US Citizens in Europe give 10 times more to Obama

Democrat has received about 10 times more money than Sen. McCain

U.S. citizens in Europe give more to Obama - Decision '08 -

"I contributed because of the absolutely appalling performance of the Bush administration during the last eight years," said Eileen Taylor, a chief operating officer for Deutsche Bank in London.

That makes me feel better... People who live in other country's like Obama more....Scary... I'm sure they don't get any of that evil America coverage over there....LOL
By the way BoBo Chimp, provide us with some data. How many Presidential elections have been won or lost on Absentee ballots?
You think someone donating money to the campaign is unlikely to vote? I'd say they are EXACTLY who are likely to vote.

Fine you do the leg work, provide us with the number of US Presidential Elections won or lost because of Absentee Votes.

Most of them never even get counted because the race is over, as I recall in California in 2000 none of them were even factored into the count for that " Gore won the Popular vote" chant. Why? Because the race was over in California and even though they had a shit load of absentee votes they would have had to be something like 90 percent for Bush to effect the count at all. By the way, we NEVER did find out how many WERE for Bush.

And Gore in Florida demanded that absentee votes NOT be counted at all. Why? Cause he knew most were not for him. I don't recall being told what those numbers were either BY the way.
That makes me feel better... People who live in other country's like Obama more....Scary... I'm sure they don't get any of that evil America coverage over there....LOL

So the media coverage here is too liberal and the media overseas is evil? Do you hear yourself? These are Americans living abroad. Do you deny Bush has ruined our reputation all over the world? Squandered it by invading Iraq under false pretences?

You are brainwashed.
That makes me feel better... People who live in other country's like Obama more....Scary... I'm sure they don't get any of that evil America coverage over there....LOL

Do burning American flags make you feel better?
By the way BoBo Chimp, provide us with some data. How many Presidential elections have been won or lost on Absentee ballots?

During the chaotic 2000 election, thousands of troops overseas voted for president, only to have their ballots rejected. Others did not receive ballots at all. And some found the entire process confusing.

Four years later -- with more than 160,000 troops fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan -- Democrats and Republicans alike worry that the same thing will happen. They say reforms enacted by Congress after 2000 have not fixed the problems.

Overseas soldiers hoping votes count | Deseret News (Salt Lake City) | Find Articles at BNET

With so many troops fighting in the Middle East, members of the military could play a huge role in deciding the next commander-in- chief in this dead-heat presidential contest.

In 2000, for example, Florida officials disqualified 1,527 military votes because they lacked postmarks. President Bush won Florida -- and the presidency -- by 537 votes.
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