams of the trailer. CBP officers removed 64 bundles of marijuana from the metal beams. The drugs weighed 426 pounds.

CBP officers took custody of the suspect, 55-year-old Bengamin Wienes Wolf of Kingsville, Ontario, Canada. He was turned over to Homeland Security Investigations special agents to face federal charges including importation of a controlled substance and possession with intent to distribute a controlled substance.



“This is the second large marijuana seizure CBP officers at the Columbus port have made in recent days,” said Columbus Port Director Robert Reza. “CBP officers here made a 157-pound bust on August 20th. A significant amount of marijuana has not made it to the intended destination because of the vigilance of the CBP workforce.”

In addition to the 426-pound drug bust, CBP officers working at El Paso area border crossings have seized 1,440 pounds of marijuana in 13-separate seizures since last Friday.

While anti-terrorism is the primary mission of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the inspection process at the ports of entry associated with this mission results in impressive numbers of enforcement actions in all categories.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection is the unified border agency within the Department of Homeland Security charged with the management, control and protection of our nation's borders at and between the official ports of entry. CBP is charged with keeping terrorists and terrorist weapons out of the country while enforcing hundreds of U.S. laws.

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